US reaches trade deal with China (phase 1)

Phase 1 is Trump removing some tariffs and China buying some more Ag products.

And in your Trump worshiping mind that is a surrender! Fuck you are stupid!!
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....

You are the fucking idiot...China has agreed to nothing but to buy more Ag products...and you mindless drones call this China on their knees.

fucking mind blowing the level of worship for that man
Liar....its impossible for you to give credit to Trump for anything which says more about you than China or Trump....

Prove I am wrong, tell us what China has given up as of this Phase 1 agreement
"China and the U.S. have reached an agreement on text of a phase one trade deal and will now move toward signing a deal as quickly as possible, Chinese officials said Friday."

China says it has agreed to US trade deal text, indicates next step is signing

Justifying their vote to Impeach the most successful President in modern history to their constituents, especially those Democrats representing Trump districts, just got a lot harder...


It's easy to claim victory when you don't know what's in the deal.

What do you suppose tRump gave up?
If China buys an apple, Trump will declare victory. Count on it.

Two years of lost Dow earnings. Two years of farmers committing suicide over their tens of billions in losses. Two years of plunging GDP growth and a falling ISM index.

It better be fucking good.
It's gonna be a joke.
I'm banking on the stock market returning to its Obama-era trajectory. I sincerely hope it does. I have a lot of money riding on it.
Phase 1 is Trump removing some tariffs and China buying some more Ag products.

And in your Trump worshiping mind that is a surrender! Fuck you are stupid!!
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....
We don't know what it says.
It says get ready for a Trump landslide win in 2020....
Damn, you people are so completely brainwashed it's gonna take decades to deprogram you.
Spoken like the China bot you are....
Phase 1 is Trump removing some tariffs and China buying some more Ag products.

And in your Trump worshiping mind that is a surrender! Fuck you are stupid!!
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....

You are the fucking idiot...China has agreed to nothing but to buy more Ag products...and you mindless drones call this China on their knees.

fucking mind blowing the level of worship for that man
Liar....its impossible for you to give credit to Trump for anything which says more about you than China or Trump....
it also seems impossible to keep things like this in perspective.

"yes we'll buy more wheat" doesn't necessarily equal WE GIVE UP PLEASE HAVE MERCY.

but for some reason there's a set of people on both sides who have to see everything in only "max-value" terms.
Phase 1 is Trump removing some tariffs and China buying some more Ag products.

And in your Trump worshiping mind that is a surrender! Fuck you are stupid!!
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....
We don't know what it says.
It says get ready for a Trump landslide win in 2020....
Damn, you people are so completely brainwashed it's gonna take decades to deprogram you.
Spoken like the China bot you are....
Spoken like someone with no intelligent response.
Phase 1 is Trump removing some tariffs and China buying some more Ag products.

And in your Trump worshiping mind that is a surrender! Fuck you are stupid!!
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....

You are the fucking idiot...China has agreed to nothing but to buy more Ag products...and you mindless drones call this China on their knees.

fucking mind blowing the level of worship for that man
Liar....its impossible for you to give credit to Trump for anything which says more about you than China or Trump....
it also seems impossible to keep things like this in perspective.

"yes we'll buy more wheat" doesn't necessarily equal WE GIVE UP PLEASE HAVE MERCY.

but for some reason there's a set of people on both sides who have to see everything in only "max-value" terms.
Its the most progress towards fair trade with China we have ever seen....if Obama or Hillary were president we wouldn't be here...not even close...they are dem suck asses....
You notice none of the Trump worshipers can tell us what China has given up and what exactly Trump has gained for the US
What did we win?
The parrots will tell you whatever they are told to tell you. They have no idea yet what that is.
It’s probably best to celebrate now. I suspect it will only get worse with details...
It is probably the exact same deal Trump was claiming to have achieved 14 months ago.

Check this out: U.S., China Take Initial Step on Trade Deal; China Agrees to Buy $40-$50 Billion in U.S. Farm Goods Amid Rough Details • Farm Policy News

If it is the same as that one, then Trump just wasted 14 months for nothing.
The reason Trump can deregulate so much by executive fiat is that President Obama imposed so many regulations by executive fiat in the first place. In many cases, Trump is merely undoing what Obama did. Yet, unless Trump secures the changes legislatively, rather than bureaucratically, his changes could prove just as evanescent as Obama’s, my friends
Phase 1 is Trump removing some tariffs and China buying some more Ag products.

And in your Trump worshiping mind that is a surrender! Fuck you are stupid!!
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....

You are the fucking idiot...China has agreed to nothing but to buy more Ag products...and you mindless drones call this China on their knees.

fucking mind blowing the level of worship for that man
Liar....its impossible for you to give credit to Trump for anything which says more about you than China or Trump....
it also seems impossible to keep things like this in perspective.

"yes we'll buy more wheat" doesn't necessarily equal WE GIVE UP PLEASE HAVE MERCY.

but for some reason there's a set of people on both sides who have to see everything in only "max-value" terms.
Its the most progress towards fair trade with China we have ever seen....if Obama or Hillary were president we wouldn't be here...not even close...they are dem suck asses....

What progress? We are not even back to where we started. China buying Ag in exchange for less tariffs is not progress
Phase 1 is Trump removing some tariffs and China buying some more Ag products.

And in your Trump worshiping mind that is a surrender! Fuck you are stupid!!
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....

You are the fucking idiot...China has agreed to nothing but to buy more Ag products...and you mindless drones call this China on their knees.

fucking mind blowing the level of worship for that man
Liar....its impossible for you to give credit to Trump for anything which says more about you than China or Trump....
it also seems impossible to keep things like this in perspective.

"yes we'll buy more wheat" doesn't necessarily equal WE GIVE UP PLEASE HAVE MERCY.

but for some reason there's a set of people on both sides who have to see everything in only "max-value" terms.
Its the most progress towards fair trade with China we have ever seen....
Explain in detail.
I swear to god, Trump is a fucking idiot.

Both side have been saying a trade deal is imminent. I've been wanting Trump to end this stupid trade war since the day he started it. It has cost many millions of Americans astronomical sums of retirement money, and farmers have literally been killing themselves because of it.

I have a lot of money in the markets, and have been reallocating a lot of it around on the prospect of this pending trade deal. So maybe I'm the fucking idiot for believing Trump is finally going to get his shit together and end this thing.

Now the dumbass is saying he probably isn't going to stop the additional tariffs set to take effect this Sunday.



China says no deal is pending.
Heard on NPR morning edition.

Can't find anything about it, possibly I miss heard.
Stop listening to NPR. It is government propaganda like so much of the MSM.
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....
We don't know what it says.
It says get ready for a Trump landslide win in 2020....
Damn, you people are so completely brainwashed it's gonna take decades to deprogram you.
Spoken like the China bot you are....
Spoken like someone with no intelligent response.
My response is that Trump is winning with to be you....
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....

You are the fucking idiot...China has agreed to nothing but to buy more Ag products...and you mindless drones call this China on their knees.

fucking mind blowing the level of worship for that man
Liar....its impossible for you to give credit to Trump for anything which says more about you than China or Trump....
it also seems impossible to keep things like this in perspective.

"yes we'll buy more wheat" doesn't necessarily equal WE GIVE UP PLEASE HAVE MERCY.

but for some reason there's a set of people on both sides who have to see everything in only "max-value" terms.
Its the most progress towards fair trade with China we have ever seen....if Obama or Hillary were president we wouldn't be here...not even close...they are dem suck asses....

What progress? We are not even back to where we started. China buying Ag in exchange for less tariffs is not progress
I thought they were buying lots of AG before the tariffs?
You are the idiot....finally China will begin to respect our laws and you say its not a huge win?...its your TDS again....

You are the fucking idiot...China has agreed to nothing but to buy more Ag products...and you mindless drones call this China on their knees.

fucking mind blowing the level of worship for that man
Liar....its impossible for you to give credit to Trump for anything which says more about you than China or Trump....
it also seems impossible to keep things like this in perspective.

"yes we'll buy more wheat" doesn't necessarily equal WE GIVE UP PLEASE HAVE MERCY.

but for some reason there's a set of people on both sides who have to see everything in only "max-value" terms.
Its the most progress towards fair trade with China we have ever seen....
Explain in detail.
I would tell you to grab a news paper but they all lie.....I guess you are stuck in TDS ville.....

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