US Set to Pump Record Amount of Oil in 2023, Surpassing 2019 !

Cool story, Simp.

You still got caught in the same lie you post every time you start one of these bullshit threads, liar.
Cool story simp

Get back to me when one of the failed GOP presidents can actually lower the deficit, which they have never done.

O and other dems lowered the deficit, Trump and Bush and Reagan blew up the deficit.

Republicans can't win on the deficit, they caused all this deficit. Republicans own the deficit.
its not exploding, the increases have slowed a lot, and are approaching the perfectly acceptable range.

Core PCE was just 0.3% MoM the past month.
PPI is in deflation.
You don't buy very many groceries do you?

So let me get this straight the average price of groceries and cost of living has gone up by at least 25% in the past 24 months and is still rising and you see this as good? So you're telling me that even though the femoral artery has a huge hole in it it's OK... Because the other one is not cut. Brilliant.

Republicans have been substantially worse.

like I said, Clinton, O, and Biden all lowered the deficit from what they inherited from their retard republican predecessor.
Reagan, Bush, and Trump all blew up the deficit massively compared to what the inherited from their fiscally responsible democrat predecessor.
Barry Husein added more to the debt than any President in history, Simp.

Fiscally responsible? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Republicans have been substantially worse.

like I said, Clinton, O, and Biden all lowered the deficit from what they inherited from their retard republican predecessor.
Reagan, Bush, and Trump all blew up the deficit massively compared to what the inherited from their fiscally responsible democrat predecessor.

No, they both borrow and spend and are BOTH substantially worse. You don't get nor will you ever get it.
Cool story simp

Get back to me when one of the failed GOP presidents can actually lower the deficit, which they have never done.

O and other dems lowered the deficit, Trump and Bush and Reagan blew up the deficit.

Republicans can't win on the deficit, they caused all this deficit. Republicans own the deficit.
O added more to the debt than any other President in history.
No, they both borrow and spend and are BOTH substantially worse. You don't get nor will you ever get it.

The republicans caused this debt with their policy, increasing it substantially, democrats have reduced and lowered the annual deficits. You are just in total lala land
Republicans have been substantially worse.

like I said, Clinton, O, and Biden all lowered the deficit from what they inherited from their retard republican predecessor.
Reagan, Bush, and Trump all blew up the deficit massively compared to what the inherited from their fiscally responsible democrat predecessor.
Hmmmm I'm getting the distinct impression that you don't even know what the deficit is. Tax the people into the ground will produce a false deficit reduction. But at what price? $5/gallon milk?
$500/month electric bills?
O added more to the debt than any other President in history.
O inherited more debt than any other president in history

There fixed it for you.
Then What did Trump do with that low deficit he inherited form O?? What did the deficit do under Trump pre-covid??
Hmmmm I'm getting the distinct impression that you don't even know what the deficit is. Tax the people into the ground will produce a false deficit reduction. But at what price? $5/gallon milk?
$500/month electric bills?
Banker doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit.

He sux at math, and life.
Hmmmm I'm getting the distinct impression that you don't even know what the deficit is. Tax the people into the ground will produce a false deficit reduction. But at what price? $5/gallon milk?
$500/month electric bills?
Get back to me when any GOP president can actually lower the deficit in some capacity.

Republican presidents increase the deficit, thats what they do.
Democrat presidents lower the deficit, that's what they do. You can go look this up, its easy. to do.
O inherited more debt than any other president in history

There fixed it for you.
Then What did Trump do with that low deficit he inherited form O?? What did the deficit do under Trump pre-covid??
Ok, Trump inherited more debt from Barry Hussein than any other President in history too.

That doesn't change the fact Barry Hussein added more to the debt than any other President in history
Banker doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit.

He sux at math, and life.
What did the deficit do under Trump again??
What did the deficit do pre-covid??

lets not forget all the fake money printing under Trump.
Trump caused this inflation with his handout policies and money printing.
What did the deficit do under Trump again??
What did the deficit do pre-covid??

lets not forget all the fake money printing under Trump.
Trump caused this inflation with his handout policies and money printing.
Inflation was 1.6% when Tater took office, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Barry Husein added more to the debt than any President in history, Simp.

Fiscally responsible? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Obiden 1.0 Absolutey. They charged BS stimulus to GWB final year. Yet Obiden used it. Obiden 1.0 yrs were $11.5T debt actual. 2015 2016 were stagnant to sinking bad economy.

They killed housing to grease the runway for the muslim 08. Create crisis, install a DEM Commee. Covid....Obiden 2.0. Always the pattern. Shoot JFK, Install a communist.

Congress causes all crisis with help from DEM Commee State GOVT. Only Clinton yrs were reasonable due to "R" Congress.....Newt etc.
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You can post any lie you want, but the facts tell a different story

Inflation is easing and settling in at an acceptable range. Deal with it
Inflation is still two and a half times higher than when Tater took office, Puddinhead.
Inflation was 1.6% when Tater took office, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
policy has lag.
Inflation was only low because of covid.
Trump handed out trillions and printed trillions, his policy and money handouts, and money printing caused the inflation we have now.
Biden is the energy president.

Biden has the US set to pump 12.6M barrels/day in 2023, higher than 2019. Biden also has the US set to pump and export record Nat gas, and produced record renewable energy. The US is set to increase oil production by 9% this year !

Biden is the energy president.

People can post any lie they want, but the facts are rock solid, Biden has the most oil and nat gas pumping in US history, and also record renewable energy, and energy export.

If that is the case, then here is the proof Biden is a bald faced liar. You can't have it both ways sonny.

If that is the case, then here is the proof Biden is a bald faced liar. You can't have it both ways sonny.

wow Biden told a crowd a lie at a political rally.
Must be the first time that ever happened.
What a joke, this coming from a retard Trump supporter who still can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

Good thing Biden has instituted very good and effective policy to make America Great !

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