US solar energy company puts indefinite hold on new investment after DrumpF tariffs

The only way that American solar panel companies could become that large a part of the market is to get more American companies to make solar panels. Currently there aren't enough companies making them here in the USA. That is what the main problem is for that.

They just got 30% incentive to start the business.

Is that going to cover the initial costs of the factory and hiring new workers? That 30 percent is a "what if" number, but if there aren't enough manufacturers, then it's kind of a moot point. You can't make more solar panels here if investors aren't willing to start up a factory to build them.

You're not following...

If we're covering about 15% of the market, it means that we do have domestic production already. The problem is that cheap imports from China are hurting domestic production and since China is trying to undermine us on every step, this is one of the ways of telling them, enough is enough. You're stealing our technology, patents, intellectual property, manipulating currency, keep doing that and we'll react.

You are missing the point. We don't have enough factories to make up the shortfalls that will happen because of the tariffs. You gotta have more factories to make them in order to fill the gap, but there aren't very many investors willing to jump into solar energy.
Big Oil knows this. The Great Douche is doing it for Exxon.
So they can buy up the companies on the cheap.
Controlling it fully..

I hope Exxon gets involved. Than you know for sure solar has future.
Fuck 'em. SunPower Corp. was one of the prime beneficiaries of Obama blowing $200 billion of taxpayer cash to increase renewable energy by 1 percent of total energy consumption. Over the next three years after Obama blew that huge wad of taxpayer's money, at least 36 of the Obama Administration’s taxpayer funded sustainable energy projects went bankrupt.

Silicon Valley’s Melting SunPower Cuts 2,500 Solar Tech Jobs
SunPower's decision to halt its growth in California and Texas follows President Trump's announcement Monday that a 30 percent tariff would be placed on all imported solar technologies.
President Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on cheap imported panels was intended to protect American manufacturing jobs, but many in the solar industry have argued that tariffs will raise costs and trigger thousands of layoffs in the installation end of the industry.
SunPower puts U.S. expansion on hold over Trump tariff

:itsok: Poor, Poor Douche. You no good at creating JOBS!
Our employed workers here, are not makers but maintenance and installers.
China makes them so cheap we can't make them here to install.
This is Big Oil fucking America.

Why don't they make their own solar panels?

It might envolve hiring white people. Something Dems really don’t like doing.
Tariffs will hurt the industry, because even with child-labor and poor industry quality control from China, on top of Billion$ in annual subsidies, on top of Billion$ in government mandated consumption of solar at the state and local level, solar doesn't come close to competing with natural gas in either cost, reliability, or efficiency.

The bottom line: nothing even comes close to the energy density of oil and natural gas.

PS- I have solar on my house
"Elections have , um, consequences"
-Saint Barack

"If, you, uh, don't like it, well, um, go out and, uh, win some elections"
- Saint Obama

Man don't we love rubbing this shit in their face.......

I'm having so much fun.....

Loving all the sad faces on cnn and msnbc

Life is good...


Kiss our asses you crazy whack job liberals.
SunPower's decision to halt its growth in California and Texas follows President Trump's announcement Monday that a 30 percent tariff would be placed on all imported solar technologies.
President Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on cheap imported panels was intended to protect American manufacturing jobs, but many in the solar industry have argued that tariffs will raise costs and trigger thousands of layoffs in the installation end of the industry.
SunPower puts U.S. expansion on hold over Trump tariff

:itsok: Poor, Poor Douche. You no good at creating JOBS!
Our employed workers here, are not makers but maintenance and installers.
China makes them so cheap we can't make them here to install.
This is Big Oil fucking America.

The issue here is with progress. He's going backwards to try and create jobs.

Coal mining jobs. Damn, Thatcher was getting rid of coal mining jobs in the UK in the 1980s. China's trying to get rid of coal mining. Trump wants coal mining. Probably makes him feel superior because he's not the idiot risking his life down a dark hole.
Maybe this will spur someone to.
SunPower's decision to halt its growth in California and Texas follows President Trump's announcement Monday that a 30 percent tariff would be placed on all imported solar technologies.
President Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on cheap imported panels was intended to protect American manufacturing jobs, but many in the solar industry have argued that tariffs will raise costs and trigger thousands of layoffs in the installation end of the industry.
SunPower puts U.S. expansion on hold over Trump tariff

:itsok: Poor, Poor Douche. You no good at creating JOBS!
Our employed workers here, are not makers but maintenance and installers.
China makes them so cheap we can't make them here to install.
This is Big Oil fucking America.

Why don't they make their own solar panels?

Saw this on VICE News the other day. And, the reason we don't have many American made solar panels is because there aren't that many companies here that make them. I think American solar panels are only about 15 percent of the market.

And, putting a 30 percent tariff on foreign solar panels (where most are made anyway), will only drive the cost up for the consumer, because the companies will simply pass the tariff off to the customer. What used to cost 100 bucks is now 130, and because of that, many will opt to not use solar power because it will be more expensive again. And just when solar was getting ready to seriously compete with other forms of energy.

And, when people quit installing solar panels, there will be fewer workers required to install them, resulting in a lot of jobs being lost. And those aren't jobs that are outsourced to other countries, those are American jobs being lost. can tell Trump I'm tired of his "winning".

With 30% tariff on foreign solar panel, there is a big gap left to fill.

Those 15% or market held by Americans can now become 30%, or more. Price doesn't have to be passed on the consumer if American product become cheaper.

I am not supporter of tariffs, but they're at the moment only way to level the playing field. We need to do it on Japanese, Korean and European cars too, not to make their product more expensive (which will be for some period of time), but to force them take tariffs on our product down.

The only way that American solar panel companies could become that large a part of the market is to get more American companies to make solar panels. Currently there aren't enough companies making them here in the USA. That is what the main problem is for that.
Tariffs will hurt the industry, because even with child-labor and poor industry quality control from China, on top of Billion$ in annual subsidies, on top of Billion$ in government mandated consumption of solar at the state and local level, solar doesn't come close to competing with natural gas in either cost, reliability, or efficiency.

The bottom line: nothing even comes close to the energy density of oil and natural gas.

PS- I have solar on my house
I have Solar too. Pisses me off I can't sell back to the
electric company all I make, during the day. In my area.
Would put more panels in to turn a profit. Both Oil and
our electric companies are working against.
But oil has always stopped solar growth.
I could run my NG Generator, it costs less
than Electric rates.
Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Gore is correct. The BS started long ago by the GOP. "Made In America" SCAM.
The Great Douche used the DOPers, with this Orginal SCAM by the GOP!
Calling it again by another name...MAGA by raygoon Stolen For Reuse..

btw: It's not that I'm not for this, to make it here. I just don't agree on how to fix it, with others.
The Great Douche Scam, MAGA!, is not a valid plan. THE GREAT DOUCHE IS ALL BULL CRAP!
I look at this, from a bigger, more informed picture of real facts. Favoring the lower
80% of the USA, even anal red states.for their stupid BS!
Last edited:
Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Gore is correct. The BS started long ago by the GOP. "Made In America" SCAM.
The Great Douche used the DOPers, with this Orginal SCAM by the GOP!
Calling it again by another name...MAGA by raygoon Stolen For Reuse..

btw: It's not that I'm not for this, to make it here. I just don't agree on how to fix it, with others.
The Great Douche Scam, MAGA!, is not a valid plan. THE GREAT DOUCHE IS ALL BULL CRAP!
I look at this, from a bigger, more informed picture of real facts. Favoring the lower
80% of the USA, even anal red states.for their stupid BS!

Talk about some stupid Bull Shit…

You are ate up with it…

Can you say Solyndra, now that’s a scam..

For the first time in history the US Government

was subordinated to a second lien position

while obama’s cronies walked away with millions.

Check out your 401K dumbass if you have one…

Trump just keeps spanking your liberal asses silly

Making America Great Again….

Deal with it DOUCHE BAG……………….
Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Gore is correct. The BS started long ago by the GOP. "Made In America" SCAM.
The Great Douche used the DOPers, with this Orginal SCAM by the GOP!
Calling it again by another name...MAGA by raygoon Stolen For Reuse..

btw: It's not that I'm not for this, to make it here. I just don't agree on how to fix it, with others.
The Great Douche Scam, MAGA!, is not a valid plan. THE GREAT DOUCHE IS ALL BULL CRAP!
I look at this, from a bigger, more informed picture of real facts. Favoring the lower
80% of the USA, even anal red states.for their stupid BS!

Talk about some stupid Bull Shit…

You are ate up with it…

Can you say Solyndra, now that’s a scam..

For the first time in history the US Government

was subordinated to a second lien position

while obama’s cronies walked away with millions.

Check out your 401K dumbass if you have one…

Trump just keeps spanking your liberal asses silly

Making America Great Again….

Deal with it DOUCHE BAG……………….

This was started by Dubya New Law in 2005 or so.
Dubya was trying to get it approved for Solyndra
before 2009. As Obama became a REAL POTUS.
It was touted as a ready to go, to the Obama Administration
from the Duya Energy Sec So you need to blame
more people than just Obama. Most GOP Funded
military programs are SCAMS of the Tax Dollars.
They steal 40-60 billion a year a least.

Yes, I thank Obama for bringing most of the 401 values
back from the GOP Crash of 2007... Thanks, Obama.
The Great Douche has done little to its value so far.
As I credit most of 2017 DOW points to Obama work as
well. So by the end of 2018 the market will be over the
Great Douche, as it can't delivery deals, just twitler tweets.

MAGA- More Are Getting Arrested. tick, tick, tick....
Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Al Gore defends Trump, says he's not to blame for tariffs on solar panels

Gore is correct. The BS started long ago by the GOP. "Made In America" SCAM.
The Great Douche used the DOPers, with this Orginal SCAM by the GOP!
Calling it again by another name...MAGA by raygoon Stolen For Reuse..

btw: It's not that I'm not for this, to make it here. I just don't agree on how to fix it, with others.
The Great Douche Scam, MAGA!, is not a valid plan. THE GREAT DOUCHE IS ALL BULL CRAP!
I look at this, from a bigger, more informed picture of real facts. Favoring the lower
80% of the USA, even anal red states.for their stupid BS!

Talk about some stupid Bull Shit…

You are ate up with it…

Can you say Solyndra, now that’s a scam..

For the first time in history the US Government

was subordinated to a second lien position

while obama’s cronies walked away with millions.

Check out your 401K dumbass if you have one…

Trump just keeps spanking your liberal asses silly

Making America Great Again….

Deal with it DOUCHE BAG……………….

This was started by Dubya New Law in 2005 or so.
Dubya was trying to get it approved for Solyndra
before 2009. As Obama became a REAL POTUS.
It was touted as a ready to go, to the Obama Administration
from the Duya Energy Sec So you need to blame
more people than just Obama. Most GOP Funded
military programs are SCAMS of the Tax Dollars.
They steal 40-60 billion a year a least.

Yes, I thank Obama for bringing most of the 401 values
back from the GOP Crash of 2007... Thanks, Obama.
The Great Douche has done little to its value so far.
As I credit most of 2017 DOW points to Obama work as
well. So by the end of 2018 the market will be over the
Great Douche, as it can't delivery deals, just twitler tweets.

MAGA- More Are Getting Arrested. tick, tick, tick....

Tell me dip shit...

What did Obama do to help the economy ?
SunPower's decision to halt its growth in California and Texas follows President Trump's announcement Monday that a 30 percent tariff would be placed on all imported solar technologies.
President Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on cheap imported panels was intended to protect American manufacturing jobs, but many in the solar industry have argued that tariffs will raise costs and trigger thousands of layoffs in the installation end of the industry.
SunPower puts U.S. expansion on hold over Trump tariff

:itsok: Poor, Poor Douche. You no good at creating JOBS!
Our employed workers here, are not makers but maintenance and installers.
China makes them so cheap we can't make them here to install.
This is Big Oil fucking America.
Renewables are a fucking joke, America cannot afford them. You silly motherfucker
SunPower's decision to halt its growth in California and Texas follows President Trump's announcement Monday that a 30 percent tariff would be placed on all imported solar technologies.
President Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on cheap imported panels was intended to protect American manufacturing jobs, but many in the solar industry have argued that tariffs will raise costs and trigger thousands of layoffs in the installation end of the industry.
SunPower puts U.S. expansion on hold over Trump tariff

:itsok: Poor, Poor Douche. You no good at creating JOBS!
Our employed workers here, are not makers but maintenance and installers.
China makes them so cheap we can't make them here to install.
This is Big Oil fucking America.

Why don't they make their own solar panels?

Saw this on VICE News the other day. And, the reason we don't have many American made solar panels is because there aren't that many companies here that make them. I think American solar panels are only about 15 percent of the market.

And, putting a 30 percent tariff on foreign solar panels (where most are made anyway), will only drive the cost up for the consumer, because the companies will simply pass the tariff off to the customer. What used to cost 100 bucks is now 130, and because of that, many will opt to not use solar power because it will be more expensive again. And just when solar was getting ready to seriously compete with other forms of energy.

And, when people quit installing solar panels, there will be fewer workers required to install them, resulting in a lot of jobs being lost. And those aren't jobs that are outsourced to other countries, those are American jobs being lost. can tell Trump I'm tired of his "winning".
Fuck removals if they cannot make it on their own, America cannot afford to subsidize shit. You silly motherfucker
And, putting a 30 percent tariff on foreign solar panels (where most are made anyway), will only drive the cost up for the consumer, because the companies will simply pass the tariff off to the customer.

True. Just like we have been saying for years raising taxes will only drive the cost up for the consumer, because the companies will simply pass the taxes off to the customer. In this case however, the reduction in taxes to the US company buying and installing the panels may offset the added cost of the panel tariffs. In addition it should help make US production of panels more feasible.

Like I said, saw this on VICE News the other day, and there currently aren't enough solar panel manufacturers here in the US to make up the shortfall from the tariff. There would have to be more companies getting in the game and building factories to make them. Currently there isn't.

And, because of that and the tariffs being imposed, it's going to make the panels more expensive, which will result in fewer people being able to afford them, which will result in American jobs being lost because of the reduced need for installers.
At this time renewables are a dead end, Till they can stand on their own and drill baby drill, mine baby mine, frack baby frack...
Let America ingenuity figure out how to make renewables reliable, cost-effective and abundant Old fashion way over time - foreign interests.
With 30% tariff on foreign solar panel, there is a big gap left to fill.

Those 15% or market held by Americans can now become 30%, or more. Price doesn't have to be passed on the consumer if American product become cheaper.

I am not supporter of tariffs, but they're at the moment only way to level the playing field. We need to do it on Japanese, Korean and European cars too, not to make their product more expensive (which will be for some period of time), but to force them take tariffs on our product down.

The only way that American solar panel companies could become that large a part of the market is to get more American companies to make solar panels. Currently there aren't enough companies making them here in the USA. That is what the main problem is for that.

They just got 30% incentive to start the business.

Is that going to cover the initial costs of the factory and hiring new workers? That 30 percent is a "what if" number, but if there aren't enough manufacturers, then it's kind of a moot point. You can't make more solar panels here if investors aren't willing to start up a factory to build them.

You're not following...

If we're covering about 15% of the market, it means that we do have domestic production already. The problem is that cheap imports from China are hurting domestic production and since China is trying to undermine us on every step, this is one of the ways of telling them, enough is enough. You're stealing our technology, patents, intellectual property, manipulating currency, keep doing that and we'll react.

You are missing the point. We don't have enough factories to make up the shortfalls that will happen because of the tariffs. You gotta have more factories to make them in order to fill the gap, but there aren't very many investors willing to jump into solar energy.
There is no hurry, renewables are a long way off from being feasible
SunPower's decision to halt its growth in California and Texas follows President Trump's announcement Monday that a 30 percent tariff would be placed on all imported solar technologies.
President Donald Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on cheap imported panels was intended to protect American manufacturing jobs, but many in the solar industry have argued that tariffs will raise costs and trigger thousands of layoffs in the installation end of the industry.
SunPower puts U.S. expansion on hold over Trump tariff

:itsok: Poor, Poor Douche. You no good at creating JOBS!
Our employed workers here, are not makers but maintenance and installers.
China makes them so cheap we can't make them here to install.
This is Big Oil fucking America.

The issue here is with progress. He's going backwards to try and create jobs.

Coal mining jobs. Damn, Thatcher was getting rid of coal mining jobs in the UK in the 1980s. China's trying to get rid of coal mining. Trump wants coal mining. Probably makes him feel superior because he's not the idiot risking his life down a dark hole.
If you lived in coal mining country you would think Different you silly motherfucker
Tariffs will hurt the industry, because even with child-labor and poor industry quality control from China, on top of Billion$ in annual subsidies, on top of Billion$ in government mandated consumption of solar at the state and local level, solar doesn't come close to competing with natural gas in either cost, reliability, or efficiency.

The bottom line: nothing even comes close to the energy density of oil and natural gas.

PS- I have solar on my house
I have Solar too. Pisses me off I can't sell back to the
electric company all I make, during the day. In my area.
Would put more panels in to turn a profit. Both Oil and
our electric companies are working against.
But oil has always stopped solar growth.
I could run my NG Generator, it costs less
than Electric rates.
Na, Renewables are not reliable, cost-effective and the bandit enough yet. There is no hurry let them do it the old fashion way - over time

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