US soldier brutally beaten by 6 black men. Where's the 24 hour news coverage?

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

6 against 1 is bullshit....but not surprising in this case.
Technically it was 6 against 3. And all 9 of them were wasted. Still unfair, but noteworthy.
Technically you're a lying piece of shit that's spinning your perception into "facts"
Technically, everything I said was absolutely, 100% accurate as stated in your article.

Why didn't you respond to my other comment? About how the entire premise that this case should be compared to others that have made national headlines is completely false.
Because you are wrong and no amount of telling you that will change your guilt.
That's funny. Because in my opinion YOU are wrong and no amount of telling you will diminish the amount of impotent rage you are constantly living with.
So far what we've learned from the left in this thread is that if their wives or husbands accidentally bump into someone in a bar it is then ok for the bumpee and 5 others to wait outside and beat their spouse half to death because, well, you know, going into a bar deserves to be punished apparently
Find a single one of us that don't want the attackers found and arrested.

Sorry we're not playing along to your bullshit narrative that this is worth national outrage.
Correct. No gullible voters to register off of this story so comment & move along.

Sure there are. You haven't noticed the ignorant conservatives flocking to your aid?
Gramps has had ENOUGH of these *******! He can no longer hold his tongue. He has had ENOUGH!!
He was sucker punched, then the other five joined in. Yep, typical of the way black males fight.
Probably the reason you didn't hear anything on the fight is the same reason you didn't hear about the Duck crashing into a bus in Seattle. 5 people died, 12 injured and about 50 released with minor injuries.

I only saw about 3 min. of it on the news, and then nothing else until today.

Know why? Because Pope Francis sucked all the air out of the news with his visit this week.
I hope they catch these assholes soon. Too bad there wasn't any videos of the attack as that would have likely aided the police.

I am not exactly sure why this is supposed to be a nationally covered story though?
1. Why should this be national news?
2. Why is it "politics"?
3. The only thing in the news lately has been some old guy in a dress.
I hope they catch these assholes soon. Too bad there wasn't any videos of the attack as that would have likely aided the police.

I am not exactly sure why this is supposed to be a nationally covered story though?
Because gramps has a victim mentality.
I hope they catch these assholes soon. Too bad there wasn't any videos of the attack as that would have likely aided the police.

I am not exactly sure why this is supposed to be a nationally covered story though?
My second post explains my position.

The main perp left his debit card behind A WEEK AGO and yet no arrest has been made. No word about it on national news. No flood of civil rights leaders. No word from Obama on the thugs acting stupidly.

Barely a peep in local news here in KC despite the fact that the Plaza, a once high end social gathering place, has become the target of inner city thugs.

waaaaaaaa.... poor put upon white victim
It should also be noted that the victim's military status has nothing to do with the story. Unless of course your intent is to provoke outrage. I guess he could have gotten hammered in his BDUs or Class As but then that might diminish the whole soldier angle. I have seen bumping incidents lead to a ton of fights when drunk people are involved. Yes, some of them do spill over onto the sidewalk. These guys should be prosecuted for sure, but to use this as a comparison to police brutality and shootings of minorities is a stretch.
He was sucker punched, then the other five joined in. Yep, typical of the way black males fight.
Does that mean the 3 white boys getting there asses whupped are typical of the way white males fight?
1 beaten half to death after being knocked down by a sucker punch. 2 then try to defend him against 6.

Something tells me you've never been in a serious fight.
It's hilarious that the RWnuts glean the local news obsessively looking for some sort of story they can project on.

it's sad you feel the need to try and defend the black feral apes like you do

Do you base your racism on science?


what a great find. :clap:
I hope they catch these assholes soon. Too bad there wasn't any videos of the attack as that would have likely aided the police.

I am not exactly sure why this is supposed to be a nationally covered story though?
My second post explains my position.

I don't think mentioning this story is race baiting. I think you're searching for a cover up that doesn't exist. Do you believe the police are not doing everything they can to catch these fools?
It should also be noted that the victim's military status has nothing to do with the story. Unless of course your intent is to provoke outrage. I guess he could have gotten hammered in his BDUs or Class As but then that might diminish the whole soldier angle. I have seen bumping incidents lead to a ton of fights when drunk people are involved. Yes, some of them do spill over onto the sidewalk. These guys should be prosecuted for sure, but to use this as a comparison to police brutality and shootings of minorities is a stretch.
And there we have it. Out of all the national news stories discussed adnosium over the past year every cop has been found to be innocent of any wrong doing by the justice department as no civil rights charges have been brought against them. Zimmerman was found not guilty. The 6 cops in Baltimore will likely be found innocent.
You have an agenda but NOTHING to back it up except the claims of the criminals among us.
It's not just blacks that gang up and beat someone down.

Last month, I heard some weird sounds coming from outside and went to investigate. There were 2 white boys kicking the crap out of 1 white boy laying on my driveway. I hollered for them to stop, called 911, and my other neighbor came out and was going to help me pull them off the dude if necessary. The 2 guys saw they were outnumbered and took off, but not before I got a good description of them and their license plate number. We then waited for the cops with the guy that was beaten and told them what happened.

Just about anyone with a gang or thug mentality will gang up on an individual, not only blacks do this.
So far what we've learned from the left in this thread is that if their wives or husbands accidentally bump into someone in a bar it is then ok for the bumpee and 5 others to wait outside and beat their spouse half to death because, well, you know, going into a bar deserves to be punished apparently

ONLY if the victim is white and the attackers black.

"White Lives Don't Matter" is the credo of today's democratic party.

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