US soldier brutally beaten by 6 black men. Where's the 24 hour news coverage?

He was sucker punched, then the other five joined in. Yep, typical of the way black males fight.
Does that mean the 3 white boys getting there asses whupped are typical of the way white males fight?
1 beaten half to death after being knocked down by a sucker punch. 2 then try to defend him against 6.

Something tells me you've never been in a serious fight.
So you're saying 1 fight or incident is not representative of an entire race of people? Why didn't you tell that to digitaldrifter hmm?
It's hilarious that the RWnuts glean the local news obsessively looking for some sort of story they can project on.
I live here jackass

well lo and behold you found a local story that was covered locally.


That's your red state news coverage for you! lolol
The Star is liberal. The Mayor is liberal. The Governor is liberal.

You are an idiot.

Not even close.
I hope they catch these assholes soon. Too bad there wasn't any videos of the attack as that would have likely aided the police.

I am not exactly sure why this is supposed to be a nationally covered story though?
My second post explains my position.

I don't think mentioning this story is race baiting. I think you're searching for a cover up that doesn't exist. Do you believe the police are not doing everything they can to catch these fools?
Yes I do. I believe Sly James, the Mayor, pressed to keep this under wraps because of a MAJOR art show that was scheduled for the following weekend. I firmly believe that the power brokers whom own the plaza got the Mayor to keep the heat off until after the event so as to not drive off the MAJOR influx of cash the art show could have lost if this story got out. The Plaza has been having major problems with flash mobs & violence from the black community. The Plaza being a high end location it desperately trying to suppress the coverage of the outbreak of violence.

Of course I don't expect everyone to understand any of this because it is a local issue but so is every crime.

If you doubt the problems just look them up
He was sucker punched, then the other five joined in. Yep, typical of the way black males fight.
Does that mean the 3 white boys getting there asses whupped are typical of the way white males fight?
1 beaten half to death after being knocked down by a sucker punch. 2 then try to defend him against 6.

Something tells me you've never been in a serious fight.
So you're saying 1 fight or incident is not representative of an entire race of people? Why didn't you tell that to digitaldrifter hmm?
Because your definition of a "fight" is so totally fucked you're missing the entire point.
So far what we've learned from the left in this thread is that if their wives or husbands accidentally bump into someone in a bar it is then ok for the bumpee and 5 others to wait outside and beat their spouse half to death because, well, you know, going into a bar deserves to be punished apparently

ONLY if the victim is white and the attackers black.

"White Lives Don't Matter" is the credo of today's democratic party.

White lives matter. Yours... not so much.
I hope they catch these assholes soon. Too bad there wasn't any videos of the attack as that would have likely aided the police.

I am not exactly sure why this is supposed to be a nationally covered story though?
My second post explains my position.

I don't think mentioning this story is race baiting. I think you're searching for a cover up that doesn't exist. Do you believe the police are not doing everything they can to catch these fools?
Yes I do. I believe Sly James, the Mayor, pressed to keep this under wraps because of a MAJOR art show that was scheduled for the following weekend. I firmly believe that the power brokers whom own the plaza got the Mayor to keep the heat off until after the event so as to not drive off the MAJOR influx of cash the art show could have lost if this story got out. The Plaza has been having major problems with flash mobs & violence from the black community. The Plaza being a high end location it desperately trying to suppress the coverage of the outbreak of violence.

Of course I don't expect everyone to understand any of this because it is a local issue but so is every crime.

If you doubt the problems just look them up

Please support he claims you just made about flash mobs and violence from the black community at "The Plaza". Thanks.
So far what we've learned from the left in this thread is that if their wives or husbands accidentally bump into someone in a bar it is then ok for the bumpee and 5 others to wait outside and beat their spouse half to death because, well, you know, going into a bar deserves to be punished apparently
Grampa grow up. nobody said what happened was okay and you know it.
It should also be noted that the victim's military status has nothing to do with the story. Unless of course your intent is to provoke outrage. I guess he could have gotten hammered in his BDUs or Class As but then that might diminish the whole soldier angle. I have seen bumping incidents lead to a ton of fights when drunk people are involved. Yes, some of them do spill over onto the sidewalk. These guys should be prosecuted for sure, but to use this as a comparison to police brutality and shootings of minorities is a stretch.
And there we have it. Out of all the national news stories discussed adnosium over the past year every cop has been found to be innocent of any wrong doing by the justice department as no civil rights charges have been brought against them. Zimmerman was found not guilty. The 6 cops in Baltimore will likely be found innocent.
You have an agenda but NOTHING to back it up except the claims of the criminals among us.
Lulz! What in the hell are you talking about?

Just two examples of what has become a major problem. There are tons more. At one point a curfew was tried but as predicted it failed.
It's hilarious that the RWnuts glean the local news obsessively looking for some sort of story they can project on.
I live here jackass

well lo and behold you found a local story that was covered locally.

did race play a factor?

Maybe but booze played a bigger role.

That's the way it is in bar brawls.
FYI that place is an upscale Mexican restaurant not a bar. I know that doesn't fly with the excuses being tossed around but unless you think any place that happens to sell alcohol is a bar it's not accurate
It's hilarious that the RWnuts glean the local news obsessively looking for some sort of story they can project on.
I live here jackass

well lo and behold you found a local story that was covered locally.

did race play a factor?
Based on the recent problems on the plaza imo yes it did.
All parties involved were heavily intoxicated. Hmm. AND the police are looking for the attackers?! Instead of either letting them go or defending them?!

Should there be national outrage and national coverage of every drunken bar fight?
It wasn't a drunken bar fight dumbass. The thug was bumped by someone & the soldier that just walked in was targeted & the scum waited outside for him to leave.
A bar fight is spontaneous & requires 2 willing parties.

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

By party, you mean a party of six ?

And I can't help but wonder is you are actually defending this attack.

Or are you interested in not seeing it broadcast.

If it was the other way around, Al Sharpton and 100,000 other race baiters would already be in K.C. holding 'meetings.
It's hilarious that the RWnuts glean the local news obsessively looking for some sort of story they can project on.

it's sad you feel the need to try and defend the black feral apes like you do
No doubt had the attackers been white and the victim black, your first thought would be that the feral black ape probably deserved it.

It took you this long to throw out that deflection ?

You are getting slow in your old age. Normally, you'd be there by post #5.
All parties involved were heavily intoxicated. Hmm. AND the police are looking for the attackers?! Instead of either letting them go or defending them?!

Should there be national outrage and national coverage of every drunken bar fight?
It wasn't a drunken bar fight dumbass. The thug was bumped by someone & the soldier that just walked in was targeted & the scum waited outside for him to leave.
A bar fight is spontaneous & requires 2 willing parties.

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

By party, you mean a party of six ?

And I can't help but wonder is you are actually defending this attack.

Or are you interested in not seeing it broadcast.

If it was the other way around, Al Sharpton and 100,000 other race baiters would already be in K.C. holding 'meetings.
That dumbfuck thinks bumping into someone is "shit going down" lol

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