US soldier brutally beaten by 6 black men. Where's the 24 hour news coverage?

All parties involved were heavily intoxicated. Hmm. AND the police are looking for the attackers?! Instead of either letting them go or defending them?!

Should there be national outrage and national coverage of every drunken bar fight?
It wasn't a drunken bar fight dumbass. The thug was bumped by someone & the soldier that just walked in was targeted & the scum waited outside for him to leave.
A bar fight is spontaneous & requires 2 willing parties.

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

By party, you mean a party of six ?

And I can't help but wonder is you are actually defending this attack.

Or are you interested in not seeing it broadcast.

If it was the other way around, Al Sharpton and 100,000 other race baiters would already be in K.C. holding 'meetings.
That dumbfuck thinks bumping into someone is "shit going down" lol

He's part of that cult he crows about....his POV is always right.

No matter what.
Moderation Message:

In the future --- FYI --- All bar brawl threads go into Current Events or Taunting Forums.
Welcome to Current Events, continue the brawl here.
It's hilarious that the RWnuts glean the local news obsessively looking for some sort of story they can project on.

it's sad you feel the need to try and defend the black feral apes like you do
No doubt had the attackers been white and the victim black, your first thought would be that the feral black ape probably deserved it.

It took you this long to throw out that deflection ?

You are getting slow in your old age. Normally, you'd be there by post #5.

It's crazy that it still needs to be pointed out to conservatives. It's like you all have no memories. :dunno:
All parties involved were heavily intoxicated. Hmm. AND the police are looking for the attackers?! Instead of either letting them go or defending them?!

Should there be national outrage and national coverage of every drunken bar fight?
It wasn't a drunken bar fight dumbass. The thug was bumped by someone & the soldier that just walked in was targeted & the scum waited outside for him to leave.
A bar fight is spontaneous & requires 2 willing parties.

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

By party, you mean a party of six ?

And I can't help but wonder is you are actually defending this attack.

Or are you interested in not seeing it broadcast.

If it was the other way around, Al Sharpton and 100,000 other race baiters would already be in K.C. holding 'meetings.
That dumbfuck thinks bumping into someone is "shit going down" lol
There must have been a hell of an exchange after the bump.

Nah I'm sure the soldier just kept saying sorry and probably even offered to buy the guy a beer. And this whole thing happened PURELY because ******* are feral apes and if there weren't a vast conspiracy this would be the biggest news story OF ALL TIME!!! Right gramps? Those bastards just had to save the art show!!!

All parties involved were heavily intoxicated. Hmm. AND the police are looking for the attackers?! Instead of either letting them go or defending them?!

Should there be national outrage and national coverage of every drunken bar fight?
It wasn't a drunken bar fight dumbass. The thug was bumped by someone & the soldier that just walked in was targeted & the scum waited outside for him to leave.
A bar fight is spontaneous & requires 2 willing parties.

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

By party, you mean a party of six ?

And I can't help but wonder is you are actually defending this attack.

Or are you interested in not seeing it broadcast.

If it was the other way around, Al Sharpton and 100,000 other race baiters would already be in K.C. holding 'meetings.
That dumbfuck thinks bumping into someone is "shit going down" lol
There must have been a hell of an exchange after the bump.

Nah I'm sure the soldier just kept saying sorry and probably even offered to buy the guy a beer. And this whole thing happened PURELY because ******* are feral apes and if there weren't a vast conspiracy this would be the biggest news story OF ALL TIME!!! Right gramps? Those bastards just had to save the art show!!!

Lot's of ASSumptions of implied guilt of some kind from an ASS.

I remember making up my own versions of stories. I was about 10 or so. Then I learned lying was bad.
FYI that place is an upscale Mexican restaurant not a bar. I know that doesn't fly with the excuses being tossed around but unless you think any place that happens to sell alcohol is a bar it's not accurate
excuses nothing. it was the police that said they were all drunk.
It wasn't a drunken bar fight dumbass. The thug was bumped by someone & the soldier that just walked in was targeted & the scum waited outside for him to leave.
A bar fight is spontaneous & requires 2 willing parties.

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

By party, you mean a party of six ?

And I can't help but wonder is you are actually defending this attack.

Or are you interested in not seeing it broadcast.

If it was the other way around, Al Sharpton and 100,000 other race baiters would already be in K.C. holding 'meetings.
That dumbfuck thinks bumping into someone is "shit going down" lol
There must have been a hell of an exchange after the bump.

Nah I'm sure the soldier just kept saying sorry and probably even offered to buy the guy a beer. And this whole thing happened PURELY because ******* are feral apes and if there weren't a vast conspiracy this would be the biggest news story OF ALL TIME!!! Right gramps? Those bastards just had to save the art show!!!

Lot's of ASSumptions of implied guilt of some kind from an ASS.

I remember making up my own versions of stories. I was about 10 or so. Then I learned lying was bad.
This would be the most colossally enormous story of all time, if it weren't for the vast conspiracy of the media being against white people, despite the overwhelming majority of the media being white. A guy getting beat up outside a bar is OUTRAGEOUS! I demand 24/7 news coverage or I call conspiracyyyyyy!!!
It's hilarious that the RWnuts glean the local news obsessively looking for some sort of story they can project on.
I live here jackass

well lo and behold you found a local story that was covered locally.

did race play a factor?
Based on the recent problems on the plaza imo yes it did.
recent? the two videos you posted were from 4 and 5 years ago. i lived in the kc area until very recently. watched kc news. still have the kctv5 app on my phone. there aren't rampant problems at the plaza.
I live here jackass

well lo and behold you found a local story that was covered locally.

did race play a factor?
Based on the recent problems on the plaza imo yes it did.
recent? the two videos you posted were from 4 and 5 years ago. i lived in the kc area until very recently. watched kc news. still have the kctv5 app on my phone. there aren't rampant problems at the plaza.
You sir are a LIAR.
The problems occur monthly. The only time they don't have problems is in winter.
I feel as much for this incident as gun groups feel for Sandy Hook.
well lo and behold you found a local story that was covered locally.

did race play a factor?
Based on the recent problems on the plaza imo yes it did.
recent? the two videos you posted were from 4 and 5 years ago. i lived in the kc area until very recently. watched kc news. still have the kctv5 app on my phone. there aren't rampant problems at the plaza.
You sir are a LIAR.
The problems occur monthly. The only time they don't have problems is in winter.
so there's an issue every month? imagine that. lots of people in a small area and sometimes they don't all behave. crazy.
All parties involved were heavily intoxicated. Hmm. AND the police are looking for the attackers?! Instead of either letting them go or defending them?!

Should there be national outrage and national coverage of every drunken bar fight?

You didn't read the article and now you look the fool
That is normal for OldSchool. He is apparently going senile and just trolls for his own private giggles and grins.
Oh and the police HAVE HIS NAME & ADDRESS.

This story was swept under the rug because of the art show that was upcoming. Powers that be didn't want this fresh incident to scare of the people that actually have money.

Yeah, and they also don't want the responsibility of not warning the victims later, so no one ever talks about it at all.

I have a feeling that vigilante justice will start filling in more and more for the short comings of our Justus' system.
did race play a factor?
Based on the recent problems on the plaza imo yes it did.
recent? the two videos you posted were from 4 and 5 years ago. i lived in the kc area until very recently. watched kc news. still have the kctv5 app on my phone. there aren't rampant problems at the plaza.
You sir are a LIAR.
The problems occur monthly. The only time they don't have problems is in winter.
so there's an issue every month? imagine that. lots of people in a small area and sometimes they don't all behave. crazy.
It IS crazy. When was the last time you went to a crowded mall in suburban America and had to deal with random shootings, mass destruction of cars, punch out games and just general hoodlum bullshit by 300 to 700 WHITE kids in flash mobs?
He wasn't Black and he wasn't an animal with a cute name, so of course the media had no use for him.
did race play a factor?
Based on the recent problems on the plaza imo yes it did.
recent? the two videos you posted were from 4 and 5 years ago. i lived in the kc area until very recently. watched kc news. still have the kctv5 app on my phone. there aren't rampant problems at the plaza.
You sir are a LIAR.
The problems occur monthly. The only time they don't have problems is in winter.
so there's an issue every month? imagine that. lots of people in a small area and sometimes they don't all behave. crazy.
It IS crazy. When was the last time you went to a crowded mall in suburban America and had to deal with random shootings, mass destruction of cars, punch out games and just general hoodlum bullshit by 300 to 700 WHITE kids in flash mobs?
Never, as that would be racism and we cant have that, ya know.

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