US soldier brutally beaten by 6 black men. Where's the 24 hour news coverage?

All parties involved were heavily intoxicated. Hmm. AND the police are looking for the attackers?! Instead of either letting them go or defending them?!

Should there be national outrage and national coverage of every drunken bar fight?
It wasn't a drunken bar fight dumbass. The thug was bumped by someone & the soldier that just walked in was targeted & the scum waited outside for him to leave.
A bar fight is spontaneous & requires 2 willing parties.

So you've never heard of a 'bar fight' where some shit goes down inside and one party jumps the other outside later?

What planet are you from?

By party, you mean a party of six ?

And I can't help but wonder is you are actually defending this attack.

Or are you interested in not seeing it broadcast.

If it was the other way around, Al Sharpton and 100,000 other race baiters would already be in K.C. holding 'meetings.


You all are frightened ninnies go though life scared///you all are rabbits on the run...I laugh at your fear of the Negro LOL
You all are frightened ninnies go though life scared///you all are rabbits on the run...I laugh at your fear of the Negro LOL

I laugh at your bullshit.

I go where I want and when I want.

Don't know what the hell you are talking about.

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