US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

Deuteronomy 22:5

“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
That's not science Duke and it's your emotional fragility that makes you want to pretend as if you're on the right side of it. :itsok:
I know that you're a cosplayer who imagines they know more than the people who write the book on mental health.

The reality is that you don't know more than biologists, doctors or mental health professionals.

I know that you're a cosplayer who imagines they know more than the people who write the book on mental health.

I may not know more, but I know Bree is a dude.

The reality is that you don't know more than biologists, doctors or mental health professionals.

But I know he's a dude.
No Duke, it's not just in my head that the people who write the book on mental health say you're wrong. That's a fact even if you emotional snowflakes have a hard time accepting it. :itsok: :laugh:


Many people write books.

Do you believe them all?!

I know that you're a cosplayer who imagines they know more than the people who write the book on mental health.

I may not know more, but I know Bree is a dude.
You imagine that, like the cosplayer that you are.
The reality is that you don't know more than biologists, doctors or mental health professionals.

But I know he's a dude.
Sure you do, cosplayer. Sure you do. :itsok:
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That's from the creator of science smart guy.

Sky Daddy can't create anything until you prove Sky Daddy exists in the first place. That's how science teaches us to look at the world. Objectively.

Many people write books.

Do you believe them all?!

Just the one based on logic and facts. Now, does a book about all the animals and creatures of the earth fitting on a boat to survive the wrath of a vengeful God who'd ultimately go on to learn forgiveness after humans murder his only son, only to have that son rise three days later as a zombie, sound like fantasy or nonfiction to you? :dunno:
He'll tell you, he was born a dude.
I know he's still a dude, you don't know anything.
They didn't say so in the clip and you're a know make believer so nothing you really say is credible. You're just doing theater now. I kind of wish I had some roses to throw at you.
They didn't say so in the clip and you're a know make believer so nothing you really say is credible. You're just doing theater now. I kind of wish I had some roses to throw at you.


Is he a dude or is he a woman?
View attachment 917462

Is he a dude or is he a woman?
That's a picture, not a reference to their biology, which appears male but could be intersexed, nor is a reference to their gender which could be anything. Despite me providing you the literature that explains all this to you, you remain just as ignorant. But hey, I'll be here as long as you want to keep demonstrating your inability to learn objective facts. :laugh:
That's a picture, not a reference to their biology, which appears male but could be intersexed, nor is a reference to their gender which could be anything. Despite me providing you the literature that explains all this to you, you remain just as ignorant. But hey, I'll be here as long as you want to keep demonstrating your inability to learn objective facts. :laugh:

In the picture on the left, could be a man, could be a woman, no way to know?
You'd need a PhD in biology to be sure?


Despite me providing you the literature that explains all this to you, you remain just as ignorant.

The literature said we can't be sure? Or it depends on how he feels?

But hey, I'll be here as long as you want to keep demonstrating your inability to learn objective facts

Objective facts? Like external reality? Not feelings?
In the picture on the left, could be a man, could be a woman, no way to know?
You'd need a PhD in biology to be sure?

View attachment 917473
Why would you need a PhD in biology when gender is a social invention and all you'd need to do is ask the person? :dunno:
Despite me providing you the literature that explains all this to you, you remain just as ignorant.

The literature said we can't be sure? Or it depends on how he feels?
The literature explained to you the difference between sex and gender, and gender expressions between gender identities. The particulars of Lt. Col Fram's biology and gender are unknown to both you and me though I understand you like to imagine and make believe otherwise.
But hey, I'll be here as long as you want to keep demonstrating your inability to learn objective facts

Objective facts? Like external reality? Not feelings?
Yes, like those facts. Those facts will never be on your side, no matter how hard you pretend otherwise. :laugh:
Why would you need a PhD in biology when gender is a social invention and all you'd need to do is ask the person? :dunno:

The literature explained to you the difference between sex and gender, and gender expressions between gender identities. The particulars of Lt. Col Fram's biology and gender are unknown to both you and me though I understand you like to imagine and make believe otherwise.

Yes, like those facts. Those facts will never be on your side, no matter how hard you pretend otherwise. :laugh:

Why would you need a PhD in biology when gender is a social invention and all you'd need to do is ask the person? :dunno:

gender: the male sex or the female sex

He's a dude. Whether "society" decides he's a woman or not.

The literature explained to you the difference between sex and gender,

One was external reality and one was feelings.

The particulars of Lt. Col Fram's biology and gender are unknown to both you and me though I understand you like to imagine and make believe otherwise.

Yeah, I'm the one imagining. DURR


Oh yes Bree, your new vag is very fine.
Don't worry about that Y chromosome, that's only science.
Why would you need a PhD in biology when gender is a social invention and all you'd need to do is ask the person? :dunno:

gender: the male sex or the female sex

He's a dude. Whether "society" decides he's a woman or not.
Wrong you Bingo. Maybe you do better with video than reading.

The literature explained to you the difference between sex and gender,

One was external reality and one was feelings.
Look at you retaining some information, good for you.
The particulars of Lt. Col Fram's biology and gender are unknown to both you and me though I understand you like to imagine and make believe otherwise.

Yeah, I'm the one imagining. DURR

View attachment 917481
Well thats obvious by your use of fantasy imagery and my link to Encyclopedia Britannica.... that sort of speaks for itself....
Oh yes Bree, your new vag is very fine.
Don't worry about that Y chromosome, that's only science.
Now you're imagining Bree's genitals? You know, I never think of it because it isn't my perspective but it make me sense now in the context of this being a conflicting sexual fetish for you.
It's not logical to think nothing exploded and created everything.

That's a fact.
So obviously christian God did it. That's how logic works in the rusty belt of what use to people a people who prided themselves on knowledge. :laugh:
So obviously christian God did it. That's how logic works in the rusty belt of what use to people a people who prided themselves on knowledge. :laugh:

You said you believe logic and facts.

How is it logical to believe nothing exploded and created everything?


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