US tax revenue chart

rat you cant be this stupid

Hey, you're the one running all over the board yammering about how unregulated brokers selling sub-prime mortgage securities caused the financial crash.

Or am I thinking of a different Truthmatters?

[ame=]Shut the Fuck up Donny - YouTube[/ame]

Which of your retarded videos was that? I've got all of them blocked with Adblock Plus, and all I see is "YouTube"
and what should we cut?

how about the military since we outspend the world in HUGE amounts
We already have a HUGE military that would take decades for China to come near to.

we can cut the military in wise ways and still be ready to kick EVERYONES ass at a minutes notice
Why is it the right refuses to clean up our excessive military spending?
About whom are you blabbering now, nimrod?

There is plenty of waste in the defense department to cut - it's not exempt from the inefficiencies of our bloated government.

So your strawman body count increases by one more.
We already have a HUGE military that would take decades for China to come near to.

we can cut the military in wise ways and still be ready to kick EVERYONES ass at a minutes notice

Good idea. Let's cut our military and let threats like this go un-countered.

Silent sub: Russian noiseless Borei class nuclear submarine immersed — RT

Super-modern, powerful and almost noiseless Russian nuclear submarine Vladimir Monomakh has been put in water to become the third ship of the Borei project. The cruiser is about to begin sea trials and mooring to become fully operational in 2013.

It belongs to a class of missile strategic submarine cruisers with a new generation of nuclear reactor, which allows the submarine to dive to a depth of 480 meters. It can spend up to three months in autonomous navigation and, thanks to the latest achievements in the reduction of noise, it is almost silent compared to previous generations of submarines.

The submarine is armed with the new missile system, which has from 16 to 20 solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missiles Bulava (SS-NX-30 by NATO classification). The rocket is able to overcome any prospective missile defense system.

What a wonderful idea you've discovered, Truthie.
there will be places to cut the military.

prove there is not if you can
there will be places to cut the military.

prove there is not if you can

Prove where those places are. None of your Faith Based gibberish will be accepted as PROOF.
Sure, cut the military. Of course, it won't matter because 100 percent of our budget is consumed in Medicare, Medicaid and SS. All of it.

If we ceased running the government entirely and provided for JUST those 3 things, we would still be broke.

So yes, we do need to cut the military and I believe you would find it difficult to find more than a handful of people that are unwilling to cut anything in the DoD budget BUT it simply is not enough.

I also noticed that we seemed to have drifted from the FACT that taxes were cut and government revenue still increased....
yes we need to do a single payer to solve that one.

Then we need to stop over preparing for war

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