US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to ‘Defray Cost of US Assistance’

The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.

Sounds like maybe you should try this new thing called reading.
It can be very enlightening.
We armed Saddam because we were worried Iran was gonna overthrow him in the early 80's. Armed him with anthrax - ring a bell ? OF COURSE Saddam had the weapons we gave him- which is why thousands of US troops have anthrax vaccine poisoning along with their Gulf War Syndrome ( from depleted uranium ).
View attachment 239569

Most people understand that after Saddam in invaded Kuwait he became an enemy.
U.S. Companies are planning on taking a larger role in extracting Afghanistan’s enormous reserves of valuable rare earth minerals, Reuters reported after U.S. President Donald Trump met with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Thursday.

According to a White House statement, the presidents agreed that the development of Afghan minerals by U.S. companies would “develop materials critical to national security,” as well as “defray some of the costs of United States assistance as Afghans become more self-reliant.”

US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to 'Defray Cost of US Assistance'
Hate to say I told you so, but I said this a few weeks ago. This operation will be taken over by Eric Prince for security, and Trump will reap the benefits of the deal. This is why Trump wants to pull out of Afghanistan. It has nothing to do with security, and everything to do with money. We also now see why Betsy Devos, Prince's sister was nominated Education secretary. Saw this coming a long time ago, and now it will be reality. Haven't heard anything about Eric Prince? We'll, you will.
The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.

Sounds like maybe you should try this new thing called reading.
It can be very enlightening.
We armed Saddam because we were worried Iran was gonna overthrow him in the early 80's. Armed him with anthrax - ring a bell ? OF COURSE Saddam had the weapons we gave him- which is why thousands of US troops have anthrax vaccine poisoning along with their Gulf War Syndrome ( from depleted uranium ).
View attachment 239569

Most people understand that after Saddam in invaded Kuwait he became an enemy.

He invaded Kuwait because Kuwait was slant drilling for oil on Iraqi territory, while daddy Bush had his own oil interests with Kuwait. We made Saddam a convenient enemy when Reagan sold Saddam Mustard gas in 1986. It's been a set up from the start to control the oil flow in Iraq. Why do you think Bush I didn't go all the way into Baghdad? Because Bush had his own oil interests in Kuwait.
U.S. Companies are planning on taking a larger role in extracting Afghanistan’s enormous reserves of valuable rare earth minerals, Reuters reported after U.S. President Donald Trump met with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Thursday.

According to a White House statement, the presidents agreed that the development of Afghan minerals by U.S. companies would “develop materials critical to national security,” as well as “defray some of the costs of United States assistance as Afghans become more self-reliant.”

US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to 'Defray Cost of US Assistance'

LEMME just say one thing: It was a known FACT at least ten plus years ago that Afghanistan contained one of the LARGEST DEPOSITS of 'rare Earth minerals' known to mankind.

WHERE is Afghanistan located, geographically? CORRECT; right next to CHINA.

WHERE ARE THE largest known deposits of 'rare Earth minerals' known to mankind located? In CHINA.

The US Government believes it can continue to sneak around the planet, STEAL the resources of other nations, and pay NO PRICE.

LOL; those days are OVER.
Watch for the emergence of Eric Prince. That is Trump's go to connection for his own enrichment in this deal.
U.S. Companies are planning on taking a larger role in extracting Afghanistan’s enormous reserves of valuable rare earth minerals, Reuters reported after U.S. President Donald Trump met with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Thursday.

According to a White House statement, the presidents agreed that the development of Afghan minerals by U.S. companies would “develop materials critical to national security,” as well as “defray some of the costs of United States assistance as Afghans become more self-reliant.”

US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to 'Defray Cost of US Assistance'

LEMME just say one thing: It was a known FACT at least ten plus years ago that Afghanistan contained one of the LARGEST DEPOSITS of 'rare Earth minerals' known to mankind.

WHERE is Afghanistan located, geographically? CORRECT; right next to CHINA.

WHERE ARE THE largest known deposits of 'rare Earth minerals' known to mankind located? In CHINA.

The US Government believes it can continue to sneak around the planet, STEAL the resources of other nations, and pay NO PRICE.

LOL; those days are OVER.
Watch for the emergence of Eric Prince. That is Trump's go to connection for his own enrichment in this deal.

Eric Prince = The Prince of Darkness .............. one of them ..........

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
We created the Taliban to fight the soviets. Remember? We went there to get Bin Laden, not the Taliban. Why are we still there fighting the Taliban? Oh yea, that's right. They have great wealth in minerals. But why are wanting to pull out? To get the military out of the way for Trumps private contract operation of course.
AS Trump pulls us back from other countries, I guarantee that it will be China or Russia mining their minerals.

This is one reason why Trump is such a fucking moron. This is why we do foreign aid. This is why we are the world's police. This is why we treat other leaders with respect. But nooooooooooooo. That fag assed piece of shit thinks he can bully his way.
Yeah people need to stop trying to blame Trump for all the problems that started way before his first bankruptcy. Aside from being surrounded by creepy deep state people I think he's doing the best he can. He could do more if the MSM would stop lying about him and more people would get his back. Like Frederick Douglass once said ( 3 years ago according to Trump )...."Power concedes nothing without a demand."
What are the lies about him?
AS Trump pulls us back from other countries, I guarantee that it will be China or Russia mining their minerals.

This is one reason why Trump is such a fucking moron. This is why we do foreign aid. This is why we are the world's police. This is why we treat other leaders with respect. But nooooooooooooo. That fag assed piece of shit thinks he can bully his way.
I think Trump will co-op with Russia on the minerals because of past deals. Trump will pull in Eric Prince, and they'll make billions with Russia. Stay tuned.
U.S. Companies are planning on taking a larger role in extracting Afghanistan’s enormous reserves of valuable rare earth minerals, Reuters reported after U.S. President Donald Trump met with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Thursday.

According to a White House statement, the presidents agreed that the development of Afghan minerals by U.S. companies would “develop materials critical to national security,” as well as “defray some of the costs of United States assistance as Afghans become more self-reliant.”

US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to 'Defray Cost of US Assistance'
Your link:

"Afghanistan has some of the world’s largest un-extracted reserves of rare earth minerals valuable in electronic production, such as lithium, as well as gold and various gemstones.

"The U.S. Geological Survey estimates the total value at at least US$1 trillion."

A popular explanation on the left for long-term US troop presence in Afghanistan claims it is to exclude the Chinese from those mineral riches.

More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan's Mineral Riches - Global Research
Watch for the emergence of Eric Prince, and then we'll know it was a Trump, Putin, Prince deal.
What are the lies about him?
You can start with former CIA Director John Brennan going on Meet the Press calling the president a traitor. Not only is that a huge fucking lie, Brennan himself could in fact be the traitor in all this, being a middle man with the Steele Dossier.

What are the lies about him?
You can start with former CIA Director John Brennan going on Meet the Press calling the president a traitor. Not only is that a huge fucking lie, Brennan himself could in fact be the traitor in all this, being a middle man with the Steele Dossier.

Brennan is spot on as evidenced just this week with Trump's campaign manager hiding the polling data used by the Russians to get him elected. Trump is involved in multiple conspiracies involving attacks on this country. The media is lying about nothing, and you certainly can't prove otherwise. Nothing separates out the actual evidence by our intelligence versus these ranting random individuals who say a whole lot of nothing, while backing their rhetoric with tin foil nonsense. Is Fox lying about Russiagate too; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"?
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The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.

Sounds like maybe you should try this new thing called reading.
It can be very enlightening.
We armed Saddam because we were worried Iran was gonna overthrow him in the early 80's. Armed him with anthrax - ring a bell ? OF COURSE Saddam had the weapons we gave him- which is why thousands of US troops have anthrax vaccine poisoning along with their Gulf War Syndrome ( from depleted uranium ).
View attachment 239569

Deflection doesn't become you....
The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.

Sounds like maybe you should try this new thing called reading.
It can be very enlightening.
We armed Saddam because we were worried Iran was gonna overthrow him in the early 80's. Armed him with anthrax - ring a bell ? OF COURSE Saddam had the weapons we gave him- which is why thousands of US troops have anthrax vaccine poisoning along with their Gulf War Syndrome ( from depleted uranium ).
View attachment 239569

Most people understand that after Saddam in invaded Kuwait he became an enemy.

He invaded Kuwait because Kuwait was slant drilling for oil on Iraqi territory, while daddy Bush had his own oil interests with Kuwait. We made Saddam a convenient enemy when Reagan sold Saddam Mustard gas in 1986. It's been a set up from the start to control the oil flow in Iraq. Why do you think Bush I didn't go all the way into Baghdad? Because Bush had his own oil interests in Kuwait.

The History of Saddam's Chemical Weapons | HubPages
The History of Saddam's Chemical Weapons
“Alcolac International Inc., a U.S. company, violated U.S. export laws by selling thiodiglycol, a major ingredient in mustard gas, to Iraq. Alcolac pleaded guilty to this violation in 1989.” xiii This same material was also sold to Iran.
Brennan is spot on as evidenced just this week with Trump's campaign manager hiding the polling data used by the Russians to get him elected. Trump is involved in multiple conspiracies involving attacks on this country. The media is lying about nothing, and you certainly can't prove otherwise. ..

Best laugh all day. Thanks .

Brennan is spot on as evidenced just this week with Trump's campaign manager hiding the polling data used by the Russians to get him elected. Trump is involved in multiple conspiracies involving attacks on this country. The media is lying about nothing, and you certainly can't prove otherwise. ..

Best laugh all day. Thanks .
View attachment 239584

View attachment 239583
The best part about all this, is we proved you are a liar. Thanks for the heads up.
U.S. Companies are planning on taking a larger role in extracting Afghanistan’s enormous reserves of valuable rare earth minerals, Reuters reported after U.S. President Donald Trump met with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Thursday.

According to a White House statement, the presidents agreed that the development of Afghan minerals by U.S. companies would “develop materials critical to national security,” as well as “defray some of the costs of United States assistance as Afghans become more self-reliant.”

US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to 'Defray Cost of US Assistance'
Your link:

"Afghanistan has some of the world’s largest un-extracted reserves of rare earth minerals valuable in electronic production, such as lithium, as well as gold and various gemstones.

"The U.S. Geological Survey estimates the total value at at least US$1 trillion."

A popular explanation on the left for long-term US troop presence in Afghanistan claims it is to exclude the Chinese from those mineral riches.

More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan's Mineral Riches - Global Research
Watch for the emergence of Eric Prince, and then we'll know it was a Trump, Putin, Prince deal.
Prince Erik know$ how to "win" in Afghani$tan:

Here’s the blueprint for Erik Prince’s $5 billion plan to privatize the Afghanistan war

"Blackwater founder Erik Prince thinks the time is right to try a new approach in Afghanistan, one that he says will reduce war spending to a sliver of its current levels, get most troops home and eliminate Pakistan’s influence on U.S. policy there: Let him run it.

"In an exclusive interview with Military Times, Prince shared new details about his proposed force and why he believes a small footprint of private military contractors and even smaller footprint of U.S. special operators may be able to accomplish what hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops and NATO forces over the last 17 years could not."

I wonder what plans the Prince has for privatizing US law enforcement?
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