US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to ‘Defray Cost of US Assistance’

U.S. Companies are planning on taking a larger role in extracting Afghanistan’s enormous reserves of valuable rare earth minerals, Reuters reported after U.S. President Donald Trump met with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Thursday.

According to a White House statement, the presidents agreed that the development of Afghan minerals by U.S. companies would “develop materials critical to national security,” as well as “defray some of the costs of United States assistance as Afghans become more self-reliant.”

US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to 'Defray Cost of US Assistance'
Your link:

"Afghanistan has some of the world’s largest un-extracted reserves of rare earth minerals valuable in electronic production, such as lithium, as well as gold and various gemstones.

"The U.S. Geological Survey estimates the total value at at least US$1 trillion."

A popular explanation on the left for long-term US troop presence in Afghanistan claims it is to exclude the Chinese from those mineral riches.

More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan's Mineral Riches - Global Research
Watch for the emergence of Eric Prince, and then we'll know it was a Trump, Putin, Prince deal.
Prince Erik know$ how to "win" in Afghani$tan:

Here’s the blueprint for Erik Prince’s $5 billion plan to privatize the Afghanistan war

"Blackwater founder Erik Prince thinks the time is right to try a new approach in Afghanistan, one that he says will reduce war spending to a sliver of its current levels, get most troops home and eliminate Pakistan’s influence on U.S. policy there: Let him run it.

"In an exclusive interview with Military Times, Prince shared new details about his proposed force and why he believes a small footprint of private military contractors and even smaller footprint of U.S. special operators may be able to accomplish what hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops and NATO forces over the last 17 years could not."

I wonder what plans the Prince has for privatizing US law enforcement?
Did he forget to mention the mineral fortune in that country? Did he forget to mention that is why his sister is the education secretary? Did he forget to mention that Trump is in on the heist? Did he forget to mention that Trump voters are idiots?

After 18 years we're finally going to start mining operations for minerals rather than landmines?
U.S. Companies are planning on taking a larger role in extracting Afghanistan’s enormous reserves of valuable rare earth minerals, Reuters reported after U.S. President Donald Trump met with his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani on Thursday.

According to a White House statement, the presidents agreed that the development of Afghan minerals by U.S. companies would “develop materials critical to national security,” as well as “defray some of the costs of United States assistance as Afghans become more self-reliant.”

US to Extract Minerals From Afghanistan to 'Defray Cost of US Assistance'
Your link:

"Afghanistan has some of the world’s largest un-extracted reserves of rare earth minerals valuable in electronic production, such as lithium, as well as gold and various gemstones.

"The U.S. Geological Survey estimates the total value at at least US$1 trillion."

A popular explanation on the left for long-term US troop presence in Afghanistan claims it is to exclude the Chinese from those mineral riches.

More American Troops to Afghanistan, To Keep the Chinese Out? Lithium and the Battle for Afghanistan's Mineral Riches - Global Research
Watch for the emergence of Eric Prince, and then we'll know it was a Trump, Putin, Prince deal.
Prince Erik know$ how to "win" in Afghani$tan:

Here’s the blueprint for Erik Prince’s $5 billion plan to privatize the Afghanistan war

"Blackwater founder Erik Prince thinks the time is right to try a new approach in Afghanistan, one that he says will reduce war spending to a sliver of its current levels, get most troops home and eliminate Pakistan’s influence on U.S. policy there: Let him run it.

"In an exclusive interview with Military Times, Prince shared new details about his proposed force and why he believes a small footprint of private military contractors and even smaller footprint of U.S. special operators may be able to accomplish what hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops and NATO forces over the last 17 years could not."

I wonder what plans the Prince has for privatizing US law enforcement?
Did he forget to mention the mineral fortune in that country? Did he forget to mention that is why his sister is the education secretary? Did he forget to mention that Trump is in on the heist? Did he forget to mention that Trump voters are idiots?
Trump's daily drama works to distract us from how much money he and his crime family are "earning" from his "public service."

All the President's Profiting

"No modern president has jumped so directly from the world of business to the presidency as Donald Trump. And in so doing, Trump has refused to do as his predecessors have done: sever ties to the companies or financial interests that may pose, or present the appearance of, a conflict of interest.

"By keeping his assets in a family-managed trust, which he can revoke at any time, Trump and his family are in the unique position to profit directly from his public service. Special interests in Washington have caught on.

"Those seeking to curry favor with Trump are not only donating to his reelection campaign but holding fundraisers and galas at his resorts, private clubs and hotels – the proceeds of which benefit him and his family."

His base doesn't seem to realize Trump is the crony-capitalist who cut out the middleman.

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
All progressives are fucked in the head

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.

After 18 years we're finally going to start mining operations for minerals rather than landmines?
Naturally! Why else would we be there? The war certainly wasn't about the Taliban. We trained them, remember? All we needed was a thief for a president, an ex military contractor to take care of security, some financial backing by another exploiter, and you have the perfect crime. The wealth of the resource was always there, and so, there you have it. And to think, millions voted for a thief, who's only concern is his own enrichment while he continues to con a bunch of Sheep. What a sad place we are in right now.

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
All progressives are fucked in the head
Grow a pair and learn to debate.

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
Osama bin Laden
Osama was an enemy of the Saudis, not an ally.
The Saudis exiled him.
They had spies trying to hunt him down and kill him.
The Northern Alliance was not the Taliban.
Please stop getting your information from MSNBC and CNN.

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
Osama bin Laden
Osama was an enemy of the Saudis, not an ally.
The Saudis exiled him.
They had spies trying to hunt him down and kill him.
The Northern Alliance was not the Taliban.
Please stop getting your information from MSNBC and CNN.
And? You said we finished Saddam without acknowledging the war was based on lies.The only job we finished, was the job we started, by arming him in the first place.
The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.

Sounds like maybe you should try this new thing called reading.
It can be very enlightening.
We armed Saddam because we were worried Iran was gonna overthrow him in the early 80's. Armed him with anthrax - ring a bell ? OF COURSE Saddam had the weapons we gave him- which is why thousands of US troops have anthrax vaccine poisoning along with their Gulf War Syndrome ( from depleted uranium ).
View attachment 239569

Most people understand that after Saddam in invaded Kuwait he became an enemy.

So, Saddam invading Kuwait means an enemy, but Israel invading Palestine means an ally?

Too funny.

Osama was an enemy of the Saudis, not an ally.
The Saudis exiled him.
They had spies trying to hunt him down and kill him.
The Northern Alliance was not the Taliban.
Please stop getting your information from MSNBC and CNN.
It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
Osama bin Laden
Osama was an enemy of the Saudis, not an ally.
The Saudis exiled him.
They had spies trying to hunt him down and kill him.
The Northern Alliance was not the Taliban.
Please stop getting your information from MSNBC and CNN.
And? You said we finished Saddam without acknowledging the war was based on lies.The only job we finished, was the job we started, by arming him in the first place.
That's when Rumsfeld and Cheney sped up the new anthrax vaccine and used our troops as guinea pigs - I know because my brother got epilepsy from it. They were afraid Saddam was gonna use OUR anthrax weapons on our own troops.
Afghanistan was being used as a Muslim Terrorist training camp.

This idea is ridiculous, that Terrorism justifies War & limiting Freedoms under the Patriot Act & or Homeland Security, but somehow you're for "Small Government" & "Against Tyranny"
Yeah, sure.

Terrorism kills far less than War, or Gangs, or Cars, or Gun accidents, or Drug overdoses, or Heart Attacks, or Cancer.

Please get your brains straight.

I understand that you Brits are something like Europe's version of the Taliban, we sent packing to the British Isles, who the Brits sent packing to the Americas.

But, we don't have to like you, or respect you, or think you're anything but the Trash of Humanity.
It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
Osama bin Laden
Osama was an enemy of the Saudis, not an ally.
The Saudis exiled him.
They had spies trying to hunt him down and kill him.
The Northern Alliance was not the Taliban.
Please stop getting your information from MSNBC and CNN.
And? You said we finished Saddam without acknowledging the war was based on lies.The only job we finished, was the job we started, by arming him in the first place.
When a Libnutt says that we lied to remove Saddam from power it's not impressive, it just shows that they are a brainwashed left wing crackpot fanatic.
Afghanistan was being used as a Muslim Terrorist training camp.

This idea is ridiculous, that Terrorism justifies War & limiting Freedoms under the Patriot Act & or Homeland Security, but somehow you're for "Small Government" & "Against Tyranny"
Yeah, sure.

Terrorism kills far less than War, or Gangs, or Cars, or Gun accidents, or Drug overdoses, or Heart Attacks, or Cancer.

Please get your brains straight.

I understand that you Brits are something like Europe's version of the Taliban, we sent packing to the British Isles, who the Brits sent packing to the Americas.

But, we don't have to like you, or respect you, or think you're anything but the Trash of Humanity.

It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
Osama bin Laden
Osama was an enemy of the Saudis, not an ally.
The Saudis exiled him.
They had spies trying to hunt him down and kill him.
The Northern Alliance was not the Taliban.
Please stop getting your information from MSNBC and CNN.
Let's recap off your own posts.

"Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban". We created the Taliban.

"The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam". We initially armed Saddam and finished a job based on lies by going to war that continues to this day, and created ISIS as a result.

"Osama was an enemy of the Saudis", yet, he used Saudi money to launch 911. And the hijackers were Saudis.

Tell us all again how that wasn't a cluster fuck.
Last edited:
Very interesting thread, these same people said the same about Iraqi oil, however, data proved that to be wrong as well. NBBS.
The only ones mentioning Iraq oil were lefty neocons yelling ‘No blood for oil!’ trying to relive their Vietnam protest glory days.

Neocons yelling "No blood for oil!"

They may have included many Lefty's.

But, more along the lines it was in fact Neocons themselves who perpetrated the Iraq war, and it's 100's of thousands of deaths, perhaps even MILLIONS of deaths.
It always funny how the left wing knuttjobs don't understand that the Saudis had a death warrant on Osama, and how Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban. The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam. We finished the job.
Wow, you assfucks just write your own history.
really, which part is wrong?
You ignore that Bin Laden, his 9-11 crew, and his money were Saidi. You ignore the Saudi backing of the Taliban. You ignore that the Iraq invasion was based on lies.
Osama bin Laden
Osama was an enemy of the Saudis, not an ally.
The Saudis exiled him.
They had spies trying to hunt him down and kill him.
The Northern Alliance was not the Taliban.
Please stop getting your information from MSNBC and CNN.
Let's recap off your own posts.

"Afghanistan was harboring the Taliban". We created the Taliban.

"The UN was in Iraq to disarm Saddam". We initially armed Saddam and finished a job based on lies by going to war that continues to this day, and created ISIS as a result.

"Osama was an enemy of the Saudis", yet, he used Saudi money to launch 911. And the hijackers were Saudis.

Tell us all how that wasn't a cluster fuck.
three strikes, that's an out

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