US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

We Muslims have seen how the Christians have allowed their religion to be abused , Ridiculed and treated like dirt.

We refuse to let islaam meet the same fate In the name of Art and so-called freedom of speech

You believe in Islam and can't spell it.

Fuck off, towel head.
We Muslims have seen how the Christians have allowed their religion to be abused , Ridiculed and treated like dirt.

We refuse to let islaam meet the same fate In the name of Art and so-called freedom of speech

You believe in Islam and can't spell it.

Fuck off, towel head.

Just trying out the talk to text on my new MY Touch Phone.

Unfortunately it doesn't have spell check
We Muslims have seen how the Christians have allowed their religion to be abused , Ridiculed and treated like dirt.

We refuse to let islaam meet the same fate In the name of Art and so-called freedom of speech

You believe in Islam and can't spell it.

Fuck off, towel head.

Just trying out the talk to text on my new MY Touch Phone.

Unfortunately it doesn't have spell check

Perhaps he lit the fuse to Show the entire world how intolerant, Violent, and Crazy some Muslims are.

I don't care how fucking serious they take the book. It is just ink on Paper, burning it, in no way justifies a violent response.

The people who did this are animals that make the Pastor look respectable.

In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


Take responsibility for what? Did he attack the guards and take their weapons? Did he run around town and kill people? Did he preach to his congregation that they should go out and kill people? How the fuck is he responsible for something that happens on the other side of the world two weeks after he burned a single Quran?

The only proper response to this is to shit on Islam, not make excuses for it.

The Poet Versus the Prophet - Reason Magazine

Ever hear the phrase: contributory negligence?

I believe bartenders can be held responsible if they serve too much alcohol to a customer who then leaves their bar, gets behind the wheel of a car, drives off and kills someone on the way home.

In my opinion, the same principle applies here. Is he fully responsible? Hell no. Did his actions lead to the deaths of those 12 people? Absolutely. Does that absolve those frigging morons in Afghanistan from their crimes? Absolutely no frigging way.

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the minister KNEW the Muslims would use his burning of the Koran as an excuse to kill Americans, yet for some reason he did it anyway....if it were my husband that was killed....i would not only want to punish the barbaric muslims that committed the murder, but I would also be very upset with this so called Christian minister, as well.

I don't think he is sin free in all of this....he KNEW what the results of his actions would be....he may have only been the guy who drove the car for the criminals, but he is still an accessory to murder imho....especially since he was warned, and begged by fellow Christian ministers to NOT do this Koran book burning.

How could he know that?

Saloman Rushdie/Satanic Verses, The cartoons that were published depicting Mohammed?

Those are only two instances that I can think of off the top of my head... wait a minute you posted that link about the 14 year old girl in this very thread there is another reason.

There is no frigging way he didn't know. If he is smart enough to "preach", he is smart enough to know that his actions would lead to retaliation and quite probably the loss of life.

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In story after story it ends up being extremists in a religion being at the root of the problem...doesn't matter which religion it is...although you don't really hear that much about extremist Buddhists or Pagans blowing anything up do you?

Hmmm, If I were religion shopping...
No question that the radicals are responsible for their actions

But Jones knew what he was dealing with and intentionally provoked them

Jones is a lowlife and far from a good Christian
Talk amongst yourselves

I remember all the wing-nutters brushing off Petraeus's warning. Came true, didn't it?

Is it completely senseless to kill people over a book being burned? Hell yes.
Is it just as senseless to ignore a 5 star admiral's warning that people could be killed as a result of burning the book? Absolutely.

They should've just left this idiot Jones alone. If the media would stop promoting these hateful people, Westboro included, we'd get a whole lot further. And IDC who's doing it.
In other words, he sacrificed 12 lives to prove a point? That is an awfully expensive point!

I didn't agree with his plans to burn the Koran. I think it was petty and stupid. But now, he doesn't even have the courage to stand up and take responsibility?

Koran-burning pastor says not responsible for UN deaths - Yahoo! News


He's not responsible, the Afghan Muslims are responsible. Terry Jones bought the books, they were his books to do what he wanted. I'm tempted to go out and buy a Koran and burn it just on principal. When we give up our rights simply because we are afraid of what someone else will do, we are cowards and deserve NO rights.

I thought his plan was pretty stupid too, but I don't blame him for the murdering Muslims. Tell me, if conservatives started killing people because some idiot burned the flag, who would you blame?

Truthfully, I too have thought about going out and buying a Koran to burn, but Jones is responsible for instigating the response.

Who would I blame? Liberals, since I consider myself conservative. ;)

edit: and if liberals started killing people for burning the flag, I would blame liberals too. ;)


and if conservatives are forced to kill liberals because liberals hate god and
America you will blame liberals, too

and if conservatives have to kill gays who refuse to shup up about being gay then you will blame liberals, too

and if conservatives have to kill atheists for being the enemies of god and America you
will blame liberals, too

no mattter who you have to kill for your sick and twisted beliefs you will always blame the liberals

He's not responsible, the Afghan Muslims are responsible. Terry Jones bought the books, they were his books to do what he wanted. I'm tempted to go out and buy a Koran and burn it just on principal. When we give up our rights simply because we are afraid of what someone else will do, we are cowards and deserve NO rights.

I thought his plan was pretty stupid too, but I don't blame him for the murdering Muslims. Tell me, if conservatives started killing people because some idiot burned the flag, who would you blame?

Truthfully, I too have thought about going out and buying a Koran to burn, but Jones is responsible for instigating the response.

Who would I blame? Liberals, since I consider myself conservative. ;)

edit: and if liberals started killing people for burning the flag, I would blame liberals too. ;)


and if conservatives are forced to kill liberals because liberals hate god and
America you will blame liberals, too

and if conservatives have to kill gays who refuse to shup up about being gay then you will blame liberals, too

and if conservatives have to kill atheists for being the enemies of god and America you
will blame liberals, too

no mattter who you have to kill for your sick and twisted beliefs you will always blame the liberals


Of course I will blame liberals, but apparently you did not read the fact that I was joking into that post.

But, since, you missed my attempt at humor:

I would be screaming bloody murder if conservatives started killing liberals because they hate God. I have screamed bloody murder at the Christians that think they can force anyone to convert, period! Faith does not come at the edge of a blade.

Killing gays for any reason is not something that I support either. I actually think I am quite liberal in my beliefs regarding the homosexual community. That does not go to say that I support radical homosexuals, but it is not because of their homosexuality. Rather it is because I don't support radicals, period.

Killing athiests? Well, let me just refer you to the paragraph about killing liberals because they hate God. That is not to say that all liberals are atheists, but rather that one cannot force another to convert.

Now, would you like to talk about your intolerance? No? I didn't think so.

I hope he burns a koran every week and posts the video to youtube.
[Apparently, since Muslims believe it is their right to kill anyone because some nut case burns the Quran, then I imagine it would be justified for someone to kill a few hundred innocent Muslims every time a Muslim burns the American flag. And I do understand that not all Muslims support this, but a lot do. At the same time, the guy in Florida is an idiot who fits right in with those numbskulls from Kansas.

And no, I am not condoning the idea or suggesting that we kill a few hundred Muslims. Just saying.
The problem with that reasoning is we Americans, who seem to think we are invincible, are faced with a numerical quandary. There are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. So even if we could kill them all, what would we do with all the bodies? The means by which we might kill them all would end up killing us.

The simple fact is we need to stop provoking them because they don't think like us. They are willing to die, we are not, and that is the key factor we are ignoring. We are now involved in two major military actions in the Middle East. As long as we keep on provoking the Muslims they will continue to covertly attack us. If Bush-1 had removed the Bin-Sultan air base as he'd promised, and if we were not supporting Israel's aggressive expansion into Gaza, the 9/11 attack would not have happened. Nor would the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center have happened.

We need to get out of the Middle East altogether and leave those people alone. If we do that they will return to fighting with each other as they've done for centuries and pay no attention to us.

Right now America is dealing with an internal source of agitation, as manifested most readily by this Quantum Windbag character and his ilk. This guy is a typical Zionist sympathizer who is more concerned with the security of Israel than with that of the United States. Look closely at his avatar and you will clearly see what he is about. It is important to him and his kind that Americans believe all Muslims hate all Americans, which simply is not true.
How ironic that the name of the ministry is the Dove Outreach Center.

I wonder if the pastor will be arrested for inciting a riot?

Only YOU could twist it that way. Maybe they ought to arrest the violent idiots for acting like adolescent imbeciles instead?

Not real funny how you swap rules around to suit your retarded arguments.
Of course they should arrest them, that goes without saying since they have murdered people.

I'm curious about the pastor, though....will he get in trouble for his role?
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

As an agnostic I believe all religious zealots are nuts. It would be nice if there exists a heaven and a hell and the keeper of the doors to each had a sense of irony. In that way the crazy pastor and the crazy murder's would share a special heated room for eternity.
the minister KNEW the Muslims would use his burning of the Koran as an excuse to kill Americans, yet for some reason he did it anyway....if it were my husband that was killed....i would not only want to punish the barbaric muslims that committed the murder, but I would also be very upset with this so called Christian minister, as well.

I don't think he is sin free in all of this....he KNEW what the results of his actions would be....he may have only been the guy who drove the car for the criminals, but he is still an accessory to murder imho....especially since he was warned, and begged by fellow Christian ministers to NOT do this Koran book burning.

How could he know that?

How could he not know that? I knew it. We are dealing with radicals here that have no problem murdering people if they are offended. It's not as if we don't have a history of it.

Did you? Or did you simply believe the talking heads on the media that this would happen?

Personally, I knew that they would kill people even if he did not burn a Qur'an. They have killed plenty of people in the time since he did not burn the Qur'an, and even a few in the time between when he did and they found out about it. They kill people no matter what, so we should build a huge bonfire and burn Mohammad in effigy.
Terry Jones is an idiot but the Extremists are at fault.

But are Christians all extremists because many bombed Abortion clinics?

Are all tea partiers insane because of Tim McVeigh?


Not all Muslims are bad people.

Not all Muslims are bad, but the Tea Party wasn't around when Tim McVeigh blew up the OC fed building, why are you even comparing that? So far, I haven't heard of the Tea Party doing any bombing or killing. Did I miss something?

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