US Troops in serious peril now..Terry Jones burns Koran

No question that the radicals are responsible for their actions

But Jones knew what he was dealing with and intentionally provoked them

Jones is a lowlife and far from a good Christian

So? Are we supposed to bow down every time a thug threatens someone?

How is not burning the Koran bowing down to them?

Jones knew what the reaction would be but burnt it anyway because it would bring him closer to Jesus
If Jones wants to exercise his right to free speech, then he should openly accept Piss Jesus and other anti-Christian outrages
Nice to see that you are more outraged by people exercising their free speech rights than murder.

No I'm outraged that people like that aren't taking personal responsibility for their actions or words. I'm sure if he had done that in a muslim community and he got his ass beat there would not have been twelve deaths in Afgahnastan.

People like what?

The really weird thing here is you think that he would have been attacked in Dearborn if he had done it there, and that does not bother you. I could burn a Bible in the middle of the Bible belt and not worry about getting attacked. I could burn the Book of Mormon in front of the Temple in Salt Lake City and walk away unharmed.

Yet, for some reason that completely eludes me, Jones is responsible for murders halfway around the world because he burned a Qur'an.

I am not the one what has a problem here.

People who think they can say anything they want and get away with it no matter what, like people who picket in front of military funerals, people who burn korans, people who burn the American flag, people who publically protest, and people who instigate violence. Everyone has the right to freedom of speach, and everyone has the responsibility of free speach, and everyone has the accountability of free speach. What seams to be forgotten here is the responsibility and accountability part.
The problem, as I see it in my own view, is that burning a book that results in people getting killed is exactly what our guys have been dying for since the constitution was written. Freedom.
Of all the guys and gals that died....did they die for naught?

Mr. Jones (I will not call him Reverend because hes just an asshole with a title he doesnt deserve) is an idiot. But thats not the point. The point is....people in another country took it upon themselves to punish anyone they could find for the desecration to their book. These same people desecrate our flag and probably burned a few bibles here and there. They desecrate their own peoples bodies and beliefs.
What a citizen of the USA may SAY here has no bearing on how they choose to show their anger THERE.
Our armed forces die every day for Mr. Jones (barf) and his rights. But we dont get to pick and choose which one has that right..or not. Any more than we are responsible for their actions or reactions.

Hope that made sense.
How ironic that the name of the ministry is the Dove Outreach Center.

I wonder if the pastor will be arrested for inciting a riot?

Only YOU could twist it that way. Maybe they ought to arrest the violent idiots for acting like adolescent imbeciles instead?

Not real funny how you swap rules around to suit your retarded arguments.
Of course they should arrest them, that goes without saying since they have murdered people.

I'm curious about the pastor, though....will he get in trouble for his role?

His 'role' was the equivalent of Jody Foster's 'role' in the attempted assassination of Reagan. :eusa_hand:
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If Jones wants to exercise his right to free speech, then he should openly accept Piss Jesus and other anti-Christian outrages

Clearly you have no clue what freedom of speech means.

The whole point of having freedom of speech is in having the right to offend, not freedom from offense. Free speech protects Koran burning and piss Jesus equally. (though not the right to public funding of either) There would be no point to having free speech laws were there no "offensive speech".
Try hollering FIRE! in a crowded theater and see what happens. Or BOMB!!! on a fully loaded plane. So much for free speech in the way some claim is allowed.
However, much as Mr. Jones has his rights and burning a book is one of them, do those rights pertain to people outside the USA laws of restrictions on freedom of speech?
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

Ah, Bullshit. I knew this was going to be the conservative mantra on here, and it only took us three posts to get there.

Tacit disapproval of the actions of our own douchbag countryman for intentionally inciting violence and death in Afghanistan does not equate to tacit support of violence and death.

In other words, pointing out that Jones is a total fucktard doesn't mean we approve of the actions of religious extremists.

If there was any justice in the world, Jones would be given an M-4, as much water, food and bullets as he can carry and a one way ticket to Afghanistan to wage his Holy War.

However, since Jones is a fucking coward, that will never happen. Instead, other men and women will bear the brunt of the fall out for his cavalier attitude.

So fuck him, and fuck anyone that glosses over what he did.
Further evidence that Islam causes mental instability.
Further evidence of the latent Intolerance and violence among Many Muslims. You burn our book, will Murder 12 people.

Yet I see many Liberals are now saying nothing about the Animals who did this, and instead blaming the guy who burnt some books. As if they think the Muslims response was justified.

Ah, Bullshit. I knew this was going to be the conservative mantra on here, and it only took us three posts to get there.

Tacit disapproval of the actions of our own douchbag countryman for intentionally inciting violence and death in Afghanistan does not equate to tacit support of violence and death.

In other words, pointing out that Jones is a total fucktard doesn't mean we approve of the actions of religious extremists.

If there was any justice in the world, Jones would be given an M-4, as much water, food and bullets as he can carry and a one way ticket to Afghanistan to wage his Holy War.

However, since Jones is a fucking coward, that will never happen. Instead, other men and women will bear the brunt of the fall out for his cavalier attitude.

So fuck him, and fuck anyone that glosses over what he did.

But most of all fuck EVERYONE that believes we should curb free speech here at home in a failed attempt to appease barbaric savages in other countries. :thup:
Try hollering FIRE! in a crowded theater and see what happens. Or BOMB!!! on a fully loaded plane. So much for free speech in the way some claim is allowed.
However, much as Mr. Jones has his rights and burning a book is one of them, do those rights pertain to people outside the USA laws of restrictions on freedom of speech?


Maybe Pastor Jones doesn't have any First Amendment rights. Musing on Koran burning, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer argued:

[Oliver Wendell] Holmes said it doesn’t mean you can shout 'fire' in a crowded theater... Why? Because people will be trampled to death. And what is the crowded theater today? What is the being trampled to death?

This is a particularly obtuse remark even by the standards of contemporary American jurists. As I've said before, the fire-in-a-crowded-theatre shtick is the first refuge of the brain-dead. But it's worth noting the repellent modification Justice Breyer makes to Holmes' argument: If someone shouts fire in a gaslit Broadway theatre of 1893, people will panic. By definition, panic is an involuntary reaction. If someone threatens to burn a Koran, belligerent Muslims do not panic - they bully, they intimidate, they threaten, they burn and they kill. Those are conscious acts, at least if you take the view that Muslims are as fully human as the rest of us and therefore responsible for their choices. As my colleague Jonah Goldberg points out, Justice Breyer's remarks seem to assume that Muslims are not fully human.

More importantly, the logic of Breyer's halfwit intervention is to incentivize violence, and undermine law itself. What he seems to be telling the world is that Americans' constitutional rights will bend to intimidation. If Koran-burning rates a First Amendment exemption because Muslims are willing to kill over it, maybe Catholics should threaten to kill over the next gay-Jesus play, and Broadway could have its First Amendment rights reined in. Maybe the next time Janeane Garafolo goes on MSNBC and calls Obama's opponents racists, the Tea Partiers should rampage around town and NBC's free-speech rights would be withdrawn.
I am not even remotely outraged by him burning a Qur'an. I fully support his right to offend anyone and everyone he wants to, even if they threaten to kill him over it. In fact, I support him more because of the threats.

I am outraged to the core by people killing others in the name of religion though. Nice to see that you think burning a book is the worst of the things that has happened in the world this year.

Great post. Burn a New Testament and a Torah. On the very church and synagogue. There won't be any violence in Israel or Rome. No beheading, etc. etc.

The Christians will decry it and the Jews will turn it into stand up comedy.

[ame=]YouTube - Russell Peters stand up comedy - on anti Arab propaganda.flv[/ame]

And Russell Peters is a great Indian/Canadian comedian.
No question that the radicals are responsible for their actions

But Jones knew what he was dealing with and intentionally provoked them

Jones is a lowlife and far from a good Christian

So? Are we supposed to bow down every time a thug threatens someone?

How is not burning the Koran bowing down to them?

Jones knew what the reaction would be but burnt it anyway because it would bring him closer to Jesus

Blaming Jones for the deaths in Afghanistan is bowing down to the thugs. If you want to kiss their ass, feel free. I prefer to kick them in the nuts.
this guy sums up my argument for me.
[ame=]YouTube - Terry Jones Is Not Responsible for the Murders of United Nations Workers.[/ame]
Also, if you think Terry Jones should be thrown in jail, then you are by definition a fascist. Not hyperbole.
If Jones wants to exercise his right to free speech, then he should openly accept Piss Jesus and other anti-Christian outrages

Hey, dumbass, that's a false dilemma and you know it. By presenting that you can only be one of two extremes is outrageous and beyond stupid. I don't expect anything else from you other than stupid comments but I digress.

Saying it's either you have to "full accept" something or "Go on a murder rampage" and that there is no in between such as saying "I do not approve", is really fucked up and honestly, you need professional help.
No I'm outraged that people like that aren't taking personal responsibility for their actions or words. I'm sure if he had done that in a muslim community and he got his ass beat there would not have been twelve deaths in Afgahnastan.

People like what?

The really weird thing here is you think that he would have been attacked in Dearborn if he had done it there, and that does not bother you. I could burn a Bible in the middle of the Bible belt and not worry about getting attacked. I could burn the Book of Mormon in front of the Temple in Salt Lake City and walk away unharmed.

Yet, for some reason that completely eludes me, Jones is responsible for murders halfway around the world because he burned a Qur'an.

I am not the one what has a problem here.

People who think they can say anything they want and get away with it no matter what, like people who picket in front of military funerals, people who burn korans, people who burn the American flag, people who publically protest, and people who instigate violence. Everyone has the right to freedom of speach, and everyone has the responsibility of free speach, and everyone has the accountability of free speach. What seams to be forgotten here is the responsibility and accountability part.

I understand responsibility and accountability. Jones is responsible and accountable for what he does, not what anyone else does.

Tell me something. If I decide to flip out and tell you that if you post again I will go out and kill dozens of people, will that stop you from posting? Would you then be responsible and accountable if I did?

Of course not, and only a complete idiot would try to argue that you are. Yet you feel comfortable arguing that Jones is responsible for the actions of thugs he never even met. You are stretching the borders of sanity.
The problem, as I see it in my own view, is that burning a book that results in people getting killed is exactly what our guys have been dying for since the constitution was written. Freedom.
Of all the guys and gals that died....did they die for naught?

Mr. Jones (I will not call him Reverend because hes just an asshole with a title he doesnt deserve) is an idiot. But thats not the point. The point is....people in another country took it upon themselves to punish anyone they could find for the desecration to their book. These same people desecrate our flag and probably burned a few bibles here and there. They desecrate their own peoples bodies and beliefs.
What a citizen of the USA may SAY here has no bearing on how they choose to show their anger THERE.
Our armed forces die every day for Mr. Jones (barf) and his rights. But we dont get to pick and choose which one has that right..or not. Any more than we are responsible for their actions or reactions.

Hope that made sense.

More sense than blaming him for something he had nothing to do with.

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