US Unaware Iran Leading Iraq Fight for Tikrit

Fighting isis doesn't make Iran into a good guy fighting for peace and justice. Iran is no different than isis. Isis wants to create an isis caliphate. Iran wants to create an Iranian caliphate.

How many countries has Iran invaded since 1945?
How many countries has Iran attacked since 1945?
How many countries has Iran committed terrorist attacks in since 1945?
How many countries has Iran secretly carpet bombed since 1945?
How many countries has Iran destabilised, putting their pet dictators in power, since 1945?
How many times has Iran removed the democratically elected government of the USA since 1945?

Now - ask the same questions of America, except the last one must be changed to - how many times has America removed the democratically elected government of Iran.

Who's the bad guy?
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.
Yeah, like he always says, the first Obama heard 'bout it was when he saw it on CNN.
Fighting isis doesn't make Iran into a good guy fighting for peace and justice. Iran is no different than isis. Isis wants to create an isis caliphate. Iran wants to create an Iranian caliphate.

How many countries has Iran invaded since 1945?
How many countries has Iran attacked since 1945?
How many countries has Iran committed terrorist attacks in since 1945?
How many countries has Iran secretly carpet bombed since 1945?
How many countries has Iran destabilised, putting their pet dictators in power, since 1945?
How many times has Iran removed the democratically elected government of the USA since 1945?

Now - ask the same questions of America, except the last one must be changed to - how many times has America removed the democratically elected government of Iran.

Who's the bad guy?
How many countries has Iran invaded since 1945? At least 4.
How many countries has Iran attacked since 1945? At least 8.
How many countries has Iran committed terrorist attacks in since 1945? At least 10.
How many countries has Iran secretly carpet bombed since 1945? How do you "secretly" carpet bomb? Moron.
How many countries has Iran destabilised, putting their pet dictators in power, since 1945? 4.
How many times has Iran removed the democratically elected government of the USA since 1945? Hah? Make some sense for a change.

Who's the bad guy? Iran. Duhhhhhh.
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.
Maybe it's on Hillarys private e-mail account.
The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight. “The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this. It’s a logical progression of what they have been doing in the east of the country, but we don’t coordinate with them,” he added, referring to the Iranians.

See quote below:

depo 10882504.
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

Why did you title this thread with a statement that is not true and is an insult to our military commander's who are engaged in the fight against DAIISH terrorist scum?

Asked about Iran’s military participation in the battle for Tikrit, which began on Monday, Austin did not describe the nature or extent of Iranian involvement but stated flatly, “There is no cooperation between U.S. and Iranian forces.” Christine Wormuth, the Pentagon’s policy chief, made a similar point, saying there is no coordination or communication between American and Iranian forces in Iraq.

The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

“The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this. It’s a logical progression of what they have been doing in the east of the country, but we don’t coordinate with them,” he added, referring to the Iranians.

Austin also said in response to questions about the adequacy of the U.S. military presence in Iraq that he is confident of defeating the Islamic State in Iraq without having to deploy large U.S. ground combat units.

Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Who told you the US was unaware that Iran was largely involved in the operation to liberate Tikrit.

Why wouldn't a true American's first reaction to the news be 'hell yes' That's better than having more Americans getting killed and wounded on the ground over there in what amounts to be their fight to destroy DAIISH terrorist scum on the ground in Iraq.

I see the right is now moving from hoping Bagdad falls to Daesh to fear mongering about Iran helping to defeat the terrorists crying about the shame of it all that Iran and Iraq have an alliance based on their common Shiite brand of Islam.

If you don't like Iran and Iraq getting together there is the 'decider' from Texas as the only one to blame. He decided this would happen when he decided to end UN inspections and start a war on false pretext against the Sunnis that lived and ruled all but Kurdish Iraq.
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What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

Why did you title this thread with a statement that is not true and is an insult to our military commander's who are engaged in the fight against DAIISH terrorist scum?

Asked about Iran’s military participation in the battle for Tikrit, which began on Monday, Austin did not describe the nature or extent of Iranian involvement but stated flatly, “There is no cooperation between U.S. and Iranian forces.” Christine Wormuth, the Pentagon’s policy chief, made a similar point, saying there is no coordination or communication between American and Iranian forces in Iraq.

The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

“The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this. It’s a logical progression of what they have been doing in the east of the country, but we don’t coordinate with them,” he added, referring to the Iranians.

Austin also said in response to questions about the adequacy of the U.S. military presence in Iraq that he is confident of defeating the Islamic State in Iraq without having to deploy large U.S. ground combat units.

Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Who told you the US was unaware that Iran was largely involved in the operation to liberate Tikrit.

Why wouldn't a true American's first reaction to the news be 'hell yes' That's better than having more Americans getting killed and wounded on the ground over there in what amounts to be their fight to destroy DAIISH terrorist scum in the ground in Iraq.

I see the right is now moving from hoping Bagdad falls to Daesh to fear mongering about Iran helping to defeat the terrorists crying about the shame if it all that Iran and Iraq have an alliance based on their common Shiite brand of Islam.

If you don't like Iran and Iraq getting together there is the 'decider' Texas as the only one to blame. He decided this would happen when he decided to end UN inspections and start a war on false pretext against the Sunnis that lived and ruled all but Kurdish Iraq.
Because the enemy of this enemy is and will remain our enemy. It's shiia killing more no less Foo. You do love to embellish a story.
Note what he said- he saw it coming, not that they were aware of it through the Iraqi sources before it happened. Foresee through intelligence sources, saw it coming, ya know, not notified by those they are supposed to be involved with in training for such activities.

And the Iranian's taking the lead is not a good thing, by any means.
The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight. “The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this. It’s a logical progression of what they have been doing in the east of the country, but we don’t coordinate with them,” he added, referring to the Iranians.

See quote below:

What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

Why did you title this thread with a statement that is not true and is an insult to our military commander's who are engaged in the fight against DAIISH terrorist scum?

Asked about Iran’s military participation in the battle for Tikrit, which began on Monday, Austin did not describe the nature or extent of Iranian involvement but stated flatly, “There is no cooperation between U.S. and Iranian forces.” Christine Wormuth, the Pentagon’s policy chief, made a similar point, saying there is no coordination or communication between American and Iranian forces in Iraq.

The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

“The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this. It’s a logical progression of what they have been doing in the east of the country, but we don’t coordinate with them,” he added, referring to the Iranians.

Austin also said in response to questions about the adequacy of the U.S. military presence in Iraq that he is confident of defeating the Islamic State in Iraq without having to deploy large U.S. ground combat units.

Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Who told you the US was unaware that Iran was largely involved in the operation to liberate Tikrit.

Why wouldn't a true American's first reaction to the news be 'hell yes' That's better than having more Americans getting killed and wounded on the ground over there in what amounts to be their fight to destroy DAIISH terrorist scum on the ground in Iraq.

I see the right is now moving from hoping Bagdad falls to Daesh to fear mongering about Iran helping to defeat the terrorists crying about the shame of it all that Iran and Iraq have an alliance based on their common Shiite brand of Islam.

If you don't like Iran and Iraq getting together there is the 'decider' from Texas as the only one to blame. He decided this would happen when he decided to end UN inspections and start a war on false pretext against the Sunnis that lived and ruled all but Kurdish Iraq.
Maybe it's on Hillarys private e-mail account.

Besides not knowing HRC is not Sec of State at this time - why do you accept any right winger fabrication that gets tossed out there.

. The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

“The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this.

Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times. Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Do you prefer Americans to be on the ground in this operation?
Maybe it's on Hillarys private e-mail account.

Besides not knowing HRC is not Sec of State at this time - why do you accept any right winger fabrication that gets tossed out there.

. The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

“The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this.

Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times. Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Do you prefer Americans to be on the ground in this operation?
I have known for a long time Hillary's status it's joke for god sakes lighten up.
"US Unaware Iran Leading Iraq Fight for Tikrit"

Note what he said- he saw it coming, not that they were aware of it through the Iraqi sources before it happened. Foresee through intelligence sources, saw it coming, ya know, not notified by those they are supposed to be involved with in training for such activities.

Your thread title states that the US was unaware that Iran was leading the fight for Tikrit. According to a top US General U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

Perhaps you didn't read what I posted.

(Asked about Iran’s military participation in the battle for Tikrit, which began on Monday, Austin did not describe the nature or extent of Iranian involvement but stated flatly, “There is no cooperation between U.S. and Iranian forces.” Christine Wormuth, the Pentagon’s policy chief, made a similar point, saying there is no coordination or communication between American and Iranian forces in Iraq.

The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

“The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this. It’s a logical progression of what they have been doing in the east of the country, but we don’t coordinate with them,” he added, referring to the Iranians.

Austin also said in response to questions about the adequacy of the U.S. military presence in Iraq that he is confident of defeating the Islamic State in Iraq without having to deploy large U.S. ground combat units.

Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times )

Even if the Iraqis did not notify the US specifically of Iranian involvement alongside 30,000 troops and militia planning to attack ISIS in Tikrit the US was aware of it and stayed away.

So your thread title and your OP are not true.

This is a false statement that insults our military and our intelligence officers serving in Iraq.

You wrote: "We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?"

And your false statement does not become true because you wrote this:
"So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons."

Is your bitch about the US being unaware;
  • of the operation itself
  • of Iranian involvement in the operation
  • or both

Your bitching is false because the US was aware of both.

Or is your only bitch that Iraqis did not personally contact a US officer about something that the US already knew.

That last one is quite a silly petty bitch when this operation could very well prove that Americans will not have to die on the ground in the fight against those DAIISH terrorist scum and we should appreciate those stepping forward to fight from the region.

Your use of large font does nothing for your case. He foresaw the possibility of it happening, did he say he knew it would happen when it did? No, he was UNAWARE. He was not informed by the Iraqi's which we are there supporting. If you don'-t have a problem with that, you have every right, but I also have every right to see that as extremely worrisome. And do realize I have family in the military, dear. It gives me more reason to be concerned. Many of the top brass have been purged.
"US Unaware Iran Leading Iraq Fight for Tikrit"

Note what he said- he saw it coming, not that they were aware of it through the Iraqi sources before it happened. Foresee through intelligence sources, saw it coming, ya know, not notified by those they are supposed to be involved with in training for such activities.

Your thread title states that the US was unaware that Iran was leading the fight for Tikrit. According to a top US General U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

Perhaps you didn't read what I posted.

(Asked about Iran’s military participation in the battle for Tikrit, which began on Monday, Austin did not describe the nature or extent of Iranian involvement but stated flatly, “There is no cooperation between U.S. and Iranian forces.” Christine Wormuth, the Pentagon’s policy chief, made a similar point, saying there is no coordination or communication between American and Iranian forces in Iraq.

The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

“The activity in Tikrit was no surprise,” Austin said. “I saw this coming many days leading up to this. It’s a logical progression of what they have been doing in the east of the country, but we don’t coordinate with them,” he added, referring to the Iranians.

Austin also said in response to questions about the adequacy of the U.S. military presence in Iraq that he is confident of defeating the Islamic State in Iraq without having to deploy large U.S. ground combat units.

Read more: Dempsey says Iranian hand in Iraq could turn out well - Washington Times )

Even if the Iraqis did not notify the US specifically of Iranian involvement alongside 30,000 troops and militia planning to attack ISIS in Tikrit the US was aware of it and stayed away.

So your thread title and your OP are not true.

This is a false statement that insults our military and our intelligence officers serving in Iraq.

You wrote: "We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?"

And your false statement does not become true because you wrote this:
"So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons."

Is your bitch about the US being unaware;
  • of the operation itself
  • of Iranian involvement in the operation
  • or both

Your bitching is false because the US was aware of both.

Or is your only bitch that Iraqis did not personally contact a US officer about something that the US already knew.

That last one is quite a silly petty bitch when this operation could very well prove that Americans will not have to die on the ground in the fight against those DAIISH terrorist scum and we should appreciate those stepping forward to fight from the region.

depo 10893783
He foresaw the possibility of it happening, did he say he knew it would happen when it did? No, he was UNAWARE

You say "No, he was UNAWARE"

The definition of "foresee" "Be aware of beforehand"

You do not have the right to change the entire meaning of the good general's use of the word "foresee" in this quote:

NF 10893521
The general said U.S. intelligence sources allowed him to foresee Iran’s involvement in the Tikrit fight.

You are too blind or radicalized to see that saying "No, he was UNAWARE" is the complete opposite of "Being aware of beforehand".

But so it is with right wingers - words have no meanings when it interferes with fabricating political attacks against the President and in this case against the US military and CIA/DIA.

Of course he said he knew it would happen when it did because foreseeing it meant he was aware of it beforehand.

If you wish to communicate in English you need to at least have a minimal understanding of the definition of the words.

Your thread title is not true. You made it up.
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DT 10887038
. where brave US soldiers fought and died to free iraq from a despot.

So according to these two posts, Bush43 sent 4484 Americans to die to set our enemy free of a despot by demonizing that despot using fear mongering about fresh made and hidden WMD stockpiles that were not really there.

DT 10892776
Because the enemy of this enemy is and will remain our enemy.
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

Go Iran! About time locals got off their asses to fix a local problem.
DT 10887038
. where brave US soldiers fought and died to free iraq from a despot.

So according to these two posts, Bush43 sent 4484 Americans to die to set our enemy free of a despot by demonizing that despot using fear mongering about fresh made and hidden WMD stockpiles that were not really there.

DT 10892776
Because the enemy of this enemy is and will remain our enemy.
We attacked Iraq to get rid of Saddam. We did that. The Sunni remained stubborn until the surge. The situation then became manageable. Knowing the factions had been fighting got 2000 years we thought it prudent to keep forces there to monitor progress. Along comes the community organizer with zero experience but whistling thru his teeth, bathing frequently and wearing nice suits....and he pulls all the troops out thinking that his personality will win the day. So back we go to fighting...Sunni turned ISIS...against Shiia incompetence. We remain flaccid as Iran steps in to sieze an opportunity to expand their influence in another muslim country. OBABBLE prays for 2017... So he can blame Walker. You'll never get it Foo.
You really, really are not fooling those that have kept close tabs on the facts, not spouted left wing lies.
DT 10887038
. where brave US soldiers fought and died to free iraq from a despot.

So according to these two posts, Bush43 sent 4484 Americans to die to set our enemy free of a despot by demonizing that despot using fear mongering about fresh made and hidden WMD stockpiles that were not really there.

DT 10892776
Because the enemy of this enemy is and will remain our enemy.
Quds force leader commanding Iraqi forces against ISIS alarms Washington Fox News
So, a designated terrorist is leading the charge...

Twice designated a terrorist by the United States government, considered responsible for up to 20 percent of American casualties in the Iraq war, Major General Qasem Suleimani, the legendary Iranian spymaster and leader of the Quds Force – the elite special operations wing of the hardline Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – is now stirring alarm in Washington for doing something the Obama administration would ordinarily cheer: taking the fight to ISIS in Iraq.

Photographs circulating on social media show Suleimani operating alongside senior Iraqi officials in the theater in and around Tikrit, the Sunni ancestral home of Saddam Hussein that is located almost equidistant between Mosul, the ISIS-controlled city 120 miles to the north, and Baghdad, the capital of the Iraqi government 100 miles to the south.
"Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, told John Kerry, the US secretary of state, that he risked allowing Iran to "take over Iraq", echoing Israel's recent concerns over the White House's policy toward Tehran.

"Tikrit is a prime example of what we are worried about," Prince Saud said. "Iran is taking over the country."

The possibility of a deal on Iran's nuclear issue and President Obama's refusal to send troops back to the Arab world despite an escalating succession of civil wars have sent shock-waves through America's allies."

05 Mar 2015

Iran is taking over Iraq and Obama must put boots on the ground against Isil warns Saudi Arabia - Telegraph
The situation then became manageable. Knowing the factions had been fighting got 2000 years we thought it prudent to keep forces there to monitor progress

Then why didn't Bush get a long term SOFA deal in 2008 that lasted long enough for Americans to keep dying so Iraqi males could sip tea in Baghdad cafés and hang out with their Iranian friends and business partners. Bush surrendered control of what US troops could do and where they could go and it was all up to Maliki. Bush agreed that US troops would be out of Iraq cities by June 2009. They had to leave cities or the Iraqis were going to call off the deal entirely. Your Bush screwed the pooch if your dream was to keep Americans dying in Iraq for decades. He failed to get a long term deal like Obama got for Afghanistan.

Your charade of a strategy is coming undone even to the casual observer. The strategy where Americans fight and die for Iraq's freedom so Iraqis don't have to.

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