US whites falling to minority in under-5 age group

In the early '70s one of my best college buddies (black guy) asked me if I ever wondered why blacks always have so many kids. He frankly stated that it was there intention to some day be in the majority.

Mike was an incredible person and I miss the hell out of him.

Blacks don't have that many kids though. Hispanics have more children than blacks and whites combined.

But not more than muslims!
In the early '70s one of my best college buddies (black guy) asked me if I ever wondered why blacks always have so many kids. He frankly stated that it was there intention to some day be in the majority.

Mike was an incredible person and I miss the hell out of him.

Blacks don't have that many kids though. Hispanics have more children than blacks and whites combined.

But not more than muslims!

Hmm, you have a point there.
What we will find out is that immigrants are not all Americans the same way immigrants in Sweden are not all Swedes, immigrants to France are not all French and immigrants to Britian are not all British.

If we are intent on becoming a different country, it's a pity that it will be savage backward country and not a civilized one like Russia or China.

Russia and China civilized? Katz are you tipsy?
she is a regular comedian :lol:
You "Real Americans" had better get about it.

What we will find out is that immigrants are not all Americans the same way immigrants in Sweden are not all Swedes, immigrants to France are not all French and immigrants to Britian are not all British.

If we are intent on becoming a different country, it's a pity that it will be savage backward country and not a civilized one like Russia or China.

Russia and China civilized? Katz are you tipsy?

Russia and China are civilized first world nations. mexico and the 8th century middle east are not.

you are funny, That, or you're tipsy :alcoholic: A dyed-in-the-wool Repub (you) lauding communist police states just to run down another group of people you don't care for :clap2:
What we will find out is that immigrants are not all Americans the same way immigrants in Sweden are not all Swedes, immigrants to France are not all French and immigrants to Britian are not all British.

If we are intent on becoming a different country, it's a pity that it will be savage backward country and not a civilized one like Russia or China.

Russia and China civilized? Katz are you tipsy?
she is a regular comedian :lol:

Russia and China civilized? Katz are you tipsy?

Russia and China are civilized first world nations. mexico and the 8th century middle east are not.

you are funny, That, or you're tipsy :alcoholic: A dyed-in-the-wool Repub (you) lauding communist police states just to run down another group of people you don't care for :clap2:

The United States is a communist police state. The difference is, instead of a first world nation with modern cities like Beijing and Moscow, the US wants mud huts like they have in Afghanistan and mexican villages. The day that America can shake a finger at police states who spy on its citizens, that have secret courts and a secret police are gone. We have our own Stasi now.
Russia and China civilized? Katz are you tipsy?
she is a regular comedian :lol:

Russia and China are civilized first world nations. mexico and the 8th century middle east are not.

you are funny, That, or you're tipsy :alcoholic: A dyed-in-the-wool Repub (you) lauding communist police states just to run down another group of people you don't care for :clap2:

The United States is a communist police state. The difference is, instead of a first world nation with modern cities like Beijing and Moscow, the US wants mud huts like they have in Afghanistan and mexican villages. The day that America can shake a finger at police states who spy on its citizens, that have secret courts and a secret police are gone. We have our own Stasi now.

if we were a communist police state, we'd be making eye phones here girly. Having people work 14+ hrs/day w/ no breaks, for peanuts. We're getting there, to be sure thanks to Repub deregulation :thup: , but we're not there yet. :clap2:
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As soon as the American population, with its demands, is replaced by a third world slave mentality, we'll have plenty of 14 hour a day factories.
As soon as the American population, with its demands, is replaced by a third world slave mentality, we'll have plenty of 14 hour a day factories.

So what is it this morning? Gin? :rofl:

As I said, we're already moving in that direction thanks to Republicans and their paymasters (Koch & Adelson- types) at ALEC dictating what the next legislation in the que will be for Boehner (R) :thup:
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CA went this way years ago! Now, I can take a walk through my neighbor and never hear English! And, now, I know what "reverse" discrimination is about! ;-(
that abortion in the black community was effectively committing genocide?
Of course limousine liberals desire an abortion industry that culls the African American population. African Americans threaten the hegemony of lily white latte liberals pinkos within the Democratic party.


You'll find most of the increase comes from Hispanic immigration.

Our liberal elites want to rule over degraded divided powerless working folk.
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What we will find out is that immigrants are not all Americans the same way immigrants in Sweden are not all Swedes, immigrants to France are not all French and immigrants to Britian are not all British.

If we are intent on becoming a different country, it's a pity that it will be savage backward country and not a civilized one like Russia or China.

LOL. Ever since the start of this nation, every new group of immigrants has been looked down on as being 'differant' and not really acceptable into the society that existed at the time.

We will become a differant country in 20 years, intent or not. Just as we are a differant country now than in 1940, or 1960, or even 1990. Technology and evolution of our culture will see to that. With or without immigration.

More like a Mass migration of non assimilating takers and freeloaders. They no more want to be an American than you want to be a Monk..........
Take a lesson from the Native Americans. They consider anyone with a bit of Native blood Native. So if we consider anyone with a bit of 'white' blood, white, then the problem goes away.:razz:

BS. I have Native American blood but even my relatives figure I don't have enough to be considered a Cherokee.

Ever consider that it might be personal?
What we will find out is that immigrants are not all Americans the same way immigrants in Sweden are not all Swedes, immigrants to France are not all French and immigrants to Britian are not all British.

If we are intent on becoming a different country, it's a pity that it will be savage backward country and not a civilized one like Russia or China.

LOL. Ever since the start of this nation, every new group of immigrants has been looked down on as being 'differant' and not really acceptable into the society that existed at the time.

We will become a differant country in 20 years, intent or not. Just as we are a differant country now than in 1940, or 1960, or even 1990. Technology and evolution of our culture will see to that. With or without immigration.

More like a Mass migration of non assimilating takers and freeloaders. They no more want to be an American than you want to be a Monk..........

Damned funny. Have a look at the names on the casualty lists from Afghanistan and Iraq. Note the number of hispanic names compared to their percentage in the general population.

As for you other assertations about the Hispanics being lazy, real life observations show just the opposite. It is simply that you are racist.

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