US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

What will be awesome is when America’s female soccer team plays another team that dust stomps their ass’s and spikes the ball in their face with every goal. It’s only a matter of time before that happens.
Ah yes...I remember this tone by CRCs.....cheer against the US because you had your feelings hurt by a player's political stance.
No. Because more and more people like them are the real enemy. She has it good. And her voice is a lot more then any peasant's. I am telling you. These women soccer players are spoiled. They hit paydirt when women's sports skyrocketed on the cable TV and taxpayers dime. Look at the difference between men's soccer and women's soccer. The men lose to nation's that have not been invented yet. Yep...high school soccer is what it is.

They got lucky. Their time is coming and they will get what they gave. Entitled white chicks cant take it when they lose. I reallyook forward to hearing from the coach when that happens.
I hate, racist internet tough guys like you coward. I guess you think because you are white that makes you a REAL veteran. If idiots like you had your way there would have been no civil rights movement and we would be sitting at the back of the bus. Think about this asshole while you are sitting on your little high horse, a man goes to another country and sheds his blood and then he comes back home and doesn't have the same rights as cowards like Trump. You want to call someone unpatriotic and talk about not standing up for their country when she called start with that. She has a right to protest, folks have fought and died for her to have that right.

1. I,m half white; half Hispanic.

Whoop dee fucking do, so what is that suppose to change who you are.

2. You are a racist hypocrite, who bitches about racism, but you,re cool with discrimination as long as blacks are the beneficiaries and whites are the victims (affirmative action)

How are white victims when WHITE WOMEN are the biggest beneficiaries of it. What a fucking idiot.

3. She,s not just protesting. By kneeling at the national anthem, she is slamming America. If she just wanted to protest, she could do it away from the stadium, out in the street, like other protesters do.

She is protesting, what better stage to protest on when all the world is watching.

Here are her words:

She added: “So it's kind of a good ‘F you' to any sort of inequality or bad sentiments that the Trump] administration might have towards people who don't look exactly like him.
1. You said , I was white. Just clarifying.

I can tell by your ass backwards post you identify more white.

3. Sorry to rain on your dumbdfalse talking point, but NO, white women are not AAs biggest benificiaries.

Yes they are that point has been proven time and time again.

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It? | HuffPost

White women benefit from affirmative action the most.

4 Key Points That Debunk Misconceptions Around Affirmative Action | HuffPost

The ones who benefit are minuscule in number compared to the millions of wives and daughters of white male victims.
I have refuted your dumb point 1000 times in this forum.

You haven't refuted a damn thing, if white women benefit the most then so do white men.
You mean they actually have a team of adult women who play soccer?

Ignorant Question: "You mean they actually have a team of adult women who play soccer?"

A. Who are paid professionals, and more successful on the world stage than their male counterparts who paid more.

My take on her silent protest is this, she supports equal pay for equal work.

Are the revenue streams for Men's and Women's Soccer equal?

Nope. Equal pay for equal work is the point I made. A simple solution but one which will never occur would be to combine the total revenue from the Men's and Women's revenue, and then pay the individual teams the same percentage by their finish.

So the Women need to be subsidized?

So much for equality.....

So many times progressives rant for equality, what they really want is favoritism.

How about you go by the other progressive playbook and force people to attend and pay for Women's matches?
A winning women's team gathers more support than a losing men's team.

Got numbers to back that up?
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

So, a sport with less than stellar viewership from Americans and a branch of that sport...women's soccer that has even less interest from not only America but the world......and she thinks it is a clever idea to offend half if not more of the know, the ones paying her salary? The left wing......not very smart....
Ignorant Question: "You mean they actually have a team of adult women who play soccer?"

A. Who are paid professionals, and more successful on the world stage than their male counterparts who paid more.

My take on her silent protest is this, she supports equal pay for equal work.

Are the revenue streams for Men's and Women's Soccer equal?

Nope. Equal pay for equal work is the point I made. A simple solution but one which will never occur would be to combine the total revenue from the Men's and Women's revenue, and then pay the individual teams the same percentage by their finish.

So the Women need to be subsidized?

So much for equality.....

So many times progressives rant for equality, what they really want is favoritism.

How about you go by the other progressive playbook and force people to attend and pay for Women's matches?
A winning women's team gathers more support than a losing men's team.

Got numbers to back that up?

Common sense. A losing team gets little press. A winning team is in the compertition longer & is more reported pn.

If you want numbers, look them up yourself.

How many cups have the men won? Women have 3 championships.
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

So, a sport with less than stellar viewership from Americans and a branch of that sport...women's soccer that has even less interest from not only America but the world......and she thinks it is a clever idea to offend half if not more of the know, the ones paying her salary? The left wing......not very smart....
She wuill let the world know that all of America does not support Trump who is disliked around the globe.
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

So, a sport with less than stellar viewership from Americans and a branch of that sport...women's soccer that has even less interest from not only America but the world......and she thinks it is a clever idea to offend half if not more of the know, the ones paying her salary? The left wing......not very smart....
She wuill let the world know that all of America does not support Trump who is disliked around the globe. all 5 fans of women's soccer....
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

So, a sport with less than stellar viewership from Americans and a branch of that sport...women's soccer that has even less interest from not only America but the world......and she thinks it is a clever idea to offend half if not more of the know, the ones paying her salary? The left wing......not very smart....
She wuill let the world know that all of America does not support Trump who is disliked around the globe.

Yes......she is in a sport the entire world thinks is a joke....

U.S. soccer stars embarrass themselves at Women's World Cup

Yesterday at the Women’s World Cup, the U.S. defeated Thailand 13-0. The lopsidedness of the result is further proof that the tournament is a second rate sporting event.

Soccer is the world’s game, but women’s soccer is not. Not many countries take women’s soccer seriously and, with the possible exception of the U.S., those that do don’t take it nearly as seriously as they take men’s soccer.

Hence, mismatches like the U.S.-Thailand farce. There just aren’t enough competent women’s teams in some continents to make up a strong world cup field.

At the real World Cup, a mismatch like yesterday’s is nearly impossible. If the best men’s team from Europe or South America played the worst team from Asia or North America, one would expect a 4-6 goal margin of victory. 13-0 is unheard of.
Are the revenue streams for Men's and Women's Soccer equal?

Nope. Equal pay for equal work is the point I made. A simple solution but one which will never occur would be to combine the total revenue from the Men's and Women's revenue, and then pay the individual teams the same percentage by their finish.

So the Women need to be subsidized?

So much for equality.....

So many times progressives rant for equality, what they really want is favoritism.

How about you go by the other progressive playbook and force people to attend and pay for Women's matches?
A winning women's team gathers more support than a losing men's team.

Got numbers to back that up?

Common sense. A losing team gets little press. A winning team is in the compertition longer & is more reported pn.

If you want numbers, look them up yourself.

How many cups have the men won? Women have 3 championships.

"Press" does not equal revenue.

Revenue is what determines salaries.
What is wrong with telling Trump fuck you? Americans are supposed to be free.
She’s just not very bright. When you protest the anthem or the American flag you protest your right to protest.
They are not protesting the anthem or the flag.

Donald Trump stands before our flag & lies to the American people. You love it.

Donald Trump pissed on our veterans & you loved it.

So cit the crap about an athlete protesting on the world stage about the failures of our country with police brutality, bigotry, racism, etc.
I figure when a player represents the USA they should put their politics temporarily in their rear view mirror.

I think this woman should be sent home till she learns how to conduct herself properly.
I figure when a player represents the USA they should put their politics temporarily in their rear view mirror.

I think this woman should be sent home till she learns how to conduct herself properly.

Nothing more patriotic, more in tune with the American tradition, than dissent. Go team!
I figure when a player represents the USA they should put their politics temporarily in their rear view mirror.

I think this woman should be sent home till she learns how to conduct herself properly.

Nothing more patriotic, more in tune with the American tradition, than dissent. Go team!
You can dissent on your own time. Showing your ass to the world is merely a juvenile attempt to embarrass your country. It has no place in international sports. Maybe she can defect and do us all a favor like Russians and East Germans did in the 70s and 80s. They had reason to act up. Nope. She's just a hateful bitch only thinking of herself
You can dissent on your own time.

You seem to be missing the point of 'dissent'.

Showing your ass to the world is merely a juvenile attempt to embarrass your country. It has no place in international sports. Maybe she can defect and do us all a favor like Russians and East Germans did in the 70s and 80s. She's just a hateful bitch only thinking of herself

LOL - sure man. "Showing your ass to the world" is as American as apple pie. :) It's what we do.
I'm curious if anyone calling the US Women's team classless has any idea how long and hard they trained. How much stress and how many sleepless nights occur for probably everyone involved. How much sacrifice they endure, not only for the players and coaches, but for the family members as well. This is their games biggest stage. When the moment arrives and your team is playing this well is hard to not let the emotions flow.

At 5-0 second half you back pass, eat clock. IMVHO

Goal differential is part of the tie breaker. They have to keep scoring. What if they tie Sweden and Sweden beats Thailand 8-0 because they didn't eat clock?
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration
She forgets to mention that she's protesting Trump because she's a lesbo.

Trump said he wasn't touching same sex marriage. So what does she think she's protesting?
You mean she should believe Trump. You have got to be kidding.

He said he would repeal Obamacare. “You can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.” -Didn't happen and not happening.

"Mexico will pay for the wall." Didn't happen and not happening. Trump stole the money from other programs.

Trump promised to raise taxes on the rich; as president, he promised tax changes that at a minimum wouldn’t benefit the rich. He did the very opposite.

Trump promised to break up America’s largest banks by reinstated old Glass-Steagall regulations that prevented financial conglomerates from operating in multiple lines of business. Didn't happen and not going to happen.

Trump promised to control prices on prescription drugs. Didn't happen.

Trump promised to “take the oil” from Iraq to reduce the financial burden of US military policy. Didn't happen.

Trump promised many times that he would release his tax returns and promised to put his wealth into a blind trust. Well, this might be true, providing a federal court orders him to do so.

Trump promised a $1 trillion infrastructure package. Nope

Couple the above with the 9471, false statements, misleading claims, and out right lies, why should she or anyone else believe anything he says. As one of his investors said, "Forget about what Trump says, you can trust Trump to do what he is legally bound to do, never what he says he will do.

The biggest lie Trump tells is that he’s kept his promises

Nice job cherry picking bullshIt and avoiding the original point. He has not touched same sex just like he said he wouldn't. I win.
I figure when a player represents the USA they should put their politics temporarily in their rear view mirror.

I think this woman should be sent home till she learns how to conduct herself properly.

When Trump leaves politics at home on his foreign travels, let me know. Until then, STFU.

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