US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

Nope. Equal pay for equal work is the point I made. A simple solution but one which will never occur would be to combine the total revenue from the Men's and Women's revenue, and then pay the individual teams the same percentage by their finish.

So the Women need to be subsidized?

So much for equality.....

So many times progressives rant for equality, what they really want is favoritism.

How about you go by the other progressive playbook and force people to attend and pay for Women's matches?
A winning women's team gathers more support than a losing men's team.

Got numbers to back that up?

Common sense. A losing team gets little press. A winning team is in the compertition longer & is more reported pn.

If you want numbers, look them up yourself.

How many cups have the men won? Women have 3 championships.

"Press" does not equal revenue.

Revenue is what determines salaries.

Exposure => more revenue.

Losing doesn't help.
Just a few. It's not just me.
Super! Good for you and some smattering of veterans.
The NFL and their issues are nothing like Rapinoe and her egocentric pouting.
Rapinoe represents a nation as a member of the US women's soccer team and that nation is filled with people of all sorts of political viewpoints.

Too bad she, and you, are too dimwitted and self obsessed to realize that.

She's welcome to her views but not on team time.
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What does the national anthem have to do with the President?

How many conservatives knelt during the anthem to protest Obama?

Trump used the flag and national anthem as political pawns.

"Trump: NFL players who don't stand during National Anthem maybe 'shouldn't be in the country'"

Wrong, the assholes protesting the anthem did that. All President Trump did was give his opinion about them which is in line with the vast majority of America.

exactly. The crisis with NFL players disrespecting veterans and the Middle Class by kneeling during "The Star Spangled Banner" started before the Trumpster even took the oath of office
I have news. The protest of the NFL players kneeling had nothing to do with the flag or the military because neither are the ones backing police brutality. The flag stands for equality & the right to not to get gunned down by the police or get beat up for insufficient cause. THAT is what the flag stands for.

And if you voted for and/or support Trump, you don't support our veterans or our military.

That's your opinion, dave. And I can appreciate that. But President Trump has a different view of it, so you should really sit down, listen to and consider the opinions of your betters.
And we should care about donnie's view....why? This is a creep who's view on how to treat women is to grab them by the pussy. Hard pass, folks!
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

What will be awesome is when America’s female soccer team plays another team that dust stomps their ass’s and spikes the ball in their face with every goal. It’s only a matter of time before that happens.

Their running up the score was classless, and probably karma is somewhere out there waiting for a chance to strike.
Total win margin is a tie breaker.

Yes but 13-0 ? Come on !
You know Sweden gets a shot at Thailand in pool play too, and number of goals count bigly if a tie. What if the US pulled back and let's say they took pity on Thailand and the final score was 5-0...then the US and Sweden play to a tie...then Sweden kicks Thailand's ass 10-0...guess who wins the pool. ain't the US.
I have news. The protest of the NFL players kneeling had nothing to do with the flag or the military because neither are the ones backing police brutality. The flag stands for equality & the right to not to get gunned down by the police or get beat up for insufficient cause. THAT is what the flag stands for.

And if you voted for and/or support Trump, you don't support our veterans or our military.
Jibberish nonsense. There IS NO police brutality, to any significant degree. That was a con job scam/ruse, set up by Obama, Sharpton and other race hustlers, to gin up black votes during the 2016 election.

And the idea of blacks being oppressed in America is ludicrous, while blacks have been first in line for jobs, promotions, college aid, etc,etc, from affirmative action for 50+ years. If any race has been oppressed, it's whites and Asians.

The protest of the NFL players kneeling had EVERYTHING to do with the flag and the military, because military is where they both originate from and are part & parcel to. NA comes from a War of 1812 naval battle.

This doesn't change just because a bunch if ignorant young fools choose to rearrange it to their own specifications.
"there is no police brutality" real point taking you seriously after that comment.
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

So you disagree with ppl and their right to disagree with the Trump administration?

Great. Go big government group think :(
How many unarmed black men do police need to kill or beat bcfore you would giver a shit?

NOw you raise your racist head., I hate racist people. They are ignorant, uneducated fools.

There is no law that bsack people are first in line. Are you this fucking stupid?

Did you vote Trump. If yes, STFU about the military
1. Don't try to throw that propaganda BS on me, you idiot. The only ones killing blacks are other blacks.

2. Never heard of Affirmative Action huh ? God, these liberals are ignorant. Most information-deprived airheads in America.

3. Still trying to hide behind the race card ? It died out in 1994, with the OJ Simpson trial. (they don't know ANYTHING) :rolleyes:

4. Yes I voted for Trump, and no I wont shut up about the military which I have 2 honorable discharges from, and which Trump has brought back to full strength, after it was weakend by Obama.

5. Unarmed has nothing to do with it. The fact that you say that is another example of liberal ignorance about cops and guns,which liberal "educators" fail to educate about, because they know nothing about the subject.
"The only ones killing blacks are other blacks." Yep...let's take this guy seriously, folks. :71:
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?

What you dob;t get is that there were lots of people who received deferments.

Why Trump's stands out is this:
1) Fake doctors excuse because his daddy had money
2) Trump's trashing of those that did serve.
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?

What you dob;t get is that there were lots of people who received deferments.

Why Trump's stands out is this:
1) Fake doctors excuse because his daddy had money
2) Trump's trashing of those that did serve.

Biden had fake asthma........his political party trashes the U.S. military daily, while Trump trashed John McCain, a real asshole....

What will be awesome is when America’s female soccer team plays another team that dust stomps their ass’s and spikes the ball in their face with every goal. It’s only a matter of time before that happens.

Their running up the score was classless, and probably karma is somewhere out there waiting for a chance to strike.
Total win margin is a tie breaker.

Yes but 13-0 ? Come on !
You know Sweden gets a shot at Thailand in pool play too, and number of goals count bigly if a tie. What if the US pulled back and let's say they took pity on Thailand and the final score was 5-0...then the US and Sweden play to a tie...then Sweden kicks Thailand's ass 10-0...guess who wins the pool. ain't the US.


But consider this, Thai chicks are very wee compared to American broads. American women are among the world's best fed, so it really isn't a fair competition. Further, a lot number of American dames are "BINO"'s, Broads in Name Only.

Actually just dudes who "identify" as women. How can tiny Thai girls compete with those amazons pumped up with testosterone? Remember how East Germany used to dominate women's sports?
are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?
He claimed asthma as a reason why he couldn't join the military. Joe Biden has a draft evasion problem. REPORT: Joe Biden Has a Major Draft Evasion Problem
The article is bullshit because Trump participated in sports in prep school & this guy claimed he didn't.

You can play sports with asthma. It takes control with medications. Probably why they were not good for military service.
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.
And to think they called us patriots a bunch of baby-killers back in Vietnam.
Jeeses.......can't win for losing when it comes to the left. Their arguments flip-flop like pancakes.
How many unarmed black men do police need to kill or beat bcfore you would giver a shit?

NOw you raise your racist head., I hate racist people. They are ignorant, uneducated fools.

There is no law that bsack people are first in line. Are you this fucking stupid?

Did you vote Trump. If yes, STFU about the military
1. Don't try to throw that propaganda BS on me, you idiot. The only ones killing blacks are other blacks.

2. Never heard of Affirmative Action huh ? God, these liberals are ignorant. Most information-deprived airheads in America.

3. Still trying to hide behind the race card ? It died out in 1994, with the OJ Simpson trial. (they don't know ANYTHING) :rolleyes:

4. Yes I voted for Trump, and no I wont shut up about the military which I have 2 honorable discharges from, and which Trump has brought back to full strength, after it was weakend by Obama.

5. Unarmed has nothing to do with it. The fact that you say that is another example of liberal ignorance about cops and guns,which liberal "educators" fail to educate about, because they know nothing about the subject.
"The only ones killing blacks are other blacks." Yep...let's take this guy seriously, folks. :71:

If a black guy gets shot in America, the overwhelming odds are that it was by another black guy.

Those who saw the cinematic classic "The Black Gestapo" might get the impression that Honky gangsters are responsible for the shootings and other crimes in Watts and other American ghettos. But that's absolutely not true. That's just a movie
The article is bullshit because Trump participated in sports in prep school & this guy claimed he didn't.

You can play sports with asthma. It takes control with medications. Probably why they were not good for military service.
Biden says he was on the University of Delaware football team. Try again.

If you can play sports with the help of medication you can also sit at a desk as a member of the Army and serve the country. Quite hiding Joe behind your skirts.
are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?
He claimed asthma as a reason why he couldn't join the military. Joe Biden has a draft evasion problem. REPORT: Joe Biden Has a Major Draft Evasion Problem
The article is bullshit because Trump participated in sports in prep school & this guy claimed he didn't.

You can play sports with asthma. It takes control with medications. Probably why they were not good for military service.

Yes.......denial isn't just a river in Egypt when you take the word of a serial plagiarist, Joe Biden, who lies about how his wife and daughter died, blaming an innocent man for political gain, and then think he is telling the truth about his asthma to get out of the war....

You are an idiot...
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?

What you dob;t get is that there were lots of people who received deferments.

Why Trump's stands out is this:
1) Fake doctors excuse because his daddy had money
2) Trump's trashing of those that did serve.

Biden had fake asthma........his political party trashes the U.S. military daily, while Trump trashed John McCain, a real asshole....

Show me where Democrats trashed the service of vets.

Just because Trimp was too inept to craft a healthcare pan that McCain could accpt, does NOT detract from the fact he is a hero.

Trump also trashed all POWs. He trashed Gold Star families.

And assfuck, piece of shit you agree with him.

I see you &b Trtum po both trash veterans.

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