US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

The article is bullshit because Trump participated in sports in prep school & this guy claimed he didn't.

You can play sports with asthma. It takes control with medications. Probably why they were not good for military service.
Biden says he was on the University of Delaware football team. Try again.

If you can play sports with the help of medication you can also sit at a desk as a member of the Army and serve the country. Quite hiding Joe behind your skirts.
Did the military accept people with asthma that was controlled by medication? Do they today?

Back in the day, they were a lot more particular about whom they accepted.

Nowadays, they accept open and flamboyant She-Males. In Biden's day, they never would have. That's why Jamie Farr was so intent on trying to portray himself as a gender bender during the Korean War. He knew it would be a ticket out of there, back in the day. During the Obama Regime, Farr would have had to find a different way of scamming a discharge and wearing women's clothes was acceptable under Obama
So the Women need to be subsidized?

So much for equality.....

So many times progressives rant for equality, what they really want is favoritism.

How about you go by the other progressive playbook and force people to attend and pay for Women's matches?
A winning women's team gathers more support than a losing men's team.

Got numbers to back that up?

Common sense. A losing team gets little press. A winning team is in the compertition longer & is more reported pn.

If you want numbers, look them up yourself.

How many cups have the men won? Women have 3 championships.

"Press" does not equal revenue.

Revenue is what determines salaries.

Exposure => more revenue.

Losing doesn't help.

When the women's game pulls in as much $$ as the men's game, they can make as much as the men.

Until then they are shit out of luck.

It is possible theoretically, Women's tennis is just as big as a revenue draw as men's tennis.

The only other sport where it might be close is professional bowling, but those guys and gals only play for a few grand (or 10's of grands) a tourney.
The article is bullshit because Trump participated in sports in prep school & this guy claimed he didn't.

You can play sports with asthma. It takes control with medications. Probably why they were not good for military service.
Biden says he was on the University of Delaware football team. Try again.

If you can play sports with the help of medication you can also sit at a desk as a member of the Army and serve the country. Quite hiding Joe behind your skirts.
Did the military accept people with asthma that was controlled by medication? Do they today?

Back in the day, they were a lot more particular about whom they accepted.

Nowadays, they accept open and flamboyant She-Males. In Biden's day, they never would have. That's why Jamie Farr was so intent on trying to portray himself as a gender bender during the Korean War. He knew it would be a ticket out of there, back in the day. During the Obama Regime, Farr would have had to find a different way of scamming a discharge and wearing women's clothes was acceptable under Obama
Got that link to Clinton trashing Bush Sr and Dole's WWII service yet?
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

Good for her!
The article is bullshit because Trump participated in sports in prep school & this guy claimed he didn't.

You can play sports with asthma. It takes control with medications. Probably why they were not good for military service.
Biden says he was on the University of Delaware football team. Try again.

If you can play sports with the help of medication you can also sit at a desk as a member of the Army and serve the country. Quite hiding Joe behind your skirts.

Quit running from you agreement with Trump that McCain was no hero

McCain was a hero. I didn't agree with him much of the time, and I would have never voted for him in a primary, but given the choice between him and most Dimocrats, I would have plugged my nose and voted for him in a general election.
She ain’t American, f women’s soccer.. she’s a great ambassador to the sport. Give the middle finger to most Americans..
She certain is an American. She was born and raised in the US. I think she's speaking for about 70% of American women who hate Trump.
The 70% of women who are self-respecting. I mean, really....what self-respecting woman would accept someone who brags that they can come up and grab any woman by the pussy "and they let me".....absolutely no self-respecting women would let that slide.
90% of daily sexual assaults rapes, inappropriate conduct rape music etc are done in democrat run towns .. not republican
A winning women's team gathers more support than a losing men's team.

Got numbers to back that up?

Common sense. A losing team gets little press. A winning team is in the compertition longer & is more reported pn.

If you want numbers, look them up yourself.

How many cups have the men won? Women have 3 championships.

"Press" does not equal revenue.

Revenue is what determines salaries.

Exposure => more revenue.

Losing doesn't help.

When the women's game pulls in as much $$ as the men's game, they can make as much as the men.

Until then they are shit out of luck.

It is possible theoretically, Women's tennis is just as big as a revenue draw as men's tennis.

The only other sport where it might be close is professional bowling, but those guys and gals only play for a few grand (or 10's of grands) a tourney.
Marty, quit being such as ass. How much does the US women soccer team pull in compared to the US men's team?

"I also don’t want to hear another word about the bigger size of revenue in the men’s World Cup. You think American networks and corporations are paying large rights fees and sponsorship deals for a USA men’s team that couldn’t even qualify for the World Cup field and hasn’t won an Olympic medal since 1904? You think Fox and ESPN got into a bidding war for the English language rights to the 2018 and 2022 World Cups all for a men’s squad that gets whipped by Venezuela?

No. The women’s program is the entire backbone and inspiriting force of soccer in the United States — and has been since 1996. “A crown jewel” is what one Fox executive called its telecast of this women’s tournament."

"You think Nike committed $120 million to U.S. Soccer back in 1997 because of a men’s team that finished 10th in the Atlanta Olympics with a 1-1-1 record? Or do you think the company’s interest had something to do, just maybe, with Mia Hamm and Julie Foudy and Michelle Akers commanding an audience of 90,000 at the Rose Bowl and 40 million on TV?

w to fully embrace soccer. The world has been slow to embrace the women’s game. Over the past two decades, only one team has converted both audiences. Pay them for it.
She ain’t American, f women’s soccer.. she’s a great ambassador to the sport. Give the middle finger to most Americans..
She certain is an American. She was born and raised in the US. I think she's speaking for about 70% of American women who hate Trump.
The 70% of women who are self-respecting. I mean, really....what self-respecting woman would accept someone who brags that they can come up and grab any woman by the pussy "and they let me".....absolutely no self-respecting women would let that slide.
90% of daily sexual assaults rapes, inappropriate conduct rape music etc are done in democrat run towns .. not republican
And....let's see the link to that.
Given the reaction of the conservative set above, there is no doubt that misogyny and hypocrisy are at work here.

This set has no moral compass and consistently attacks peaceful protesters, demeaning their character and the intelligence of any who hold views once thought tossed onto the trash heap of history.

For the record, these pseudo conservatives have moved far to the right and are radicals who do not reflect the ethos and fundamentals of life in America.

Best to call them what they are, and what they represent, a set of reactionary losers who fear and hate the fact that women and minorities are claiming equal rights and equal opportunities - and succeeding!

Given the reaction of the conservative set above, there is no doubt that misogyny and hypocrisy are at work here.

This set has no moral compass and consistently attacks peaceful protesters, demeaning their character and the intelligence of any who hold views once thought tossed onto the trash heap of history.

For the record, these pseudo conservatives have moved far to the right and are radicals who do not reflect the ethos and fundamentals of life in America.

Best to call them what they are, and what they represent, a set of reactionary losers who fear and hate the fact that women and minorities are claiming equal rights and equal opportunities - and succeeding!

Postscript: Yes this post is on topic, and those who find it funny know who they are, but will never admit what they are.
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

Trump Humpers are the biggest hypocrites running.
Given the reaction of the conservative set above, there is no doubt that misogyny and hypocrisy are at work here.

This set has no moral compass and consistently attacks peaceful protesters, demeaning their character and the intelligence of any who hold views once thought tossed onto the trash heap of history.

For the record, these pseudo conservatives have moved far to the right and are radicals who do not reflect the ethos and fundamentals of life in America.

Best to call them what they are, and what they represent, a set of reactionary losers who fear and hate the fact that women and minorities are claiming equal rights and equal opportunities - and succeeding!

Oh good lord.
If this were a white male I would feel exactly the same way !
When a player is on a sports team, especially in this case where it's a national team, and they publicly say they'll likely never place their hand over their heart and sing the National Anthem again, I will criticize regardless of their gender or race.
Given the reaction of the conservative set above, there is no doubt that misogyny and hypocrisy are at work here.

This set has no moral compass and consistently attacks peaceful protesters, demeaning their character and the intelligence of any who hold views once thought tossed onto the trash heap of history.

For the record, these pseudo conservatives have moved far to the right and are radicals who do not reflect the ethos and fundamentals of life in America.

Best to call them what they are, and what they represent, a set of reactionary losers who fear and hate the fact that women and minorities are claiming equal rights and equal opportunities - and succeeding!

Postscript: Yes this post is on topic, and those who find it funny know who they are, but will never admit what they are.

Responding to yourself, is never a good take.
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?

How many veterans has Biden attacked?
Given the reaction of the conservative set above, there is no doubt that misogyny and hypocrisy are at work here.

This set has no moral compass and consistently attacks peaceful protesters, demeaning their character and the intelligence of any who hold views once thought tossed onto the trash heap of history.

For the record, these pseudo conservatives have moved far to the right and are radicals who do not reflect the ethos and fundamentals of life in America.

Best to call them what they are, and what they represent, a set of reactionary losers who fear and hate the fact that women and minorities are claiming equal rights and equal opportunities - and succeeding!

Postscript: Yes this post is on topic, and those who find it funny know who they are, but will never admit what they are.

Responding to yourself, is never a good take.
Postscripts are bad now?
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

Trump Humpers are the biggest hypocrites running.

Nah that's you Ears mouth ringers
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?

How many veterans has Biden attacked?
I honestly haven't heard of any but am open to someone providing examples.....just like I am still waiting for evidence that B. Clinton attacked Bush Sr. and Dole for their WWII service.
How many unarmed black men do police need to kill or beat bcfore you would giver a shit?

NOw you raise your racist head., I hate racist people. They are ignorant, uneducated fools.

There is no law that bsack people are first in line. Are you this fucking stupid?

Did you vote Trump. If yes, STFU about the military
1. Don't try to throw that propaganda BS on me, you idiot. The only ones killing blacks are other blacks.

2. Never heard of Affirmative Action huh ? God, these liberals are ignorant. Most information-deprived airheads in America.

3. Still trying to hide behind the race card ? It died out in 1994, with the OJ Simpson trial. (they don't know ANYTHING) :rolleyes:

4. Yes I voted for Trump, and no I wont shut up about the military which I have 2 honorable discharges from, and which Trump has brought back to full strength, after it was weakend by Obama.

5. Unarmed has nothing to do with it. The fact that you say that is another example of liberal ignorance about cops and guns,which liberal "educators" fail to educate about, because they know nothing about the subject.
"The only ones killing blacks are other blacks." Yep...let's take this guy seriously, folks. :71:

If a black guy gets shot in America, the overwhelming odds are that it was by another black guy.

Same can be said of a white guy.
Those who saw the cinematic classic "The Black Gestapo" might get the impression that Honky gangsters are responsible for the shootings and other crimes in Watts and other American ghettos. But that's absolutely not true. That's just a movie


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