US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

When Trump leaves politics at home on his foreign travels, let me know. Until then, STFU.
What does the national anthem have to do with the President?

How many conservatives knelt during the anthem to protest Obama?
They didn't have to.

They just all claimed he wasn't born in America.
I figure when a player represents the USA they should put their politics temporarily in their rear view mirror.

I think this woman should be sent home till she learns how to conduct herself properly.
Rapinoe represents the entire nation as a member of the US women's soccer team.
That means Trump lovers, Trump haters and everyone in between. Therefor her personal feelings should not
come onto the playing field which is where everyone has an interest.

This has to be the last word on the subject. It's fair, it's sensible and it doesn't favor one side over the other (leftist moonbats notwithstanding).
I figure when a player represents the USA they should put their politics temporarily in their rear view mirror.

I think this woman should be sent home till she learns how to conduct herself properly.
Rapinoe represents the entire nation as a member of the US women's soccer team.
That means Trump lovers, Trump haters and everyone in between. Therefor her personal feelings should not
come onto the playing field which is where everyone has an interest.

This has to be the last word on the subject. It's fair, it's sensible and it doesn't favor one side over the other (leftist moonbats notwithstanding).

Unfortunately, for your last word ambitions, soccer players aren't slaves and get to make their own decisions (some of them are leftist moonbats!).
Rapinoe represents the entire nation as a member of the US women's soccer team.
That means Trump lovers, Trump haters and everyone in between. Therefor her personal feelings should not
come onto the playing field which is where everyone has an interest.

This has to be the last word on the subject. It's fair, it's sensible and it doesn't favor one side over the other (leftist moonbats notwithstanding).
I wish our current POTUS recognized the concept you are trying to convey.
I wish our current POTUS recognized the concept you are trying to convey.
I wish Megan Rapinoe would. Turning around and pointing a finger at Trump is childish and cowardly, at best.
He's not a member of the US women's soccer team.
Rapinoe's dissatisfaction with Trump should be confined to off field moments.
Unfortunately, for your last word ambitions, soccer players aren't slaves and get to make their own decisions (some of them are leftist moonbats!).
Yeah, I somehow understand this is not China where all behavior is dictated.
It would be nice if Rapinoe could have a nano second of self awareness and realize she is not the center of the universe and she represents ALL US soccer fans....not just the ones who reject the President of the USA.
Agreed....and our veterans are NOT low-info voters like many of donnie's deplorables are. They KNOW that Americans have the right to stand or kneel for the Anthem. They KNOW they've fought for the right to make a free choice. Military members and veterans are not pearl clutching snowflakes.
WE veterans stand for the national anthem, period. It is only Libby loon America haters who don't
And that is your choice as it is my choice. Real veterans don't cry and clutch their pearls if others choose not to.

REAL veteran being the keywords. LMAO
Of course, thus my comment.
Rapinoe represents the entire nation as a member of the US women's soccer team.
That means Trump lovers, Trump haters and everyone in between. Therefor her personal feelings should not
come onto the playing field which is where everyone has an interest.

This has to be the last word on the subject. It's fair, it's sensible and it doesn't favor one side over the other (leftist moonbats notwithstanding).
I wish our current POTUS recognized the concept you are trying to convey.

He does. He is doing the right things to benefit all Americans. He is a very supportive, patriotic person that believes in the true greatness of the United States.

How do you think he is conveying he hates America like this attention whore Lesbian?
She hates Trump, not her country.

It's hard for me to tell that when she shIts on the anthem which was written long before Trump was born and something that is supposed to unite Americans, even if for a brief moment. I stood for the anthem during the Obama years. It didn't mean I liked Obama. It meant I am an American. Seems to me she hates her country.
See? When one equates kneeling with shitting.....we know we are dealing with a donnie deplorable level of intellect. Perfect for donnie.

Even after 2 and a half years you're still butt-hurt over the loss. Sucks to be you. LOL
:71: Even after 2 and a half years, donnie's deplorables keep bringing up H. Clinton. Have we ever had the "winners" of a Presidential election do that before? What terrifies donnie and his deplorables so much?

There's a good chance we'll keep bringing it up until 2024! Haha! you think the Russian fix is in for 2020, eh?
Fucking bitch.

U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe says she’s a “walking protest” when it comes to the Trump administration, saying her decision to kneel during the national anthem is an "F you" to the White House.

"I feel like it's kind of defiance in and of itself to just be who I am and wear the jersey, and represent it," Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports. "Because I'm as talented as I am, I get to be here, you don't get to tell me if I can be here or not.”

US women's soccer player: My anthem protests are 'F you' to Trump administration

What will be awesome is when America’s female soccer team plays another team that dust stomps their ass’s and spikes the ball in their face with every goal. It’s only a matter of time before that happens.

Their running up the score was classless, and probably karma is somewhere out there waiting for a chance to strike.
This isn't AYSO...they don't get juice bags and orange slices at half time. You do realize that they are in the same pool at you think Sweden will let up when they play Thailand? Goals scored MEAN something.
Soccer is a commie sport so it is understandable that the shithead Americans that play that stupid boring game are also commies.
:71: Soccer (football) has been around a lot longer than Communism. :71: Low-info

Soccer sucks just like Communism, maybe even more if that is possible.
You know what's cool? No one forces you to watch it. Amazing.

I know. That is cool. Nobody stops me from bitching about the stupidity of the game either. Isn't that great?

And that is your choice as it is my choice. Real veterans don't cry and clutch their pearls if others choose not to.
Please don't pretend you speak for anyone other than yourself. Certainly not for other veterans, like myself.
A self absorbed malcontent like M. Rapino thinks her opinion is so vital and important that it takes precedence no matter where or when she expresses it.

She plays for the USA women's world cup soccer team. Not for herself. Her personal opinions should stay off the field.
An open letter from American military veterans in support of Colin Kaepernick

4 Veterans Respond to NFL National Anthem Protests

Veterans take a knee in support of national anthem protests

Majority of veterans think NFL players have right to protest, but 40 percent won't watch because of those protests

Just a few. It's not just me.
And now.....dodging the draft during Viet Nam was a good thing for CRCs......I wonder who went in place of donnie. I wonder if they survived intact.
They didn't have to. And dodging the draft during the Vietnam War isn't just a good thing "now". It was good THEN and now.
But kneeling to the Nat'l Anthem is bad.......oooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.
No she disrespects Trump, not the military or veterans.
NO. You cannot kneel at the flag and national anthem without disrespecting America, and all who have sacrificed for it. That has always been true, and still is.

The kneelers don't define and dictate the terms.
But dodging the draft by having rich daddy get a doctor to make up a fake handicap is patriotic as all get out.

are you talking about joe biden....who had the same number of deferments as Trump? And a fake medical condition too?

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