USA, 469 wars and interventions since 1798

After Trump came along republican policy on Ukraine has shifted to a decidedly pro-Russia stance. This might just be contrarianism against Biden but the end result is the same.
haha what are you talking about? obama stopped a missile defense plan, obama wouldn’t arm them, obama did nothing when putin invaded

trump armed them, trump directly called out Merkel on her partnership with putin, sanctioned their pipeline

xiden lifted those sanctions and froze military aid

these are facts
Russia is nuclear armed rogue state led by psychos and thieves. They will be treated as such until the day they decide they have finally had enough of Putin and the oligarchs robbing them blind and wasting soldiers on a stupid war.
Russia is a state that has suffered for eons with the globalists involved for their profits.
haha what are you talking about? obama stopped a missile defense plan, obama wouldn’t arm them, obama did nothing when putin invaded

trump armed them, trump directly called out Merkel on her partnership with putin, sanctioned their pipeline

xiden lifted those sanctions and froze military aid

these are facts
Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine into digging up dirt on Biden. After that failed the republicans have no interest in the continued existence of Ukraine as an independent state.
Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine into digging up dirt on Biden. After that failed the republicans have no interest in the continued existence of Ukraine as an independent state.
haha is that more adam shift parody?

meanwhile xiden froze trump military aid in order to help putin
Congressional Research Service:
The United States has unleashed 469 wars and interventions since 1798. On March 8, 2022, the Congressional Research Service published an exhaustive report on U.S. wars and military interventions around the world from 1798 to the present day.
It showed that in the period from 1991 to the present, 251 military interventions can be noted, the vast majority of which represent the illegal use of force by the United States
Blame the USA for the worlds ills thread #2,478,396
Congressional Research Service:
The United States has unleashed 469 wars and interventions since 1798. On March 8, 2022, the Congressional Research Service published an exhaustive report on U.S. wars and military interventions around the world from 1798 to the present day.
It showed that in the period from 1991 to the present, 251 military interventions can be noted, the vast majority of which represent the illegal use of force by the United States
look at the bright side Ringo, at least we're #1 at something......~S~
Congressional Research Service:
The United States has unleashed 469 wars and interventions since 1798. On March 8, 2022, the Congressional Research Service published an exhaustive report on U.S. wars and military interventions around the world from 1798 to the present day.
It showed that in the period from 1991 to the present, 251 military interventions can be noted, the vast majority of which represent the illegal use of force by the United States
Wait - warmongering is bad? :(
I don't hear America's MIC(Military Indu$trial Complex) complaining about D.C.'$ world cop program or the war$ it $tart$! "Ashes to ashes dust to dust if it wasn't for war$ the MIC'$ wallet$ would rust!"
^ Racist against the horrors of war.
NATO has worked for 30 years to encircle Russia with offensive weapons, showed in Yugoslavia in 1999 that it is ready to risk a world war, installed a fascist-fanatical regime in Kiev in 2014, which has been covering the east of Ukraine with war ever since, adopted a first-strike doctrine again in 2016 and has been threatening with nuclear weapons on a regular basis ever since.
The intervention of Russia on February 24, 2022 was an attempt at an emergency brake. To let them fail, Scholz, Baerbock, etc. are determined and ready for anything.
The world is in greater danger than in the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 or during the "retrofitting" in 1983. Voices of reason have nothing more to say in the West, only outside.
This proxy war was wanted, planned and deliberately provoked by the US and NATO since they installed a puppet pro-west and anti-Russia puppet government in Kiev, financed, armed and trained neonazi paramilitary militias to fight as proxies against Russia.
Since the dissolution of the URSS, the warmongers in Washington have been pushing for a military confront with Russia with the view of conquering the Eurasian landmass and plunder its strategic natural resources.

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