USA debt at 30 Trillion plus

you don't know that this was a team effort, you are badly misinformed.
We do know it was a bipartisan mistake

and we’re ready to begin fixing that mistake

but by your posts here its clear you are still playing the partisan blame game along with business as usual
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The debt kick off under bush but Xiden is going to beat them all combined
Republicans are the money printers, deficit inflation exploding & big spenders!

Democrats pay for spending with taxes & spending cuts that prevents deficits & inflation.

Republican president Nixon took the US Dollar off the Gold Standard because Republicans #1 Goal is to Print, Print, Print & Spend, Spend, Spend!!!

Destroying the US dollar is & has been the only goal of Republicans. The US Dollar is Government Stocks that's value is based on the full faith & credit of the US Government. 100% of Republican law makers signed Norquist no tax pledge to "shrink government and drown it in a bathtub". They never signed a pledge to shrink spending, they actually increase spending to explode debt to destroy government credit & US Dollar! Then they undermined our faith in the voting system & attacked the US Capitol to finish the job.
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Trump, Bush2 & Reagan Exploded Deficits! Trump Printed 5 Times More Money than all Presidents in History Combined!!!

Donald Trump: "I'm the king of Debt"... "I love Debt"... "I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal."

Gold was only $1,135 until Trump beat Hillary, then Trump's Deficits drove Gold to $2,035! Democrats are lowering Deficits, Gold & the Threat of Dollar Destroying Deficit Explosion.
We can all thank St Reagan for getting the debt ball rolling.
Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill tried to warn Republican Vice President Dick Cheney that his plan to explode budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. “You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don’t matter,”...“We won the midterms. This is our due.” A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.
Trump economy is worse than Carter! Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years. Republican President Trump created 6.6 million jobs prior to Covid, Now a -4.1 million jobs deficit.

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