USA food supply....

This food problem does worry me though. I am extremely poor, with no storage space, so. . . prepping is of a very limited use for me. Though I do have several books about identifying natural plants that are edible.

Don't let those factors stop you from taking care of you & yours.......there are ways of improving your situation in your circumstances. .

Is there a bird flu? Yes. Are chickens dying here and there, yes.

With that said, the global authorities are over-reacting, and using PCR tests, and testing flocks, and any flock that has even one positive test, the ENTIRE flock gets culled, corporate, and private stocks. It matters not if any chickens are allowed to get a little sick and/or die and get over this bug or not.

The shortage of chickens? Is purposely being engineered, b/c the paranoid health authorities are running scared, they have the world believing that a bird flu will wipe out the entire world. . . .

Biden pays farms to STOP - EU out of Feed - Meat taxes & Chicken permits - Up to you to GROW FOOD!​

But? The Gates foundation has already funded GoF research for a vaccine, so? What the hell are they worried about it jumping to humans? :dunno: Unless culling all the flocks is a plausible denial that they aren't the ones that are going to release the GoF virus to begin with? :eusa_think:

There is something going on. . . that I just haven't quite figured out. . . because they have already DONE the gain of function research on a bird flu cross over-virus for humans. I am pretty sure they are sitting on it, just waiting to release it, and by giving the COVID vaccine to everyone, it weakened everyone's background immunity in preparation for the release.

Scientists say an apocalyptic bird flu could wipe out half of humanity​

Highly contagious bird flu forces North Carolina to cancel poultry shows and public sales​

Genes That Made 1918 Flu Lethal Isolated​

UW-Madison receives $9.5 million Gates Foundation grant​

This is the push food shortages, increasing the cost of chicken and eggs, and makes plant based food products more desirable on the market. I think it is also a smoke screen, so that when they do release this pandemic, it will look like the establishment WAS trying to prevent it, so that folks will not suspect what they were up to, and after hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of folks die, they will demand vegan lifestyles, and an end to the use of meat based diets, rather than look at the true culprits.

Bird Flu: Another phony “pandemic”…this time for chickens​

my chickens are out back scratching ground and fucking. Sometimes they cut their eyes towards the ax and stump.
This seems to be a pattern.

The main source and investigative news guy I follow, calls it 5th gen. warfare, his hypothesis, is that WWIII started with 9/11, and the targets of that war? Are everyone, the little folks, the poor and middle class, just as Orwell and Huxley said it would be.

It is the mass media, in the hands of billionaire corporations and media oligarchs, they fool us into believing our leaders are working for our "nations," or political parties, when, in fact, the oligarchs of the individual nations have more in common with each other, and collectively work together now, at world conferences against their own citizens in a kind of, world confederacy, which, is definitely NOT in our interests.

We will be hearing more and more, in the coming months and years, about how they need to stop us communicating with each other, and having our own open source news organizations to spread the truth, as this become more and more apparent.

First it was an exaggerated plandemic, which, from all appearances, the Deep State helped engineer through "Gain of Function." Then they used that to manipulate voting procedures, using voting harvesting, and possibly even allowing for illegal non-citizen voting. Then they release prisoners and criminals from jail, and found a victim of police brutality, sensationalized it on TEE VEE, & encouraged rioting over months and months, set up on on-line psy-op to fool folks into thinking it was connected to Epstein, which was a disinfo campaign to trick folks into that Jan. 6th honey pot. . .

Everything has been. . . just a bazaar war upon the people. And I don't see it ending until they have completed their complete fourth industrial revolution. Even the war in Ukraine serves a purpose. . .

Interview 1722 - James Corbett Explains 5th-Generation Warfare

Corbett • 04/10/2022
"via Join Vermont Independent publisher Dr. Rob Williams and guest co-host Brandon Zollino for a conversation with researcher and journalist James Corbett about his new article, “Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare,” available at and The Corbett Report."

This food problem does worry me though. I am extremely poor, with no storage space, so. . . prepping is of a very limited use for me. Though I do have several books about identifying natural plants that are edible.

Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare

". . .No, the war I'm talking about is an even broader war. A war that is taking place everywhere on the globe, even as I write, and that involves virtually everyone on the planet, young and old, male and female, military and civilian. It is the war of every government against its own population and every international institution against free humanity.

This is no ordinary war, however. Most of the victims of this warfare aren't even able to identify it as war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it.

It's called fifth-generation warfare, and I'm here to tell you all about it. . . "



". . . In a nutshell, Lind et al.'s thesis is that the "modern age" of warfare began with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, which, Lind opines, "gave the state a monopoly on war." From that point on, modern warfare went through three generations, namely:

  • First-generation warfare: the tactics of line and column, developed in the era of the smoothbore musket;
  • Second-generation warfare: the tactics of indirect fire and mass movement, developed in the era of the rifled musket, breechloaders, barbed wire and the machine gun; and
  • Third-generation warfare: the tactics of nonlinear movement, including maneuver and infiltration, developed in response to the increase in battlefield firepower in WWI.
This, according to Lind and his co-authors, brought us to the late-20th century, when the nation-state began to lose its monopoly on war and military combat returned to a decentralized form. In this era—the era of fourth-generation warfare—the lines between "civilian" and "military" become blurred, armies tend to engage in counter-insurgency operations rather than military battles, and enemies are often motivated by ideology and religion, making psychological operations more important than ever. . . ."



". . . Thus, Richard Stengel—the former editor of Time who bestowed Time's person of the year (dis)honour on You! back in 2006—is happy to chair a Council on Foreign Relations conversation in which he defends the US government's use of propaganda against its own citizens. Or Hill & Knowlton—the PR firm hired by the Kuwaiti government to create the Nayirah deception in the First Gulf War—is retained by the WHO in 2020 to identify celebrity "influencers" who could be used to amplify the scamdemic messaging. Or the UK government's Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours outright admits that they use psychological techniques to manipulate the public into fearing the scamdemic, a move that some of the panel members called "totalitarian" . . . and no one bats an eyelid.

Perhaps the most insidious part of the fifth-generation infowar is that it has become so normalized that everyone knows it is happening, but no one thinks of it as warfare. Of course everything is "advertising" and "propaganda." And of course it's being used to manipulate our behaviour. That's just how the world works, isn't it? . . "



". . . And just in case you didn't get the point, you'll notice he illustrates his slide with an image of a human brain in the crosshairs of one of these neurological weapons. There's nothing hard to understand about the picture that is being painted here: we are at war with an enemy who is literally targeting our brains.

But yet again, it isn't just the literal use of neurological weapons by conventional militaries in conventional warfare settings that we—the largely unwitting combatants of the fifth-generation war on everyone—have to worry about. As my listeners already know, avowed technocrat Elon Musk is trying to sell his Neuralink brain chip technology to the hipster crowd as a cool and sexy way to upgrade your cognition . . . or so that the coming AI godhead will have mercy on us. Or something like that. Anyway, you should totally stick the Neuralink in your head at your earliest opportunity! And definitely don't ask any questions about why 15 of the 23 macaque monkeys that Neuralink was using as test animals in their "brain-machine interface" experiment have dropped dead.

To anyone not yet a victim of the information warfare operation designed to prepare humanity for the coming transhuman dystopia, all of this sounds insane.. . . "



". . . Yet, once again, if we are only thinking of biowarfare in conventional military terms, we neglect the much, much wider operation to manipulate, control and weaponize all aspects of our environment, our food supply and even our genome itself for the purposes of the ruling oligarchs. This fifth-generation biological warfare being waged against us includes:

I'm sure you can fill in the blanks with myriad other examples of the attacks upon the world's air, water and biome that constitute this unconstrained fifth-generation biological war being waged against us.. . . "



". . . This war, too, has its conventional aspects. On the 2D board, we've seen the NATO empire launch its Weapons of Financial Destruction at Russia in recent weeks, and, exactly as predicted, it has resulted in the consolidation of a convenient geopolitical bogeyman bloc and a gigantic loss of faith in the international monetary system itself. And, also as predicted, it has supplied the "Problem" and "Reaction" needed for the technocrats to present their pre-determined "Solution" of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Just ask Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock:

“The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies. Even before the war, several governments were looking to play a more active role in digital currencies and define the regulatory frameworks under which they operate."
This is not merely a battle between nation-states or even competing power blocs. This is a battle being waged by every authoritarian power structure and every government (but I repeat myself) against their own citizens for control of the most important resource of all: their wallets. . . "



". . . . This will require the long and difficult task of increasing our independence from the authoritarian systems in every domain: the information domain, the food domain, the health domain, the monetary domain, the mental domain and every other contested battlespace in this all-out, fifth-generation war.

Easier said than done, of course. But there is no alternative.

Some will say "But won't they come after that parallel society?" as if that is a rebuttal to what I have laid out here. The point is that you are already the target of the enemy in a war that most people but dimly understand is happening. Yes, the enemy will come after you. But they are already dominating you in more ways than any one person can fully understand. That does not stop just because you comply with their demands or take part in their system.

We must stop playing their game. We must stop fighting their war. We must stop ceding our power, our authority, our time, our attention, our energy and our resources to engaging the enemy in their terms in their battlefield.

We must create our own parallel society on our own terms.

And so we rediscover an old piece of wisdom. To paraphrase: "Fifth-generation warfare is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play."

War is over . . . if we want it."

Normally you can tell by the signs of the chicken and how it is acting.

So you did the proactive thing......just to keep it safe, right?

Then filled your freezer.......

Have you gotten new replacements yet? Or do you have enough flocks that you didn't need to? And don't forget, turkeys are also subject to the flu and being culled as well because of it. Gotta have that holiday bird, right?

And we all know why you don't experience any food shortages, because you grow all your own and that's great.......but you can't compare that to the rest of the country where many aren't able to for whatever reason............or make it sound like your 'stores' are fully stocked when you probably haven't bought much food from them to know

You can twist and turn it all you want, but in the end you know damned well it's deceiving.
So you did the proactive thing......just to keep it safe, right?

Then filled your freezer.......

Have you gotten new replacements yet? Or do you have enough flocks that you didn't need to? And don't forget, turkeys are also subject to the flu and being culled as well because of it. Gotta have that holiday bird, right?

And we all know why you don't experience any food shortages, because you grow all your own and that's great.......but you can't compare that to the rest of the country where many aren't able to for whatever reason............or make it sound like your 'stores' are fully stocked when you probably haven't bought much food from them to know

You can twist and turn it all you want, but in the end you know damned well it's deceiving.
Can't is a word that does nothing but keep the weak willed down.

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