USA Pressure to Accept Gays is Backfiring

Does it really matter who is pushing for those laws? It isn't like the US is going to say "it's wrong to punish homosexuals just for being homosexuals...wait, you mean Christians are making those laws? Why didn't you say so. Well, then by all means fuck those pillow biters."
I'm so proud to be a citizen of America, a country that spends millions to export faggotry And abortion to the African continent, where entire people's are in danger of disappearing off the face of the earth thanks to AIDs and genocide. Progressives are so awesome.

Because homosexuals, disease, and genocide were totally unknown in Africa before the US started saying "have you tried liberty?"
Does it really matter who is pushing for those laws? It isn't like the US is going to say "it's wrong to punish homosexuals just for being homosexuals...wait, you mean Christians are making those laws? Why didn't you say so. Well, then by all means fuck those pillow biters."
Yes it does matter. And we should stop importing and funding a deadly lifestyle. Let's spend that money on something our own mentally ill people. We could build a lot of funny farms to lock up dangerous lunatics with that money..And thus eliminate the issue of crazy ppl accessing weapons and shooting up advertised no gun zones.
I'm so proud to be a citizen of America, a country that spends millions to export faggotry And abortion to the African continent, where entire people's are in danger of disappearing off the face of the earth thanks to AIDs and genocide. Progressives are so awesome.

Because homosexuals, disease, and genocide were totally unknown in Africa before the US started saying "have you tried liberty?"
I don't blame them for making it illegal. What they should do is shoot the maggot foreigners who tell their mentally ill ppl that they have a right and obligation to spread AIDs.
Does it really matter who is pushing for those laws? It isn't like the US is going to say "it's wrong to punish homosexuals just for being homosexuals...wait, you mean Christians are making those laws? Why didn't you say so. Well, then by all means fuck those pillow biters."
Paraphrase: Muslims are pushing for those laws.
Not for nothing, b
When have you been stopped from saying anything you want?

I cannot even say what I want here.

Not for nothing, but this website is private property. You have no more right to say anything you want here than you do standing in someone's living room.

But the government can only restrict you in very narrow circumstances (can't cause a riot or panic, can't threaten someone, can't create child porn, etc...). That's the difference.

Doubleplusgood, brothers. I understand the chocolate ration will be increased one percent.
Well I suppose just don't be gay if you live in Nigeria.

Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
Well I suppose just don't be gay if you live in Nigeria.

Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
We just cannot run the world and tell every other country what laws to have. If Saudi Arabia wants to put Christians in prison or cut their heads off, don't go there.

Nigeria has already said that this punishment was at least partly caused by American imperialism, telling them what to do.

I cannot blame other nations for taking a stand against the homosexual activists. The people of those countries aren't going to permit there, what gays have done here.
Or Nigeria could join the civilized world and not jail people for what goes on behind bedroom doors. So long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, it shouldn't be a crime to have sex just because the neighbors don't like it.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
We just cannot run the world and tell every other country what laws to have. If Saudi Arabia wants to put Christians in prison or cut their heads off, don't go there.

Nigeria has already said that this punishment was at least partly caused by American imperialism, telling them what to do.

I cannot blame other nations for taking a stand against the homosexual activists. The people of those countries aren't going to permit there, what gays have done here.
So, by your standards, any repression anywhere is just the price of living on this planet and no moral authority should impose any justice. Germans were fine with murdering six million Jews. Nigerians are just fine persecuting Gays. Saudis are fine persecuting Christians. And brutal police tactics are fine when aimed at minorities here in America.

What are your moral standards? They seem to be the lowest recorded by someone who claims to love America.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
We just cannot run the world and tell every other country what laws to have. If Saudi Arabia wants to put Christians in prison or cut their heads off, don't go there.

Nigeria has already said that this punishment was at least partly caused by American imperialism, telling them what to do.

I cannot blame other nations for taking a stand against the homosexual activists. The people of those countries aren't going to permit there, what gays have done here.
So, by your standards, any repression anywhere is just the price of living on this planet and no moral authority should impose any justice. Germans were fine with murdering six million Jews. Nigerians are just fine persecuting Gays. Saudis are fine persecuting Christians. And brutal police tactics are fine when aimed at minorities here in America.

What are your moral standards? They seem to be the lowest recorded by someone who claims to love America.
You really think that the United States should go around the world imposing its moral authority on every other country.

Loving America isn't quite as uncomplicated as it used to be.

If this were not America but some other country half way around the world and that country was killing babies to sell their body parts, imposing perversion on the people and teaching it in schools, working to impoverish the people based on the hoax of global warming, had dissolved its borders in a zeal to import anyone willing to kill the citizens. No. I couldn't love a country that did that. If it was a country half way around the world, we should replace its leadership in regime change and start educating its people.
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
We just cannot run the world and tell every other country what laws to have. If Saudi Arabia wants to put Christians in prison or cut their heads off, don't go there.

Nigeria has already said that this punishment was at least partly caused by American imperialism, telling them what to do.

I cannot blame other nations for taking a stand against the homosexual activists. The people of those countries aren't going to permit there, what gays have done here.
So, by your standards, any repression anywhere is just the price of living on this planet and no moral authority should impose any justice. Germans were fine with murdering six million Jews. Nigerians are just fine persecuting Gays. Saudis are fine persecuting Christians. And brutal police tactics are fine when aimed at minorities here in America.

What are your moral standards? They seem to be the lowest recorded by someone who claims to love America.
You really think that the United States should go around the world imposing its moral authority on every other country.

Loving America isn't quite as uncomplicated as it used to be.

If this were not America but some other country half way around the world and that country was killing babies to sell their body parts, imposing perversion on the people and teaching it in schools, working to impoverish the people based on the hoax of global warming, had dissolved its borders in a zeal to import anyone willing to kill the citizens. No. I couldn't love a country that did that. If it was a country half way around the world, we should replace its leadership in regime change and start educating its people.
Your one dimensional partisan, well I guess I'll call it "thinking" has given you a skewed and warped perception of the world. You can be easily dismissed due to your lack of intellectual curiosity and depth.
Those, who invented political correctness, basically invented a good way to distract the population from the truth and reality. And now it seems like the population is getting pretty tired of it and wants actually to be able to see and to say the truth. Indeed, it's not right when the minorities control the majority.
Especially when there is no true protected class or minority. Behaviors cannot be a protected class. Otherwise the penal codes of each state cease to exist. In the name of equality, which minority behaviors repugnant to the majority are "more special" than others?

I've said this over and over and now we see it coming to fruition. It's why I said that the moment gays got protected status and the "right" to marry, polygamists and incest immediately got the same right. And if you disagree, please tell me in legal terms how that is not true: remembering the 14th Amendment and equal rights...
Not for nothing, but this website is private property. You have no more right to say anything you want here than you do standing in someone's living room.

A living room with its door and windows removed and wide open to any members of the public that wonder or dive by.

That you have to register and get an effective 'club membership' allows for a great deal of freedom, but there is always the limitations of the owners, and that is not protected by the Constitution.

It used to be protected by a common sense of what was acceptable and unacceptable, but since the Politically Correct ideologues shanghaied that concept to enforce Marxist social values, we have now become a stranger in our own homeland.

And what the owner appointed moderators dont suppress, the Sorosbot brigades jump on to ridicule and humiliate the new person who might want some place to say things that are on their minds, but get chased away with the harassment.

But the government can only restrict you in very narrow circumstances (can't cause a riot or panic, can't threaten someone, can't create child porn, etc...). That's the difference.

The idiots in the Michael Brown riots in the state of Misery, were they punished? Did Paula Deen or Phil Robertson threaten anyone? There is no objective standard about who can get harassed out of employment and have their careers turned into wreckage because censorship still exists but it has been privatized into the hands of Marxist ideologues.

If you are OK with that, fine, but realize that the left wont hold so much power in this nation forever and karma is a god damned bitchin whore.
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
We just cannot run the world and tell every other country what laws to have. If Saudi Arabia wants to put Christians in prison or cut their heads off, don't go there.

Nigeria has already said that this punishment was at least partly caused by American imperialism, telling them what to do.

I cannot blame other nations for taking a stand against the homosexual activists. The people of those countries aren't going to permit there, what gays have done here.
So, by your standards, any repression anywhere is just the price of living on this planet and no moral authority should impose any justice. Germans were fine with murdering six million Jews. Nigerians are just fine persecuting Gays. Saudis are fine persecuting Christians. And brutal police tactics are fine when aimed at minorities here in America.

What are your moral standards? They seem to be the lowest recorded by someone who claims to love America.
You really think that the United States should go around the world imposing its moral authority on every other country.

Loving America isn't quite as uncomplicated as it used to be.

If this were not America but some other country half way around the world and that country was killing babies to sell their body parts, imposing perversion on the people and teaching it in schools, working to impoverish the people based on the hoax of global warming, had dissolved its borders in a zeal to import anyone willing to kill the citizens. No. I couldn't love a country that did that. If it was a country half way around the world, we should replace its leadership in regime change and start educating its people.
Your one dimensional partisan, well I guess I'll call it "thinking" has given you a skewed and warped perception of the world. You can be easily dismissed due to your lack of intellectual curiosity and depth.
Yeah, because protecting the lives of innocent unborn babies is such a partisan issue today.

Lol, you ideological morons dont have a clue, do you? You just eat the shit they dish out to you and regurgitate it on command with the same talking point wordage every time.

The idiots in the Michael Brown riots in the state of Misery, were they punished? Did Paula Deen or Phil Robertson threaten anyone? There is no objective standard about who can get harassed out of employment and have their careers turned into wreckage because censorship still exists but it has been privatized into the hands of Marxist ideologues.

If you are OK with that, fine, but realize that the left wont hold so much power in this nation forever and karma is a god damned bitchin whore.

If the RNC is clever enough, they will begin to run more and more commercials about what the Church of LGBT has done to our legal system, gay pride parades, teaching anal sex in schools and forcing Christians to assimilate gay sex behaviors "as a class (just the Supreme Court's favorite of many other sex fetish behaviors), forcing adoption agencies to disgorge children of their gender to them...etc. And a few clips of the Pope directing good catholics to turn away from the gay sex cult... That will bring in enough middle votes to seal the deal.

All that's really left up to them now is to pick the right couple of people to be Pres & VP. BTW, trump is a RINO, placed on purpose to try to divide the GOP vote. I believe he was purchased by LGBT activists to fill that role. The RNC needs to act quickly to pluck him out. The longer they wait on this, the more fresh Trump's vengeful "rightful indignance" will ring in the ears of the middle idiots who are unknowingly supporting him right now..
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
We just cannot run the world and tell every other country what laws to have. If Saudi Arabia wants to put Christians in prison or cut their heads off, don't go there.

Nigeria has already said that this punishment was at least partly caused by American imperialism, telling them what to do.

I cannot blame other nations for taking a stand against the homosexual activists. The people of those countries aren't going to permit there, what gays have done here.
So, by your standards, any repression anywhere is just the price of living on this planet and no moral authority should impose any justice. Germans were fine with murdering six million Jews. Nigerians are just fine persecuting Gays. Saudis are fine persecuting Christians. And brutal police tactics are fine when aimed at minorities here in America.

What are your moral standards? They seem to be the lowest recorded by someone who claims to love America.
You really think that the United States should go around the world imposing its moral authority on every other country.

Loving America isn't quite as uncomplicated as it used to be.

If this were not America but some other country half way around the world and that country was killing babies to sell their body parts, imposing perversion on the people and teaching it in schools, working to impoverish the people based on the hoax of global warming, had dissolved its borders in a zeal to import anyone willing to kill the citizens. No. I couldn't love a country that did that. If it was a country half way around the world, we should replace its leadership in regime change and start educating its people.
Your one dimensional partisan, well I guess I'll call it "thinking" has given you a skewed and warped perception of the world. You can be easily dismissed due to your lack of intellectual curiosity and depth.
The world is rejecting the American morality of gay equality. That's not a perception of the world. That's acceptance that we can't tell the world what to do.
When have you been stopped from saying anything you want?
Right here on this web site. Go ahead and try and type the word N!gger, even if you are joking around. Nope, no cigar.

Our nation has lost all sense of humor. There is a governor on this site that automatically censors all sort of things you can type, and that applies to the real world.

Some things you can say in polite society, some things you can't. As a nation, we have lost our sense of ownership, our personal sense of self-esteem and we have VERY THIN skin.

I don't hardly spend any time on FB, but I have some friends that do. They tell me you can type things like "cock sucking mother fucker". . . but you can't call someone a "whiny faggot", or a "dumb n1gger," you're likely to get the post reported and have it yanked. I'm not sure if that's true, but that is what I have been told.

Quit whining.
When have you been stopped from saying anything you want?
Right here on this web site. Go ahead and try and type the word N!gger, even if you are joking around. Nope, no cigar.

Our nation has lost all sense of humor. There is a governor on this site that automatically censors all sort of things you can type, and that applies to the real world.

Some things you can say in polite society, some things you can't. As a nation, we have lost our sense of ownership, our personal sense of self-esteem and we have VERY THIN skin.

I don't hardly spend any time on FB, but I have some friends that do. They tell me you can type things like "cock sucking mother fucker". . . but you can't call someone a "whiny faggot", or a "dumb n1gger," you're likely to get the post reported and have it yanked. I'm not sure if that's true, but that is what I have been told.

Quit whining.
Not whining.
The idiots in the Michael Brown riots in the state of Misery, were they punished? Did Paula Deen or Phil Robertson threaten anyone? There is no objective standard about who can get harassed out of employment and have their careers turned into wreckage because censorship still exists but it has been privatized into the hands of Marxist ideologues.

If you are OK with that, fine, but realize that the left wont hold so much power in this nation forever and karma is a god damned bitchin whore.

If the RNC is clever enough, they will begin to run more and more commercials about what the Church of LGBT has done to our legal system, gay pride parades, teaching anal sex in schools and forcing Christians to assimilate gay sex behaviors "as a class (just the Supreme Court's favorite of many other sex fetish behaviors), forcing adoption agencies to disgorge children of their gender to them...etc. And a few clips of the Pope directing good catholics to turn away from the gay sex cult... That will bring in enough middle votes to seal the deal.

All that's really left up to them now is to pick the right couple of people to be Pres & VP. BTW, trump is a RINO, placed on purpose to try to divide the GOP vote. I believe he was purchased by LGBT activists to fill that role. The RNC needs to act quickly to pluck him out. The longer they wait on this, the more fresh Trump's vengeful "rightful indignance" will ring in the ears of the middle idiots who are unknowingly supporting him right now..
You're probably correct. He's the queer friendly Dominionist free version of Cruz.

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