USA Pressure to Accept Gays is Backfiring

All that's really left up to them now is to pick the right couple of people to be Pres & VP. BTW, trump is a RINO, placed on purpose to try to divide the GOP vote. I believe he was purchased by LGBT activists to fill that role. The RNC needs to act quickly to pluck him out. The longer they wait on this, the more fresh Trump's vengeful "rightful indignance" will ring in the ears of the middle idiots who are unknowingly supporting him right now..

This is normally where the usual suspects would start howling that conspiracy theories are stupid paranoia.

But what you suggest is remotely plausible, if Trump was not going to roll back their entire agenda in every other policy area. He's just apathetic on the damage that the gheys can cause.

I think he will change his mind on this shortly after gaining office.
All that's really left up to them now is to pick the right couple of people to be Pres & VP. BTW, trump is a RINO, placed on purpose to try to divide the GOP vote. I believe he was purchased by LGBT activists to fill that role. The RNC needs to act quickly to pluck him out. The longer they wait on this, the more fresh Trump's vengeful "rightful indignance" will ring in the ears of the middle idiots who are unknowingly supporting him right now..

This is normally where the usual suspects would start howling that conspiracy theories are stupid paranoia.

But what you suggest is remotely plausible, if Trump was not going to roll back their entire agenda in every other policy area. He's just apathetic on the damage that the gheys can cause.

I think he will change his mind on this shortly after gaining office.

What office do you think that clown has any chance of occupying?
Yay for Africa. The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined.
In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, the final passage of the 2014 law against homosexuality — which makes same-sex relationships punishable by 14 years in prison and makes it a crime to organize or participate in any type of gay meeting

So you believe it's acceptable to imprison people for 14 years for being gay?

Sounds like you have more in common with ISIS and radical Islam than the entire western world combined.
Yay for Africa. The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined.
In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, the final passage of the 2014 law against homosexuality — which makes same-sex relationships punishable by 14 years in prison and makes it a crime to organize or participate in any type of gay meeting

So you believe it's acceptable to imprison people for 14 years for being gay?

Sounds like you have more in common with ISIS and radical Islam than the entire western world combined.

That's what you expect when religious nuts take over a party with no true morality.
Yay for Africa. The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined.
In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, the final passage of the 2014 law against homosexuality — which makes same-sex relationships punishable by 14 years in prison and makes it a crime to organize or participate in any type of gay meeting

So you believe it's acceptable to imprison people for 14 years for being gay?

Sounds like you have more in common with ISIS and radical Islam than the entire western world combined.

No I dont think it is OK.

But I think fags should practice discretion and keep their fagotry to themselves and not rub everyone nose in it.

What Nigeria did was wrong, IMO, but what we are doing in forcing our culture on other nations with the kind of arrogance that only a Marxist libtard can manage is also wrong.
Yay for Africa. The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined.
In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, the final passage of the 2014 law against homosexuality — which makes same-sex relationships punishable by 14 years in prison and makes it a crime to organize or participate in any type of gay meeting

So you believe it's acceptable to imprison people for 14 years for being gay?

Sounds like you have more in common with ISIS and radical Islam than the entire western world combined.

No I dont think it is OK.

But I think fags should practice discretion and keep their fagotry to themselves and not rub everyone nose in it.

What Nigeria did was wrong, IMO, but what we are doing in forcing our culture on other nations with the kind of arrogance that only a Marxist libtard can manage is also wrong.

"Yay for Africa! The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined." Sure sounds like an endorsement to me. Why the sudden backpedal?
"Yay for Africa! The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined." Sure sounds like an endorsement to me. Why the sudden backpedal?
Yay for Africa pushing our cultural imperialism back in our faces in general.

I have never agreed that fags should be made illegal, though I favor ghey civil union instead of marriage and support Dont Ask Dont Tell.

Treating sexual orientation dysfunction as normal and healthy dooms all such sufferers to never being treated to cure their malady.

But it is wrong to jail them or worse.
Who are you to tell Nigeria what to do? Do the people of Nigeria have any say in their country or must they obey foreign dictates?
Would you say the same of any other repressive nation? Should Saudi Arabia, for instance, have every right to persecute a Christian minority?
Christians aren't perverts. Being a Christian isn't the same as being gay. Do you think prohibiting sex with corpses is persecution?
In Saudi Arabia being Christian is like being Gay. The Saudis see Christianity as a perversion of faith.

Who are you to tell the Saudis how to conduct their internal affairs? Must they follow foreign dictates?

Or are you generally in favor of criminalizing homosexuality? How should we refer to someone with such an attitude?
We just cannot run the world and tell every other country what laws to have. If Saudi Arabia wants to put Christians in prison or cut their heads off, don't go there.

Nigeria has already said that this punishment was at least partly caused by American imperialism, telling them what to do.

I cannot blame other nations for taking a stand against the homosexual activists. The people of those countries aren't going to permit there, what gays have done here.
So, by your standards, any repression anywhere is just the price of living on this planet and no moral authority should impose any justice. Germans were fine with murdering six million Jews. Nigerians are just fine persecuting Gays. Saudis are fine persecuting Christians. And brutal police tactics are fine when aimed at minorities here in America.

What are your moral standards? They seem to be the lowest recorded by someone who claims to love America.

If you're going to impose your moral authority, you'd best get about it ruthlessly and with finality. Anything less merely places the nation attempting to impose it in greater danger.

Yay for Africa. The people there have more common sense than the entire Western world combined.
In Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, the final passage of the 2014 law against homosexuality — which makes same-sex relationships punishable by 14 years in prison and makes it a crime to organize or participate in any type of gay meeting

So you believe it's acceptable to imprison people for 14 years for being gay?

Sounds like you have more in common with ISIS and radical Islam than the entire western world combined.

No I dont think it is OK.

First you praise Nigeria for their exercising of "common sense," which, as you quoted, includes imprisoning gays for 14 years, then you say you don't agree with it.

But I think fags should practice discretion and keep their fagotry to themselves and not rub everyone nose in it.

What Nigeria did was wrong, IMO, but what we are doing in forcing our culture on other nations with the kind of arrogance that only a Marxist libtard can manage is also wrong.

I think I have a solution to your gay "problem." Mind your own fucking business. It's none of your business if Adam and Steve get married and that's the bottom line. No harm is being brought on to you by their marriage, period. You are yet another example of how so conservatives claim to love limited government, freedom, and liberty, so long as the freedom being exercised is one you agree with.
No harm is coming to you if Nigeria doesn't want a citizenry of perverts either.
No harm is coming to you if Nigeria doesn't want a citizenry of perverts either.

To me personally, no, but there is a great deal of harm coming to the people they are imprisoning, which you apparently have no issue with either. ISIS would love you in their ranks. When are you signing up?
First you praise Nigeria for their exercising of "common sense," which, as you quoted, includes imprisoning gays for 14 years, then you say you don't agree with it.

I praised AFRICA, dumbass. Go back and read it again.

I think I have a solution to your gay "problem." Mind your own fucking business.
Then how about you take your own fucking advice, pissant?

I can dislike any god damned thing I like and that is none of YOUR fucking bidness, ass face.
First you praise Nigeria for their exercising of "common sense," which, as you quoted, includes imprisoning gays for 14 years, then you say you don't agree with it.

I praised AFRICA, dumbass. Go back and read it again.

Yes, you praised Africa for their "common sense," which, as you quoted, includes Nigeria, a country in Africa, imprisoning gays for 14 years.
Yes, you praised Africa for their "common sense," which, as you quoted, includes Nigeria, a country in Africa, imprisoning gays for 14 years.

I praised Africa for rejecting US cultural imperialism.

You know, maybe it would help if you actually read my post while sober.
Which includes imprisoning gays for 14 years
Too bad.

Getting right back to my original point, that you have no issue with it.

Maybe we shouldnt be so fucking pushy, ass hat.

So now it's the gays' faults they're being imprisoned for 14 years?
That bad things happen to otherwise innocent people due to the incompetence and condescending pushiness of libtards is simply a fact of life that people have to live with.

Eat me.

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