USA Today; It Is Time to Give Trump Credit!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The solid wall of Woketard Resistance is finally beginning to crumble now?

Aside from destroying ISIS, as Obama was unwilling to do, but Trump did do:

Face facts, America, Donald Trump is a success. Let's count the ways.

Tax cuts: Congress has passed a tax overhaul, but just the anticipation of tax reform, which will cut the corporate rate to 21%, has excited business owners and fueled stock market records.

Economic growth: The gross domestic product has grown by more than 3% for two quarters in a row.

Consumer confidence: In October, consumer confidence rose to the highest level in 17 years, according to the New York-based Conference Board.

Deregulation: Trump has cut 67 Obama-era regulations and added only three new rules. The rollback on regulations has spurred business confidence, economic activity and stock market growth. Trump said the actions have saved $8.1 billion in lifetime net regulatory costs.

Stock market: The Dow has set record highs 70 times this year, rising 5,000 points in a year for the first time in history.

Judicial appointments: Trump has staffed the judiciary with constitutionalists such as Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Unemployment: Granted, Trump inherited low unemployment numbers from President Obama, but the number of people collecting unemployment benefits has continued to fall to a near 44-year low.

Trade: Trump worked out a trade deal with China, Vietnam and South Korea.

Israel: The United States' relationship with Israel has been much improved since the last administration.

Immigration: In August, illegal border crossing apprehensions were down 41% on the Southern border compared with August 2016.

U.S. energy: The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are under construction. Jobs to be created: 42,000.

Coal: Trump stopped Obama’s war on coal.

Climate change: Trump announced in June that he plans to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement, citing that it would undermine our economy.

Schools: Trump is giving the green light to school choice programs across the country.

Obamacare fail: Congress failed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but if the tax reform bill is passed, Obamacare's individual mandate will be repealed.​

roflmao, bet that stuck in his craw, lol.
Most of these are nothing to do with him, the few that are his doing aren't good things.

Here's the big problem you guys have... Nixon did a lot of great things. OSHA, the EPA, ending Vietnam, opening relations with China...

But all anyone remembers today---- is Watergate.

All anyone remembers about Clinton today is he got a blow job from Lewinsky.

All anyone will remember about Trump is he got impeached for trying to shake down the Ukraine like a cheap mob boss.
It's an opinion piece, not an article.

I stopped at "Economic Growth". GDP is at 2.0%, the Fed has had to step in, the deficit has exploded, bond yields have crashed over 50%, there is zero growth-push inflation, we're in a manufacturing recession. Overall things are pretty good, but the opinion piece is blatantly dishonest.

This country doesn't improve unless and until we start placing value on basic intellectual honesty.
The solid wall of Woketard Resistance is finally beginning to crumble now?

Aside from destroying ISIS, as Obama was unwilling to do, but Trump did do:

So, you dug up a two-years old opinion piece to demonstrate what, exactly?

Ah, you found it somewhere on FaceShit - because FaceShit knows precisely how to blow sugar up your arse just the right way to get you all excited. And they also know you wouldn't be media literate enough to check the age of that pap, or detect the layers of mold, for that matter.
It's an opinion piece, not an article.

I stopped at "Economic Growth". GDP is at 2.0%, the Fed has had to step in, the deficit has exploded, bond yields have crashed over 50%, there is zero growth-push inflation, we're in a manufacturing recession. Overall things are pretty good, but the opinion piece is blatantly dishonest.

This country doesn't improve unless and until we start placing value on basic intellectual honesty.
Yes.....the fence-sitter stopped reading once he saw something he didn't agree with.

So much for your claims of being non-biased.
Most of these are nothing to do with him, the few that are his doing aren't good things.

Here's the big problem you guys have... Nixon did a lot of great things. OSHA, the EPA, ending Vietnam, opening relations with China...

But all anyone remembers today---- is Watergate.

All anyone remembers about Clinton today is he got a blow job from Lewinsky.

All anyone will remember about Trump is he got impeached for trying to shake down the Ukraine like a cheap mob boss.
I kinda miss the days when he was going to be impeached for collusion...
Immigration: In August, illegal border crossing apprehensions were down 41% on the Southern border compared with August 2016.​

A little context, note Obama cut apprehensions by nearly 1/2:​
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Most of these are nothing to do with him, the few that are his doing aren't good things.

Here's the big problem you guys have... Nixon did a lot of great things. OSHA, the EPA, ending Vietnam, opening relations with China...

But all anyone remembers today---- is Watergate.

All anyone remembers about Clinton today is he got a blow job from Lewinsky.

All anyone will remember about Trump is he got impeached for trying to shake down the Ukraine like a cheap mob boss.
Which of those have nothing to do with Trump?
So much for your claims of being non-biased.
Here we go again. And yet another lie. You're consistent, I'll give you that.

Line 2 of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Yet you edited my post to make it look like you weren't at fault.
Nice job.
Seems like recently you're lying more and more frequently.

You could just base your responses on things I actually say, but no, lately you just go straight to making stuff up.

Is this because you've run out of spin? Is this what happens? I guess I can understand that, given the buffoon you feel you have to protect, but I don't have to participate.
So much for your claims of being non-biased.
Here we go again. And yet another lie. You're consistent, I'll give you that.

Line 2 of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Yet you edited my post to make it look like you weren't at fault.
Nice job.
Seems like recently you're lying more and more frequently.

You could just base your responses on things I actually say, but no, lately you just go straight to making stuff up.

Is this because you've run out of spin? Is this what happens? I guess I can understand that, given the buffoon you feel you have to protect, but I don't have to participate.
So you edited the lies out of my post?
Clearly you're biased because you're calling Trump a buffoon.
If you weren't such a dishonest leftist you wouldn't be calling him that.
Either you're aware of the truth and are ignoring it...or you're guilty of falling for communist propaganda that passes as news in the mainstream media.
You cannot tell me that you think what the Democrats have been doing is right.....regardless who the president is.
Maybe you're such a single-issue voter that you think a president can never be honest about his critics and their conduct. They have to lie to us and appear to be above the fray, which to you means he's being presidential.
So much for your claims of being non-biased.
Here we go again. And yet another lie. You're consistent, I'll give you that.

Line 2 of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Yet you edited my post to make it look like you weren't at fault.
Nice job.
Seems like recently you're lying more and more frequently.

You could just base your responses on things I actually say, but no, lately you just go straight to making stuff up.

Is this because you've run out of spin? Is this what happens? I guess I can understand that, given the buffoon you feel you have to protect, but I don't have to participate.
So you edited the lies out of my post?
Clearly you're biased because you're calling Trump a buffoon.
If you weren't such a dishonest leftist you wouldn't be calling him that.
Either you're aware of the truth and are ignoring it...or you're guilty of falling for communist propaganda that passes as news in the mainstream media.
You cannot tell me that you think what the Democrats have been doing is right.....regardless who the president is.
Maybe you're such a single-issue voter that you think a president can never be honest about his critics and their conduct. They have to lie to us and appear to be above the fray, which to you means he's being presidential.
Wow, look at all that. Of course I'm biased. I already tried to tell you that, but you're just stuck in your bubble.

When you can comment based on my actual words, we'll continue. Or not. This is boring.
So much for your claims of being non-biased.
Here we go again. And yet another lie. You're consistent, I'll give you that.

Line 2 of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Hey, man up and be proud of fence sitting because I am and you are as biased as the next person and in today political climate you are moderate... then again in today political climate Stalin might have been a Republican with today Trotsky's running the Democratic Party...
So much for your claims of being non-biased.
Here we go again. And yet another lie. You're consistent, I'll give you that.

Line 2 of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Yet you edited my post to make it look like you weren't at fault.
Nice job.
Seems like recently you're lying more and more frequently.

You could just base your responses on things I actually say, but no, lately you just go straight to making stuff up.

Is this because you've run out of spin? Is this what happens? I guess I can understand that, given the buffoon you feel you have to protect, but I don't have to participate.
So you edited the lies out of my post?
Clearly you're biased because you're calling Trump a buffoon.
If you weren't such a dishonest leftist you wouldn't be calling him that.
Either you're aware of the truth and are ignoring it...or you're guilty of falling for communist propaganda that passes as news in the mainstream media.
You cannot tell me that you think what the Democrats have been doing is right.....regardless who the president is.
Maybe you're such a single-issue voter that you think a president can never be honest about his critics and their conduct. They have to lie to us and appear to be above the fray, which to you means he's being presidential.
Wow, look at all that. Of course I'm biased. I already tried to tell you that, but you're just stuck in your bubble.

When you can comment based on my actual words, we'll continue. Or not. This is boring.
I am commenting on your actual words.
What's boring is your constant claims of victimhood when it's clear as day what your posts mean.

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