USA TODAY: "Time to move on from Russian colussion fantasy!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009

It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
I've never seen people try so hard to connect the dots, when there aren't dots to connect. The whole Collusion story was invented by the Left to help heal from the thrashing they took in the 2016 election. And oh BTW 'Collusion' is not and never has been a crime of any kind. Yet they cling to the Collusion fantasy like 5 year olds and their security blankee.
I've never seen people try so hard to connect the dots, when there aren't dots to connect. The whole Collusion story was invented by the Left to help heal from the thrashing they took in the 2016 election. And oh BTW 'Collusion' is not and never has been a crime of any kind. Yet they cling to the Collusion fantasy like 5 year olds and their security blankee.
They conditioned to only trust accepted media outlets.
I've never seen people try so hard to connect the dots, when there aren't dots to connect. The whole Collusion story was invented by the Left to help heal from the thrashing they took in the 2016 election. And oh BTW 'Collusion' is not and never has been a crime of any kind. Yet they cling to the Collusion fantasy like 5 year olds and their security blankee.
When your base is the low information dopes they're dealing with, it's easy to convince them a dot should be right here and it then will connect with the dot that should be right over here, which in turn would connect with the dot that should be...

And all the dopes hear are dots being connected so, bingo, whatever the dimocrats are claiming must be true.

It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
"Major News?" Hey ignoramus, James S. Robbins wrote a biased opinion in the opinion section of USA Today. He is not a journalist. He is a member of multiple right-wing think tanks. Even YOU can submit a ridiculous opinion to the opinion section. Derp. Conservatives really do not understand how Democratic institutions work.
Eventually the Democrats will have to accept the outcome of the election and give up their fantasy of making Hillary the "rightful" President of the United States. This lunatic game they've been palying has gone on long enough.

It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

whomever wrote the "opinion piece" doesn't know very much. apparently, he thinks what Flynn took a plea to is all there is.

so clearly he doesn't understand the process.

and you certainly don't.

but good luck with that loony one.

It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

whomever wrote the "opinion piece" doesn't know very much. apparently, he thinks what Flynn took a plea to is all there is.

so clearly he doesn't understand the process.

and you certainly don't.

but good luck with that loony one.

It is a year since the damning evidence was supposed to be presented and there is nothing. Yet you call people asking for evidence loony?!?!?[emoji15]

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I've never seen people try so hard to connect the dots, when there aren't dots to connect. The whole Collusion story was invented by the Left to help heal from the thrashing they took in the 2016 election. And oh BTW 'Collusion' is not and never has been a crime of any kind. Yet they cling to the Collusion fantasy like 5 year olds and their security blankee.
dude, the dossier is the dot that connects. and that goes to hitlery's dot.

It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

whomever wrote the "opinion piece" doesn't know very much. apparently, he thinks what Flynn took a plea to is all there is.

so clearly he doesn't understand the process.

and you certainly don't.

but good luck with that loony one.
well einstein, if there was a there there, Trump would have granted him his pardon. d'oh
I've never seen people try so hard to connect the dots, when there aren't dots to connect. The whole Collusion story was invented by the Left to help heal from the thrashing they took in the 2016 election. And oh BTW 'Collusion' is not and never has been a crime of any kind. Yet they cling to the Collusion fantasy like 5 year olds and their security blankee.
When your base is the low information dopes they're dealing with, it's easy to convince them a dot should be right here and it then will connect with the dot that should be right over here, which in turn would connect with the dot that should be...

And all the dopes hear are dots being connected so, bingo, whatever the dimocrats are claiming must be true.
they all have their treasure maps and looking for the X
Mueller has already given up on Russian collusion. He is now trying the Logan Act and Obstruction of Justice
There is no 'Hacking a US Election.' It never happened. Did Russia try to influence a US Election? Probably. But the US does the same exact thing all the time, all around the world. It's doing it right now in Hungary. Obama's holdover lackeys are desperately trying to help Soros' puppets hold onto power there. No other nation on earth interferes with more foreign elections than the US does. There was no 'Hacking a US Election.' Period, end of story. Movin on...
There are no Russians. There never were. It's a national disgrace witch hunt because Libbies feelings got put out of joint
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It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

whomever wrote the "opinion piece" doesn't know very much. apparently, he thinks what Flynn took a plea to is all there is.

so clearly he doesn't understand the process.

and you certainly don't.

but good luck with that loony one.

It is a year since the damning evidence was supposed to be presented and there is nothing. Yet you call people asking for evidence loony?!?!?[emoji15]

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a year - gee, how long has Trump been in office .. how long has the investigation been going on . how long ?

It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

whomever wrote the "opinion piece" doesn't know very much. apparently, he thinks what Flynn took a plea to is all there is.

so clearly he doesn't understand the process.

and you certainly don't.

but good luck with that loony one.

It is a year since the damning evidence was supposed to be presented and there is nothing. Yet you call people asking for evidence loony?!?!?[emoji15]

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a year - gee, how long has Trump been in office .. how long has the investigation been going on . how long ?
eighteen months now I believe.

It takes a major news daily to point out what everyone and their brother knows except those who cant comprehend what loose word associations add up to = dick

If Michael Flynn's 'crime' is all Robert Mueller has, it is time to move on

I mean c'mon now.......these people so easily duped month after month just seeing words like "collusion" and "contact" as if it were tantamount to murder. Whats up with that? Are progressives out there just getting giddy for effect? Its like the Hannity followers who fall all over themselves to get to the boob on a night he has "huge breaking news on Hillary!". Never adds up to dick.

Anyway........Im laughing. So, apparently, is USA Today:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

whomever wrote the "opinion piece" doesn't know very much. apparently, he thinks what Flynn took a plea to is all there is.

so clearly he doesn't understand the process.

and you certainly don't.

but good luck with that loony one.

I do. And pleading out to a crime of deception and allowing Flynn to make statements about there being no treason, collusion, or election stealing, as well as statements about his motivation for taking the plea being financial are all stupid moves for a prosecutor. I would destroy such a witness on cross.

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