USA was really really dumb to move so much manufacturing to China

Look on the bright side. US insured hegemony has raised the standard of living in foreign countries by off shoring, which technology helped create with near instant communication, and, at the same time maintained China as an enemy- LOL

It has

the irony is watching some assume a similar gilded age, as well as rise to global prominence

who would have thought ,back when Nixon opened the door to china, that they'd be this rock's biggest capitalist contender?

We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.

It was not swamp creatures that moved things to China, it was the private companies making business decisions. These same companies where a CEO can be fired for a bad quarter, where profits are all that matters.

To blame this on the government is just fucking stupid

Profits are always what matters. It is ridiculous to think otherwise. Are you saying that if you ran the company, and it started losing money, you would sit there waiting for bankruptcy, because you don't want to make choices based on profit?

Again, this is like Bernie's own campaign staff. They demanded $15/hour, so he gave them $15/hour.... by cutting their hours. Because shockingly even for a millionaire communist... you can't pay people more money, than you have coming in.

This is like Cenk from the TYT, screaming at his staff, because they wanted to Unionize, because they don't have a stable consistent income stream like major news outlets. Suddenly the economics of the situation matters when it's your own business involved.

Profits are always what matters. Always. If you didn't make a profit from going to work, you wouldn't do it. I wouldn't for sure. Everything in society, is about profits. Without profits, there would never have been any manufacturing to move to China to begin with.

So when we blame government, because government removes profits from business with taxation, with medical mandates, with burdensome regulations.... that is an entirely valid position to have. Complaining about profits, is like complaining water falls from the sky. This is how it works. This is how it has always worked.

This is how it works even in communist countries. The only difference is, it's the government and the rich powerful elite in the government benefitting.

There's a reason Hugo Chavez's daughter is making billions off their food for oil programs, run by the Venezuela government, while making it illegal to profit off of selling food in Venezuela where people are starving.
Venezuelan 'daughters of Chavismo' exposed living lavishly overseas

Everything... EVERYTHING.... runs on profit. Now you can either have it run for the profits of the people in government, while the average people die.... or you can run things on the profits of the private sector, and end up in the most wealthy country on the face of the Earth.

You choose. But it's running on profits either way.

Once again, you lack of reading comprehension skills cause you to rant and rave like a madman about something that was not even said.

I am not complaining about profits, the only reason for a business to exist is to make a profit, and I do not say that as a negative at all.

But I laugh when people blame the government for something the companies choose to do and I laugh when people try to vilify the companies for their choices.

Many people on this board seem to think that "American" companies owe some loyalty to the country, I laugh at that as well, capitalism knows no border.

When something goes wrong they come running to the U.S. to bail them out of their problems.

They moved to China. China has a justice system. Why don't we tell them to go there and complain?
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.
No, they can't. But you roll with that.
Remember when you used to cheer when a union shop got shut down and sent to China? Republicans waged a still ongoing 40 year war on organized labor that purposely threw the baby out with the bathwater. Was it worth it? We can no longer even the make the machines that make other machines.

Those same progressives cheered. Take cars. Detroit, and the Unions, were making big, thirsty, disposable cars. Progressives were driving small efficient imports. Volkswagen Beetle? Progressives then pushed laws that eliminated those big thirsty cars. It was better for the environment you see. So the Companies moved to build new Factories in non union states to compete with the imports the Progressives were still buying and encouraging others to buy. It was cheaper to build a new factory than upgrade the existing facilities. Then the car companies had to adapt to even newer tech. The age of the Robot dawned. More manufacturing jobs lost so American Companies could compete with Korea and Japan.

All of this was good for the environment we were told. Selfish Americans driving big Ford Explorers were destroying everything. Rednecks and their stupid trucks were wasting gas. We had to mandate new technology to stop this waste.

Progressives mandated ethanol in gasoline. How do you explain to starving kids in the world that we are turning food into an inefficient gasoline substitute?

So tell me again how Progressives are the only ones with clean hands.

Greenhouse gasses? You realize the Oil Companies funded the No Nuke hysteria of the 1970’s right? Without that we would have even more progress in that field. But no, we can’t listen to Nuclear Scientists. They don’t know what they are talking about. Odd isn’t it? Progressives championed science unless it conflicts with their political agenda.

So how many billions of billions of tons of CO2 has been created because of Progressive hysteria? Progressive hands are just as stained as everyone else. If you believe otherwise you are not just rewriting history, you are doing so in crayon.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.


Progressives bear the entire responsibility for so much of our manufacturing moving to other countries.

Progressives have tunnel vision. They never ever look at what the overall effect will be on the changes they force. You can argue whether or not those forced changes were good or bad but not on their effect on manufacturing.

Using the minimum wage as one example, there are many others. Democrats want us to believe that just because the minimum wage increases, all others stay in place and no one will look outside the box. Democrats want us to believe that if the minimum wage goes from $3.00 an hour to $4.00 it has no effect on the worker already earning $4.00 or $10.00 per hour. In fact, the worker making $4.00 expects to go to $5.00 and the guy making $10.00 expects to go to $12.50 an hour.

Democrats push and push hard for increases in the minimum wage. They are either blind or they don't care that we now have a world economy. They are blind to the fact that at a certain point, a manufacturer will look at what they are having to pay is getting unmanageable. So they looked around and discovered that they can have those shoes, shirts, masks or whatever manufactured in a country that has a far lower standard of living and wages. The price of manufacturing the product is so low, that it makes economic sense to then pack all those shoes onto a cargo ship, then sail nearly 7,000 miles to the Longbeach Seaport. Pay to have those shoes loaded onto trucks and then travel by truck thousands of miles more and still have it arrive at the point of sale for far less than making them in this country.
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.

Thiers already price gouging on masks which dont help much anyway

Made in china

Pharmaceuticals all ingredients sourced china

It's stupid and insane ....a sudden cut off of supply and your scrambling to meet the predictabLe upcoming shortage in a high demand situation...

The elected officials that allowed this dangerous transfer of goods and technology to a closed society should be dragged onto Pennsylvania avenue and horse whipped....every damn one of them from Obama on down...Bush and Clinton too....stupid stupid people....

The Clinton's bear the responsibility of the most critical transfer of technology. Keep in mind that the Chinese were major contributors of the Clinton campaign and foundation. The Chinese were having trouble hitting the Pacific Ocean with their missiles. President Clinton quietly moved the authority to sell rocket guidance and motor technology from one agency to another. This resulted in one of the largest scandals in our history but the Clinton's were, again, able to avoid getting prosecuted, so far.

The sale of our guidance, motor, and satellite technology allowed them a giant leap of decades with the accuracy of their rockets. They now have rockets capable of killing satellites in orbit and hitting our aircraft carriers.

President Clinton also arranged for the long term leasing of the ports at both ends of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal to China. China also negotiated a long term lease in the largest West Coast port, the Longbeach Seaport.

Is there any question as to why the Democrats are in such a panic and in such desperation to get an outsider out of Washington. President Donald Trump is not part of the Washington elite and is not beholding to anyone. Democrats know that with another term, their major scandals will be coming to the surface.
We are so vulnerable.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them. We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.
No, they can't. But you roll with that.
Remember when you used to cheer when a union shop got shut down and sent to China? Republicans waged a still ongoing 40 year war on organized labor that purposely threw the baby out with the bathwater. Was it worth it? We can no longer even the make the machines that make other machines.

Those same progressives cheered. Take cars. Detroit, and the Unions, were making big, thirsty, disposable cars. Progressives were driving small efficient imports. Volkswagen Beetle? Progressives then pushed laws that eliminated those big thirsty cars. It was better for the environment you see. So the Companies moved to build new Factories in non union states to compete with the imports the Progressives were still buying and encouraging others to buy. It was cheaper to build a new factory than upgrade the existing facilities. Then the car companies had to adapt to even newer tech. The age of the Robot dawned. More manufacturing jobs lost so American Companies could compete with Korea and Japan.

All of this was good for the environment we were told. Selfish Americans driving big Ford Explorers were destroying everything. Rednecks and their stupid trucks were wasting gas. We had to mandate new technology to stop this waste.

Progressives mandated ethanol in gasoline. How do you explain to starving kids in the world that we are turning food into an inefficient gasoline substitute?

So tell me again how Progressives are the only ones with clean hands.

Greenhouse gasses? You realize the Oil Companies funded the No Nuke hysteria of the 1970’s right? Without that we would have even more progress in that field. But no, we can’t listen to Nuclear Scientists. They don’t know what they are talking about. Odd isn’t it? Progressives championed science unless it conflicts with their political agenda.

So how many billions of billions of tons of CO2 has been created because of Progressive hysteria? Progressive hands are just as stained as everyone else. If you believe otherwise you are not just rewriting history, you are doing so in crayon.

There were no laws that eliminated big cars.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.


Progressives bear the entire responsibility for so much of our manufacturing moving to other countries.

Progressives have tunnel vision. They never ever look at what the overall effect will be on the changes they force. You can argue whether or not those forced changes were good or bad but not on their effect on manufacturing.

Using the minimum wage as one example, there are many others. Democrats want us to believe that just because the minimum wage increases, all others stay in place and no one will look outside the box. Democrats want us to believe that if the minimum wage goes from $3.00 an hour to $4.00 it has no effect on the worker already earning $4.00 or $10.00 per hour. In fact, the worker making $4.00 expects to go to $5.00 and the guy making $10.00 expects to go to $12.50 an hour.

Democrats push and push hard for increases in the minimum wage. They are either blind or they don't care that we now have a world economy. They are blind to the fact that at a certain point, a manufacturer will look at what they are having to pay is getting unmanageable. So they looked around and discovered that they can have those shoes, shirts, masks or whatever manufactured in a country that has a far lower standard of living and wages. The price of manufacturing the product is so low, that it makes economic sense to then pack all those shoes onto a cargo ship, then sail nearly 7,000 miles to the Longbeach Seaport. Pay to have those shoes loaded onto trucks and then travel by truck thousands of miles more and still have it arrive at the point of sale for far less than making them in this country.
We all heard this before. There is not a one of us that would have taken a pay cut deep enough to compete with Chinese slave labor. Not me, not you, not anyone. We got undercut by the Chinese. Instead of having a trade war then when we could have won the "job creators" created jobs in China. Now it is too late.
Instead, they simply won't have low-cost cars to buy. That means, all the people too poor to afford a mid-price car... will simply not be able to have a new car.

Many foreign-owned auto manufactures build their cars right here in the USA. How many people too poor to afford a mid-priced car but buy a used car. I've bought a few new cars, one strickly because of the tax-credit, no deduction, credit. Most were late-model used cars. I put 150,000-200,000 miles on all of them.

Trying to tax yourself... which is what tariffs are.... in hopes that it somehow damages China, is like the saying about hating someone, and ingesting poison yourself, in hopes it kills the other person.

The tariffs have had a devastating effect on the Chinese economy. That's another reason I expect them to have lied profusely about the Coronavirus. That could collapse their economy entirely. The effect of the tariffs has had the desired effect in pushing China to the bargaining table and we have a basic agreement. More to come.
Agreed. But you have to also include the Republicans in that shit too.

I'm just waiting for the big war and the moment when all our bullets and missiles and other weapons don't work against the people who make them for us.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.
No, they can't. But you roll with that.
Remember when you used to cheer when a union shop got shut down and sent to China? Republicans waged a still ongoing 40 year war on organized labor that purposely threw the baby out with the bathwater. Was it worth it? We can no longer even the make the machines that make other machines.

Those same progressives cheered. Take cars. Detroit, and the Unions, were making big, thirsty, disposable cars. Progressives were driving small efficient imports. Volkswagen Beetle? Progressives then pushed laws that eliminated those big thirsty cars. It was better for the environment you see. So the Companies moved to build new Factories in non union states to compete with the imports the Progressives were still buying and encouraging others to buy. It was cheaper to build a new factory than upgrade the existing facilities. Then the car companies had to adapt to even newer tech. The age of the Robot dawned. More manufacturing jobs lost so American Companies could compete with Korea and Japan.

All of this was good for the environment we were told. Selfish Americans driving big Ford Explorers were destroying everything. Rednecks and their stupid trucks were wasting gas. We had to mandate new technology to stop this waste.

Progressives mandated ethanol in gasoline. How do you explain to starving kids in the world that we are turning food into an inefficient gasoline substitute?

So tell me again how Progressives are the only ones with clean hands.

Greenhouse gasses? You realize the Oil Companies funded the No Nuke hysteria of the 1970’s right? Without that we would have even more progress in that field. But no, we can’t listen to Nuclear Scientists. They don’t know what they are talking about. Odd isn’t it? Progressives championed science unless it conflicts with their political agenda.

So how many billions of billions of tons of CO2 has been created because of Progressive hysteria? Progressive hands are just as stained as everyone else. If you believe otherwise you are not just rewriting history, you are doing so in crayon.

There were no laws that eliminated big cars.
You're NOT this stupid. Just not possible.
It astounds me that republicans have seemingly forgotten being "free trade" true believers way past the point it became clear that we were getting screwed. Only the progressive movement can claim that their hands are clean on the trade policies that gutted our manufacturing capacity.
No, they can't. But you roll with that.
Remember when you used to cheer when a union shop got shut down and sent to China? Republicans waged a still ongoing 40 year war on organized labor that purposely threw the baby out with the bathwater. Was it worth it? We can no longer even the make the machines that make other machines.

Those same progressives cheered. Take cars. Detroit, and the Unions, were making big, thirsty, disposable cars. Progressives were driving small efficient imports. Volkswagen Beetle? Progressives then pushed laws that eliminated those big thirsty cars. It was better for the environment you see. So the Companies moved to build new Factories in non union states to compete with the imports the Progressives were still buying and encouraging others to buy. It was cheaper to build a new factory than upgrade the existing facilities. Then the car companies had to adapt to even newer tech. The age of the Robot dawned. More manufacturing jobs lost so American Companies could compete with Korea and Japan.

All of this was good for the environment we were told. Selfish Americans driving big Ford Explorers were destroying everything. Rednecks and their stupid trucks were wasting gas. We had to mandate new technology to stop this waste.

Progressives mandated ethanol in gasoline. How do you explain to starving kids in the world that we are turning food into an inefficient gasoline substitute?

So tell me again how Progressives are the only ones with clean hands.

Greenhouse gasses? You realize the Oil Companies funded the No Nuke hysteria of the 1970’s right? Without that we would have even more progress in that field. But no, we can’t listen to Nuclear Scientists. They don’t know what they are talking about. Odd isn’t it? Progressives championed science unless it conflicts with their political agenda.

So how many billions of billions of tons of CO2 has been created because of Progressive hysteria? Progressive hands are just as stained as everyone else. If you believe otherwise you are not just rewriting history, you are doing so in crayon.

There were no laws that eliminated big cars.
You're NOT this stupid. Just not possible.

And yet you are not able to do anything to back your claim. We still have large cars today.One of the most popular vehicles on the road today is the huge trucks. Overall trucks are even larger than they were in the past.
No, they can't. But you roll with that.
Remember when you used to cheer when a union shop got shut down and sent to China? Republicans waged a still ongoing 40 year war on organized labor that purposely threw the baby out with the bathwater. Was it worth it? We can no longer even the make the machines that make other machines.

Those same progressives cheered. Take cars. Detroit, and the Unions, were making big, thirsty, disposable cars. Progressives were driving small efficient imports. Volkswagen Beetle? Progressives then pushed laws that eliminated those big thirsty cars. It was better for the environment you see. So the Companies moved to build new Factories in non union states to compete with the imports the Progressives were still buying and encouraging others to buy. It was cheaper to build a new factory than upgrade the existing facilities. Then the car companies had to adapt to even newer tech. The age of the Robot dawned. More manufacturing jobs lost so American Companies could compete with Korea and Japan.

All of this was good for the environment we were told. Selfish Americans driving big Ford Explorers were destroying everything. Rednecks and their stupid trucks were wasting gas. We had to mandate new technology to stop this waste.

Progressives mandated ethanol in gasoline. How do you explain to starving kids in the world that we are turning food into an inefficient gasoline substitute?

So tell me again how Progressives are the only ones with clean hands.

Greenhouse gasses? You realize the Oil Companies funded the No Nuke hysteria of the 1970’s right? Without that we would have even more progress in that field. But no, we can’t listen to Nuclear Scientists. They don’t know what they are talking about. Odd isn’t it? Progressives championed science unless it conflicts with their political agenda.

So how many billions of billions of tons of CO2 has been created because of Progressive hysteria? Progressive hands are just as stained as everyone else. If you believe otherwise you are not just rewriting history, you are doing so in crayon.

There were no laws that eliminated big cars.
You're NOT this stupid. Just not possible.

And yet you are not able to do anything to back your claim. We still have large cars today.One of the most popular vehicles on the road today is the huge trucks. Overall trucks are even larger than they were in the past.
TRUCKS are not cars, you blithering idiot!
Remember when you used to cheer when a union shop got shut down and sent to China? Republicans waged a still ongoing 40 year war on organized labor that purposely threw the baby out with the bathwater. Was it worth it? We can no longer even the make the machines that make other machines.

Those same progressives cheered. Take cars. Detroit, and the Unions, were making big, thirsty, disposable cars. Progressives were driving small efficient imports. Volkswagen Beetle? Progressives then pushed laws that eliminated those big thirsty cars. It was better for the environment you see. So the Companies moved to build new Factories in non union states to compete with the imports the Progressives were still buying and encouraging others to buy. It was cheaper to build a new factory than upgrade the existing facilities. Then the car companies had to adapt to even newer tech. The age of the Robot dawned. More manufacturing jobs lost so American Companies could compete with Korea and Japan.

All of this was good for the environment we were told. Selfish Americans driving big Ford Explorers were destroying everything. Rednecks and their stupid trucks were wasting gas. We had to mandate new technology to stop this waste.

Progressives mandated ethanol in gasoline. How do you explain to starving kids in the world that we are turning food into an inefficient gasoline substitute?

So tell me again how Progressives are the only ones with clean hands.

Greenhouse gasses? You realize the Oil Companies funded the No Nuke hysteria of the 1970’s right? Without that we would have even more progress in that field. But no, we can’t listen to Nuclear Scientists. They don’t know what they are talking about. Odd isn’t it? Progressives championed science unless it conflicts with their political agenda.

So how many billions of billions of tons of CO2 has been created because of Progressive hysteria? Progressive hands are just as stained as everyone else. If you believe otherwise you are not just rewriting history, you are doing so in crayon.

There were no laws that eliminated big cars.
You're NOT this stupid. Just not possible.

And yet you are not able to do anything to back your claim. We still have large cars today.One of the most popular vehicles on the road today is the huge trucks. Overall trucks are even larger than they were in the past.
TRUCKS are not cars, you blithering idiot!

You still haven't backed up your position.
Those same progressives cheered. Take cars. Detroit, and the Unions, were making big, thirsty, disposable cars. Progressives were driving small efficient imports. Volkswagen Beetle? Progressives then pushed laws that eliminated those big thirsty cars. It was better for the environment you see. So the Companies moved to build new Factories in non union states to compete with the imports the Progressives were still buying and encouraging others to buy. It was cheaper to build a new factory than upgrade the existing facilities. Then the car companies had to adapt to even newer tech. The age of the Robot dawned. More manufacturing jobs lost so American Companies could compete with Korea and Japan.

All of this was good for the environment we were told. Selfish Americans driving big Ford Explorers were destroying everything. Rednecks and their stupid trucks were wasting gas. We had to mandate new technology to stop this waste.

Progressives mandated ethanol in gasoline. How do you explain to starving kids in the world that we are turning food into an inefficient gasoline substitute?

So tell me again how Progressives are the only ones with clean hands.

Greenhouse gasses? You realize the Oil Companies funded the No Nuke hysteria of the 1970’s right? Without that we would have even more progress in that field. But no, we can’t listen to Nuclear Scientists. They don’t know what they are talking about. Odd isn’t it? Progressives championed science unless it conflicts with their political agenda.

So how many billions of billions of tons of CO2 has been created because of Progressive hysteria? Progressive hands are just as stained as everyone else. If you believe otherwise you are not just rewriting history, you are doing so in crayon.

There were no laws that eliminated big cars.
You're NOT this stupid. Just not possible.

And yet you are not able to do anything to back your claim. We still have large cars today.One of the most popular vehicles on the road today is the huge trucks. Overall trucks are even larger than they were in the past.
TRUCKS are not cars, you blithering idiot!

You still haven't backed up your position.
CAFE standards. Taxes on cars that USD more gas. (Trucks do not lay these taxes.)

Game, set, match. You lose.
There were no laws that eliminated big cars.
You're NOT this stupid. Just not possible.

And yet you are not able to do anything to back your claim. We still have large cars today.One of the most popular vehicles on the road today is the huge trucks. Overall trucks are even larger than they were in the past.
TRUCKS are not cars, you blithering idiot!

You still haven't backed up your position.
CAFE standards. Taxes on cars that USD more gas. (Trucks do not lay these taxes.)

Game, set, match. You lose.

Yes, we increased CAFE standards. That didn't ban big cars like you said so what are you saying? That you miss the days of smog filled cities?
ColonelAngus, I’m among proponents of the improved trade policy described within Wikipedia’s “Import Certificates” article. The unilateral policy would very substantially reduce, (if not eliminate) USA’s chronic annual trade deficits and increase our GDPs more than otherwise. Trade deficits are always net detrimental to their nation’s GDP; they’re particularly detrimental to their total jobs and payrolls.

The substantially market driven policy is funded by USA purchasers of imported goods, and to extents that prices to them reflect more than federal direct expenses due to the policy, the policy behaves as price subsidies for USA's exports.
Refer to, Import certificates - Wikipedia
Respectfully, Supposn
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.

I sure hope you PROUDLY wear your MAGA hat....made in china.....

MAGA hats are not made in China. There are some cheap knockoff from China, but none of the MAGA hats are actually from China. I assume you know this? Or are you ignorant?

Trump's clothing line was. Just the same as he hired illegals.

Until that all became a campaign platform.

Sure. If I was Trump, I would have done the same, except for illegals.

If you can't make something profitable in the US, then you have to make it outside the US, or not make it. That's how that works. No one is going to make a product in the US that causes them to lose money, just so they can say it was made in the US.

Nevertheless, the MAGA hats were never made in China. Sorry. That's left-wing Jessie Smollett story telling.

But I have no problem hiring legal immigrants, or outsourcing to China or anywhere in general. It's up to you to not have a system the creates economic incentives to make stuff outside the US.
You're NOT this stupid. Just not possible.

And yet you are not able to do anything to back your claim. We still have large cars today.One of the most popular vehicles on the road today is the huge trucks. Overall trucks are even larger than they were in the past.
TRUCKS are not cars, you blithering idiot!

You still haven't backed up your position.
CAFE standards. Taxes on cars that USD more gas. (Trucks do not lay these taxes.)

Game, set, match. You lose.

Yes, we increased CAFE standards. That didn't ban big cars like you said so what are you saying? That you miss the days of smog filled cities?

If you want a car from Ford, there will soon be only one: the Mustang

No, it doesn't "ban cars", it just makes it unprofitable to make them, and thus the number of cars made will drastically decline.

We have the old CAFE standards of decades, and I don't remember 'smog filled cities' during those decades.

So now you are just playing another Jessie Smollett fabricated story.
Look on the bright side. US insured hegemony has raised the standard of living in foreign countries by off shoring, which technology helped create with near instant communication, and, at the same time maintained China as an enemy- LOL

Even if we didn't do anything with China, they still would have raised the standard of living, and maintained China as an enemy.

There is an aspect of arrogance, that somehow if we didn't Trade with China, that they would have remained impoverished.

No, any country that engages in Capitalism will grow. China moved away from Socialism, and more towards Capitalism, and thus has grown. This would have happened, with or without the US even existing.

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