USA was really really dumb to move so much manufacturing to China

Globalism is an Evil. Obama was for it, Clinton was for it, and The Bushes were for it.

There is zero reason America should be dependent on any country.

The President knows this and sees this and is doing what he can to stop it, but Globalists on The Left have been trying to stop him for 4 years.

Yet the establishment types keep telling us how Trump should rely on career bureaucrats and past practices. The Bush & Clinton dynasties almost buried the country. And, we were close to yet another in the Bush/Clinton line winning in 2016. Of course they hate Trump, he put a spot light on all the damage they caused.
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.

I sure hope you PROUDLY wear your MAGA hat....made in china.....

MAGA hats are not made in China. There are some cheap knockoff from China, but none of the MAGA hats are actually from China. I assume you know this? Or are you ignorant?

Trump's clothing line was. Just the same as he hired illegals.

Until that all became a campaign platform.
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.
Manufactured in China for companies owned by
American citizens in the United States
What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.
I didn’t exclude Pubs. Any Swamp creatures who helped get us in this bad position should be voted out. Utter bullshit.
Well, unfortunately, we can not vote out voters and consumers
The people, failing to wield their collective power,
are the only ones to blame for everything

People keep blaming THEIR employees
they collectively failed and continue failing, to manage

People complain about the wealthy companies
they collectively made wealthy, with their money

Choices have consequences
To do nothing is a choice
Being part of the problem is a choice

This virus was deliberate
Nothing was prevented in '08, it was prolonged and inevitable
Many people are in for a rude awakening
12 years, running a little behind schedule
Our pols has no problem selling us out to big biz . 50 years ago China was a backwards country . But USA corporate greed turned them into a powerhouse .
And the failure of consumers to boycott allowed it
Is there anyone who has the slightest doubt that all this economic power was handed over to China by the greedy who were more than willing to sap the economies of the West in order to wring the last penny out of unfavorable trade balances? Government had little to do with it. In fact, a centrally planned system (like China's), would have resisted, not that such a system is desirable in itself.
So is the belief that we need to go to the Chinese model of manufacturing? No unions, no regulations, and a big chunk of people working for wages comparable to what Chinese laborers get? So now all those people cannot afford to pay their bills? What's the answer here?
Is there anyone who has the slightest doubt that all this economic power was handed over to China by the greedy who were more than willing to sap the economies of the West in order to wring the last penny out of unfavorable trade balances? Government had little to do with it. In fact, a centrally planned system (like China's), would have resisted, not that such a system is desirable in itself.
Sorry, that should read UNdesirable; typo, folks!
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.

It was not swamp creatures that moved things to China, it was the private companies making business decisions. These same companies where a CEO can be fired for a bad quarter, where profits are all that matters.

To blame this on the government is just fucking stupid

Profits are always what matters. It is ridiculous to think otherwise. Are you saying that if you ran the company, and it started losing money, you would sit there waiting for bankruptcy, because you don't want to make choices based on profit?

Again, this is like Bernie's own campaign staff. They demanded $15/hour, so he gave them $15/hour.... by cutting their hours. Because shockingly even for a millionaire communist... you can't pay people more money, than you have coming in.

This is like Cenk from the TYT, screaming at his staff, because they wanted to Unionize, because they don't have a stable consistent income stream like major news outlets. Suddenly the economics of the situation matters when it's your own business involved.

Profits are always what matters. Always. If you didn't make a profit from going to work, you wouldn't do it. I wouldn't for sure. Everything in society, is about profits. Without profits, there would never have been any manufacturing to move to China to begin with.

So when we blame government, because government removes profits from business with taxation, with medical mandates, with burdensome regulations.... that is an entirely valid position to have. Complaining about profits, is like complaining water falls from the sky. This is how it works. This is how it has always worked.

This is how it works even in communist countries. The only difference is, it's the government and the rich powerful elite in the government benefitting.

There's a reason Hugo Chavez's daughter is making billions off their food for oil programs, run by the Venezuela government, while making it illegal to profit off of selling food in Venezuela where people are starving.
Venezuelan 'daughters of Chavismo' exposed living lavishly overseas

Everything... EVERYTHING.... runs on profit. Now you can either have it run for the profits of the people in government, while the average people die.... or you can run things on the profits of the private sector, and end up in the most wealthy country on the face of the Earth.

You choose. But it's running on profits either way.

Once again, you lack of reading comprehension skills cause you to rant and rave like a madman about something that was not even said.

I am not complaining about profits, the only reason for a business to exist is to make a profit, and I do not say that as a negative at all.

But I laugh when people blame the government for something the companies choose to do and I laugh when people try to vilify the companies for their choices.

Many people on this board seem to think that "American" companies owe some loyalty to the country, I laugh at that as well, capitalism knows no border.
Our pols has no problem selling us out to big biz . 50 years ago China was a backwards country . But USA corporate greed turned them into a powerhouse .

No....democrats gave them the technology they needed to advance....the clintons being the lead culprits in that in the 90s
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.

This I agree with!

Even if the companies do not want to operate within our border I prefer we do business with Mexico, Canada, Central and South America than China.

China has had SARS, Swine Flue and now the Beer Virus ( I know you can not get the virus from Corona Beer ) and now the World is on a verge of a Economic collapse?

In the end the focus should be on our part of the World and give China the boot but our Communist lovers will scream no and they prefer to stay reliant on a Country like China!
So, in my view, you blew up your own position. You stated that 2/3rds of the country live paycheck to paycheck. Well 2/3rds would include people making $80K a year. If you are living pay check to pay check, that is on you, for being bad with your money.

Take me for example. I don't live pay check to pay check, and yet I earn barely $30K. In fact, last year was the first year I made $30K. Further, I have no degrees, and no certifications and I'm not in the trade skills. So if people are living pay check to pay check, that's on them for make bad choices with their money. I know people who earn double my income, that are flat broke. Bad choices.

Now you say thatk this can't happen, but if it doesn't, then those people will end up unemployed. How will they live then? Isn't it better to make some wages, rather than none?

As for the tax cuts... dozens of businesses openly admitted, and it was well researched that companies were making long term choices, based on the corporate tax rate. The most open of these was Apple, which invested billions of dollars into Ireland, that could have been invested here, and it was entirely due to the corporate tax rates.

The tax cut was to combat a long term, clearly identified trend. To expect it to reverse in a matter of months since the tax cut, is ridiculous on your part, just as much as it is ridiculous to discount clearly documented evidence of the negative long term effects of high corporate taxes.

Why they live pay check to pay check is totally irrelevant, the fact is they do and as such we as a country will not accept a downward trend in wages to make it more "competitive" to manufacture things in this country.

My comment about the tax cut was to show that taxes, especially those on our corporations seem to have little effect on the prices of things since the very nice tax cut was not accompanied by price cuts, our companies just choose to make even more profit...and good for them.
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So we should go downward in wages? We as a nation should accept lower wages? Seems backwards thinking. Then prices of things have to drop big time. Otherwise people won't make enough to live paycheck to paycheck.
So we should go downward in wages? We as a nation should accept lower wages? Seems backwards thinking. Then prices of things have to drop big time. Otherwise people won't make enough to live paycheck to paycheck.

“Prosperity Through Lower Wages!”
Under-regulated, under-thought capitalism allows for huge mistakes like this.

Another example of how those who refuse to understand that are opening the door for the socialists.
We are so vulnerable. Look, China won’t even deliver masks to the USA manufactured by American owned companies.

What a colossal geo political blunder by some many stupid swamp creatures.

If China makes all of our shit, doesn’t that make us beholden to them? We can just tell them to pound sand. He rely on them.

So fucked.

TPP? So fucking stupid.

This I agree with!

Even if the companies do not want to operate within our border I prefer we do business with Mexico, Canada, Central and South America than China.

China has had SARS, Swine Flue and now the Beer Virus ( I know you can not get the virus from Corona Beer ) and now the World is on a verge of a Economic collapse?

In the end the focus should be on our part of the World and give China the boot but our Communist lovers will scream no and they prefer to stay reliant on a Country like China!

So we should go downward in wages? We as a nation should accept lower wages? Seems backwards thinking. Then prices of things have to drop big time. Otherwise people won't make enough to live paycheck to paycheck.

Under-regulated, under-thought capitalism allows for huge mistakes like this.

Another example of how those who refuse to understand that are opening the door for the socialists.

Init, the answer to your question is no!

The reality is--------------> we have the energy, and the production of large items with the savings on energy and shipping, more than compensates our labor cost extension from across the oceans. It was one of the reasons that the auto companys and steel companys redid their contracts so as new hires do not have lifetime benefits.

But there is a caveat, and Trump knows this---------------> we can NOT enter into agreements on carbon credits unless the whole world enacts it at the same time. We can't allow China, India, or anyone else to be allowed to NOT put in what we are forced to for years, or all manufacturing would flee as the price of energy rose, while theirs did not!

Leftists want to talk about this accord, that accord, or even the Honda Accord. What they don't want you to notice is-------->your country must impose these massive costs quickly, and everybody else gets a pass for decades. By the time they have to impose the same regs……….if they do...…...our country would be barren of most; if not all manufacturing, because even if the manufacturers wanted to stay here, their cost differential would be to much to survive the competition.

People.……..especially Leftists, want you to look at the shiny object that is the total amount of carbon the US makes. But, what if we calculated carbon out put by total goods we created against our carbon footprint? China would instantly become the baaaaaaaaad person, and a few other industrialized countries would be far above the United States.

So, the logic the Leftists use, is no logic at all! We produce less carbon footprint per good produced, and their actions send the goods offshore, where they create a larger carbon footprint per good produced? Just that realization should tell you the whole process is rigged to screw the West!

And their green new deal! They insist it is incumbent upon us to lead. Fair enough! But if the cost of energy RISES because of it, we again LOSE any advantage we had to keep manufacturing here!

I believe at least SOME of the greenies, actually believe what they are saying. But THEY are the ones constantly reminding us that we are one world, one planet, and offshoring the manufacture of products from here to the dirtiest carbon countries in the world, even from their logic, is totally COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

So, the funders of this movement have a totally different agenda than its stated goal. I am sure you can figure out what that is just by thinking!
Look on the bright side. US insured hegemony has raised the standard of living in foreign countries by off shoring, which technology helped create with near instant communication, and, at the same time maintained China as an enemy- LOL
Look on the bright side. US insured hegemony has raised the standard of living in foreign countries by off shoring, which technology helped create with near instant communication, and, at the same time maintained China as an enemy- LOL

This is actually a talking point of the left. Off shore manufacturing helped the standard of living of a geo political enemy. How ironic and how fucking stupid.

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