USAA rejects vets request to pull NFL sponsership


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
USAA Rejects Vet Requests To Pull NFL Sponsorship

The USAA has denied veterans’ requests to pull its advertising from the NFL following the League’s handling of the National Anthem kneeling controversy.

Dozens of angry vets took to Twitter to call for the USAA to dump its advertising with the NFL, saying the League is disrespecting the American Flag and the National Anthem.

Beef Myers @beefmyers

@USAA I will no longer insure with a company who sponsors a league @NFL who does not stand for the national anthem and denigrates our flag.

7:44 AM - Sep 25, 2017
SGM DAN @sgm_dan

@USAA I'm a member and I want you to stop supporting the NFL. your members served the US. You shouldn't support those who disrespect it

7:50 AM - Sep 25, 2017
James Boyers @exgundriver

Replying to @USAA @patriotbootcamp
Dump the NFL!!

8:17 AM - Sep 25, 2017
Charles Koonce @CharlesKoonce

Hi @USAA_help,
Please look me up. Everything I do is through @USAA.
Please stop sponsoring the @NFL as they stand against America/Vets.

7:39 AM - Sep 25, 2017

Jody Freitas @jody_freitas

@USAA Are you still supporting NFL when your client base is veterans and service members Maybe time to take me business elsewhere.

7:38 AM - Sep 25, 2017
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Jason Carrier @carrierforgov

@USAA_help I have been a USAA member for a long time. Love the service, but will leave if you keep backing the NFL. Stand for America

7:37 AM - Sep 25, 201

MC Mike @MasterChiefSW

@USAA I've been a customer since 1980 and I think it's time to leave. You can save millions of dollars not advertising with the NFL.

7:22 AM - Sep 25, 2017

MakinAmericaGRTagain @jasonm95008

was proud of @USAA when they picked @seanhannity back up now to find out they sponsor @NFL so disappointing Might cancel my 20 yr membership

7:22 AM - Sep 25, 2017

In response to many angry vets on Twitter, the financial services company – which caters to military members and their families – announced they had no intention to stop advertising with the NFL.



Replying to @Melton1977
Jimmy - We have no plans to end our role as the Official Military Appreciation Sponsor of the NFL.

8:10 AM - Sep 25, 2017



Replying to @Melton1977
The NFL provides a great platform through which we can raise awareness about and appreciation for America’s military and their families

8:10 AM - Sep 25, 2017

The company attempted to reassure customers, saying it contacted the NFL to “emphasize the significance of the national anthem & position it plays” in our country.



Replying to @CharlesKoonce
Please know we contacted the NFL to emphasize the significance of the national anthem & position it plays in acknowledging our country. 2/4

7:43 AM - Sep 25, 2017

This isn’t the first time the USAA has been in hot water with veterans.

The company had pulled its advertising from Sean Hannity’s show last

The chain reaction of jackassery having it's ripple effect which dumps into many areas most zombies don't think of. It spills over gawd dam wake the hell up.
too bad vets have been brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their country instead of lining bankers pockets.if they did,they would be behind the players not saluting the flag in a heartbeat.
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too bad vets have been brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their country instead of lining bankers pockets.if they did,the would be behind the players not saluting the flag in a heartbeat.
Talk about a duped hypocrite? lining their pockets with money? You mean like the NFL players are?
too bad vets have been brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their country instead of lining bankers pockets.if they did,they would be behind the players not saluting the flag in a heartbeat.
How many of them voted for the Orange Jane Fonda? They have no choice now but to quit bitching about JF.
"The issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country Flag and National Anthem. NFL must respect this" DJT

too bad vets have been brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their country instead of lining bankers pockets.if they did,they would be behind the players not saluting the flag in a heartbeat.
How many of them voted for the Orange Jane Fonda? They have no choice now but to quit bitching about JF.

Your little bitch Obama created this mess fool face it. You dumbasses were just dumb enough to fall right into the trap and are still stuck in it all.
too bad vets have been brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their country instead of lining bankers pockets.if they did,they would be behind the players not saluting the flag in a heartbeat.
How many of them voted for the Orange Jane Fonda? They have no choice now but to quit bitching about JF.

Your little bitch Obama created this mess fool face it. You dumbasses were just dumb enough to fall right into the trap and are still stuck in it all.
What mess do you speak of? BTW, in 2013 orange Jane Fonda said that Obama had no business telling the NFL what to do regarding the Redskins. Obama only gave his opinion.
too bad vets have been brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their country instead of lining bankers pockets.if they did,they would be behind the players not saluting the flag in a heartbeat.
How many of them voted for the Orange Jane Fonda? They have no choice now but to quit bitching about JF.

oh yeah,only the few awake vets realised how she was a traiter.
When libtards boycott, they also organize secondary boycotts against partners and advertisers, in addition to direct harassment of the target of their boycott.
too bad vets have been brainwashed to believe they are fighting for their country instead of lining bankers pockets.if they did,they would be behind the players not saluting the flag in a heartbeat.
How many of them voted for the Orange Jane Fonda? They have no choice now but to quit bitching about JF.

Your little bitch Obama created this mess fool face it. You dumbasses were just dumb enough to fall right into the trap and are still stuck in it all.
What mess do you speak of? BTW, in 2013 orange Jane Fonda said that Obama had no business telling the NFL what to do regarding the Redskins. Obama only gave his opinion.

LOL, the mess meaning all this BS going on NFL, BLM, ANTIFA, Gay this, gay that , tranny this tranny that, Christians, bibles, take it down, get rid of it, this offends me, that offends me ............................This all started on Obama's watch.

This has all been engineered on purpose to generate all what I just mentioned. Including hating Trump by doing so it's getting the results the globalist want " DESTROY AMERICA" and what we were about.
It's creating the leftist way of " REWRITING HISTORY" .............this is what the globalist want.

Try reading the profile quote I have.

The ancient strategy of divide and conquer is masterfully used to herd us into intellectual, economic, spiritual, gender, and racial groups at conflict with one another in order for the powers that shouldn’t be to manipulate events for their purposes. This is nothing new… it’s been used by authoritarians throughout history to gain power over their subjects. Only today, the technocratic elite have been able to invade our minds leaving many clueless as to what’s happening around them.
Should we annoy moviegoers with that song before the movie starts? That would really show respect for our country wouldn`t it?
Should we annoy moviegoers with that song before the movie starts? That would really show respect for our country wouldn`t it?

You haven't noticed that's already started too LOL... meaning the movies that are getting protested.
Until we get back where we were this will continue.
How do we get back where we were, the entire US is going to have to go under now where a total society collapse takes place and staying alive becomes the importance of life, not some gawd dam flag, or he's white she's black, that offends me, this offends me. blah blah blah , when this nation goes under those will be the last thing(s) that have any importance.

ANTIFA assholes plan a civil war in Nov. the dumb sob's might get what they wanted , and really it's what SOROS wants. and again it is all to bring down AMERICA and what we stand for. .....or maybe that should be what we " STOOD" for.

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