Using Christian Reasoning means Charlie Manson was Jesus

Funny, but today's antifascists are ironically the fascists and inadvertantly do the work (protests) for the fascists they claim to hate.
2 of the 3 main christ figures used to make the Jesus image seem real were anti fascists by being anti Rome.
The other of 100bc that Rome favors in the trinity of christs was anti-the anointed(christ) elect, thus an AntiChrist even though he fled a fascist like wicked Prince's nephew King Alexander Jannaeus who was persecuting the Hassidm,- when he fled to Egypt he picked up forbidden teachings and became anti the religious establishment rather then anti the fascist king who persecuted them.
In fact that widows mite in the NT story is a King Jannaeus (100bc era) coin & not a King Herod (died 4bc) coin, which confusion occurs when compiling figures from various eras spanning 100bc&6bc&45ad.
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your king Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left. All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have a hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
This is, by far, the worst 'I hate Christians' thread, ever.


Anyone who doesn't know their name either has amnesia or is an idiot
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your king Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left. All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have a hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
This is, by far, the worst 'I hate Christians' thread, ever.


I was CLEARLY using Christian standards of logic-
So using that logic you just admitted The Jesus myth (placing him as Moshiach in that same manner I MIMICKED IN THE POST) is the worst
"I Hate Judaism" creation ever. EVER!
Last edited:
For the record, the person Jesus of Galilee, is no myth.
The myth is that he had something to do with the religion
called 'christianity' Do not malign the poor guy---he had
For the record, the person Jesus of Galilee, is no myth.
The myth is that he had something to do with the religion
called 'christianity' Do not malign the poor guy---he had
But you keep forgeting, The Christ from Galilee was Yehuda, dying in 6bc making up only a portion of the image & a far cry from the Jesus & apostles of ad Pilate era.
For the record, the person Jesus of Galilee, is no myth.
The myth is that he had something to do with the religion
called 'christianity' Do not malign the poor guy---he had
But you keep forgeting, The Christ from Galilee was Yehuda, dying in 6bc making up only a portion of the image & a far cry from the Jesus & apostles of ad Pilate era.

I did not forget. I never really knew. I am not convinced of your theory even though it makes a lot more sense than does the Sunday school version. Poor Galilean----whoever he was. RIP Yeshua
Anyone who doesn't know their name either has amnesia or is an idiot
Amnesia like you have forgetting I answered this on page 2 of this thead?

When a character is historical his name is his HISTORICAL HERITAGE LANGUAGE NAME,
in this context=AKA a Jewish name would be used.
A created compiled figure is what needs a new name, would be the language of the writer and the people in the story would be given new names to satisfy followers of the many christs.
Example Shimon becomes Peter, Saul Paulus & Pol becomes Paul, Thadeus becomes James, etc
Then you have what Shimon here was describing how you the reader not knowing the ancient transliteration makes you not know the name Y'SHU used for the 100bc figure because you don't know Y=H sound
and U=ewb in the NT is sometimes a
V sound. This is why the book of Joshua (Y'shua)is called Hosea.
Like in Spanish J=H sound.
So it's not characters not knowing their name, it's you the reader understandably doesn't know the proper transliteration.

That being said, this was answered, in that you toasted Christianity that not only uses a name none of the MANY CHRISTS used, but also botch the Name the OT Bible uses to secret the hidden Moshiach.
You have a few Christian sects that are Michaeline sects who know the Biblical Moshiach as Michael. KNOWING MICHAEL HAS TO BE THE NAME means by your admission that disqualifies Charlie, Jim, David, and Jesus.
amnesia is one of my specialties--------human beans do not
forget their names unless the human bean is an enlisted kid
who made it back to base two days late. Why are you making
an issue of the name of the poor innocent Galilean guy? I admit that sometimes Christians do discuss THE NAME as
being important to ID the Moshiach------but I never understood
why. Based on Christian sophistry-----Scheerson had a likely
name, to wit, MENACHEM. Michael would be better
amnesia is one of my specialties--------human beans do not
forget their names unless the human bean is an enlisted kid
who made it back to base two days late. Why are you making
an issue of the name of the poor innocent Galilean guy? I admit that sometimes Christians do discuss THE NAME as
being important to ID the Moshiach------but I never understood
why. Based on Christian sophistry-----Scheerson had a likely
name, to wit, MENACHEM. Michael would be better
It would be important in the same way that if Jeane Dixon had predicted (prophecy) that
the President in 2017 would be Mr Kotter.
1) No match to the name
2) not an actual historical person it's a TV character.
3) the person playing thr character's name Gabe Kaplin doesn't match and his character is created by mix of real and fictional combined images and satire of past teachers as formed and recanted by the writers imagination and experiences.

Would you validate Jeane Dixon's prediction and claim Trump the fulfillment of her Prediction?
Enough said...
Anyone who doesn't know their name either has amnesia or is an idiot
Amnesia like you have forgetting I answered this on page 2 of this thead?

When a character is historical his name is his HISTORICAL HERITAGE LANGUAGE NAME,
in this context=AKA a Jewish name would be used.
A created compiled figure is what needs a new name, would be the language of the writer and the people in the story would be given new names to satisfy followers of the many christs.
Example Shimon becomes Peter, Saul Paulus & Pol becomes Paul, Thadeus becomes James, etc
Then you have what Shimon here was describing how you the reader not knowing the ancient transliteration makes you not know the name Y'SHU used for the 100bc figure because you don't know Y=H sound
and U=ewb in the NT is sometimes a
V sound. This is why the book of Joshua (Y'shua)is called Hosea.
Like in Spanish J=H sound.
So it's not characters not knowing their name, it's you the reader understandably doesn't know the proper transliteration.

That being said, this was answered, in that you toasted Christianity that not only uses a name none of the MANY CHRISTS used, but also botch the Name the OT Bible uses to secret the hidden Moshiach.
You have a few Christian sects that are Michaeline sects who know the Biblical Moshiach as Michael. KNOWING MICHAEL HAS TO BE THE NAME means by your admission that disqualifies Charlie, Jim, David, and Jesus.

We are speaking English.
I liked Mr Kotter. I would have voted for him.
He had hair like that of a lamb (shir hashirim)
Gabriel is a very likely name-----even better than is
Michael. Juan Epstein could have played Elijah
aka John the Baptist
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your king Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left. All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have a hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
So, Jesus had a swastika tattoo?
NOT likely.
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your king Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left. All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have a hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
So, Jesus had a swastika tattoo?
NOT likely.

Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Jesus thought so.

Frustrated Jesus Christ Forced To Find 22nd Vessel For Reincarnation After Death Of Charles Manson
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your king Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left. All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have a hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
So, Jesus had a swastika tattoo?
NOT likely.

fashions change
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your king Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left. All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have a hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
So, Jesus had a swastika tattoo?
NOT likely.
Swastika is a sun symbol, the crown of thorns was a sun symbol. The ash mark received on ash wed on the founding churches flock is the sign of death and destruction=cross=
"mark of the beast"(power of death and destruction) and the swastika is a cross sign of destruction.
I liked Mr Kotter. I would have voted for him.
He had hair like that of a lamb (shir hashirim)
Gabriel is a very likely name-----even better than is
Michael. Juan Epstein could have played Elijah
aka John the Baptist
Gabe probably won your heart as he did many others when he beat Loud mouthed Nazis
Robert Conrad in that celebrity matches series of events Track race. :)
Charlie Manson said he was Jesus, well according to Christian reasoning they can't argue against it without arguing against themselves and their own beliefs.
The logic used is merely through silly fallacious claims to Jesus being Messiah based merely on self testimony & saying he fit 300 prophecy, most of which aren't even messianic or properly read and stated. Some are even comically based on NT post dated script instead of OT.

Using this logic if Charles Manson fit 300 characteristics of Jesus without manipulating the characteristics or cheating like people do in emulating Moshiach then Charles Manson has to be Jesus according to Christian standards of reasoning. And since Charles Manson self trstified he was and does fulfill the coming of Jesus in over 300 ways then Jesus came back bringing division & as a murderer as he said he would in Matthew, Thomas, and Peter.
Since Jesus fulfilled over 300 verses on Satan then he must be Satan of the Bible.
Therefore Christianity standards and reasoning suggest Satan was Jesus and he came back as Charles Manson and your arguing this fact would suggest you are admitting Christianity's logic and reasoning on Moshiach is skewed.

Therfore moshiach claims must be forfeited and the standard to decipher MOshiach has to be re-evaluated and rediscovered by fulfillment of legitimate expectations that are Torah based not oral pagan borrowed traditions and self testimony.
Conclusion" Jesus either wasn't messiah like you thought or by your standards he had to be Satan, either way your character becomes the adversary and thief, thus either way he can be concluded as Satan.

FACT: Jesus is depicted like a long haired hippy in sandles.
Charles Manson claimed to be Jesus and was a hippy in sandles, we must take Manson for his word in even standard to Christians taking Jesus self testified word and claims.
Fact: they say Jesus is son of man & Charles is Man/son.
Fact: Jesus family said he was crazy
Manson and his family is crazy.
Jesus was a murderer from the begining who promised to not bring peace but to cause opposite through division describing a world inferno. Manson did the same with his race war he planed division chaos and worlds end in the same manner setting it a blaze.
Fact: Jesus asked his followers to disregard their parents for sake of him being their new family as did Manson.
Jesus lived in a shack so did Manson.
Jesus hated the Romans, Manson hsted Roman Polanski. Jesus took mushrooms as did his followers according to found texts, Manson did as well as his followers.
Cult leaderJesus had his apostles Manson had his cult flock called his family. Jesus lived and roamed the desert, so did Manson.

Using Christian logic & standards
Charlie Manson Was Jesus and Jesus was Lucifer cause all the verses on Lucifer were 100% fulfilled by the first fallen Christ.

To disagree is to admit the standard used to call him Moshiach is flawed making him Lucifer anyway.... this is called Check mate...
because every excuse maneuver you make out of this still means I got your king.
My kNight to your king Check Mate!
That's why I use that term, so you'd notice your argument backed you in a corner with 0 excuses and maneuvers left. All you can do is
2)pretend your mom is calling and run away
3) throw the chess board to the ground and have a hissy fit like a child.
So far everyone seems to choose option 3.
So, Jesus had a swastika tattoo?
NOT likely.
Swastika is a sun symbol, the crown of thorns was a sun symbol. The ash mark received on ash wed on the founding churches flock is the sign of death and destruction=cross=
"mark of the beast"(power of death and destruction) and the swastika is a cross sign of destruction.

is there some PRECEDENT for a crown of thorns being
a sun symbol?

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