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Using Christian Standards of reasoning=the Messiah is a Rooster

Penelope knows nothing about being a true christian shall i show you why because there are none according to your own scriptures... Shall i point out to you the verses that prove you are not a christian and neither is anyone else...but you are trying to get others who worship the gd of abraham isaac and jacob to leave and jion lucifer the fallen one arent you... Shameless and out in the open too...

How would you know what a true Christian looks like, Shimon? You do not know Penelope's heart! Jesus made clear that the prostitute and the tax collector would both enter the kingdom of heaven before the Saducees and Pharisees would. I highly doubt Penelope is either - but after listening to you and the false prophet you run with - I would have to believe she is included in that number of who would enter heaven before either of you.
I was gonna say an artist or song relating to the US and symbolising birds since this is the rooster thread.
Eagles fit that symbolism perfect, but they have to pick the song they favor as they will not trust you to pick out a song.
Also they can't look up the lyrics and pick a song through cheating, which we know they like to do.
Anyone have a favorite symbolic U.S. related band or song?

Your obsession with numerology and reading symbolism into everything is highly indicative of the occult darkness you are abiding in, HaShev. You need to repent.
It should be noted that the rooster usually makes alot of noise in the morning when the sun comes up just like jeremiah because she worship the son the morning or morning star...her idol jesus the rooster however knows better too keep quite in the NIGHT. So the rooster fulfills another requirement that is lost on the followers of the morning star which is quite telling to say the least...

Those who love the LORD rise up early each morning to seek Him and sing praises unto His name. For your information the rooster is up before dawn and so am I!

As King David said, Early will I seek Him........ as for you and your night owl friend... you are children of the devil, children of darkness...it is not surprising that you both stay up all night long as Isaiah said, There is no rest for the wicked.
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There was no Law laid down for Adam and Eve, no laws for Abraham, and no laws for the Jews when they left Egypt. Grace (unmerited favor), is how God dealt with them until they boasted about being able to keep any law God could give them.
The laws were for a specific people for a specific time. Thank God for grace through Jesus the Christ.
There was no Law laid down for Adam and Eve, no laws for Abraham, and no laws for the Jews when they left Egypt. Grace (unmerited favor), is how God dealt with them until they boasted about being able to keep any law God could give them.
The laws were for a specific people for a specific time. Thank God for grace through Jesus the Christ.

These two men deny the Scriptures and I doubt they have even tried to keep the law. They have no control over their own tongues and speak whatever things they so desire to speak irregardless of what Scripture warns not to do such as lies, deceit, - even making vile sexual jokes - they keep company with perverse men and women because they themselves are wicked. People are known by the company they keep. Withdraw yourselves from such people. Have nothing to do with them.
Your obsession with numerology and reading symbolism into everything is highly indicative of the occult darkness you are abiding in, HaShev. You need to repent.

Once again you forgot to self reflect before you post, remember it's you that always busts Christianity and Jesus.

Numerology666 bit is in book of Revelation so throw it out, I know you want to because it adnits in The begining 1:13 and end 22:16 that Hesus is emukating/impostering son of man and that he is the nemesis Morning Star= Lucifer.
Symbolism and slang and even numerology is used to hide things from being discovered by the enemy like during revolts, bans, boycotts, book burnings or manipulators of the word like yourself.
According to you Jesus and the ap9stles needed to repented.
Once again Busted bkadting your own faith.
Ah....... This one is for penelope and jerimiah in order to find a "true christian" one must pass this crucial tests mark 16 :17-18 ready alrighty then.... In my name(this is the idol speaking or is it the mark) they shall cast out demons, they shall speak with new tougues(now these are easy to fake) but continuing they shall pick up serpents(since most so called christians speak with a forked tougue not so hard) however they must drink any deadly poison , it shall not hurt them... They shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover.... thrre are some more would you care for me to list them....wink....
Ah irish ram said jesus was their sacrifice lets look at what it takes to be an acceptable sacrifice there are a number of requirements none of which jesus fulfilled....1 the sin offering must be brought forth by the person seeking attonement and slaughtered either by the sinner or by the priest.... 2 death must be caused by a sharp, perfect blade cutting across the neck, resulting in blood loss and swift death... 3 the offering must be physically unblemished... 4 in the case of mammal offerings, the mammal must have cloven hoofes and chew cud... 5 in the case of mammal offerings the offering must be less then one year old... 6 the sacrifice must be brought to the temple.... 7 the sacrifice must have its blood taken by the priest and sprinkled on the altar... 8 the sacrifice must be salted... Since jesus did not fulfill even one of the eight precepts listed above.. It is clear that his death could not be the attoning sacrifice christians claim it is....not to mention human sacrifice is a no no and an abomination as per deutoronomy 12:31 etc ...
As for sleeping since gd never sleeps nor slumbers while he watching over israel why would his true prophets need to sleep or slumber either little jeremiah so you and your group must be false ones indeed....smiling....

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