Using Reason and Common Sense in Choosing the GOP Nominee

Not a chance. Jeb will do nothing but ensure a republican victory is impossible.
It would also be a great idea for the GOP to pick a woman and/or a black as the VP nominee, if not the presidential nominee, or both.

There goes the whole "using reason and common sense" approach. Let's evaluate candidates on their individual merits, mkay? No racism or sexism necessary.
"Using Reason and Common Sense in Choosing the GOP Nominee"

One fails to see the point given the fact the republican political agenda is devoid of reason and common sense.

Micheal Steele, former GOP chairman

Micheal Steele said :Why should an African-American vote Republican?

“You really don’t have a reason to, to be honest — we haven’t done a very good job of really giving you one. True? True,”

“…We have lost sight of the historic, integral link between the party and African-Americans,” Steele said. “This party was co-founded by blacks, among them Frederick Douglass. The Republican Party had a hand in forming the NAACP, and yet we have mistreated that relationship. People don’t walk away from parties, Their parties walk away from them.

“For the last 40-plus years we had a ‘Southern Strategy’ that alienated many minority voters by focusing on the white male vote in the South. Well, guess what happened in 1992, folks, ‘Bubba’ went back home to the Democratic Party and voted for Bill Clinton.”

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy Mediaite
It would also be a great idea for the GOP to pick a woman and/or a black as the VP nominee, if not the presidential nominee, or both.

There goes the whole "using reason and common sense" approach. Let's evaluate candidates on their individual merits, mkay? No racism or sexism necessary.

It is common sense and it would blunt/defuse a standard piece of Democratic demagoguery. Now, of course, I'm assuming that the black and/or woman would be qualified and capable.

If you know the other guy is itching to paint you as out of touch and biased because you almost always nominate two white guys, it's a good idea to seek to nominate a qualified, capable minority and/or woman. It's just good strategy.

And, I'm sorry, but no more Sarah Palins. She was a very good governor and is a wonderful person whom I greatly respect, but she was not a good candidate.
Bernie sanders, if we 're using common sense.

How are Sanders' policies working out in Greece, Spain, Italy, England, France, etc., etc.? No thanks.
Oh dear lord... Great job ignoring Canada, scandinavia, (why throw britain in there? They're doing alright) germany, etc, etc.. The economic conditions that caused turmoil in those countries you listed had nothing to do with what sanders is proposing.
Bernie sanders, if we 're using common sense.

How are Sanders' policies working out in Greece, Spain, Italy, England, France, etc., etc.? No thanks.
Oh dear lord... Great job ignoring Canada, scandinavia, (why throw britain in there? They're doing alright) germany, etc, etc.. The economic conditions that caused turmoil in those countries you listed had nothing to do with what sanders is proposing.

Canada? Canada has cut taxes and spending massively, Canada has been run by a conservative party for much of the last 20 years. The Scandinavian nations all have hard-money-like currency policy and sane fiscal policy. And their health systems all have very tought tort standards to protect against bogus lawsuits, etc., etc. Sanders opposes hard money and has been one of the worst on reining in federal spending, and he has opposed any meaningful tort reform.
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I was very impressed with Donald Trump's announcement speech. Right now I am leaning more toward him than any of the others.

I can't believe that so many of the other candidates are backing the TPP. I suspect they're doing so because they're overly influenced by the corporate interests who want to flood this country with cheap labor and who want to be able to ship jobs overseas more easily.

One nice thing about Trump is that he doesn't need anyone else's money to run.
I was very impressed with Donald Trump's announcement speech. Right now I am leaning more toward him than any of the others.

I can't believe that so many of the other candidates are backing the TPP. I suspect they're doing so because they're overly influenced by the corporate interests who want to flood this country with cheap labor and who want to be able to ship jobs overseas more easily.

One nice thing about Trump is that he doesn't need anyone else's money to run.
Screw trump. He is nothing more than a distraction and is not electable in any sense of the word.

He might be a real estate genius but he is a political idiot.
Bernie sanders, if we 're using common sense.

How are Sanders' policies working out in Greece, Spain, Italy, England, France, etc., etc.? No thanks.
Oh dear lord... Great job ignoring Canada, scandinavia, (why throw britain in there? They're doing alright) germany, etc, etc.. The economic conditions that caused turmoil in those countries you listed had nothing to do with what sanders is proposing.

Canada? Canada has cut taxes and spending massively, Canada has been run by a conservative party for much of the last 20 years. The Scandinavian nations all have hard-money-like currency policy and sane fiscal policy. And their health systems all have very tought tort standards to protect against bogus lawsuits, etc., etc. Sanders opposes hard money and has been one of the worst on reining in federal spending, and he has opposed any meaningful tort reform.
Go to Plenty of canadians and "victims" of scandinavian healthcare to talk to.

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