USMB Abortion poll

Where do you stand on abortion?

  • Never ever, no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other with explanation

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Hey red, again, how many unwanted children live in your house that you support?

Simple easy question.

None, all of my children were wanted. But that's not the point is it? Which is better, abortion or adoption by a childless couple who would love and care for the baby?

I understand that carrying a pregnancy to conclusion may be inconvenient, but keeping your legs together is much less inconvenient. Why do libs want to ignore all forms of personal responsibility for ones acts?

Who has ever said she should be put in prison?


The person who called her a murderer. AKA you. Unless now you're saying that what you call murder should be legal.

the punishment of the doctor and/or the mother should be left to society as a whole. I don't have the answer for you, sorry.

That's funny. You call abortion murder but you have no opinion on what the penalty for murder should be.

not trying to be funny, just honest.
First and Second trimesters: abortion should be allowed without question of motive.

Third Trimester: only in cases of rape, incest, where the mother's life is at stake, or birth/genetic defect.
Why is the life of a fetus conceived by rape or incest less worthy of protection than any other?
Wanting to kill the unborn human being is true hate, or blatant disregard for human life.

According to you. Though you tend to be wrong 100% of the time.

Did you know that abortions occur naturally to a women's body. Particularly if the pregnancy is causing problems for the women.

You anti abortion nuts mad at God because those abortions happen?

a "natural abortion" is called a miscarriage. Killing the baby is not an intentional act of the mother or some "doctor". It is a natural biological process.

You need to remember----------------YOUR mother was pro-life. Otherwise you would not be here to post your BS.

My mother is pro-choice and here I am. My sister is pro-choice and has 2 kids. Shall I go on.

lucky for you that you didn't come along at an inconvenient time. How many potential siblings were sacrificed for your mother's beliefs?
First and Second trimesters: abortion should be allowed without question of motive.

Third Trimester: only in cases of rape, incest, where the mother's life is at stake, or birth/genetic defect.
Why is the life of a fetus conceived by rape or incest less worthy of protection than any other?

those are questions for society as a whole. There are no easy answers.

Who has ever said she should be put in prison?


The person who called her a murderer. AKA you. Unless now you're saying that what you call murder should be legal.

the punishment of the doctor and/or the mother should be left to society as a whole. I don't have the answer for you, sorry.

That's funny. You call abortion murder but you have no opinion on what the penalty for murder should be.

not trying to be funny, just honest.

You'd have no problem coming up with a punishment if some woman paid some guy $1000 to kill her 10 year old.

Why are you flailing around over coming up with a punishment if some woman pays a guy $1000 to abort her 2 month old fetus?
First and Second trimesters: abortion should be allowed without question of motive.

Third Trimester: only in cases of rape, incest, where the mother's life is at stake, or birth/genetic defect.
Why is the life of a fetus conceived by rape or incest less worthy of protection than any other?
Because that is the mother's decision not yours.
If men carried babies, we wouldn't be having this conversation, considering the fact that most men won't even change a diaper. lol

Yeah well, I was a single father with custody for over nine years and I have changed way more than my fair share of diapers.

Also, your comment suggests that you are completely unaware of how many women are just as anti-abortion as anyone else is.

Yes, I realize there are also bat shit crazy women out there. We have a few on this very forum. lol

My hat is off to you for doing a job that millions of single women do every day! smh...

If you can carry a dish to the sink by yourself, I'll stand up and clap for ya.
Wilbur, open your fucking eyes. Middle-class people around the world have conspicuously modified their reproductive "choices" in order to limit the number of children they bear. In short, they don't have children that they can't afford, and they don't have children that they don't want. But people like you believe that The Poor are utterly incapable of modifying their behavior, even when the stupidity of it is manifest.

If abortions were outlawed, people would take BC a behavior control a little more seriously.

It is like drunk driving. A generation ago, a drunk driving ticket was an inconvenience; now it's a nightmare, and a lot fewer people are driving drunk.
Try telling that to Phoenix cops.

They have run those DUI stops on morning commuters and found up to 16% of the people on their way to work are IMPAIRED from either alcohol or drugs of some type.

There has been an epidemic of wrong way drivers on the interstates here and they almost always are impaired. There is about one every day getting on the freeway going the wrong way, it seems.

Who has ever said she should be put in prison?


The person who called her a murderer. AKA you. Unless now you're saying that what you call murder should be legal.

the punishment of the doctor and/or the mother should be left to society as a whole. I don't have the answer for you, sorry.

That's funny. You call abortion murder but you have no opinion on what the penalty for murder should be.

not trying to be funny, just honest.

You'd have no problem coming up with a punishment if some woman paid some guy $1000 to kill her 10 year old.

Why are you flailing around over coming up with a punishment if some woman pays a guy $1000 to abort her 2 month old fetus?

its not up to me. The penalties for murder of a 10 year old are well established in state and federal statutes. Society as a whole should decide via their elected representatives.

Or, would you propose that someone like Obama or HRC dictate our laws to us?
Since abortion always impacts our elections, here is a new poll on the subject.

I am pro life ......the mother's .

She owns her body including the uterus.

The decision to abort belongs exclusively to her and, if she chooses, her health care provider.


that's your opinion, and you have a right to express it. Many disagree with you and they also have the right to express their opinions.

Personally I believe that the mother does not have the right to kill her child before or after birth.

This is why we have a democracy and why everyone gets to vote. Sensitive issues like this should be decided by society as a whole, not dictated by one side or the other. The majority opinion should always prevail in a free society.
First and Second trimesters: abortion should be allowed without question of motive.

Third Trimester: only in cases of rape, incest, where the mother's life is at stake, or birth/genetic defect.
Why is the life of a fetus conceived by rape or incest less worthy of protection than any other?
Because that is the mother's decision not yours.

when does the human being about to be killed get to vote?

The question is: Is an unborn child a human being or not? If not, what is it?
Since abortion always impacts our elections, here is a new poll on the subject.

I am pro life ......the mother's .

She owns her body including the uterus.

The decision to abort belongs exclusively to her and, if she chooses, her health care provider.


that's your opinion, and you have a right to express it. Many disagree with you and they also have the right to express their opinions.

Personally I believe that the mother does not have the right to kill her child before or after birth.

This is why we have a democracy and why everyone gets to vote. Sensitive issues like this should be decided by society as a whole, not dictated by one side or the other. The majority opinion should always prevail in a free society.

Mr Dumb ass states " the majority opinion should always prevail in a free society"

How can a society be free if it depends on majority opinions?

Isn't tyranny by the majority tyranny nevertheless?

Did the Jews in Germany have rights or were they REQUIRED to die because the majority of Germans decided they were enemies of the state?
Since abortion always impacts our elections, here is a new poll on the subject.

I am pro life ......the mother's .

She owns her body including the uterus.

The decision to abort belongs exclusively to her and, if she chooses, her health care provider.


that's your opinion, and you have a right to express it. Many disagree with you and they also have the right to express their opinions.

Personally I believe that the mother does not have the right to kill her child before or after birth.

This is why we have a democracy and why everyone gets to vote. Sensitive issues like this should be decided by society as a whole, not dictated by one side or the other. The majority opinion should always prevail in a free society.

Mr Dumb ass states " the majority opinion should always prevail in a free society"

How can a society be free if it depends on majority opinions?

Isn't tyranny by the majority tyranny nevertheless?

Did the Jews in Germany have rights or were they REQUIRED to die because the majority of Germans decided they were enemies of the state?

We elect presidents by majority vote, we elect governors and representatives by majority vote, we enact laws by majority vote, we decide on tax rates and amendments by majority vote, supreme court justices are selected by majority vote. The majority opinion always prevails in a free democratic state.

What you want is tyranny by a minority. Maybe North Korea would be a good fit for you.

the holocaust was not a majority movement, it was done by a small minority of Germans who controlled the country with an iron fist. Your historical knowledge is sorely lacking.
First and Second trimesters: abortion should be allowed without question of motive.

Third Trimester: only in cases of rape, incest, where the mother's life is at stake, or birth/genetic defect.
Why is the life of a fetus conceived by rape or incest less worthy of protection than any other?
Because that is the mother's decision not yours.

when does the human being about to be killed get to vote?

The question is: Is an unborn child a human being or not? If not, what is it?
A fetus with limited rights, if any.
First and Second trimesters: abortion should be allowed without question of motive.

Third Trimester: only in cases of rape, incest, where the mother's life is at stake, or birth/genetic defect.
Why is the life of a fetus conceived by rape or incest less worthy of protection than any other?
Because that is the mother's decision not yours.

when does the human being about to be killed get to vote?

The question is: Is an unborn child a human being or not? If not, what is it?
A fetus with limited rights, if any.

at what point does he/she obtain constitutional rights? 3 months, 6 months, birth? What happens that suddenly makes a fetus a human being? Describe that process for us.

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