USMB Coffee Shop III

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Morning Coffee Mates. Expecting a high of 92 today. Record is 93. Have a blessed day!

Thank you and good morning to you, studly....:D :D :D Our temps on the inside will reach your forecast. Partly cloudy today and tomorrow and 75 degrees outside. :eek: My blinds are already drawn in preparation. Sure hard to sleep well in hot and humid weather.
Kind of a blah day here so far this morning... don't really know what to do with myself.

Better have my coffee and think about it.

There is always something to do in a garage?

I'm sprucing my digs, and preparing for my tech tomorrow morning to come by and transfer my life of the past 6 years, from my Vista OS, to a new computer tower, with Windows 7. Had to get that while MS will be supporting it until 2020. I don't trust myself to transfer most all of it, and really think I am going to be disappointed even with him doing it. He is an outstanding trained technician with a respected business practice, but I just have a feeling I will lose some files.

I very much like my new Toshiba Chromebook also. I like the mobility factor.
Kind of a blah day here so far this morning... don't really know what to do with myself.

Better have my coffee and think about it.

There is always something to do in a garage?

I'm sprucing my digs, and preparing for my tech tomorrow morning to come by and transfer my life of the past 6 years, from my Vista OS, to a new computer tower, with Windows 7. Had to get that while MS will be supporting it until 2020. I don't trust myself to transfer most all of it, and really think I am going to be disappointed even with him doing it. He is an outstanding trained technician with a respected business practice, but I just have a feeling I will lose some files.

I very much like my new Toshiba Chromebook also. I like the mobility factor.
If he doesn't have a problem with it, keep an eye on what he's doing. Transferring files is really kind of a basic function so, you should be able to see what he's moving, and make sure everything that's being moved gets to where it's going.

That would be my "advice"...
I'll tell ya... for those that live on the west coast, maybe you've heard of these people before, but there's a radio show on in the mornings called Rob, Arnie and Dawn. They're based in Sacramento, CA but are streamed all over the net. I used to listen to them every morning when I lived in Reno when I was at work. Well this morning they're talking about a man that had sex with one of his daughter's hot friends, and that's a subject that's just ripe for some good debate about the woulda, coulda, shoulda's. Then throw in the jokes and one liners and it's a good show for some laughs. - The Rob, Arnie & Dawn Show - 24/7 Online Stream
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Kind of a blah day here so far this morning... don't really know what to do with myself.

Better have my coffee and think about it.

There is always something to do in a garage?

I'm sprucing my digs, and preparing for my tech tomorrow morning to come by and transfer my life of the past 6 years, from my Vista OS, to a new computer tower, with Windows 7. Had to get that while MS will be supporting it until 2020. I don't trust myself to transfer most all of it, and really think I am going to be disappointed even with him doing it. He is an outstanding trained technician with a respected business practice, but I just have a feeling I will lose some files.

I very much like my new Toshiba Chromebook also. I like the mobility factor.
If he doesn't have a problem with it, keep an eye on what he's doing. Transferring files is really kind of a basic function so, you should be able to see what he's moving, and make sure everything that's being moved gets to where it's going.

That would be my "advice"...

Will DO!! Thanks for the worthy "advice." ;)
Good morning everybody. Shivering here cuddled up to my little bitty desk top heater as it is a chilly 38 degrees out there and not slated to warm up a whole lot today. And us with no heat in the house. Widely scattered cold rain showers around at the lower elevations--snow showers in the higher elevations, but no serious precipitation in either of them. No tornadoes in the state unless they got some super cells over on the east side yesterday. Except for gale force and hurricane force winds, severe weather is rare in New Mexico except for the strip of counties on the far east side of the state and those are technically the western edge of "Tornado Alley".

Friend Dana is driving Aunt Betty to her eye doctor appointment mid day to free me up to go to the Senior Saints luncheon. Our program today is a historian specializing in old Route 66 that ran from Chicago to Santa Monica slicing all the way through Albuquerque's mid section. For you young whipper snappers, it was one of the most famous roadways ever--a dust bowl migration route, a strategic WWII military route, and carried settlers and vacationers and a huge portion of the nation's commerce and industry for many years. Should be an interesting program.

So Tuesday is one of those nondescript days with usually nothing much memorable about it unless it is election day. Sometimes that is a good thing. Have a good one all.

I'm late joining in today, because our internet was being upgraded and it threw me off of the net for about an hour.

Good morning everybody. Shivering here cuddled up to my little bitty desk top heater as it is a chilly 38 degrees out there and not slated to warm up a whole lot today. And us with no heat in the house. Widely scattered cold rain showers around at the lower elevations--snow showers in the higher elevations, but no serious precipitation in either of them. No tornadoes in the state unless they got some super cells over on the east side yesterday. Except for gale force and hurricane force winds, severe weather is rare in New Mexico except for the strip of counties on the far east side of the state and those are technically the western edge of "Tornado Alley".

Friend Dana is driving Aunt Betty to her eye doctor appointment mid day to free me up to go to the Senior Saints luncheon. Our program today is a historian specializing in old Route 66 that ran from Chicago to Santa Monica slicing all the way through Albuquerque's mid section. For you young whipper snappers, it was one of the most famous roadways ever--a dust bowl migration route, a strategic WWII military route, and carried settlers and vacationers and a huge portion of the nation's commerce and industry for many years. Should be an interesting program.

So Tuesday is one of those nondescript days with usually nothing much memorable about it unless it is election day. Sometimes that is a good thing. Have a good one all.

No heat in the house?
Sorry I'm late for coffee this morning. I just crawled out from under the bed. When it's real stormy outside Taco and I sleep under the bed. Stormy here for most of the night. Clearing up here now but it's chilly outside.
We're supposed to get a good downpour early tomorrow morning....I'll believe it when I see it. So far, the weathermen around here suck....they've been wrong 90% of the time.
I'm surprised folks don't head out to the weather office and trash the place. :lol:
I've given it a thought!:lol::lol:

Let's say I plan a project to re-cement the front walk, and wait for a forecast that calls for clear skies. However, after I've finished, a thunderstorm pops up, and the entire project is ruined. Obviously I can't really blame the weather forecasters as they only predict the weather, but would still need to find a way to relieve the anger and tension. Good thing that the weather office is far away. :badgrin:

I think there's a clause in the Constitution that protects, we just have to grin and bear it.

Okay! Photo time! Here's this year's crop of tulips! I planted the bulbs last November and the long winter watered them well.





So next weekend I hope to get the window boxes planted. One step at a time!

Soooooo pretty. Our weather gets way too hot for tulips..but they sure are pretty.
Well, I have to take all the bad things I said about the weatherman back. We got 3 inches of rain yesterday and it started raining again last night just before I went to started sprinkling this morning, but it has now stopped. I am so thankful for all the rain. We didn't have bad winds, so it was a nice rain....even kept that darn armadillo from coming out and tearing at my flower beds.

Well, I have to take all the bad things I said about the weatherman back. We got 3 inches of rain yesterday and it started raining again last night just before I went to started sprinkling this morning, but it has now stopped. I am so thankful for all the rain. We didn't have bad winds, so it was a nice rain....even kept that darn armadillo from coming out and tearing at my flower beds.

Consider investing in an armadillo trap. It'll bring you peace of mind not having to worry about your flower beds.
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