USMB Coffee Shop III

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We're supposed to get a good downpour early tomorrow morning....I'll believe it when I see it. So far, the weathermen around here suck....they've been wrong 90% of the time.
We're supposed to get a good downpour early tomorrow morning....I'll believe it when I see it. So far, the weathermen around here suck....they've been wrong 90% of the time.
I'm surprised folks don't head out to the weather office and trash the place. :lol:

Let's say I plan a project to re-cement the front walk, and wait for a forecast that calls for clear skies. However, after I've finished, a thunderstorm pops up, and the entire project is ruined. Obviously I can't really blame the weather forecasters as they only predict the weather, but would still need to find a way to relieve the anger and tension. Good thing that the weather office is far away. :badgrin:
Hi folks. We got some snow last night, about an inch and a half of heavy wet stuff. If it was the middle of winter with an already frozen ground it probably would have been a foot and a half.....
It's already in the upper thirties and the snow is melting, go west and get north of the Springs a lot more snow and much colder weather.
Back down in Trinidad, much to do down here before we head back up to the Springs on Thursday, the wife has an interview in the Springs on Friday. Less money but if we get the house in the estate disbursement we won't have a monthly mortgage besides it's already been agreed upon that we can stay in the house as caretakers if needed.
Lots to do up there, I have to find and inventory all my dad's assets, dig though tons of paperwork (he kept everything) to discover any insurances or investments we may not know about. It's going to be a long process but probate can take up to a year which is why I'm checking into a Living Trust and Payment on Death accounts for my wife and I to avoid probate when our time comes.

I remember going through this after my mom's death in December 2012. Indeed, it took a while to get everything sorted out. Wishing you only the best, and lots of strength, Ringel.

Luckily, for me, My youngest brother had the medical power of attorney and all the funeral arrangements had been made years ago with the Neptune Society so all he has to do is refer to them. My next youngest brother is the executor of the will but he's in Alabama, a retired high up military muckity-muck and now a high up government G muckity-muck who's very busy so he and I are checking whether or not I can be named a co-executor by the court to help him facilitate everything on this end.
Just found out my dad can have a military funeral with full military honors and have his and my mom's remains interned together at any National Military Cemetery, we're looking at Fort Logan in Denver.
Right now the biggest thing on my plate will be documenting and itemizing all property and determining value plus digging though mountains of files may dad left behind. Also trying to determine who want's what, with the help of the executor, and setting things aside for eventual distribution among the heirs.
By the way, anyone want a Kwai piano and a dry sauna? I'll let em go cheap........

If the piano is in good shape I would love to have it. The dumbest thing I ever did was sell my piano when we left Kansas. It is the only possession I've ever gotten rid of that I feel regret.
Just a little FYI... there is some NASTY weather headed right for BBD, right now. I hope he has battened down the hatches.

Intellicast - Weather Active Map

Yep. It got ugly here for a bit but the worst of it is over for now. It sort of passed on both sides of us so we didn't get the brunt of it. However, very nearby did. It's all headed northeast up into Wisconsin.
I remember going through this after my mom's death in December 2012. Indeed, it took a while to get everything sorted out. Wishing you only the best, and lots of strength, Ringel.

Luckily, for me, My youngest brother had the medical power of attorney and all the funeral arrangements had been made years ago with the Neptune Society so all he has to do is refer to them. My next youngest brother is the executor of the will but he's in Alabama, a retired high up military muckity-muck and now a high up government G muckity-muck who's very busy so he and I are checking whether or not I can be named a co-executor by the court to help him facilitate everything on this end.
Just found out my dad can have a military funeral with full military honors and have his and my mom's remains interned together at any National Military Cemetery, we're looking at Fort Logan in Denver.
Right now the biggest thing on my plate will be documenting and itemizing all property and determining value plus digging though mountains of files may dad left behind. Also trying to determine who want's what, with the help of the executor, and setting things aside for eventual distribution among the heirs.
By the way, anyone want a Kwai piano and a dry sauna? I'll let em go cheap........

If the piano is in good shape I would love to have it. The dumbest thing I ever did was sell my piano when we left Kansas. It is the only possession I've ever gotten rid of that I feel regret.
They picked it up years ago and to the best of my knowledge it's been mostly a dust collector since so it's in great shape. The cabinet is cherry and somewhere I have which model it is but I forgot where I put the info. I was partially joking though it will most likely be sold as none of us boys want it.
My sister got a new job in Melbourne and she leaves in two weeks. Her workplace has put up an advert looking to replace her position, so I have applied for it. I wonder if being her sister will get me in the door...

If she was good worker and has a good reputation there, it couldn't hurt and may very well help. Good luck!

She is the person getting the application emails lol. How embarrassing. I forgot to attach my resume and application to the first letter and she messaged me to tell me so. She said there is no chance I will get the job because my resume needs a lot of work. She says she'll help me with it when she gets home.

I'm sure you'll get a good job soon.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Ollie's daughter Angie and son Dirk,
Sheila’s sore foot and friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Noomi's impending oral surgery,
Becki!!! and Becki’s hubby,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Ernie and his friend Royce's family, especially Alisha, as they prepare for the final goodbye,
Sheila and Andrew,
Ringel and his family as they prepare for the final goodbye for his dad,
Jake's granddaughter Susan,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
The storms earlier today were typical of late April and early May in NE Ohio, kind of quiet and passive, the rain not a downpour but a mist, the thunder and lightning infrequent and half-hearted.

The evening storms were of the crazy, every-so-many-years type that generally wreak havoc in early June. There were at least half a dozen tornadoes reported in the vicinity between eight and ten pm., two of them in my little town. Happily they were little bitty ones and there wasn't any major damage. The lightning on the other hand, WOW! It did some damage, a lot of big tree branches and power poles are no longer of any use.

The warning sirens ran pretty much nonstop the whole time, severe storm, tornado, severe storm, flood, tornado, another tornado, more severe storms...

What sucks about it all is that these were the easy storms. The big line that cut through the Midwest is halfway across Indiana now, it looks like it's going to get really bad here in the afternoon.

Oh well, at least it isn't snow. I hate snow.
The storms earlier today were typical of late April and early May in NE Ohio, kind of quiet and passive, the rain not a downpour but a mist, the thunder and lightning infrequent and half-hearted.

The evening storms were of the crazy, every-so-many-years type that generally wreak havoc in early June. There were at least half a dozen tornadoes reported in the vicinity between eight and ten pm., two of them in my little town. Happily they were little bitty ones and there wasn't any major damage. The lightning on the other hand, WOW! It did some damage, a lot of big tree branches and power poles are no longer of any use.

The warning sirens ran pretty much nonstop the whole time, severe storm, tornado, severe storm, flood, tornado, another tornado, more severe storms...

What sucks about it all is that these were the easy storms. The big line that cut through the Midwest is halfway across Indiana now, it looks like it's going to get really bad here in the afternoon.

Oh well, at least it isn't snow. I hate snow.

I saw that Cleveland was getting kind of slammed yesterday evening. That passsed us by completely. We just had sprinkles yesterday.

It's already 70 here this morning. We just need to get through today then back to the 60s for the rest of the week. I plan on packing most of everything for my move and just putting the boxes up against the wall in case we get more heat next week.

Can't wait to get moved and get my AC back. Jeezus, I don't know how people go through the entire summer like this.
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