USMB Coffee Shop III

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Whatever does that mean? ... :eusa_shifty:

Some of us still have to work for a living...:badgrin:
Hi folks. We got some snow last night, about an inch and a half of heavy wet stuff. If it was the middle of winter with an already frozen ground it probably would have been a foot and a half.....
It's already in the upper thirties and the snow is melting, go west and get north of the Springs a lot more snow and much colder weather.
Back down in Trinidad, much to do down here before we head back up to the Springs on Thursday, the wife has an interview in the Springs on Friday. Less money but if we get the house in the estate disbursement we won't have a monthly mortgage besides it's already been agreed upon that we can stay in the house as caretakers if needed.
Lots to do up there, I have to find and inventory all my dad's assets, dig though tons of paperwork (he kept everything) to discover any insurances or investments we may not know about. It's going to be a long process but probate can take up to a year which is why I'm checking into a Living Trust and Payment on Death accounts for my wife and I to avoid probate when our time comes.
I have a friend who was hit by the recession. She lost her job. She immediately went to work finding another one. She did a lot of online research and sent out literally hundreds of resumes. She found a guy to exchange with (can't remember but something like house cleaning or pet care) for his expertise in writing resumes and cover letters. It only took her 3 or 4 weeks to land another job. She's been working steadily ever since. I was very impressed with how much effort she put into her job search. But it really paid off![/QUOTE

“The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Get”

The harder and smarter one works at looking for a job doesn't guarantee finding one but it undoubtedly puts those who make the extra effort in the best position. :thup:
Okay! Photo time! Here's this year's crop of tulips! I planted the bulbs last November and the long winter watered them well.





So next weekend I hope to get the window boxes planted. One step at a time!

Beautiful. What a great feeling those pics brought me. Reminds me of my home, when a little girl. :thup:
Okay! Photo time! Here's this year's crop of tulips! I planted the bulbs last November and the long winter watered them well.





So next weekend I hope to get the window boxes planted. One step at a time!

Beautiful. What a great feeling those pics brought me. Reminds me of my home, when a little girl. :thup:
Did you live on a steep hillside too? Homes around here are stuck to the sides of steep ravines. So steep that living room windows look into the second floor of the house to the right and the basement windows of the house to the left. One out of town visitor compared my town to San Francisco. We too are in the United States as is San Francisco. We lay roughly on the 40th parallel. Both San Francisco and East Liverpool are built on steep terrain. But that's where the similarities end. Totally.

But I'm happy you enjoyed my snapshots, aqua! I'm sure that your girlhood home was a beautiful place.
Okay! Photo time! Here's this year's crop of tulips! I planted the bulbs last November and the long winter watered them well.





So next weekend I hope to get the window boxes planted. One step at a time!

Beautiful. What a great feeling those pics brought me. Reminds me of my home, when a little girl. :thup:
Did you live on a steep hillside too? Homes around here are stuck to the sides of steep ravines. So steep that living room windows look into the second floor of the house to the right and the basement windows of the house to the left. One out of town visitor compared my town to San Francisco. We too are in the United States as is San Francisco. We lay roughly on the 40th parallel. Both San Francisco and East Liverpool are built on steep terrain. But that's where the similarities end. Totally.

But I'm happy you enjoyed my snapshots, aqua! I'm sure that your girlhood home was a beautiful place.

Well, I have lived in San Francisco, and know just what you mean. :D

What made my childhood homes beautiful, in addition to the colorful gardens of flowers, strawberries, and flags, was the presence of my mother. :smiliehug: She filled the homes with love and gentleness and she cherished her little girl. :)
Yesterday was Mom's day so I waited for today to highlight some of my dad's background.
He was born in a dirt floor cabin in upper Wisconsin in 1932, they were very poor. At Christmas he and his siblings would each receive one Hersey's Kiss as a gift. He learned to hunt at age 7 and had his first gun at age 9. He told me his brother and some of his cousins put together a model T from parts found tossed in the woods.
After high school he went to work for the rail road and met my mom when he was swimming and she dove off a platform and landed on him, he said he knew at that moment he wanted to marry her and asked her out on a date. :lol:
He joined the Air Force, was with them for 13 years before switching over to the Army as a Warrant Officer when we were at Clark AFB in the Philippines. During Vietnam he did a 6 month TDY in Thailand, a 6 month TDY in Nam, a full tour in Nam then spent much of his time traveling back and forth from Nam to Taiwan for a whole year.
His Military awards consisted of:
National Defense Service Medal
Good Conduct Medal (2 awards)
Air Force Longevity Service Award w/Oak Leaf Cluster
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
Parachutist Badge
Small Arms Marksmanship Ribbon
Vietnam Service Medal w/8 Bronze Service Stars
Vietnam Campaign Medal w/60 Divice
Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry w/Palm
Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal: First Class
Bronze Star
3 Overseas Bars
Army of Occupation Medal (Berlin)
Sharpshooter Badge (.45 Caliber Pistol)
He told me one story of his Nam experience, for some reason he was flying somewhere in a Huey and had decided to man the door gun (he was an electrician) the took ground fire and something exploded right in front of him knocking him backwards. He spent a few moments wondering if he was dead then looking at the mess that was his flak jacket........ He was unscathed.
Over his lifetime he went to school and earned 5 different degrees, he was really a farmer at heart, wanted to buy a farm and have us suburbanite sons all help him work it.......... Uuuuuum, no.......
He and my mom raised 4 boys, You know about me, one who retired a Full Colonel (Army), one retired a First Sgt (Army) and the youngest who is a Nurse Practitioner (he's only a demi-god..........) :D
He and my mom will both be missed. They both did so very much for all of us.
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Coffee sure is good this morning... Hard to beat a good cup of coffee!

I just received a phone call from the lawyer of my friend, Otis, who recently passed away. They read his will this morning at 0900 in his office. My friend, Otis, who lived very simply, was actually a very wealthy man. I had know for years that he had lots of money and he owned quite a few rental houses in Rockford. However, we never dwelled on it and our fun together was training our beagles, the field trials, playing Rummy, going out to eat and just hanging out. I was quite surprised to learn that he had left me a very large sum of money in his will. He left the bulk of his estate to his wife, and rightfully so but to find out he left me anything was quite a surprise. Although I am not what I would consider a "rich" person, Mrs. BBD and I live a very comfortable life. I have no idea what I shall do with this gift that I was left. Going to have to give this lots of thought.
Coffee sure is good this morning... Hard to beat a good cup of coffee!

I just received a phone call from the lawyer of my friend, Otis, who recently passed away. They read his will this morning at 0900 in his office. My friend, Otis, who lived very simply, was actually a very wealthy man. I had know for years that he had lots of money and he owned quite a few rental houses in Rockford. However, we never dwelled on it and our fun together was training our beagles, the field trials, playing Rummy, going out to eat and just hanging out. I was quite surprised to learn that he had left me a very large sum of money in his will. He left the bulk of his estate to his wife, and rightfully so but to find out he left me anything was quite a surprise. Although I am not what I would consider a "rich" person, Mrs. BBD and I live a very comfortable life. I have no idea what I shall do with this gift that I was left. Going to have to give this lots of thought.

Oh that's really nice BBD. :D
Good morning everybody. Gulping down a last cup of coffee before I head over to the church for a Senior Saints team ministry meeting. Not a chore at all--something I look forward to.

Was just thinking of the many twists and turns Ringel's life has taken in the last couple of years and how fate sort of sometimes works things out. He wants to live in the Springs and it looks positive that this can happen. Thinking about BBD's unexpected windfall and that he and Mrs. BBD should do something outrageously wonderful with it that they will remember forever in memory of Otis. Thinking that Noomi is still very young with a life full of promise ahead of her, and sometimes it just involves determination to make things happen.

And that horrible wildfire in the Texas Panhandle that burned 75 homes yesterday? That was within 10 miles of where our son and daughter-in-law live. :(

As for Mondays, I LIKE Mondays. Usually there is something good on TV, if we have had weekend guests we have had a good visit and they are on their way, and I rarely have appointments or other have to do things on Monday--today is a rare exception--so essentially Monday is my day of rest. Of course I've been retired for a couple of years now. :)

Okay need to find my shoes and get over to the meeting. Ya'll all have a stellar day.
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