USMB Coffee Shop IV


I suppose they could be related. But I don't think I would mistake Margot for Carrie. I was never enamored all that much with either actress, but I don't feel any dislike for either. Margot was good in the Superman series. Carrie was right for her Star Wars role. I have read that the one thing they do have in common is both have to deal with bipolar disorder.

Karen Allen played the female lead in Raiders of the Lost Ark - not sure about the sequels because I haven't watched any of those all the way through. Karen's best role I thought was as the leading actress in Starman.


Oh and good morning everybody. :)

Good morning, Foxy! Gosh! I think all three of them could be sisters! Maybe it's just me! :dunno:

I suppose they could be related. But I don't think I would mistake Margot for Carrie. I was never enamored all that much with either actress, but I don't feel any dislike for either. Margot was good in the Superman series. Carrie was right for her Star Wars role. I have read that the one thing they do have in common is both have to deal with bipolar disorder.

Karen Allen played the female lead in Raiders of the Lost Ark - not sure about the sequels because I haven't watched any of those all the way through. Karen's best role I thought was as the leading actress in Starman.


Oh and good morning everybody. :)

Good morning, Foxy! Gosh! I think all three of them could be sisters! Maybe it's just me! :dunno:

No I agree. They could easily play as sisters in any role and be completely believable.

I suppose they could be related. But I don't think I would mistake Margot for Carrie. I was never enamored all that much with either actress, but I don't feel any dislike for either. Margot was good in the Superman series. Carrie was right for her Star Wars role. I have read that the one thing they do have in common is both have to deal with bipolar disorder.

Karen Allen played the female lead in Raiders of the Lost Ark - not sure about the sequels because I haven't watched any of those all the way through. Karen's best role I thought was as the leading actress in Starman.


Oh and good morning everybody. :)

Missing Superman actress found frightened in bushes - World - News - The Independent

I suppose they could be related. But I don't think I would mistake Margot for Carrie. I was never enamored all that much with either actress, but I don't feel any dislike for either. Margot was good in the Superman series. Carrie was right for her Star Wars role. I have read that the one thing they do have in common is both have to deal with bipolar disorder.

Karen Allen played the female lead in Raiders of the Lost Ark - not sure about the sequels because I haven't watched any of those all the way through. Karen's best role I thought was as the leading actress in Starman.


Oh and good morning everybody. :)

Missing Superman actress found frightened in bushes - World - News - The Independent

I had read somewhere that Margot was diagnosed both as bipolar and suffering from paranoia, so that could explain such a bizarre situation. We often never know what demons any of us have to live with do we. And so often those demons are so misunderstood and misinterpreted by those who have not experienced them.

I'm not saying anybody has to appreciate anybody for any reason. But sometimes it does help to understand the demons to understand why people are sometimes the way they are.
OK been missing a few days. Life gets that way at times.
Just got up and not quite "here" yet. I worked a security shift at Doc's last night and got home at 4AM.

I hope Ernie is being good to and taking care of Ernie too. And you were a missed person. That danged real life does take a lot of time doesn't it. Hope you did get some good sleep. Whatever happened to bars closing at 2 a.m.? That isn't feasible anymore?
OK been missing a few days. Life gets that way at times.
Just got up and not quite "here" yet. I worked a security shift at Doc's last night and got home at 4AM.

I hope Ernie is being good to and taking care of Ernie too. And you were a missed person. That danged real life does take a lot of time doesn't it. Hope you did get some good sleep. Whatever happened to bars closing at 2 a.m.? That isn't feasible anymore?
They close at 2 here in Foley, but there's a lot to do once you stop serving the alcohol.
First, you have to shepherd all the inebriated hangers on out the door, arranging taxis or rides for the evening's best customers.
Then you restock the beer coolers, bring out back-ups for the hard liquor bottles, wash glassware and bar mats, put away the fruit and mixers, count money, empty garbage, pick up the rubber mats behind the bar, pick up ash trays, wipe down tables and the bar, turn up the thermostat, sweep and mop the floors, clean the bathrooms, wash garbage cans and the mats, kill the lights, arm the alarm system and lock the door.
It takes a while.
Most week nights, you can start all that earlier than 2 AM. but last night, we had a crowd show up from another bar at 1:15. Hell I was pouring pitchers and grabbing beers when I would normally be wiping down tables

I suppose they could be related. But I don't think I would mistake Margot for Carrie. I was never enamored all that much with either actress, but I don't feel any dislike for either. Margot was good in the Superman series. Carrie was right for her Star Wars role. I have read that the one thing they do have in common is both have to deal with bipolar disorder.

Karen Allen played the female lead in Raiders of the Lost Ark - not sure about the sequels because I haven't watched any of those all the way through. Karen's best role I thought was as the leading actress in Starman.


Oh and good morning everybody. :)
Damn! You're right. My bad, though Allen and Kidder look a lot more alike than Kidder and Fisher, probably how I got them confused. Next time I'll listen to that nagging little voice in the back of my head........ :lol:

I suppose they could be related. But I don't think I would mistake Margot for Carrie. I was never enamored all that much with either actress, but I don't feel any dislike for either. Margot was good in the Superman series. Carrie was right for her Star Wars role. I have read that the one thing they do have in common is both have to deal with bipolar disorder.

Karen Allen played the female lead in Raiders of the Lost Ark - not sure about the sequels because I haven't watched any of those all the way through. Karen's best role I thought was as the leading actress in Starman.


Oh and good morning everybody. :)
Damn! You're right. My bad, though Allen and Kidder look a lot more alike than Kidder and Fisher, probably how I got them confused. Next time I'll listen to that nagging little voice in the back of my head........ :lol:

I wonder if any resemblance between them is heightened by their all playing leading female roles in some of the biggest action/adventure movies of the same time period. They are all brunettes from classic late 70s early 80s summer movies. :)

I suppose they could be related. But I don't think I would mistake Margot for Carrie. I was never enamored all that much with either actress, but I don't feel any dislike for either. Margot was good in the Superman series. Carrie was right for her Star Wars role. I have read that the one thing they do have in common is both have to deal with bipolar disorder.

Karen Allen played the female lead in Raiders of the Lost Ark - not sure about the sequels because I haven't watched any of those all the way through. Karen's best role I thought was as the leading actress in Starman.


Oh and good morning everybody. :)
Damn! You're right. My bad, though Allen and Kidder look a lot more alike than Kidder and Fisher, probably how I got them confused. Next time I'll listen to that nagging little voice in the back of my head........ :lol:

I wonder if any resemblance between them is heightened by their all playing leading female roles in some of the biggest action/adventure movies of the same time period. They are all brunettes from classic late 70s early 80s summer movies. :)

Maybe it was just the general type that was popular at that time? Like sometimes it seems to be all the blonds who are getting the lead roles?
You guys just don't know how to shop correctly. :biggrin:

Shopping for a man is defined as item hunting. For women it is the absolute best combination of price, quality and uniqueness. It seems overly time consuming, when in most cases you will need to buy another pair of jeans or hamburger at some point.
I LOATHE Ferrell. Absolutely loathe him.

And I refuse to watch ANY movie that skanky Jane Fonda is in.

Ferrell exceeds my stupid tolerance quotient .

To be fair to him, Megamind and The Lego Movie were fine movies. I don't usually put voice acting in the same category as live action, though, so it's not really a Will Ferrell movie if he's just doing a voice. :D
I LOATHE Ferrell. Absolutely loathe him.

And I refuse to watch ANY movie that skanky Jane Fonda is in.

Ferrell exceeds my stupid tolerance quotient .

But he is good at what he does. I just don't like that particular genre all that much. I want comedies with a story line that is acted out in a believable way. The amusing aspects of it are built into it intelligently and make it fun and entertaining, but the comedy itself is not the only reason for the story being told. So movies in which just being funny is the point leave me cold. I can appreciate the cleverness of the occasion sitcom like "The Big Bang Theory" or others that are built around humor instead of a story line, but I get tired of them very quickly. And don't want to sit through a whole movie like that.
OK been missing a few days. Life gets that way at times.
Just got up and not quite "here" yet. I worked a security shift at Doc's last night and got home at 4AM.

I hope Ernie is being good to and taking care of Ernie too. And you were a missed person. That danged real life does take a lot of time doesn't it. Hope you did get some good sleep. Whatever happened to bars closing at 2 a.m.? That isn't feasible anymore?
Ernie is trying to get motivated. Usually after a late night, I wake up ready to go after spending some time here and puttering around getting caffeinated.
Today.... just can't get going.
It's inventory day so Max is counting beers.

The 9 foot long drop in cooler holds about 40 cases of beer. Most are laying on their sides aimed in opposite directions. Once a week, they all come out, the cooler is cleaned, bottles counted before they go back in. It's not unusual for there to be 240 bottles of beer on the bar on Wednesday.
I LOATHE Ferrell. Absolutely loathe him.

And I refuse to watch ANY movie that skanky Jane Fonda is in.

Ferrell exceeds my stupid tolerance quotient .

But he is good at what he does. I just don't like that particular genre all that much. I want comedies with a story line that is acted out in a believable way. The amusing aspects of it are built into it intelligently and make it fun and entertaining, but the comedy itself is not the only reason for the story being told. So movies in which just being funny is the point leave me cold. I can appreciate the cleverness of the occasion sitcom like "The Big Bang Theory" or others that are built around humor instead of a story line, but I get tired of them very quickly. And don't want to sit through a whole movie like that.
I agree. I don't appreciate humor based on idiocy or stereotype. I don't watch Farrell or the Simpsons South Park or Family Guy.
I LOATHE Ferrell. Absolutely loathe him.

And I refuse to watch ANY movie that skanky Jane Fonda is in.

Ferrell exceeds my stupid tolerance quotient .

But he is good at what he does. I just don't like that particular genre all that much. I want comedies with a story line that is acted out in a believable way. The amusing aspects of it are built into it intelligently and make it fun and entertaining, but the comedy itself is not the only reason for the story being told. So movies in which just being funny is the point leave me cold. I can appreciate the cleverness of the occasion sitcom like "The Big Bang Theory" or others that are built around humor instead of a story line, but I get tired of them very quickly. And don't want to sit through a whole movie like that.

I haven't particularly enjoyed what little I've watched of BBT. It's very popular, but I've never understood the appeal. I don't think it's terrible, but neither do I find it particularly funny or inventive.

I've enjoyed sitcoms like Cougar Town and Community in recent years. Unlike Ernie I'm a Family Guy fan; I've watched most of the episodes over the 10+ years it has aired. It's decidedly low-brow humor, but something about MacFarlane's brand of 'fart jokes', you might call it, appeals to me. South Park was good for a few seasons but got old. The Simpsons is a show I've never found too funny, but don't mind watching if someone has it on.
Probably Jorja Fox.

Yeah. Her. Can't stand her. I also won't watch anything Margo Kidder plays in. Can't stand her either. There are some celebs I just refuse to watch.
Understood, I can't stand Danny DeVito.

You should see It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. You would really hate him then! :lol:
Not no hell no, tried watching it once, it sucked and in the ten minutes that I wasted my life on DeVito wasn't even on........
But you have to realize I'm that way about sitcoms in general, every time I've tried to watch one I've either felt my mind go numb or I could literally hear my brain cells screaming in agony as they died.

Well, I like to relax and laugh and watch sitcoms/comedies. It's relaxing and fun, and you really don't have to think about anything while you watch. Laughter is the BEST medicine, you know! It's also good for your abs. :biggrin:
When I want laughs, I watch Frasier. :)

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