USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yeah. Her. Can't stand her. I also won't watch anything Margo Kidder plays in. Can't stand her either. There are some celebs I just refuse to watch.
Understood, I can't stand Danny DeVito.

You should see It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. You would really hate him then! :lol:
Not no hell no, tried watching it once, it sucked and in the ten minutes that I wasted my life on DeVito wasn't even on........
But you have to realize I'm that way about sitcoms in general, every time I've tried to watch one I've either felt my mind go numb or I could literally hear my brain cells screaming in agony as they died.

Well, I like to relax and laugh and watch sitcoms/comedies. It's relaxing and fun, and you really don't have to think about anything while you watch. Laughter is the BEST medicine, you know! It's also good for your abs. :biggrin:
When I want laughs, I watch Frasier. :)

I like Kelsey Grammer in only certain roles and he is good in Frasier, but there just isn't enough pathos built into the character to keep me interested in more than an episode or at most two--I think the characters are too one dimensional.

In Down Periscope, however, he was perfect for the role--you really did understand his situation and appreciated how he managed to take some of the Navy's hand picked misfits and mold them into an efficient crew. And even though every character had its own humorous side, there was great character development. You feel like you know the characters and their different personalities. Some great direction there.

I like most Spielberg movies too for the same reason--he is brilliant at attention to the most minute details that adds breadth and dimension to the characters. The one exception was War Horse. Terrible movie.
Yeah. Her. Can't stand her. I also won't watch anything Margo Kidder plays in. Can't stand her either. There are some celebs I just refuse to watch.
Understood, I can't stand Danny DeVito.

You should see It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. You would really hate him then! :lol:
Not no hell no, tried watching it once, it sucked and in the ten minutes that I wasted my life on DeVito wasn't even on........
But you have to realize I'm that way about sitcoms in general, every time I've tried to watch one I've either felt my mind go numb or I could literally hear my brain cells screaming in agony as they died.

Well, I like to relax and laugh and watch sitcoms/comedies. It's relaxing and fun, and you really don't have to think about anything while you watch. Laughter is the BEST medicine, you know! It's also good for your abs. :biggrin:
When I want laughs, I watch Frasier. :)

I watched Cheers, but never got into Frasier.
I love love love Frasier. Espeically Niles. Hell, all of them. Until Niles hooked up with Daphney. After that...I began to dislike her a lot. She got mean.
Ya know, the TV is on in the morning for the news, it goes off when the wife leaves for work. It comes back on when she gets home for the news then she'll watch her shows, true crime stuff, home remodel shows, Animal planet, etc. When she's done watching it we turn it off. Never does a prime time show dare show it's face on my TV.............
Obviously I'm back from my VA appointment, yup I survived. First off they had me assigned to "Team B", when I check with Team B they told me I had been switched to Team C and I had to check in with them, didn't anyone tell me...........?
Okay, go over to Team C, check in and wait. They were only 15 minutes behind so basically I got in quickly, the nurse did the vitals and background then took me over to see the doc........ VERY, VERY well worth the wait!!!!! She's the most gorgeous doctor I've ever seen in my life!!!! Not only that she has a great sense of humor and seems to really know her job (not that I'd care........ :eusa_whistle: ) :lol:
I was actually astounded when she told me they were going to schedule MRIs, told her about the response to the MRI request I made at the Colorado Springs Clinic..... She gave me a WTF look and I told her that was exactly my response......
Gonna have to do some labs, had x-rays of my back (a first since being in the VA system) and x-rays of my left hand, jammed the hell out of my middle finger a few days ago, the knuckle swelled up and turned purple. Got a shingles shot and they'll schedule me for a sleep study here in El Paso.
Obviously I'm back from my VA appointment, yup I survived. First off they had me assigned to "Team B", when I check with Team B they told me I had been switched to Team C and I had to check in with them, didn't anyone tell me...........?
Okay, go over to Team C, check in and wait. They were only 15 minutes behind so basically I got in quickly, the nurse did the vitals and background then took me over to see the doc........ VERY, VERY well worth the wait!!!!! She's the most gorgeous doctor I've ever seen in my life!!!! Not only that she has a great sense of humor and seems to really know her job (not that I'd care........ :eusa_whistle: ) :lol:
I was actually astounded when she told me they were going to schedule MRIs, told her about the response to the MRI request I made at the Colorado Springs Clinic..... She gave me a WTF look and I told her that was exactly my response......
Gonna have to do some labs, had x-rays of my back (a first since being in the VA system) and x-rays of my left hand, jammed the hell out of my middle finger a few days ago, the knuckle swelled up and turned purple. Got a shingles shot and they'll schedule me for a sleep study here in El Paso.

Sound good. One of my closest friends here in Albuquerque is a recently retired V.A. emergency doctor. She advises that there are good VA systems and some that really suck. I don't know if she has an opinion about the El Paso VA but I'll try to remember to ask her.
Ya know, the TV is on in the morning for the news, it goes off when the wife leaves for work. It comes back on when she gets home for the news then she'll watch her shows, true crime stuff, home remodel shows, Animal planet, etc. When she's done watching it we turn it off. Never does a prime time show dare show it's face on my TV.............

A lot of them may be crap, but there are still good shows on TV. It's a question of if you're willing to take the time to find them by watching a lot of terrible pilots. :p
Tv just came on. I usually turn it on at 5pm. It does not go off until midnight...unless I am restless, then it stays on until Frasier is over at 3am.
Ya know, the TV is on in the morning for the news, it goes off when the wife leaves for work. It comes back on when she gets home for the news then she'll watch her shows, true crime stuff, home remodel shows, Animal planet, etc. When she's done watching it we turn it off. Never does a prime time show dare show it's face on my TV.............

A lot of them may be crap, but there are still good shows on TV. It's a question of if you're willing to take the time to find them by watching a lot of terrible pilots. :p
Eons ago someone told me about this great show, Friends and that I needed to watch it......... After 5 minutes and hundreds of dead brain cells I turned it off....... No, I find TV in general to be intellectually insulting, even the news and God forbid I sit though one of the talking heads shows, been there done that, not interested.
Obviously I'm back from my VA appointment, yup I survived. First off they had me assigned to "Team B", when I check with Team B they told me I had been switched to Team C and I had to check in with them, didn't anyone tell me...........?
Okay, go over to Team C, check in and wait. They were only 15 minutes behind so basically I got in quickly, the nurse did the vitals and background then took me over to see the doc........ VERY, VERY well worth the wait!!!!! She's the most gorgeous doctor I've ever seen in my life!!!! Not only that she has a great sense of humor and seems to really know her job (not that I'd care........ :eusa_whistle: ) :lol:
I was actually astounded when she told me they were going to schedule MRIs, told her about the response to the MRI request I made at the Colorado Springs Clinic..... She gave me a WTF look and I told her that was exactly my response......
Gonna have to do some labs, had x-rays of my back (a first since being in the VA system) and x-rays of my left hand, jammed the hell out of my middle finger a few days ago, the knuckle swelled up and turned purple. Got a shingles shot and they'll schedule me for a sleep study here in El Paso.

Tell her you need a picture of her for some friend on the internet. :eusa_whistle:
I never watched Friends. Just not my cuppa.

Law And Order SVU
America's Got Talent
Big Brother
Animal Planet
The Island
Master Chef and Master Chef Jr.
Dancing With The Stars (sometimes)
Game Of Thrones
Walking Dead

Just to name a few.

Yeah. I like my tv.:)
Obviously I'm back from my VA appointment, yup I survived. First off they had me assigned to "Team B", when I check with Team B they told me I had been switched to Team C and I had to check in with them, didn't anyone tell me...........?
Okay, go over to Team C, check in and wait. They were only 15 minutes behind so basically I got in quickly, the nurse did the vitals and background then took me over to see the doc........ VERY, VERY well worth the wait!!!!! She's the most gorgeous doctor I've ever seen in my life!!!! Not only that she has a great sense of humor and seems to really know her job (not that I'd care........ :eusa_whistle: ) :lol:
I was actually astounded when she told me they were going to schedule MRIs, told her about the response to the MRI request I made at the Colorado Springs Clinic..... She gave me a WTF look and I told her that was exactly my response......
Gonna have to do some labs, had x-rays of my back (a first since being in the VA system) and x-rays of my left hand, jammed the hell out of my middle finger a few days ago, the knuckle swelled up and turned purple. Got a shingles shot and they'll schedule me for a sleep study here in El Paso.

Tell her you need a picture of her for some friend on the internet. :eusa_whistle:
I never watched Friends. Just not my cuppa.

Law And Order SVU
America's Got Talent
Big Brother
Animal Planet
The Island
Master Chef and Master Chef Jr.
Dancing With The Stars (sometimes)
Game Of Thrones
Walking Dead

Just to name a few.

Yeah. I like my tv.:)

I have news on as I get ready for work. The MIL and I watch Elementary, Blacklist and Scorpion. Husband and I watch Top Gear (the British one), Through the Wormhole (and another similar one I forgot the name of), Modern Marvels and QI (hysterical British comedy/game show of sorts). I used to enjoy some true crime shows and Dr G, but it spooks hubby or creeps him out.
Yeah. Her. Can't stand her. I also won't watch anything Margo Kidder plays in. Can't stand her either. There are some celebs I just refuse to watch.
Understood, I can't stand Danny DeVito.

You should see It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. You would really hate him then! :lol:
Not no hell no, tried watching it once, it sucked and in the ten minutes that I wasted my life on DeVito wasn't even on........
But you have to realize I'm that way about sitcoms in general, every time I've tried to watch one I've either felt my mind go numb or I could literally hear my brain cells screaming in agony as they died.

Well, I like to relax and laugh and watch sitcoms/comedies. It's relaxing and fun, and you really don't have to think about anything while you watch. Laughter is the BEST medicine, you know! It's also good for your abs. :biggrin:
When I want laughs, I watch Frasier. :)

That show is funny!
You guys just don't know how to shop correctly. :biggrin:

Shopping for a man is defined as item hunting. For women it is the absolute best combination of price, quality and uniqueness. It seems overly time consuming, when in most cases you will need to buy another pair of jeans or hamburger at some point.

Oh really? What if I was shopping for some catnip?
Ya know, the TV is on in the morning for the news, it goes off when the wife leaves for work. It comes back on when she gets home for the news then she'll watch her shows, true crime stuff, home remodel shows, Animal planet, etc. When she's done watching it we turn it off. Never does a prime time show dare show it's face on my TV.............

A lot of them may be crap, but there are still good shows on TV. It's a question of if you're willing to take the time to find them by watching a lot of terrible pilots. :p
Eons ago someone told me about this great show, Friends and that I needed to watch it......... After 5 minutes and hundreds of dead brain cells I turned it off....... No, I find TV in general to be intellectually insulting, even the news and God forbid I sit though one of the talking heads shows, been there done that, not interested.

Well, if that's the kind of show you're going to try watching, of course you aren't going to want to see more. :lol:
By the way she has some serious "rocks" on her wedding finger........ Oh and she's not really a doctor, she's a Nurse Practitioner.
Ya know, the TV is on in the morning for the news, it goes off when the wife leaves for work. It comes back on when she gets home for the news then she'll watch her shows, true crime stuff, home remodel shows, Animal planet, etc. When she's done watching it we turn it off. Never does a prime time show dare show it's face on my TV.............

A lot of them may be crap, but there are still good shows on TV. It's a question of if you're willing to take the time to find them by watching a lot of terrible pilots. :p
Eons ago someone told me about this great show, Friends and that I needed to watch it......... After 5 minutes and hundreds of dead brain cells I turned it off....... No, I find TV in general to be intellectually insulting, even the news and God forbid I sit though one of the talking heads shows, been there done that, not interested.

Well, if that's the kind of show you're going to try watching, of course you aren't going to want to see more. :lol:
This was a lot of what I grew up with:

Pretty bad, eh? :lol:
Didn't have much American TV......... I really never watched TV that much, oh a few shows when I was much younger, Saturday cartoons and after I left home I never had a TV until I was in my late 20s, early 30s, never saw the need.
Most of what I watch on TV are movies and now that I can watch movies on my computers I rarely turn on the TV when I'm alone in the house besides I have too much to do to waste much time in front of any screen. Heck when I'm here I usually stay logged on even though I'm busy and not at the computer, more often than not I'm gone long enough to have to log back in because it's timed out.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.

It was roughly 85 degrees when this photo was taken:

P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Forum List
