USMB Coffee Shop IV

Meanwhile...the dresser shell is painted. I didn't have enough black paint so I used those little bottles of craft, midnight green, burnt umber, brown, midnight blue...and mixed them all together and voila'! I had enough! Now I am waiting for it to dry, then I will start the drawers. I think I am going to make them a dark turqoise smudged with black so it looks aged, then add gold accents and gold nobs.

It's sitting in my bedroom cuz its cold outside. I'm just waiting for the shell to dry so I can shove it back against the wall while I work on each drawer at a time.

I have a pretty painting on the wall above it that has a turqoise turqoise drawer fronts will accent that painting. Which is gold framed. Should all mesh together. I hope.
Yeah Mont, go ahead and laugh...... I'll get you yet my pretty and your little dog too........ :D

I can't help it if it's a funny story! :p

Although I'm damned curious why Windows wouldn't load the first time.....did you not format as part of the installation? Does Linux somehow mess that up? Could there be a slight physical problem with the HD that Linux is better at getting around than Windows?

Every once in a while computers seem to hop out of the realm of deterministic physical reality and into the realm of magic and fairies. :lol:
So I'm reading where a woman, Sonja Baumstein, rowed out of the marina at Chosi, Japan, today. Her 23 ft row boat has no sail and no motor, she is completely by herself, and she will have no escort on a 6,000 mile trip across the Pacific. She hopes to row into San Francisco bay in late September. And I just wonder when I was at my most physically fit, if I had had the financial resources and the leisure to do that, would I even think about doing that? And if I am honest, I would have to say no. And I still have to admit I am asking, why would somebody do this?


News from The Associated Press
I think I would give it a go if I were younger. I did some pretty wild stuff when in my 20's.

I don't know that I've ever done anything that would be considered wild. :p

Crazy, sure, but not wild. :lmao:
Yeah Mont, go ahead and laugh...... I'll get you yet my pretty and your little dog too........ :D

I can't help it if it's a funny story! :p

Although I'm damned curious why Windows wouldn't load the first time.....did you not format as part of the installation? Does Linux somehow mess that up? Could there be a slight physical problem with the HD that Linux is better at getting around than Windows?

Every once in a while computers seem to hop out of the realm of deterministic physical reality and into the realm of magic and fairies. :lol:
Don't know, more than likely there's at least one corrupt file on the disc. The other disc loaded fine, everything looks good. :dunno:
I did. Very wild. Very fun. Wouldn't not do it again if transported back in time. But..since this is the net...that's all I will say. :lol:
So I'm reading where a woman, Sonja Baumstein, rowed out of the marina at Chosi, Japan, today. Her 23 ft row boat has no sail and no motor, she is completely by herself, and she will have no escort on a 6,000 mile trip across the Pacific. She hopes to row into San Francisco bay in late September. And I just wonder when I was at my most physically fit, if I had had the financial resources and the leisure to do that, would I even think about doing that? And if I am honest, I would have to say no. And I still have to admit I am asking, why would somebody do this?


News from The Associated Press
I think I would give it a go if I were younger. I did some pretty wild stuff when in my 20's.

I don't know that I've ever done anything that would be considered wild. :p

Crazy, sure, but not wild. :lmao:

Steve and Dan could do both.:D

Let's just put it this way......deadliest catch stuff is really scarey. Especially when you are the only girl, pretending to be a guy so the capt doesn't find out you ARE a girl. :lol:
So I'm reading where a woman, Sonja Baumstein, rowed out of the marina at Chosi, Japan, today. Her 23 ft row boat has no sail and no motor, she is completely by herself, and she will have no escort on a 6,000 mile trip across the Pacific. She hopes to row into San Francisco bay in late September. And I just wonder when I was at my most physically fit, if I had had the financial resources and the leisure to do that, would I even think about doing that? And if I am honest, I would have to say no. And I still have to admit I am asking, why would somebody do this?


News from The Associated Press

I hate to say it, but we may never hear from her again.

I sure hope that isn't the case Daschal. Apparently she is staying in contact with folks on shore via GPS and satellite phone, and I presume she can't carry enough food and water for more than a week or so in that little boat so somebody will be resupplying her, but geez, if she gets into weather trouble or gets sick or whaever out in the middle of nowhere. . .
News from The Associated Press
From what I remember, the trip is the last leg of an around the world jaunt. She has lost one boat and had to take quite a bit of time off the regear.
I finally got all the divers installed (a while ago), installed the standard software I install on all my systems, imported her Firefox bookmarks....... after deleting all of mine that I accidentally imported...... configured all the settings and now I'm finally downloading and installing updates..... all 188 minus one, the Genuine Windows Activation update (KB971033)........
And this is me singing a song Sherry really likes. Hope you all like...and be kind. :D

I am most favorably impressed, both with your musicianship, your guitar skills, and your vocals. I keep finding new sides to all of our Coffee Shoppers. Really special. :) (And Sherry has a good ear. :))
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Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.

Sunset over Albuquerque tonight:

P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Hey Folks.....

I spent some time with Sherry this weekend and played some music with her son who is a bit of a prodigy. :)

Anyway....I wrote the following string part out and this is me and Sherry's son. Hope you all like. :)

And this is me singing a song Sherry really likes. Hope you all like...and be kind. :D

I don't see anything here but a white rectangular box! :dunno:

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