USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning all

I have to go in to town shortly to do some erands so I will return later this morning.
Everyone have a great Monday.

Hey Folks.....

I spent some time with Sherry this weekend and played some music with her son who is a bit of a prodigy. :)

Anyway....I wrote the following string part out and this is me and Sherry's son. Hope you all like. :)

And this is me singing a song Sherry really likes. Hope you all like...and be kind. :D

I don't see anything here but a white rectangular box! :dunno:

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him, he thinks it posted properly........


It did, your browser either won't read mp3 or is blocking it.
Just an observation, when I was a kid I spent most of my life running around barefoot. Now that I'm approaching my senior years I seem to be spending more and more time barefoot......... thankfully for the neighbors sake not naked.........
Just an observation, when I was a kid I spent most of my life running around barefoot. Now that I'm approaching my senior years I seem to be spending more and more time barefoot......... thankfully for the neighbors sake not naked.........

Try not to step on a bee, I did that when I was a kid running around the garden barefoot.
Just an observation, when I was a kid I spent most of my life running around barefoot. Now that I'm approaching my senior years I seem to be spending more and more time barefoot......... thankfully for the neighbors sake not naked.........

Try not to step on a bee, I did that when I was a kid running around the garden barefoot.
When I lived in Florida, 1969, the soles of my feet were like leather, I could walk on broken glass and not get hurt.
Went to bed last night around 11pm, at 1am woke up to Gizmo "screaming" and "yelling". Another kitty wanted to visit and was at the back sliding door....... :cranky:
Just an observation, when I was a kid I spent most of my life running around barefoot. Now that I'm approaching my senior years I seem to be spending more and more time barefoot......... thankfully for the neighbors sake not naked.........

Good morning all. Unless I was going somewhere, I did most of my housework and yard work and gardening barefoot when I was much younger. Now I am uncomfortable barefoot but still don't like shoes all that much--I wear plain leather soft soled moccasins all of the time unless I am away from the house--closest thing to going barefoot.
Went to bed last night around 11pm, at 1am woke up to Gizmo "screaming" and "yelling". Another kitty wanted to visit and was at the back sliding door....... :cranky:

We used to raise Siamese cats and our best friends at the end of the block had a large Siamese tom. We inadvertently left an opening in the glass sliding door leading to our second story deck and our friends' Siamese tom came calling in the wee hours of the morning. I don't know how many of you have heard an angry Siamese cat in full voice--but when that tomcat met up with our Tom and Mama cat on the landing between floors at 2 a.m., I really can't describe how that sounded. Needless to say, the entire household was immediately out of bed to deal with the situation.
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My Husband and I walk around the house barefoot during the summer and in socks during the winter.
We wear sandals when we leave the house to go to Benson, but shoes when we go to Sierra Vista or Tucson.:)
Until a few years ago, I almost always wore boots when I went outside. Combat boots, not softer style moccasins. I'd put them on without socks just to go out quickly. My employer bought me a pair of flip flops a while back, now I use those to go out for short things like taking out the dog in warmer months. I don't like walking outside barefoot, though. Too rough, too much chance of stepping in something gross. :p
Note to self: Do not consume a quarter box of very old dried out raisins in the late evening. The results the following day. . . .well. . . .

But it has given me some time to do some more reading in Dana Perino's new book "And the Good News Is. . . ." For somebody who has made a living in politics for the last decade, the book is decidedly non political. A lot of personal biography in early chapters, her experiences as President Bush's last press secretary, and her adventures as a Fox News contributor are all personal observations. . . .at least so far--I am a little over half way through it--but she hasn't gotten into any political doctrine or philosophy. A good read.
Isn't today somebody's birthday in the Coffee Shop? I had that idea in the back of my head somewhere.

I do know it is former first lady Barabara Bush's 90th birthday today. She has the distinction of being related to three former presidents--husband, son, and Franklin Pierce. I was reading that there may be a fourth--it is possible she is also related to President Clinton.

I keep looking for an heirless millionaire or something somewhere in my family tree, but alas, no success so far..
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Okay, speaking of movies, we're off to watch AGT probably to be followed by a good movie, so I'm probably out for the night. Everybody have a good one.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
An update on Sachenda...she's pretty much left the house. There's not much of the person she once was, although her corporal vessel yet exists. Her husband is devastated and my daughter is at a total loss to be able to help him. I think they've reached that point where euthanasia would be a blessing. My daughter is worried about what will happen when Sachenda finally passes away. Brain cancer, and subsequent treatment, has pretty much already erased her as a person.

I was hunting back through the last few days trying to figure out who told us their birthday was coming up this week, and discovered I had pretty much missed a whole page including this post. So sorry for your daughter's friend, GW. It may be that she has indeed already departed and her body lingers, but I know that is terrible for your daughter. I'll keep them on the list until it is over.
Okay, I give up. Read back through the last week or so and maybe I just dreamed that post about somebody's birthday coming up. So if today is your birthday, fess up, before the bakery closes.

Ya'll want to hear something funny? Remember all those six months ago that we were having the saga re our new refrigerator? They sold the one we bought to somebody else. Failed to deliver the second one we picked out. And then finally delivered the wrong one? (Which we still have because its a better one than the one we bought.)

Well, we had our new electric range delivered on Saturday--I LOVE it--but before it got here they called from Lowe's. "Mr. (Hombre), what are we supposed to deliver to you today?" We thought oh no, here we go again. Hombre tells him and he said he was just checking--when they were loading the truck he saw this refrigerator with our name on it in the warehouse. We don't want that delivered?
Hey Folks.....

I spent some time with Sherry this weekend and played some music with her son who is a bit of a prodigy. :)

Anyway....I wrote the following string part out and this is me and Sherry's son. Hope you all like. :)

And this is me singing a song Sherry really likes. Hope you all like...and be kind. :D

I don't see anything here but a white rectangular box! :dunno:

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him, he thinks it posted properly........


It did, your browser either won't read mp3 or is blocking it.

Do you think it could be my ad blocker?
Hey Folks.....

I spent some time with Sherry this weekend and played some music with her son who is a bit of a prodigy. :)

Anyway....I wrote the following string part out and this is me and Sherry's son. Hope you all like. :)

And this is me singing a song Sherry really likes. Hope you all like...and be kind. :D

I don't see anything here but a white rectangular box! :dunno:

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him, he thinks it posted properly........


It did, your browser either won't read mp3 or is blocking it.

Do you think it could be my ad blocker?

Shouldn't be but you can temporarily disable adblocker and test it. What other "add-ons" are you using?
Hey Folks.....

I spent some time with Sherry this weekend and played some music with her son who is a bit of a prodigy. :)

Anyway....I wrote the following string part out and this is me and Sherry's son. Hope you all like. :)

And this is me singing a song Sherry really likes. Hope you all like...and be kind. :D

I don't see anything here but a white rectangular box! :dunno:

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him, he thinks it posted properly........


It did, your browser either won't read mp3 or is blocking it.

Do you think it could be my ad blocker?

Shouldn't be but you can temporarily disable adblocker and test it. What other "add-ons" are you using?

None that I know of. I use Google Chrome as my browser.
Hey Folks.....

I spent some time with Sherry this weekend and played some music with her son who is a bit of a prodigy. :)

Anyway....I wrote the following string part out and this is me and Sherry's son. Hope you all like. :)

And this is me singing a song Sherry really likes. Hope you all like...and be kind. :D

I don't see anything here but a white rectangular box! :dunno:

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him, he thinks it posted properly........


It did, your browser either won't read mp3 or is blocking it.

Do you think it could be my ad blocker?

Shouldn't be but you can temporarily disable adblocker and test it. What other "add-ons" are you using?

None that I know of. I use Google Chrome as my browser.

I don't use Chrome so I don't know what the setting are. Could also be your AV (Anti-Virus), if it has an online browser protection aspect it could be blocking the mp3. :dunno:
I don't see anything here but a white rectangular box! :dunno:
:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him, he thinks it posted properly........


It did, your browser either won't read mp3 or is blocking it.

Do you think it could be my ad blocker?

Shouldn't be but you can temporarily disable adblocker and test it. What other "add-ons" are you using?

None that I know of. I use Google Chrome as my browser.
I don't use Chrome so I don't know what the setting are. Could also be your AV (Anti-Virus), if it has an online browser protection aspect it could be blocking the mp3. :dunno:

I have Norton. I don't really know much about that kind of thing though.

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