USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have my first appointment with my counselor next week and I am pretty darned nervous. I guess I will give it a go and see if it helps, seeing I have been on a waiting list for two months.

I would love the people responsible to be brought to justice but that probably won't happen, so talking about it might have to be what I can settle for.
OK, Noomi. What did I miss? Do you mean "counselor" as in attorney, or as in mental health professional?

Sexual assuault counselor.
Had my first appointment last week, it went okay. Big struggle is keeping it from family and deciding whether to file a police report. They need to convince me I am not to blame for it, first. I am in counseling until Xmas, at a minimum, which is a comfort to know.

Anyway, aside from that, things are okay. Sort of. I think I mentioned that my sister was going to have a baby in December? Well, not anymore. She miscarried last week and had surgery yesterday to remove what didn't reabsorb into her body. We are unsure as to what exactly happened but we know something went wrong in the last two weeks. She was ten weeks gone when she found out, but the miscarriage could have happened between the 8th and 9th week.

Going to see if I can enter another tournament. This one is different from my club tournaments, its competing against those who do different forms of karate. Its basically a huge competition with lots of different martial arts, so I'll get to watch all that, too. Just need to make sure I can attend as there may be a rule saying you have to be in the State Team to compete there. If that is the case, I would think it discrimination, as its a four hour round trip to do State training, and I cannot financially justify it. Fingers crossed I get the go ahead! If I do, I will have my regular tournament next month, a seminar the weekend after, then this new tournament.
My new goal is to compete in AMAC (Australian Martial Arts Championships) which is a pretty big deal. Not many people from my club compete there.
Freehand dresser:


Coffee table top freehand:


Another octogon shaped coffee table top freehand:




Table with print of koi has frog on it, freehand:

Top section vase and birds, freehand:


Beautiful work, Gracie! You seem to be a very creative type of person.
You also want to download and install Malwarebytes (free) and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Free. The first is not an anti-virus protection, it's an anti-malware program, the second is what's called a zero-day vulnerability protector, it runs in your browser and looks for potential vulnerability attacks and stops them before they can do any damage.

Here's Avast:

Avast Download Free Antivirus Software


Malwarebytes Thank you for downloading Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-exploit:

Malwarebytes Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Free Zero-Day Exploit Protection

I recently ran a malware program because I did get some malware. That's why I got the Norton. Before that, I didn't have anything on this computer. Thankfully, on my work computer, my company pays for our antivirus, and it's Norton. That's why I chose Norton. I will look into some less expensive ones though. Maybe even a free one.

I always used Norton because I got it cheap, but this year they wanted £69 to renew it so I opted for a free Anti Virus. I am using Microsoft security essentials. So far it is OK. But I have windows 7 which comes with its own firewall. You do not want to be without a firewall so if you are using something other than windows 7 you should check if it has a firewall built into it. Norton usually has its own firewall .
You are super talented, Gracie.
Was. All that freehand stuff..and more that I don't have pics of....sold in my shop. I miss the money, lol. Hell, I miss my hands doing what they used to do.

A lot of us are in that boat I think, but you did/do beautiful work Gracie. I had no idea. . .
I have my first appointment with my counselor next week and I am pretty darned nervous. I guess I will give it a go and see if it helps, seeing I have been on a waiting list for two months.

I would love the people responsible to be brought to justice but that probably won't happen, so talking about it might have to be what I can settle for.
OK, Noomi. What did I miss? Do you mean "counselor" as in attorney, or as in mental health professional?

Sexual assuault counselor.
Had my first appointment last week, it went okay. Big struggle is keeping it from family and deciding whether to file a police report. They need to convince me I am not to blame for it, first. I am in counseling until Xmas, at a minimum, which is a comfort to know.

Anyway, aside from that, things are okay. Sort of. I think I mentioned that my sister was going to have a baby in December? Well, not anymore. She miscarried last week and had surgery yesterday to remove what didn't reabsorb into her body. We are unsure as to what exactly happened but we know something went wrong in the last two weeks. She was ten weeks gone when she found out, but the miscarriage could have happened between the 8th and 9th week.

Going to see if I can enter another tournament. This one is different from my club tournaments, its competing against those who do different forms of karate. Its basically a huge competition with lots of different martial arts, so I'll get to watch all that, too. Just need to make sure I can attend as there may be a rule saying you have to be in the State Team to compete there. If that is the case, I would think it discrimination, as its a four hour round trip to do State training, and I cannot financially justify it. Fingers crossed I get the go ahead! If I do, I will have my regular tournament next month, a seminar the weekend after, then this new tournament.
My new goal is to compete in AMAC (Australian Martial Arts Championships) which is a pretty big deal. Not many people from my club compete there.

Good to hear from you Noomi. I hope you have a great counselor who will help you figure it all out until the demons lose their power to hurt you. And hope the tournament works out for you. We'll plan to celebrate here when you earn that next belt. :)
Oh and good morning everybody. I'm getting read to go make a huge potato salad for our Senior Saints luncheon with the youth today--they're treating us to an annual cookout of hotdogs and hamburgers but we seniors bring all the sides and desserts. Personally I think all you need for sides is chips with maybe some fresh fruit/melon and of course desserts, but our team leader is worried there won't be enough food despite the fact that we do this every year and everybody always gets plenty to eat. Oh well, not my responsibility.
Up late working on the wife's old computer, she loves her old computer and told me to make it work fast, even if it has to be Linux........ Having issues getting certain things to work. Got to bed at 2am and up at 7:30 not to mention the humidity is up (heavily overcast) and I have a nasty sinus headache. Almost done with my first bucket of coffee.
Just an observation, when I was a kid I spent most of my life running around barefoot. Now that I'm approaching my senior years I seem to be spending more and more time barefoot......... thankfully for the neighbors sake not naked.........

Try not to step on a bee, I did that when I was a kid running around the garden barefoot.

That must have been one slow bee. :)
Good morning everyone! I hope the day finds everyone well. Cheers!

Morning mdk. And a beautiful day it is shaping up to be.

I agree. So far so good. It's a little chilly but it's wonderful running weather.

I'll take your word for that. I haven't been able to run for quite awhile now, but I enjoy good weather when I walk out to the mailbox at the curb. :)
It's Tuesday. Mrs. BBD is at the church quilting all day with all the other ladies. She likes her quilting on Tuesdays. I call it "Stitch and bitch" sessions! Have taken the RV out for a little drive and will be taking it over to the truck stop tomorrow for a bath. Been scratching my noggin trying to decide where to go with it on vacation this year. Mrs. BBD is not much help deciding. The big question is do we go north, south, east or west? Thinking about going on vacation the first two weeks of August. Really haven't decided where to go... Maybe, just maybe, we'll take a drive down to Key West. Then again, there's always Nova Scotia. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Need more coffee. My head is spinning.
It's Tuesday. Mrs. BBD is at the church quilting all day with all the other ladies. She likes her quilting on Tuesdays. I call it "Stitch and bitch" sessions! Have taken the RV out for a little drive and will be taking it over to the truck stop tomorrow for a bath. Been scratching my noggin trying to decide where to go with it on vacation this year. Mrs. BBD is not much help deciding. The big question is do we go north, south, east or west? Thinking about going on vacation the first two weeks of August. Really haven't decided where to go... Maybe, just maybe, we'll take a drive down to Key West. Then again, there's always Nova Scotia. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Need more coffee. My head is spinning.

Morning BBD. You're contemplating Nova Scotia or Key West for vacation. We are contemplating Arkansas. Sigh.
My cousin in Kansas just sent me the following. I wish more of it was really exaggeration. :) #2 and #5 are soooooo true.

I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks!

I don't need anger management. I need people to stop making me mad!

Old age is coming at a really bad time!

When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment ... now,
as a grown up, it just feels like a small vacation!

The biggest lie I tell myself is ... "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."

Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I
cannot\ change, the courage to change the things I can and
the friends to post my bail when I finally snap!

IMy people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance to idiots that needs work.

If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees.

Even duct tape can't fix stupid ... but it can muffle the sound!

Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.

Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud?

At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for
It's Tuesday. Mrs. BBD is at the church quilting all day with all the other ladies. She likes her quilting on Tuesdays. I call it "Stitch and bitch" sessions! Have taken the RV out for a little drive and will be taking it over to the truck stop tomorrow for a bath. Been scratching my noggin trying to decide where to go with it on vacation this year. Mrs. BBD is not much help deciding. The big question is do we go north, south, east or west? Thinking about going on vacation the first two weeks of August. Really haven't decided where to go... Maybe, just maybe, we'll take a drive down to Key West. Then again, there's always Nova Scotia. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Need more coffee. My head is spinning.

Oh my, first world problems! :biggrin:
Up late working on the wife's old computer, she loves her old computer and told me to make it work fast, even if it has to be Linux........ Having issues getting certain things to work. Got to bed at 2am and up at 7:30 not to mention the humidity is up (heavily overcast) and I have a nasty sinus headache. Almost done with my first bucket of coffee.

It's humid and overcast here too. The sun is just starting to peak out here and there for a couple of minutes though.
You also want to download and install Malwarebytes (free) and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Free. The first is not an anti-virus protection, it's an anti-malware program, the second is what's called a zero-day vulnerability protector, it runs in your browser and looks for potential vulnerability attacks and stops them before they can do any damage.

Here's Avast:

Avast Download Free Antivirus Software


Malwarebytes Thank you for downloading Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-exploit:

Malwarebytes Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Free Zero-Day Exploit Protection

I recently ran a malware program because I did get some malware. That's why I got the Norton. Before that, I didn't have anything on this computer. Thankfully, on my work computer, my company pays for our antivirus, and it's Norton. That's why I chose Norton. I will look into some less expensive ones though. Maybe even a free one.

I always used Norton because I got it cheap, but this year they wanted £69 to renew it so I opted for a free Anti Virus. I am using Microsoft security essentials. So far it is OK. But I have windows 7 which comes with its own firewall. You do not want to be without a firewall so if you are using something other than windows 7 you should check if it has a firewall built into it. Norton usually has its own firewall .

Thanks. I haven't bothered to look yet because I still have a few months left before my Norton subscription runs out. :)

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