USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's Tuesday. Mrs. BBD is at the church quilting all day with all the other ladies. She likes her quilting on Tuesdays. I call it "Stitch and bitch" sessions! Have taken the RV out for a little drive and will be taking it over to the truck stop tomorrow for a bath. Been scratching my noggin trying to decide where to go with it on vacation this year. Mrs. BBD is not much help deciding. The big question is do we go north, south, east or west? Thinking about going on vacation the first two weeks of August. Really haven't decided where to go... Maybe, just maybe, we'll take a drive down to Key West. Then again, there's always Nova Scotia. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Need more coffee. My head is spinning.

Morning BBD. You're contemplating Nova Scotia or Key West for vacation. We are contemplating Arkansas. Sigh.

I think it would be awesome to travel around the world someday! Probably very expensive though! :biggrin: I would love to see all the ancient ruins in Italy, Greece, etc. I sometimes watch the travel shows, and I really want to see a lot of things!
You also want to download and install Malwarebytes (free) and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Free. The first is not an anti-virus protection, it's an anti-malware program, the second is what's called a zero-day vulnerability protector, it runs in your browser and looks for potential vulnerability attacks and stops them before they can do any damage.

Here's Avast:

Avast Download Free Antivirus Software


Malwarebytes Thank you for downloading Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-exploit:

Malwarebytes Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Free Zero-Day Exploit Protection

I recently ran a malware program because I did get some malware. That's why I got the Norton. Before that, I didn't have anything on this computer. Thankfully, on my work computer, my company pays for our antivirus, and it's Norton. That's why I chose Norton. I will look into some less expensive ones though. Maybe even a free one.

I always used Norton because I got it cheap, but this year they wanted £69 to renew it so I opted for a free Anti Virus. I am using Microsoft security essentials. So far it is OK. But I have windows 7 which comes with its own firewall. You do not want to be without a firewall so if you are using something other than windows 7 you should check if it has a firewall built into it. Norton usually has its own firewall .

Thanks. I haven't bothered to look yet because I still have a few months left before my Norton subscription runs out. :)

I used to buy Norton Cd roms for less than half price in a store called smiths, but they don't stock it now and it is expensive to renew from Norton online.
It's Tuesday. Mrs. BBD is at the church quilting all day with all the other ladies. She likes her quilting on Tuesdays. I call it "Stitch and bitch" sessions! Have taken the RV out for a little drive and will be taking it over to the truck stop tomorrow for a bath. Been scratching my noggin trying to decide where to go with it on vacation this year. Mrs. BBD is not much help deciding. The big question is do we go north, south, east or west? Thinking about going on vacation the first two weeks of August. Really haven't decided where to go... Maybe, just maybe, we'll take a drive down to Key West. Then again, there's always Nova Scotia. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Need more coffee. My head is spinning.

Morning BBD. You're contemplating Nova Scotia or Key West for vacation. We are contemplating Arkansas. Sigh.

I think it would be awesome to travel around the world someday! Probably very expensive though! :biggrin: I would love to see all the ancient ruins in Italy, Greece, etc. I sometimes watch the travel shows, and I really want to see a lot of things!

I have done Italy twice, and I wandered around the coliseum in Rome at night . I would be too scared to do it now as you can easily get mugged.
Wonder what kind of luck I'd have driving the RV to Hawaii? Any good campgrounds there?
I don't know, looks like smooth sailing to me..........

You also want to download and install Malwarebytes (free) and Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Free. The first is not an anti-virus protection, it's an anti-malware program, the second is what's called a zero-day vulnerability protector, it runs in your browser and looks for potential vulnerability attacks and stops them before they can do any damage.

Here's Avast:

Avast Download Free Antivirus Software


Malwarebytes Thank you for downloading Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-exploit:

Malwarebytes Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Free Zero-Day Exploit Protection

I recently ran a malware program because I did get some malware. That's why I got the Norton. Before that, I didn't have anything on this computer. Thankfully, on my work computer, my company pays for our antivirus, and it's Norton. That's why I chose Norton. I will look into some less expensive ones though. Maybe even a free one.

I always used Norton because I got it cheap, but this year they wanted £69 to renew it so I opted for a free Anti Virus. I am using Microsoft security essentials. So far it is OK. But I have windows 7 which comes with its own firewall. You do not want to be without a firewall so if you are using something other than windows 7 you should check if it has a firewall built into it. Norton usually has its own firewall .

Thanks. I haven't bothered to look yet because I still have a few months left before my Norton subscription runs out. :)

I used to buy Norton Cd roms for less than half price in a store called smiths, but they don't stock it now and it is expensive to renew from Norton online.
Love my Webroot. That thing has heen awesome for YEARS. No probs.
Wonder what kind of luck I'd have driving the RV to Hawaii? Any good campgrounds there?
I don't know, looks like smooth sailing to me..........

You could get all rednecky like that boat show where they custom make them. Last time I watched, some rich redneck wanted his camper put on top of a hull. They did it and he toodled all over the lake and river with it. Don't see why it can't be done with an RV too...for ocean.
Maybe you should trade yours in for a sub? And I am actually surprised nobody has come up with that idea yet. They are big enough to make some berths into mini suites.
It's Tuesday. Mrs. BBD is at the church quilting all day with all the other ladies. She likes her quilting on Tuesdays. I call it "Stitch and bitch" sessions! Have taken the RV out for a little drive and will be taking it over to the truck stop tomorrow for a bath. Been scratching my noggin trying to decide where to go with it on vacation this year. Mrs. BBD is not much help deciding. The big question is do we go north, south, east or west? Thinking about going on vacation the first two weeks of August. Really haven't decided where to go... Maybe, just maybe, we'll take a drive down to Key West. Then again, there's always Nova Scotia. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Need more coffee. My head is spinning.

Morning BBD. You're contemplating Nova Scotia or Key West for vacation. We are contemplating Arkansas. Sigh.

I think it would be awesome to travel around the world someday! Probably very expensive though! :biggrin: I would love to see all the ancient ruins in Italy, Greece, etc. I sometimes watch the travel shows, and I really want to see a lot of things!

I don't travel, I've never been off the east coast of the US, but my mother has been to many different places around the world. She and her husband sail regularly and have gone to quite a few countries on their boat.
Wonder what kind of luck I'd have driving the RV to Hawaii? Any good campgrounds there?
I don't know, looks like smooth sailing to me..........

You could get all rednecky like that boat show where they custom make them. Last time I watched, some rich redneck wanted his camper put on top of a hull. They did it and he toodled all over the lake and river with it. Don't see why it can't be done with an RV too...for ocean.
Maybe you should trade yours in for a sub? And I am actually surprised nobody has come up with that idea yet. They are big enough to make some berths into mini suites.

I would think sub travel would have advantages in bad weather too--you could just submerge until you ran out of the storm.
And see sealife from a whole new perspective of portholes. Raise up for a few hours on calm days for a stroll around the topside. Then dive again.

If I wont the lottery, I'd do that. Buy a sub, deck it out, charge a horrendous amount of money to haul folks from the west coast to the islands.
Hi guys! Thought I'd drop by and see how the folks were doing. I need a strong pot of black coffee.

Hey TK. Good to see you.

And good morning all. Everybody must have slept in this morning. :) I am to report to the dentist in an hour or so, and I'm not happy about it. Apparently developed a cavity under a crown and it has to be taken care of. Costs as much as a whole root canal plus the cost of a new crown. There must be a better way.
First sleep study set for the end of the month, stopped by Wally World late...... Got a few things then got the hell out. Dropped off lunch for the wife, 2 blocks away from Wally World (why I had to go to Wally World - salads). Stopped by the water authority, got some billing issues sorted out tried to pay but they don't take check cards the the payment location...... :eusa_eh:.
Also made the mistake of going by Wally World hungry... they had just put out freshly fried chicken...... not good..... I ate half the 8 piece "bucket" I bought.......

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