USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just came in from a long dip in the pool, running errands in 95 degree heat even with AC in the truck will still get one hot and sweaty, especially here in the desert under that brutal sun. Think I mentioned it, the edema in my lower extremities had been getting worse even after they took me off my Amlodipine. Last night I looked up what drugs might cause the swelling....... NSaids, (ibuprofen and aspirin), I take a minimum of 1200mgs of ibuprofen a day and have done so for years. Didn't take any last night and didn't take any this morning....... so far no swelling, lots of pain were it always hurts but now swelling in the lower extremities.
Literally by bedtime my feet would look like balloons, that's not my usual comedic exaggeration either. If this works I might not need to see the clinical pharmacologist.

But without the meds you hurt, yes? And you don't want to go on a lot of narcotics. Can you take Naproxen? I take a 220 mg naproxen twice a day--may take a third if I'm having a really bad day--and it seems to do the job. Low enough dosage to not get the edema and other uglies.
Naproxen is an NSAID. Oh and the swelling came back about an hour ago but I had taken an Amlodipine earlier cause my BP was high normal so tonight no NSAIDs and tomorrow no NSAIDs or Amlodipine. Give it a couple of days and see what happens.
Without the meds I'm more "uncomfortable", parts that generally are helped will simply be a little more painful but since the ibuprofen only helps a little it won't be that much worse. As for narcotics I have some but use them very sparingly, only when I'm in a lot of pain, doesn't happen that often, generally only when I'm "pushing" myself for a couple of days like when we moved.

I know Naproxen is a NSAID but like I said, in the relative low dosage it does manage my pain without causing the edema that the high dosage of Ibuprofen was causing. And Hombre had the same phenomenon happen to him with 800mg Ibuprofen, but no side effect from the Naproxen. So once things are under control, you might try it to see if you tolerate it better. If not, no harm no foul?
Just came in from a long dip in the pool, running errands in 95 degree heat even with AC in the truck will still get one hot and sweaty, especially here in the desert under that brutal sun. Think I mentioned it, the edema in my lower extremities had been getting worse even after they took me off my Amlodipine. Last night I looked up what drugs might cause the swelling....... NSaids, (ibuprofen and aspirin), I take a minimum of 1200mgs of ibuprofen a day and have done so for years. Didn't take any last night and didn't take any this morning....... so far no swelling, lots of pain were it always hurts but now swelling in the lower extremities.
Literally by bedtime my feet would look like balloons, that's not my usual comedic exaggeration either. If this works I might not need to see the clinical pharmacologist.

But without the meds you hurt, yes? And you don't want to go on a lot of narcotics. Can you take Naproxen? I take a 220 mg naproxen twice a day--may take a third if I'm having a really bad day--and it seems to do the job. Low enough dosage to not get the edema and other uglies.
Naproxen is an NSAID. Oh and the swelling came back about an hour ago but I had taken an Amlodipine earlier cause my BP was high normal so tonight no NSAIDs and tomorrow no NSAIDs or Amlodipine. Give it a couple of days and see what happens.
Without the meds I'm more "uncomfortable", parts that generally are helped will simply be a little more painful but since the ibuprofen only helps a little it won't be that much worse. As for narcotics I have some but use them very sparingly, only when I'm in a lot of pain, doesn't happen that often, generally only when I'm "pushing" myself for a couple of days like when we moved.

I know Naproxen is a NSAID but like I said, in the relative low dosage it does manage my pain without causing the edema that the high dosage of Ibuprofen was causing. And Hombre had the same phenomenon happen to him with 800mg Ibuprofen, but no side effect from the Naproxen. So once things are under control, you might try it to see if you tolerate it better. If not, no harm no foul?
Well I should have a better idea of what to use next week as it appears I will have to see the clinical pharmacologist. In the mean time I'm stopping everything that might be causing the problem.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.

Sunset over Albuquerque tonight:

P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Today I'm gonna drink double the amount of coffee I normally would, fasting glucose bloodwork tomorrow morning, no coffee tomorrow morning......... water only starting tonight.
Good morning all. On my first cup of coffee, but like Ringel I'll probably be having a lot more, but not for the same reason. So what did USMB do during the night that has my Avast program going nuts with 'threat has been detected' this morning?
Today I'm gonna drink double the amount of coffee I normally would, fasting glucose bloodwork tomorrow morning, no coffee tomorrow morning......... water only starting tonight.

I drink Volvic, flavoured water. It has some sugar in it, but its tastier than plain water.
We should find out what "abnormal" means about 3PM.
Well, you remember a couple months ago, the wife and I had house guests from northern New York State.
Tom, the husband, is a guard at Clinton Correctional where these guys broke out.
Best guess is that they are still in the area and it's getting pretty intense. Tom hasn't been home since the break.
They have motion activated security cameras at the house and an alarm sounds when they activate. A deer woke her up several times last night, but no people seen yet.
We should find out what "abnormal" means about 3PM.
Well, you remember a couple months ago, the wife and I had house guests from northern New York State.
Tom, the husband, is a guard at Clinton Correctional where these guys broke out.
Best guess is that they are still in the area and it's getting pretty intense. Tom hasn't been home since the break.
They have motion activated security cameras at the house and an alarm sounds when they activate. A deer woke her up several times last night, but no people seen yet.

Well keep that weapon you carry handy Ernie. . .scary stuff. And we've got our fingers crossed for Mrs. E
We should find out what "abnormal" means about 3PM.
Well, you remember a couple months ago, the wife and I had house guests from northern New York State.
Tom, the husband, is a guard at Clinton Correctional where these guys broke out.
Best guess is that they are still in the area and it's getting pretty intense. Tom hasn't been home since the break.
They have motion activated security cameras at the house and an alarm sounds when they activate. A deer woke her up several times last night, but no people seen yet.

Are you talking about the escaped murderers? Are they in your area or something?
We should find out what "abnormal" means about 3PM.
Well, you remember a couple months ago, the wife and I had house guests from northern New York State.
Tom, the husband, is a guard at Clinton Correctional where these guys broke out.
Best guess is that they are still in the area and it's getting pretty intense. Tom hasn't been home since the break.
They have motion activated security cameras at the house and an alarm sounds when they activate. A deer woke her up several times last night, but no people seen yet.

Are you talking about the escaped murderers? Are they in your area or something?
No. They are most likely still in the Saranac Lake New York area.
A recent house guest is a corrections officer at the prison they escaped from. He has been stuck at work since the escape and tension is pretty high.
I'm listening to the scanner now and they are finally offering relief to guards and officers that request it. Most are electing to stay on the hunt until it is over.
Reports that they broke into a home and are now armed.

Just a bit worried about my buddy. He is a world class tactical weapons competitor, but this is the real world.
Hombre is back from the audiologist with brand new hearing aids--his first. And he is adjusting to all the sounds he never heard before but now hears--the soft whir of my little desk heater on my desk, the clicking of the keys on my keyboard when I type, the ding of the microwave when he set it. :) But he's getting better and there are fewer questions like "what's that?" or "What's that noise?"

One or these days I'll have to go in and get tested too--I know I don't hear as well as I did when much younger--but I do seem to hear everything I need to hear.
A half dozen of my Facebook friends got a half dozen different answers for today's math problem:


I think it's 1.:dunno:

Hmmm that seems like too easy of an answer. Maybe it has something to do with Order of all addition completed before multiplication??
A half dozen of my Facebook friends got a half dozen different answers for today's math problem:


I think it's 1.:dunno:

Hmmm that seems like too easy of an answer. Maybe it has something to do with Order of all addition completed before multiplication??

I got 1, but there are several who insist that the answer is 12. I don't see it, but I'll admit that math is not my strongest subject.

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