USMB Coffee Shop IV

For gallantwarrior ...How do you make a goat smile?? Say, "Goat cheese.":D

Thank you so much for the cuties!!! I actually have that same pattern and have made several pairs of jammies for my newborns. They outgrow those pajamas pretty quickly, but it doesn't take long for them to stabilize enough not to need them. I keep a heated kid box for them that they learn very quickly to use when it's cold.
Have you guys seen this? It's almost all finished now--largest building in the world they say, but sadly is now considered a failed business enterprise--wrong location, no airport in that city, and most stores still empty. People do show up for the theme park stuff, but 'not in impressive numbers.' But it is impressive:

And so many living in shantys. Too bad it can't be one huge apartment dwelling for those who have leaky roofs and dirt floors.
This is what it looks like in my "Office" space in my room:


And this is where I park my ass when watching tv, and sleep at night so I can have the door open to the back yard near my head:

Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
I've had mine so long, I cannot remember where it came from. It's been with me on many journeys. Witch balls are supposed to protect from evil spells and spirits.
I have many crystals around my room, too. They, too, give protection. However, the best kind of protection is...anyone or anything projecting evil influences will eventually get it back unto themselves...3 times over.'s a waiting period for the boomerang to go back from whence it came :lol:.

I'm kind of a rock hound collector sorta person, too. I find neat rocks at a yard sale or just walking the winds up in my rock bowls in the back yard...or on my dresser...or somewhere in here near me. :)
I need to find out how to PM someone...
I have collected some interesting rocks over the years. I have some from the North Slope that are crystalline in shape but look like common rocks. I also have a fractured rock from Kodiak island, having found the two parts feet apart on the beach. I also have a rock that is worn nearly round, as well as a chunk of pumice from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, among others.
Make the hair gray and about 6 inches shorter and that's me. Weight wise..about another 2 months THEN it will be me. Oh, and add some wrinkles. But I still wear the same kinda stuff. :lol:
Make the hair gray and about 6 inches shorter and that's me. Weight wise..about another 2 months THEN it will be me. Oh, and add some wrinkles. But I still wear the same kinda stuff. :lol:
I have nice "turkey neck" and age spots. Hair's getting thinner, hence the recent haircut. You look like the hippy chic I imagined you to be. That's a compliment, by-the-way!
I need to find out how to PM someone...
I have collected some interesting rocks over the years. I have some from the North Slope that are crystalline in shape but look like common rocks. I also have a fractured rock from Kodiak island, having found the two parts feet apart on the beach. I also have a rock that is worn nearly round, as well as a chunk of pumice from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, among others.

Click on their user name and then look for the link "Start a conversation". At USMB now, PMs are 'conversations'. Click on that link and the screen that will open up will be self explanatory. When somebody responds to your 'conversation' you will see it under the In Box in the upper right hand corner of the USMB screen.
OK, caught up again. I just spent four days sick as a dog. Not sure what came down, maybe just trying to do to much with too little. Laid up with alternate chills and sweats, hardly able to move. It was quite the struggle to drag myself out to feed, water, and milk my goaties. But I made it through and am ready to get back to work, even though I still feel a little puny. This getting old thing does suck...just a bit.
I would like to proudly announce that my SIL (call him my son) graduated Special Forces training today. It's been a dream of his and I am pleased he's accomplished so much. My daughter plays no small role in his success, be assured. Having a devoted and dedicated spouse makes all the difference when one sets such goals. Unfortunately, it looks like they will be posted to Japan (Okinawa) and my plans to move and live in their back yard will not occur. There's a good-news-bad news aspect to this development, though. One of my prime reasons for moving South was to help home school my granddaughters. But going to Japan, they will be enrolled in some of the best DoD schools available. Plus, being exposed to another culture will only help them develop a much better understanding of others, their values, and how they live.
I may have overcome one of my physical problems. I've been having some horrific hip and leg cramps lately. Research indicates that magnesium/potassium supplements my help alleviate the problem. So far, it's been successful. I'm hoping it's not something like blocked arteries.

I'm sorry to read about Ernie's wife's abnormal results, Ringel's swelling, Noomi's need for counseling, and anyone who I have failed to mention. May you all find relief for what ails y'all!
Thank you, Foxy, for all your thoughts and best wishes.
Take care of yourself, GW. Our bodies are not like they used to be but our brains are still are. Sucks having that but not the engine working properly any more, no?
Momma called the doctor and was told to come in tomorrow at 3 PM. Tests were "abnormal"
Keep us posted, Ernie! Good luck.
I guess "abnormal" means we should have done the angiography rather than the MRI. No Mrs, S has to make an appointment at USA Medical Center Cardiology Clinic for another cardiac cath. The last time, a little over 2 years ago, she got a stint and 4 angioplasties. She was in there for 4 or 5 days, an hour and a half from home. Now, there is a business to run.

I've got too much going on to be camped out in Mobile day and night....
Take care of yourself, GW. Our bodies are not like they used to be but our brains are still are. Sucks having that but not the engine working properly any more, no?
I hear that, Gracie. Somehow, I think that the brain and body should fail at the same rate.
My dad, at 93, was still the sharpest mind in the room, but I had to carry him back inside one afternoon. Damned near killed me.

Hey GW! Glad you're feeling better. Something like what you had went around here. It seems I'm the only one that didn't get put down hard by it.
Momma called the doctor and was told to come in tomorrow at 3 PM. Tests were "abnormal"
Keep us posted, Ernie! Good luck.
I guess "abnormal" means we should have done the angiography rather than the MRI. No Mrs, S has to make an appointment at USA Medical Center Cardiology Clinic for another cardiac cath. The last time, a little over 2 years ago, she got a stint and 4 angioplasties. She was in there for 4 or 5 days, an hour and a half from home. Now, there is a business to run.

I've got too much going on to be camped out in Mobile day and night....
Of course, driving to USA does allow me to drive up Spring Hill Avenue, under huge live oaks draped with Spanish moss.
This is on the campus of Spring Hill College, just down the road from USA.

Latest from up north...
They believe they have the escapees surrounded in a 10 sq mile area only accessible on foot. The perimeter is sealed off and lit up like the Vegas Strip. FBI and Air Guard overhead with helicopters and IR imaging equipment. Another 750 Correction officers and Federal Marshalls have joined the party.
Went to bed at 11pm, back pain kept waking me up every hour, finally got out of bed at 4:30 this morning........ Said the hell with it and trying the Naproxin (had some on hand). They may have to do the fasting glucose later, I need coffee........ Besides the wife needs to make the clinics run today, guess who's driving...... Maybe not.....
Went to bed at 11pm, back pain kept waking me up every hour, finally got out of bed at 4:30 this morning........ Said the hell with it and trying the Naproxin (had some on hand). They may have to do the fasting glucose later, I need coffee........ Besides the wife needs to make the clinics run today, guess who's driving...... Maybe not.....

Hope you feel better, Ringel! Good luck with your appointment!
Momma called the doctor and was told to come in tomorrow at 3 PM. Tests were "abnormal"
Keep us posted, Ernie! Good luck.
I guess "abnormal" means we should have done the angiography rather than the MRI. No Mrs, S has to make an appointment at USA Medical Center Cardiology Clinic for another cardiac cath. The last time, a little over 2 years ago, she got a stint and 4 angioplasties. She was in there for 4 or 5 days, an hour and a half from home. Now, there is a business to run.

I've got too much going on to be camped out in Mobile day and night....
Of course, driving to USA does allow me to drive up Spring Hill Avenue, under huge live oaks draped with Spanish moss.
This is on the campus of Spring Hill College, just down the road from USA.


Beautiful! I'm sure I've seen this image on one of the pictures threads here. :)
Momma called the doctor and was told to come in tomorrow at 3 PM. Tests were "abnormal"
Keep us posted, Ernie! Good luck.
I guess "abnormal" means we should have done the angiography rather than the MRI. No Mrs, S has to make an appointment at USA Medical Center Cardiology Clinic for another cardiac cath. The last time, a little over 2 years ago, she got a stint and 4 angioplasties. She was in there for 4 or 5 days, an hour and a half from home. Now, there is a business to run.

I've got too much going on to be camped out in Mobile day and night....

Best wishes!

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