USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ah! What a day here in the Buckle of the Rust Belt! Mid-June and the temperature is in the high 80s with humidity to match. Thunderstorms seem to be brewing in the western part of the state but, as usual, by the time they drench Columbus, then east central Ohio, they peter out and give us a gentle soaking rain in the evening. That's good. I am down to two flats of begonias and the annual flower display at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate will be complete for the season.

I got a late start this year, but everybody here did too as winter just overstayed it's welcome into late April. Once again I wore a considerable blister on my credit card buying up annuals. I usually plant a couple flats of impatiens, but those flowers have been suffering from a bad reputation as well as a nursery fungus that either kills them off prematurely of stunts their growth. Besides, by mid August, they turn all leggy like bad asparagus and loose their ability to blossom. So, I'm trying begonias as an alternative this year.

I took out the last of the old picket fence that once bordered the North Lawn. I had it all down except for the gate that held wandering dogs from the neighbor in the back. But he passed away earlier this Spring and there is no sumptuous vegetable garden planted. The dogs would foul the garden and drive my neighbor nuts. So I agreed to keep the gate in place, even though it was ugly and falling apart.

While I spent the day in a Chevy Blazer without air conditioning inspecting houses without air conditioning and attics (which proves Newton's third Law of Thermo-dynamics: heat rises) Daisy the Mutt laid about Pimplebutt enjoying the air conditioning I paid for. It'/s true, there really is something to be said for 'a dog's life'.

Once the last of the flowers are planted, I'll supply photographs.

Anticipating the annual flower show. :)
Okay, I am technically a blond and I consider myself to be of at least normal intelligence. And I know others here in the Coffee Shop and elsewhere in my life are also intelligent blonds.

But with this caller, does the stereotype cross your mind?

Went to bed at 11pm, back pain kept waking me up every hour, finally got out of bed at 4:30 this morning........ Said the hell with it and trying the Naproxin (had some on hand). They may have to do the fasting glucose later, I need coffee........ Besides the wife needs to make the clinics run today, guess who's driving...... Maybe not.....
I've been surviving on ibuprofen much of the time. That's a big impetus to find another way to deal with the almost constant pain in my hips and legs. The pain is transient, moving up and down my upper legs.
I sure hope you find some relief for your back pain soon.

Listening to you, Gracie, Ringel, et al, I guess I'm lucky that one 220mg naproxen every 12 hours or so keeps me feeling pretty good and mostly pain free. And as long as I can keep the dosage that low, I don't worry much about any side effects. Glad you're feeling better but wish none of us had to endure chronic pain. But considering how far medicine has come, maybe the next generation won't have to.

The way Hombre handles the regular blood work, Ringel, is he does the required fasting routine overnight and then he is at the lab when it opens at 7 a.m. and gets that over with so he can enjoy his day. That isn't an option for you there?
VA works off of appointments here but if they're like most you can show up, take a number and wait.
As it was they took 2 buckets of piss and 6 jars of blood........ (2 piss cups and 6 vials...... :D).
Got home about 9:20 then took the wife "clinic hopping" to get signatures, stopped at Applebutts (Applebees) for lunch, over to the Saddleblanket cause it's 50% off, closing the store, going straight online sales. Still spent too much...... :eusa_whistle:
Okay, I am technically a blond and I consider myself to be of at least normal intelligence. And I know others here in the Coffee Shop and elsewhere in my life are also intelligent blonds.

But with this caller, does the stereotype cross your mind?

Okay, I am technically a blond and I consider myself to be of at least normal intelligence. And I know others here in the Coffee Shop and elsewhere in my life are also intelligent blonds.

But with this caller, does the stereotype cross your mind?


At first you think it is a gag, but as it goes on, I become convinced she is the real deal. :)
Okay, I am technically a blond and I consider myself to be of at least normal intelligence. And I know others here in the Coffee Shop and elsewhere in my life are also intelligent blonds.

But with this caller, does the stereotype cross your mind?


At first you think it is a gag, but as it goes on, I become convinced she is the real deal. :)

Doing living history and reenacting means one gets to field some rather "interesting" questions from time to time so I have absolutely no doubt it's for real. :lmao:
The wife had the news on, I was busy with something on the computer and not watching and suddenly I hear Ted "Baxter" Knight speaking....... Turns out it's the weather man on the local ABC news station. :lol:
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The wife had the news on, I was busy with something on the computer and not watching and suddenly I hear Ted Knight speaking....... Turns out it's the weather man on the local ABC news station. :lol:

Mistaken identity I presume? Not for real? I gotta go bread and fry a couple of pork chops and fix the rest of dinner. Back later all. . . .
The wife had the news on, I was busy with something on the computer and not watching and suddenly I hear Ted Knight speaking....... Turns out it's the weather man on the local ABC news station. :lol:

Mistaken identity I presume? Not for real? I gotta go bread and fry a couple of pork chops and fix the rest of dinner. Back later all. . . .
Ted Knight died in 86.
He was of Polish American decent born in Connecticut, dropped out of high school and joined the Army, was a decorated WWII veteran who went to acting school after the war. He was married for 38 years and had 3 children, was diagnosed with cancer in 77, he was 62 when finally died.
The wife had the news on, I was busy with something on the computer and not watching and suddenly I hear Ted Knight speaking....... Turns out it's the weather man on the local ABC news station. :lol:

Mistaken identity I presume? Not for real? I gotta go bread and fry a couple of pork chops and fix the rest of dinner. Back later all. . . .
Ted Knight died in 86.
He was of Polish American decent born in Connecticut, dropped out of high school and joined the Army, was a decorated WWII veteran who went to acting school after the war. He was married for 38 years and had 3 children, was diagnosed with cancer in 77, he was 62 when finally died.

He was perfect for his role on the Mary Tyler Moore show.
Went to my favorite shopping spot this morning and scored several useful items, all for $10! I got two nice pieces of peg board so I can shadow board some of my tools, two nice pieces of cardboard tubing used to pour concrete around posts, an entire box of underfloor tubing used to install heated floors, and a nice length of perforated pipe that I'll need for the French drain I plan to install at my cabin. Last week I got enough nice bead board to use as wainscoting in my upstairs hallway, including the chair rails. What is this place? If you have one nearby, I highly recommend shopping at the Habitat for Humanity's Restore Store. Kind of like Salvation Army, but specializing in building materials. When you are trying build a place out-of-pocket, it's the best.
I found out that my partner bought a nice scroll saw I had seen in a pawn shop but he brought it by while I was sick. He was almost disappointed I hadn't noticed it. What exactly I'll do with a scroll saw right now, I'm not sure. I have no time for woodworking. And, I can think of tons of other things we need to spend money on. Oh, well, I'll put it away and hope I have time to use it before I die.
I scored some pretty nice, cheap DVD sets recently, too. I found a three-disk set "The Men Who Built America" in he $5 bin at Walmart. I got a seven disk set "The Founding of America" for $8 at Blockbuster. Both sets from the History Channel and so far seem to be pretty accurate, and interesting. I'm not cheap, or anything...oh, wait...yes I am. I just get more frugal as I get older.
Looks like an easy night at work, only three flights scheduled so far. Things change pretty rapidly, though.
Hope everyone has a lovely night. Wishing all comfortable sleep, and as much of it as they need.
I have 20 pounds of pork tenderloin in the smoker. I'll pull it out in a few more hours and bring it to temperature tomorrow afternoon.
I pulled a little piece off a while ago and all I could think is that I had some great bacon. I mean WOW I made a rub with garlic, onion powder, cayenne, salt, black pepper, cumin and a dash of nutmeg. (it's the Connecticut in me)
God put on an impressive light show over Albuquerque tonight, but it seems to have moved on. A little rain still falling. I'm headed to bed to enjoy it.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.

Albuquerque in the early morning hours:

P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Morning everyone. Foxy, looks like it was a late night for you. I went to bed early and slept until 6 this morning, still feel like I've had little to no sleep, oh well. Seems the Naproxen helps and my feet/ankles are not swelling also started taking the Amlodipine again as my PB was hitting high boarderline.
The wife want's to do another road trip and wanted to leave early...... just tried to wake her up..... got a groggy: "5 more minutes....." :lol:
Morning everyone. Foxy, looks like it was a late night for you. I went to bed early and slept until 6 this morning, still feel like I've had little to no sleep, oh well. Seems the Naproxen helps and my feet/ankles are not swelling also started taking the Amlodipine again as my PB was hitting high boarderline.
The wife want's to do another road trip and wanted to leave early...... just tried to wake her up..... got a groggy: "5 more minutes....." :lol:

Glad the naproxen is working for you. It sure does the job for me without all the unwanted side effects. And I'm guessing that sleep study will probably result in a CPAP for you and that will do wonders to help you really sleep and wake up rested. So where is the road trip today?

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