USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning everyone. Foxy, looks like it was a late night for you. I went to bed early and slept until 6 this morning, still feel like I've had little to no sleep, oh well. Seems the Naproxen helps and my feet/ankles are not swelling also started taking the Amlodipine again as my PB was hitting high boarderline.
The wife want's to do another road trip and wanted to leave early...... just tried to wake her up..... got a groggy: "5 more minutes....." :lol:

Glad the naproxen is working for you. It sure does the job for me without all the unwanted side effects. And I'm guessing that sleep study will probably result in a CPAP for you and that will do wonders to help you really sleep and wake up rested. So where is the road trip today?
Just got back, I've been looking for a silver and turquoise band to replace my original wedding band (I have huge hands and take a 14, 14 1/2 ring), went to Tularosa then back to Alamogordo. After checking multiple places and finding nothing we stopped at a place in Alamogordo and at first found nothing, as we were buying the stuff the wife found the store owner started hunting around some more and suddenly found exactly what I was looking for, $70 later I had my band.
Looks similar to this only the turquoise is a dark blue with the silver being all one piece (no breaks) and the turquoise inlays are alternating rectangles and squares:


We drove back via White Sands and Las Cruces. When we got home I changed and jumped in the pool, I was exhausted and hot, hung out in the pool for about a half hour. I feel soooooo much better. :thup:
Nice ring, Ringel. I got rid of all my gold long ago. And my diamonds too. Now, I stick with sterling silver. Or..if I find it cheap enough, white gold. My fav stones I wear are turqoise or opal...or both. However, I am trying to win an aquamarine and sterling ring I found on ebay. Dude starts his stuff at 99 cents and man, he has some FABU items.

ringlovers eBay
Nice ring, Ringel. I got rid of all my gold long ago. And my diamonds too. Now, I stick with sterling silver. Or..if I find it cheap enough, white gold. My fav stones I wear are turqoise or opal...or both. However, I am trying to win an aquamarine and sterling ring I found on ebay. Dude starts his stuff at 99 cents and man, he has some FABU items.

ringlovers eBay
Doing the Southwest stuff now. Have a German silver Bolo tie and belt buckle and a enamel inlay silver southwest pattern belt buckle, no "western" themes though, I find that pretty tacky and gaudy. Thing is I'm not a jewelry wearer so what I wear is minimalist not gaudy heck I don't even wear a watch and I have a $3200 Breitling Superocean. :dunno:
The only time I wear my jewelry is when I go see the doctor. I wanna look human, lol.
I keep some stuff Mr Gracie finds..the rest goes in the silver pile to be sold as scrap on ebay.
Pork tenderloins are out of the oven and carved. Barbecue sauce made and packaged for transport. I need to drop this at the bar and go pick up the cake.
See ya!
DAMN you. Just...DAMN you. I am starving to death. For reals. Can't eat a damn thing without getting sick. Getting skinny, which is good, but DAYUM..I am HUNGRY.
Now pardon me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard reading about your DAMN barbque. :rofl:
Just saw this on FB and guess who crossed my mind: Ernie. :)

But of course he's taking care of the big birthday bashes at Docs tonight.

Just saw this on FB and guess who crossed my mind: Ernie. :)

But of course he's taking care of the big birthday bashes at Docs tonight.

That would be Ernie if there were hair down across the butt of that 45 (is that a 45?) and beard hair tangled in the butt of that whatever-it-is in the front.:spinner:
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.

This one is for mdk:

P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Y'all get up WAAAYYYY before I do since I am a late sleeper. So, with that said, I had staff prep ya some breakfast since you will get here in the wee hours while I am sawing logs still.

Just leave a plate for me. A BIG one. Can't eat this for reals, but cyberly, I can stuff my face. :lol:

If you were planning on watching NASCAR from Michigan International Speedway today, it will be raining all afternoon here (about eighteen miles away).
Y'all get up WAAAYYYY before I do since I am a late sleeper. So, with that said, I had staff prep ya some breakfast since you will get here in the wee hours while I am sawing logs still.

Just leave a plate for me. A BIG one. Can't eat this for reals, but cyberly, I can stuff my face. :lol:

Left ya a couple of bites...... I think...... Yeah, there's a couple of bites left but you have to share it with everyone else........ :eusa_whistle:
If you were planning on watching NASCAR from Michigan International Speedway today, it will be raining all afternoon here (about eighteen miles away).

Bummer. I'm really not a NASCAR fan but still get drawn into it by family who is--my granddaughter has been a rabid fan since she was 10. So I know it is disappointing for those who really are fans. Just by osmosis I guess, I know all the drivers and you can't help but get caught up in the culture at least just a little bit.

If you were planning on watching NASCAR from Michigan International Speedway today, it will be raining all afternoon here (about eighteen miles away).

I've heard of Nazgul races but what's NASCAR?

It is massive crowds and noise and patriotic displays and the roar of the engines and round and round they go in the spirit of Thunder Road. Hombre sometimes watches the races intermittently in between commercials during the golf match or whatever. Today he'll be watching the college world series.
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