USMB Coffee Shop IV

This is what it looks like in my "Office" space in my room:


And this is where I park my ass when watching tv, and sleep at night so I can have the door open to the back yard near my head:

Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
I've had mine so long, I cannot remember where it came from. It's been with me on many journeys. Witch balls are supposed to protect from evil spells and spirits.
I have many crystals around my room, too. They, too, give protection. However, the best kind of protection is...anyone or anything projecting evil influences will eventually get it back unto themselves...3 times over.'s a waiting period for the boomerang to go back from whence it came :lol:.

I'm kind of a rock hound collector sorta person, too. I find neat rocks at a yard sale or just walking the winds up in my rock bowls in the back yard...or on my dresser...or somewhere in here near me. :)
I need to find out how to PM someone...
I have collected some interesting rocks over the years. I have some from the North Slope that are crystalline in shape but look like common rocks. I also have a fractured rock from Kodiak island, having found the two parts feet apart on the beach. I also have a rock that is worn nearly round, as well as a chunk of pumice from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, among others.

I picked up a piece of green marble from the Roman forum. I am not sure if that is a criminal offence in Italy, but it makes no difference as I can't find it , so I have lost the evidence.
A half dozen of my Facebook friends got a half dozen different answers for today's math problem:


I think it's 1.:dunno:

Hmmm that seems like too easy of an answer. Maybe it has something to do with Order of all addition completed before multiplication??

I got 1, but there are several who insist that the answer is 12. I don't see it, but I'll admit that math is not my strongest subject.

It is an order of operations question. You complete multiplication first, so 1 x 0 = 0, after that you add up 12 1s and get 12.
Have you guys seen this? It's almost all finished now--largest building in the world they say, but sadly is now considered a failed business enterprise--wrong location, no airport in that city, and most stores still empty. People do show up for the theme park stuff, but 'not in impressive numbers.' But it is impressive:

Build it and they will come...maybe...oh no.
Went to bed at 11pm, back pain kept waking me up every hour, finally got out of bed at 4:30 this morning........ Said the hell with it and trying the Naproxin (had some on hand). They may have to do the fasting glucose later, I need coffee........ Besides the wife needs to make the clinics run today, guess who's driving...... Maybe not.....
I've been surviving on ibuprofen much of the time. That's a big impetus to find another way to deal with the almost constant pain in my hips and legs. The pain is transient, moving up and down my upper legs.
I sure hope you find some relief for your back pain soon.
Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
I've had mine so long, I cannot remember where it came from. It's been with me on many journeys. Witch balls are supposed to protect from evil spells and spirits.
I have many crystals around my room, too. They, too, give protection. However, the best kind of protection is...anyone or anything projecting evil influences will eventually get it back unto themselves...3 times over.'s a waiting period for the boomerang to go back from whence it came :lol:.

I'm kind of a rock hound collector sorta person, too. I find neat rocks at a yard sale or just walking the winds up in my rock bowls in the back yard...or on my dresser...or somewhere in here near me. :)
I need to find out how to PM someone...
I have collected some interesting rocks over the years. I have some from the North Slope that are crystalline in shape but look like common rocks. I also have a fractured rock from Kodiak island, having found the two parts feet apart on the beach. I also have a rock that is worn nearly round, as well as a chunk of pumice from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, among others.

I picked up a piece of green marble from the Roman forum. I am not sure if that is a criminal offence in Italy, but it makes no difference as I can't find it , so I have lost the evidence.
Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
I've had mine so long, I cannot remember where it came from. It's been with me on many journeys. Witch balls are supposed to protect from evil spells and spirits.
I have many crystals around my room, too. They, too, give protection. However, the best kind of protection is...anyone or anything projecting evil influences will eventually get it back unto themselves...3 times over.'s a waiting period for the boomerang to go back from whence it came :lol:.

I'm kind of a rock hound collector sorta person, too. I find neat rocks at a yard sale or just walking the winds up in my rock bowls in the back yard...or on my dresser...or somewhere in here near me. :)
I need to find out how to PM someone...
I have collected some interesting rocks over the years. I have some from the North Slope that are crystalline in shape but look like common rocks. I also have a fractured rock from Kodiak island, having found the two parts feet apart on the beach. I also have a rock that is worn nearly round, as well as a chunk of pumice from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, among others.

I picked up a piece of green marble from the Roman forum. I am not sure if that is a criminal offence in Italy, but it makes no difference as I can't find it , so I have lost the evidence.
Lots of places they don't like people taking such souvenirs. Lots of places a round here they don't like when people dig up or cut down various plants. Makes wild crafting herbs a challenge.
Momma called the doctor and was told to come in tomorrow at 3 PM. Tests were "abnormal"
Keep us posted, Ernie! Good luck.
I guess "abnormal" means we should have done the angiography rather than the MRI. No Mrs, S has to make an appointment at USA Medical Center Cardiology Clinic for another cardiac cath. The last time, a little over 2 years ago, she got a stint and 4 angioplasties. She was in there for 4 or 5 days, an hour and a half from home. Now, there is a business to run.

I've got too much going on to be camped out in Mobile day and night....

Maybe it won't be so much of a hassle this time Ernie. The last one my uncle had at age 86, he was home in 24 hours. But we'll keep her on the list until it is all done. At least the verdict is something fixable. They could have told her that on the phone so you guys wouldn't have had all that time wondering and fearing something terrible.
Went to bed at 11pm, back pain kept waking me up every hour, finally got out of bed at 4:30 this morning........ Said the hell with it and trying the Naproxin (had some on hand). They may have to do the fasting glucose later, I need coffee........ Besides the wife needs to make the clinics run today, guess who's driving...... Maybe not.....
I've been surviving on ibuprofen much of the time. That's a big impetus to find another way to deal with the almost constant pain in my hips and legs. The pain is transient, moving up and down my upper legs.
I sure hope you find some relief for your back pain soon.

Listening to you, Gracie, Ringel, et al, I guess I'm lucky that one 220mg naproxen every 12 hours or so keeps me feeling pretty good and mostly pain free. And as long as I can keep the dosage that low, I don't worry much about any side effects. Glad you're feeling better but wish none of us had to endure chronic pain. But considering how far medicine has come, maybe the next generation won't have to.

The way Hombre handles the regular blood work, Ringel, is he does the required fasting routine overnight and then he is at the lab when it opens at 7 a.m. and gets that over with so he can enjoy his day. That isn't an option for you there?
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So good morning all. Beautiful day here and won't get so hot--mid 80's--with a slight chance for rain later. And rain on the high desert is a wonderful thing. Hombre will be doing his volunteer thing this afternoon and I have a full day planned of emptying boxes, throwing away, accumulating a massive donation pile, etc. etc. We have house guests arriving next week and I want everything done before they get here.
So good morning all. Beautiful day here and won't get so hot--mid 80's--with a slight chance for rain later. And rain on the high desert is a wonderful thing. Hombre will be doing his volunteer thing this afternoon and I have a full day planned of emptying boxes, throwing away, accumulating a massive donation pile, etc. etc. We have house guests arriving next week and I want everything done before they get here.
Have a guest arriving in a few hours. Just bathed and groomed the dogs and washed the kitchen floor.
Gotta go in and open Doc's, order a cake and buy massive amounts of pork to smoke.
Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
I've had mine so long, I cannot remember where it came from. It's been with me on many journeys. Witch balls are supposed to protect from evil spells and spirits.
I have many crystals around my room, too. They, too, give protection. However, the best kind of protection is...anyone or anything projecting evil influences will eventually get it back unto themselves...3 times over.'s a waiting period for the boomerang to go back from whence it came :lol:.

I'm kind of a rock hound collector sorta person, too. I find neat rocks at a yard sale or just walking the winds up in my rock bowls in the back yard...or on my dresser...or somewhere in here near me. :)
I need to find out how to PM someone...
I have collected some interesting rocks over the years. I have some from the North Slope that are crystalline in shape but look like common rocks. I also have a fractured rock from Kodiak island, having found the two parts feet apart on the beach. I also have a rock that is worn nearly round, as well as a chunk of pumice from the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, among others.

I picked up a piece of green marble from the Roman forum. I am not sure if that is a criminal offence in Italy, but it makes no difference as I can't find it , so I have lost the evidence.

Oh, that's a shame that you lost it.

Aren't you going to tell us the answer to the math question? :desk:

Hey I just post them. I don't answer them. I was hoping one of our math whizzes in here would give us the right answer and how to work the problem. So far all of us who have attempted it have come up with the same answer, but none of us seem to know for sure if we are right. :)
A half dozen of my Facebook friends got a half dozen different answers for today's math problem:


I think it's 1.:dunno:

Hmmm that seems like too easy of an answer. Maybe it has something to do with Order of all addition completed before multiplication??

I got 1, but there are several who insist that the answer is 12. I don't see it, but I'll admit that math is not my strongest subject.

It is an order of operations question. You complete multiplication first, so 1 x 0 = 0, after that you add up 12 1s and get 12.

Are you sure? :biggrin: Since when do cats know about mathematics? Or would that be catematics? :tongue:

Have you guys seen this? It's almost all finished now--largest building in the world they say, but sadly is now considered a failed business enterprise--wrong location, no airport in that city, and most stores still empty. People do show up for the theme park stuff, but 'not in impressive numbers.' But it is impressive:

Build it and they will come...maybe...oh no.

In this case mostly they didn't come I guess. Was reading a business analysis of the project and though the concept was magnificent in scope, apparently the developers did not fully consider the first and most important cardinal rule: location - location - location. They built this in an area not frequented by tourists, that has no airport, and is populated by mostly lower income factor workers.
A common technique for remembering the order of operations is the abbreviation "PEMDAS", which is turned into the phrase "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally". It stands for "Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction". This tells you the ranks of the operations: Parentheses outrank exponents, which outrank multiplication and division (but multiplication and division are at the same rank), and these two outrank addition and subtraction (which are together on the bottom rank). When you have a bunch of operations of the same rank, you just operate from left to right.

The Order of Operations PEMDAS
Ah! What a day here in the Buckle of the Rust Belt! Mid-June and the temperature is in the high 80s with humidity to match. Thunderstorms seem to be brewing in the western part of the state but, as usual, by the time they drench Columbus, then east central Ohio, they peter out and give us a gentle soaking rain in the evening. That's good. I am down to two flats of begonias and the annual flower display at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate will be complete for the season.

I got a late start this year, but everybody here did too as winter just overstayed it's welcome into late April. Once again I wore a considerable blister on my credit card buying up annuals. I usually plant a couple flats of impatiens, but those flowers have been suffering from a bad reputation as well as a nursery fungus that either kills them off prematurely of stunts their growth. Besides, by mid August, they turn all leggy like bad asparagus and loose their ability to blossom. So, I'm trying begonias as an alternative this year.

I took out the last of the old picket fence that once bordered the North Lawn. I had it all down except for the gate that held wandering dogs from the neighbor in the back. But he passed away earlier this Spring and there is no sumptuous vegetable garden planted. The dogs would foul the garden and drive my neighbor nuts. So I agreed to keep the gate in place, even though it was ugly and falling apart.

While I spent the day in a Chevy Blazer without air conditioning inspecting houses without air conditioning and attics (which proves Newton's third Law of Thermo-dynamics: heat rises) Daisy the Mutt laid about Pimplebutt enjoying the air conditioning I paid for. It'/s true, there really is something to be said for 'a dog's life'.

Once the last of the flowers are planted, I'll supply photographs.

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