USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just an observation, when I was a kid I spent most of my life running around barefoot. Now that I'm approaching my senior years I seem to be spending more and more time barefoot......... thankfully for the neighbors sake not naked.........
We grew up barefoot. Shoes were for school and "for special". Naturally, the first years of my life I spent with feet stained black by the rich bottoms where we lived. And when you're barefoot that much, flip-flops are redundant.
Went to bed last night around 11pm, at 1am woke up to Gizmo "screaming" and "yelling". Another kitty wanted to visit and was at the back sliding door....... :cranky:

We used to raise Siamese cats and our best friends at the end of the block had a large Siamese tom. We inadvertently left an opening in the glass sliding door leading to our second story deck and our friends' Siamese tom came calling in the wee hours of the morning. I don't know how many of you have heard an angry Siamese cat in full voice--but when that tomcat met up with our Tom and Mama cat on the landing between floors at 2 a.m., I really can't describe how that sounded. Needless to say, the entire household was immediately out of bed to deal with the situation.
I kept Siamese cats for quite some time. Love their personalities, but they can hold quite a "conversation", too. After becoming acquainted with the Cornish Rex and Sphinx breeds, Siamese were a bit boring.
A half dozen of my Facebook friends got a half dozen different answers for today's math problem:


I think it's 1.:dunno:

Hmmm that seems like too easy of an answer. Maybe it has something to do with Order of all addition completed before multiplication??

I got 1, but there are several who insist that the answer is 12. I don't see it, but I'll admit that math is not my strongest subject.

One million multiplied by zero is still zero. My first guess is one, and my second guess is zero in the event that all addition should be completed before multiplication.
My Husband and I walk around the house barefoot during the summer and in socks during the winter.
We wear sandals when we leave the house to go to Benson, but shoes when we go to Sierra Vista or Tucson.:)
I'm going through a Crocs phase right now. I just have to switch to shoes after it's rained and I have to tend the goats in their pens. Pretty messy for open shoes, as you might imagine.
Until a few years ago, I almost always wore boots when I went outside. Combat boots, not softer style moccasins. I'd put them on without socks just to go out quickly. My employer bought me a pair of flip flops a while back, now I use those to go out for short things like taking out the dog in warmer months. I don't like walking outside barefoot, though. Too rough, too much chance of stepping in something gross. :p
Awww, most of the gross stuff washes off...
Okay, speaking of movies, we're off to watch AGT probably to be followed by a good movie, so I'm probably out for the night. Everybody have a good one.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
An update on Sachenda...she's pretty much left the house. There's not much of the person she once was, although her corporal vessel yet exists. Her husband is devastated and my daughter is at a total loss to be able to help him. I think they've reached that point where euthanasia would be a blessing. My daughter is worried about what will happen when Sachenda finally passes away. Brain cancer, and subsequent treatment, has pretty much already erased her as a person.

I was hunting back through the last few days trying to figure out who told us their birthday was coming up this week, and discovered I had pretty much missed a whole page including this post. So sorry for your daughter's friend, GW. It may be that she has indeed already departed and her body lingers, but I know that is terrible for your daughter. I'll keep them on the list until it is over.
As always, thank you for your ongoing kindness. My daughter is affected, but more by Sachenda's husband's reaction. He's distraught, to say the least. More importantly, he's pretty much lost his life companion and is inconsolable.
Went to bed last night around 11pm, at 1am woke up to Gizmo "screaming" and "yelling". Another kitty wanted to visit and was at the back sliding door....... :cranky:

We used to raise Siamese cats and our best friends at the end of the block had a large Siamese tom. We inadvertently left an opening in the glass sliding door leading to our second story deck and our friends' Siamese tom came calling in the wee hours of the morning. I don't know how many of you have heard an angry Siamese cat in full voice--but when that tomcat met up with our Tom and Mama cat on the landing between floors at 2 a.m., I really can't describe how that sounded. Needless to say, the entire household was immediately out of bed to deal with the situation.
I kept Siamese cats for quite some time. Love their personalities, but they can hold quite a "conversation", too. After becoming acquainted with the Cornish Rex and Sphinx breeds, Siamese were a bit boring.

Maybe, but all our Siamese and half Siamese had such dynamic personalities that I can't imagine another breed being more 'interesting'. Witness our Tom cat who became best friends with the next door neighbor's very large brown rabbit. We would watch them move quite purposefully to the end of the chain link fence between them, and both turn around and crouch within inches of each other, motionless for a long moment. Then as if somebody had fired a starter pistol, they would suddenly sprint as hard as they could go to the next corner of the fence. Turn around, crouch for a very long moment, repeat. That same tom was always finding something fascinating like a pipe cleaner on the floor or something somebody dropped in the yard. He would grab it up and bolt for his dinner dish, drop it in, and then sit there for like forever waiting for it to move. Never figured out what game that was to him, but he did it too often to be pure coincidence.

Mama cat was as smart as any dog and as reliable. If anything was wrong in the house, at whatever hour it might be, she would come get us to take care of it. One night in the wee hours of the morning she awakened me throwing a hissy fit. I finally got up and switched on the light to see what the problem was. After a moment or two she calmed right down and was ready to go back to sleep. The next morning I found the hood on my car ajar and one cable to the battery disconnected. Had I not gotten up and switched on the light, which no doubt frightened away the would be thief, I would be minus one new battery. So many stories like that to tell.
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Went to bed last night around 11pm, at 1am woke up to Gizmo "screaming" and "yelling". Another kitty wanted to visit and was at the back sliding door....... :cranky:

We used to raise Siamese cats and our best friends at the end of the block had a large Siamese tom. We inadvertently left an opening in the glass sliding door leading to our second story deck and our friends' Siamese tom came calling in the wee hours of the morning. I don't know how many of you have heard an angry Siamese cat in full voice--but when that tomcat met up with our Tom and Mama cat on the landing between floors at 2 a.m., I really can't describe how that sounded. Needless to say, the entire household was immediately out of bed to deal with the situation.
I kept Siamese cats for quite some time. Love their personalities, but they can hold quite a "conversation", too. After becoming acquainted with the Cornish Rex and Sphinx breeds, Siamese were a bit boring.

Maybe, but all our Siamese and half Siamese had such dynamic personalities that I can't imagine another breed being more 'interesting'. Witness our Tom cat who became best friends with the next door neighbor's very large brown rabbit. We would watch them move quite purposefully to the end of the chain link fence between them, and both turn around and crouch within inches of each other, motionless for a long moment. Then as if somebody had fired a starter pistol, they would suddenly sprint as hard as they could go to the next corner of the fence. Turn around, crouch for a very long moment, repeat. That same tom was always finding something fascinating like a pipe cleaner on the floor or something somebody dropped in the yard. He would grab it up and bolt for his dinner dish, drop it in, and then sit there for like forever waiting for it to move. Never figured out what game that was to him, but he did it too often to be pure coincidence.

Mama cat was as smart as any dog and as reliable. If anything was wrong in the house, at whatever hour it might be, she would come get us to take care of it. One night in the wee hours of the morning she awakened me throwing a hissy fit. I finally got up and switched on the light to see what the problem was. After a moment or two she calmed right down and was ready to go back to sleep. The next morning I found the hood on my car ajar and one wire to the battery disconnected. Had I not gotten up and switched on the light, which no doubt frightened away the would be thief, I would be minus one new battery. So many stories like that to tell.
My experience is; any breed (or non-breed) cat can be marvelous. I recently took my fur-fam to the vet's for updates and was told that one of my cats is 19 yrs, 4 mos old! When I added her to the list, the clerk had to ask whether that was the cat they had on file. While not very vocal, she's a constant companion and cuddles whenever I am still enough. I've had so many lovely purrsonalities in my life. But Siamese were some super cats, certainly.
I have my first appointment with my counselor next week and I am pretty darned nervous. I guess I will give it a go and see if it helps, seeing I have been on a waiting list for two months.

I would love the people responsible to be brought to justice but that probably won't happen, so talking about it might have to be what I can settle for.
OK, Noomi. What did I miss? Do you mean "counselor" as in attorney, or as in mental health professional?

Sexual assuault counselor.
Had my first appointment last week, it went okay. Big struggle is keeping it from family and deciding whether to file a police report. They need to convince me I am not to blame for it, first. I am in counseling until Xmas, at a minimum, which is a comfort to know.

Anyway, aside from that, things are okay. Sort of. I think I mentioned that my sister was going to have a baby in December? Well, not anymore. She miscarried last week and had surgery yesterday to remove what didn't reabsorb into her body. We are unsure as to what exactly happened but we know something went wrong in the last two weeks. She was ten weeks gone when she found out, but the miscarriage could have happened between the 8th and 9th week.

Going to see if I can enter another tournament. This one is different from my club tournaments, its competing against those who do different forms of karate. Its basically a huge competition with lots of different martial arts, so I'll get to watch all that, too. Just need to make sure I can attend as there may be a rule saying you have to be in the State Team to compete there. If that is the case, I would think it discrimination, as its a four hour round trip to do State training, and I cannot financially justify it. Fingers crossed I get the go ahead! If I do, I will have my regular tournament next month, a seminar the weekend after, then this new tournament.
My new goal is to compete in AMAC (Australian Martial Arts Championships) which is a pretty big deal. Not many people from my club compete there.
Oh, Noomi! I'm sorry you have to go through so much. Hopefully, your counselor will help you move on and overcome your ordeal. You really should consider filing a police report, though. Otherwise another predator walks free to stalk yet other young women.
Hopefully, the doctors will find out what happened with your sister and will be able to help her, too.
You go right ahead and get into your tournaments. Seems to me that's the best therapy around for you.
Good luck, best wishes for your healing. GW
This is what it looks like in my "Office" space in my room:


And this is where I park my ass when watching tv, and sleep at night so I can have the door open to the back yard near my head:

Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
Just an observation, when I was a kid I spent most of my life running around barefoot. Now that I'm approaching my senior years I seem to be spending more and more time barefoot......... thankfully for the neighbors sake not naked.........
Barefoot is awesome. Just gotta be careful now where I step. I'm always looking down now, lol. But shoes hurt my feet now (joints), and letting the toes spread out the way they want and no confinement is much more comfy. During the winter, I wear my uggs. LOVE uggs. love love love. Warm, toe spreadable, comfy.
This is what it looks like in my "Office" space in my room:


And this is where I park my ass when watching tv, and sleep at night so I can have the door open to the back yard near my head:

Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
I've had mine so long, I cannot remember where it came from. It's been with me on many journeys. Witch balls are supposed to protect from evil spells and spirits.
And...drumroll.....I am pleased to announce that although I am starving to death, I lost 10 lbs! W00T!! 10 more to go, then back to what I was 10 years ago. 10, 10, 10. Weird, eh?

Good for you Gracie! That is wonderful news. I used to be pretty heavy and then six years ago I decided enough was enough. I am down 125 lbs now and I feel/look awesome. lol. I've managed to keep the weight off but I also run 5 times a week.
I know what y'all mean! I'm down 50 lbs now and am wearing my old Army BDUs!!! I still want to take off a couple more pounds, though. Amazing, how much easier it is to climb ladders and stairs, and I can touch my hands behind my back again!
Have you guys seen this? It's almost all finished now--largest building in the world they say, but sadly is now considered a failed business enterprise--wrong location, no airport in that city, and most stores still empty. People do show up for the theme park stuff, but 'not in impressive numbers.' But it is impressive:

This is what it looks like in my "Office" space in my room:


And this is where I park my ass when watching tv, and sleep at night so I can have the door open to the back yard near my head:

Nice digs, Gracie. I notice the witch ball in the window. Mine is a blue-green-magenta multi-color glass ball.
That ball was a gift from another board after I found out I had BC. Yes, it is still where I hung it almost 3 years ago. I love it. :)
I've had mine so long, I cannot remember where it came from. It's been with me on many journeys. Witch balls are supposed to protect from evil spells and spirits.
I have many crystals around my room, too. They, too, give protection. However, the best kind of protection is...anyone or anything projecting evil influences will eventually get it back unto themselves...3 times over.'s a waiting period for the boomerang to go back from whence it came :lol:.

I'm kind of a rock hound collector sorta person, too. I find neat rocks at a yard sale or just walking the winds up in my rock bowls in the back yard...or on my dresser...or somewhere in here near me. :)

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