USMB Coffee Shop IV

Drool or not, I wish I were more comfortable sleeping in a chair. It would help when my reflux is bothering me. I end up on my side too often, though.
Yup, I'm a side sleeper also though if I'm tired enough I'll pull a Save number.........

Back from doc. All is well. :)

Good news Gracie. I hope I can say the same after my procedure on Tuesday.
Remind me again..I miss a lot in here....of the procedure. Checking out the cyst thingy?

Yes, I have a large cyst on my liver that they will be aspirating and biopsying on Tuesday. Depending on what they find we will then take it from there. They are pretty sure it is all benign but can't know for sure until they get in there. So it's a bit dicey right now. But those postive vibes and prayers are definitely being felt.
Back from doc. All is well. :)

Good news Gracie. I hope I can say the same after my procedure on Tuesday.
Remind me again..I miss a lot in here....of the procedure. Checking out the cyst thingy?

Yes, I have a large cyst on my liver that they will be aspirating and biopsying on Tuesday. Depending on what they find we will then take it from there. They are pretty sure it is all benign but can't know for sure until they get in there. So it's a bit dicey right now. But those postive vibes and prayers are definitely being felt.
It's just a cluster of fat cells. That's all. Keep telling yourself that. ;)
Back from doc. All is well. :)

Good news Gracie. I hope I can say the same after my procedure on Tuesday.
Remind me again..I miss a lot in here....of the procedure. Checking out the cyst thingy?

Yes, I have a large cyst on my liver that they will be aspirating and biopsying on Tuesday. Depending on what they find we will then take it from there. They are pretty sure it is all benign but can't know for sure until they get in there. So it's a bit dicey right now. But those postive vibes and prayers are definitely being felt.
It's just a cluster of fat cells. That's all. Keep telling yourself that. ;)

LOL, I would like to, but I've seen my CTscan. So It is a bit more of an issue than that. But my health otherwise is excellent for woman of my age and apparently the prognosis for treatment of this situation is good, so I am optimistic.
Do keep us informed, ok?
They told me I had a fatty liver when they did an ultra sound for gallstones. I shrugged. At that time, I was fatty all over, lol.
Back from doc. All is well. :)

Good news Gracie. I hope I can say the same after my procedure on Tuesday.
Remind me again..I miss a lot in here....of the procedure. Checking out the cyst thingy?

Yes, I have a large cyst on my liver that they will be aspirating and biopsying on Tuesday. Depending on what they find we will then take it from there. They are pretty sure it is all benign but can't know for sure until they get in there. So it's a bit dicey right now. But those postive vibes and prayers are definitely being felt.
It's just a cluster of fat cells. That's all. Keep telling yourself that. ;)

LOL, I would like to, but I've seen my CTscan. So It is a bit more of an issue than that. But my health otherwise is excellent for woman of my age and apparently the prognosis for treatment of this situation is good, so I am optimistic.

Prayers being sent for a benign diagnosis.
Yes it is. We have a friend who had cancer of the liver, he is now cancer free for over 7 years and his liver grew back where they had to cut out some of it. I didn't know this until he told us.
Back from doc. All is well. :)

Good news Gracie. I hope I can say the same after my procedure on Tuesday.
Remind me again..I miss a lot in here....of the procedure. Checking out the cyst thingy?

Yes, I have a large cyst on my liver that they will be aspirating and biopsying on Tuesday. Depending on what they find we will then take it from there. They are pretty sure it is all benign but can't know for sure until they get in there. So it's a bit dicey right now. But those postive vibes and prayers are definitely being felt.
We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:
Frying chicken chunks, a house specialty, to be served with sweet gerkins, peaches and pears in a homemade sauce, and spinach. To economize on calories, we're not having potatoes or any other starchy side.
We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:

That is the biggest rosemary I've ever seen! :eek-52:
We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:

That is the biggest rosemary I've ever seen! :eek-52:

There is a whole long rosemary hedge that used to be in front of the Los Altos Christian Church where we once attended for awhile here in Albuquerque and the individual rosemary plants were bigger than even Ringel's here. It really thrives in this desert climate.
Good news, Gracie! Maybe your problems with your psoriasis or eczema will clear up too. I've heard that those types of conditions can sometimes flare up when you're under stress.
I can hope! I have it under semi control for now. I think I surprised it with the cocoa butter creme, lol. Told doc I switch around...cortisone one day, cocoa butter the next, olive oil, neosporin. He said I know my body better than he does. He's right. :)
A tenant had a little bitty 4 inch pot of rosemary and asked if she could plant it under the tree in front of her apartment and I said sure. This was over 15 years ago...its still there. HUGE.

A tenant also gave me a little xmas tree in a 4 inch pot for a xmas present about 20 years ago. I planted it in front of apt #14. Drove by today on the way to the docs and its still there. But it is taller than the apartment...which is a townhouse. That sucker has to be at least 30 feet tall.

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