USMB Coffee Shop IV

We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:

That is the biggest rosemary I've ever seen! :eek-52:

There is a whole long rosemary hedge that used to be in front of the Los Altos Christian Church where we once attended for awhile here in Albuquerque and the individual rosemary plants were bigger than even Ringel's here. It really thrives in this desert climate.

Amazing! I had one before in a planter out on my patio, but it was just a baby in comparison to Ringels! Lol.
I do not have a lot of drawing talent. I just spent about an hour and a half drawing and coloring a poster-sized Spongebob for the little one. She's at her dad's right now, and when we get her back it will be the day before school starts, so I put the poster on her door with 'back to school' at the top. Spongebob isn't a detailed character, but I still managed to make him look squat and fat. :p
We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:

Glad you had the thyme to weed whack Ringel.
We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:

Glad you had the thyme to weed whack Ringel.
Okay, that was a groaner....... :lol:
Good morning everybody. Had a pretty good night all things considered, and a good night for me these days is a real blessing.

Hope all are having a good Saturday. The sun is shining here and humidity is down--some chance for monsoonal showers but probably not for the weekend. Beautiful day.
We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:

Glad you had the thyme to weed whack Ringel.
Okay, that was a groaner....... :lol:

Says the comedic sage...
We have a bush in the back yard up against one of the walls that Giz likes to hide under. Thought it looked familiar but never thought twice about it till I was weed wacking the yard and accidentally hit part of it. The strong smell was extremely familiar so I finally remembered to do some research...... Rosemary.......


Guess I won't be buying any rosemary for a while....... :cool:

Glad you had the thyme to weed whack Ringel.
Okay, that was a groaner....... :lol:

Says the comedic sage...
Good Morning!
Beautiful day here today. Hopefully I'll get my outside chores done before it gets too hot. I have to make a pot of cheese before I get more milk, so that will slow me down a bit.
I moved my recliner chair to my future studio. Lots of work to do before it becomes habitable, but I look forward to having my own private bolt hole, and a place where I can store my hobbies, arts & crafts, and other "valuables". Now all I need is time to get some of those projects finished!

Okay I get everything but why does making a pot of cheese affect getting more milk? Looks like the goats make the milk regardless of what you make out of it?
Oh, yeah...that might need explanation. I only have so many pots and milk buckets. I have a 15 quart pot that serves as the under boiler for a 12 quart pot (double boiler). I also only have two three-gallon stainless milk buckets. So I usually have to empty at least one to make space for the days fresh milk. I also only have so much room in the cooler. I like to leave the daily milk in the cooler overnight before processing it. Fresh from the goat, milk is too warm to make cheese. Goat warm=103F, 'fridge cool=37F, cheese warm starts at around 84F.
Ugh, so we've got a new puppy. I wasn't really given any choice or even notice; I was asked how I felt about a new puppy yesterday or two days ago and said I didn't really like the idea, today we have one. I'm sure the little one will be thrilled when she gets back from her dad's, but as the one who does the vast majority of taking care of the animals, and having hated immensely dealing with the dog we already have as a puppy, :mad:.
Ugh, so we've got a new puppy. I wasn't really given any choice or even notice; I was asked how I felt about a new puppy yesterday or two days ago and said I didn't really like the idea, today we have one. I'm sure the little one will be thrilled when she gets back from her dad's, but as the one who does the vast majority of taking care of the animals, and having hated immensely dealing with the dog we already have as a puppy, :mad:.
I feel your pain. Puppies are noisy, messy, and high-maintenance. Maybe you can find some way to engage the little one with the pup's care. It should give you an excuse to get the youngster out for walks more often.
I love working with puppies and actually enjoy the process of training, housebreaking etc. But for those who don't have the time and patience, an older dog is the better choice. But sometimes the older dogs come with bad habits already set in granite, so sometimes it is just a toss up.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I love working with puppies and actually enjoy the process of training, housebreaking etc. But for those who don't have the time and patience, an older dog is the better choice. But sometimes the older dogs come with bad habits already set in granite, so sometimes it is just a toss up.
Cats....... show em the litter box, show em the food. They find the rugs, flooring and bedspread to puke on all by themselves.......
So far the older dog is more of a problem than the puppy. Our dog is about a year and a half old. He was completely freaking out having a female dog in the house (the puppy's mama). He peed on the living room floor while she was here. The puppy also did a little pee in the kitchen when he was first brought here. Since then, the puppy has peed and pooped outside. The older dog has peed on the carpet in my room.

The little one doesn't want to take care of the animals, that's work. She just wants to play with them. :p
Then let the little one know if she does not want responsibility of the animals, there will be no animals to play with. How old is she?
Don't know if I just saw a huge planned fireworks display or a fireworks storage site explode. It was to the south, there's a ridge blocking my view, the explosions were coming fast an furious, then sporadic then fast and furious again. Could see some of the fireworks just at the horizon level. Guess I'll find out in the morning.

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